Wednesday, May 23, 2012


If you are like me, you are having a busy week getting ready to celebrate Memorial Day with friends and family. Memorial Day is also the unofficial beginning of SUMMER! We are raising our flags, opening our pools, filling our picnic baskets, firing up the grill and heading out to local parades or beaches... don't forget the sun screen and flip flops... and a little flag to wave!!!

A big part of this fun All-American holiday is food... especially barbecue and picnic food!

I have put together a few ideas to help make your Memorial Day extra special and yummy...

Set a pretty al fresco table for friends and family! Stick a few flags in potted geraniums and you have a great centerpiece! This table is full of creative, inexpensive tips for setting a patriotic table!

Don't forget breakfast! On holiday weekends when our homes are full of guest or we are busy enjoying outdoor activities serve a simple breakfast. I like to have a breakfast buffet set up so my guests can help themselves.

StoneGable Granola and Breakfast Strawberry Shortcake are so easy to make and real crowd pleasers!
Add juice, yogurt and some fruit to complete the meal!

Let's all eat dessert first!!!!! This sassy dessert can be made up ahead and popped into the oven.  Serve it with homemade vanilla ice cream... recipe below! Red, white and blue yumminess!

Pasta salad is a hearty and delicious side dish... and so cute in an individual mason jar! Use scrapbook paper to cover the jar lids and serve them up in a big basket.  You guests will oooooh and aaaah!

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Panzanella Salad is the taste of Summer! A bread and tomato salad infused with balsamic vinaigrette and lots of basil! This is what I am serving at a Saturday picnic!!! 

StoneGable Iced Tea is our favorite summer libation!

Here are a few more picnic and barbecue ideas for your Memorial Day Weekend...

Lightning Bug Lanterns are a whimsical, soooo easy way to light up your outdoor evening Memorial Day fun!

I hope some of these ideas have sparked your imagination... and help you as you get ready to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend!

I am participating in...
LET'S DISH at Cuisine Kathleen


  1. Fun post! We are hosting friends for a cookout this weekend, and now I have some new recipes to share!

  2. Thank you for these wonderful ideas. The salad looks like something my family would really enjoy.

  3. Yvonne,

    Looks like you're all set for the holiday weekend. Everything looks yummy and inviting too! Enjoy your guests!

  4. Great post! Great ideas.... Have a wonderfull memorial day for al you in USA!

  5. Yvonne:

    Such wonderful inspiration!

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Sigh.

    You make it all look so easy and beautiful.

    Just such eye candy goodness, I could spend all day reading your blog!

    We lost my DH's father last fall and his birthday - the first one without him - is sunday, so our weekend will be spent in a different way this year with Mass said in his honour, then a family dinner at a nice eatery.

    But I DID grow up in a lake vacationaland area, so I understand the all-important holiday kick off officially starting the summer season! Hopefully next year we will get into the RW and Blue! Our women'a club is in the Parade but we won't be in town for it this year.

    Enjoy your weekend coming up!!!

  7. Yvonne your breakfast menu is wonderful...and I never mind having desert with my coffee,

    Art by Karena

  8. Hello,

    Well, I really wish I was there! :o) Everything looks awesome!


  9. Thanks for all these wonderful ideas!We will be doing yardwork all weekend but hopefully will take some time to have a nice meal here and there.ENJOY your weekend with your very special guest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  10. You have the best ideas for decorating! I love the idea of flags in a pot of geraniums! I'm wishing I was home to decorate but will enjoy this time with my Mom. Maybe I'll buy us some red, white and blue plates and set a simple but fun table!

  11. Happy Memorial Day to you as well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Love your ideas, thanks so much for putting them together for us!

