Tuesday, May 22, 2012


My family never uses the front door! Or the back door! They come in and out of  the house through the garage entrance door. Thank goodness only my family insists on coming and going through the most unsightly part