  13. Well, this is obviously the place to stop for holiday inspirations. Great recipes! Thanks! Cherry Kay

  14. I am inspired and need it. We are having a get together Friday night and have no menu yet.

  15. Everything looks so wonderful. Happy Memorial Day!!

  16. Yvonne, you are always inspiring! I am so glad I saw the granola. I have been wanting to try a recipe and yours sounds perfect. My husband is still raving over your peach dumplings from a couple of summers ago. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and thank you for your inspiration!

  17. Yvonne~ You are ALWAYS dishing up such inspirational eye candy~ beautiful as well as appetizing! Wishing you Happy Memorial Day with your family!

  18. Oh my goodness, I'd love to be a guest at your delightful home! What an inspiring post filled with fabulous ideas! I'm thrilled to have found your beautiful blog, such great photography, too!

  19. Great ideas.. so glad you shared and refreshed our memories.. the pictures of the salad in the mason jar and the panzanella salad brought them back to mind.. have a blessed week and weekend, xo marlis

  20. Lots of lovely ideas! Thank You for sharing them with us and I hope you have a really wonderful weekend!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  21. What wonderful ideas! You have gotten me very excited for the holiday!

  22. Yvonne, thanks for sharing all the red, white, and blue inspiration. I love patriotic colors. Thanks for sharing these links.

  23. Beautiful post Yvonne. And I loved all your great suggestions. I did make your potato salad for a luncheon I did awhile back and it's a winner. So good. Also I just posted the luncheon I did last week and mentioned you and your blog. And it links back to your cherry blossom post. Your cupcakes are much more beautiful than mine but it was fun doing them and the ladies just loved them.


  24. All great ideas and beautiful images, Yvonne. Love the pasta in a jar! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day! Suzy

  25. Can I come to your house for memorial day!! Wow it must be SUCH a treat! Love pazanella salad and your iced tea looks amazingly good! Will have to give both a try, enjoy your weekend.

  26. And please don't forget to say a prayer for all military members, past and present.

  27. It all looks wonderful! I remember that scape, so pretty!
    Happy Memorial Day, God Bless those who gave their lives for this country, and those who are serving now!

  28. You made me so hungry! We actually have no company, no party to give or go to and no one coming for a meal. I can't decide if that is exciting or depressing:) It has been a bit of a tough week for us, so right now I think I'll be glad to have a quiet weekend. I love panzanella salad...might have to make that just for me!

  29. To see that sea of American flags - most likely representing lives lost in various wars - just hit me right in the gut. Thank you for reminding us all what this holiday weekend is about. We must remember and thank those who have put their lives on the line to protect and preserve. I'm not saying we shouldn't have fun and grill out and enjoy time with family and friends...just that it's good to remember WHY we have the right and the opportunity to do that. Have a wonderful weekend, Yvonne!

  30. Panzanella salad...yum. With summer flavors now coming in, it will be on the menu soon. This Memorial Day I won't be fixing any food and am looking forward to being spoiled by someone else. Have a good weekend!

  31. I think your link to Let's Dish is having a little technical difficulty. Beautiful post. Very yummy food ideas. :-)

  32. You are so creative! I love the pasta in the jars and the panzanella salad. The lightning bug votive jars are adorable, too! If only I knew where to get that beautiful red, white and blue checked tablecloth. I have been looking for one since you posted your orginal Patriotic tablescape...

    Kim in MD

  33. I think I'll just make a trip to your house for the holiday. What wonderful ideas and pictures! Have a great holiday weekend. laurie

  34. You certainly know how to have a great Memorial Day! I'm so impressed. This is why blogging is so powerful, we get to see so many ideas. I love it. By the way, I want that salad for dinner tonight!

  35. Hi Yvonne, I hope you have a fun Memorial Day weekend and enjoy this wonderful menu. The panzanella salad is one of my favorites.

  36. I love anything patriotic. Your ideas are terrific. Now I need to get my act together and plan what I'll do here.

  37. Yvonne,
    Great table decorations, great ideas, and GREAT RECIPES! Thank you so much for gathering all these together into one place making it easier to read them.

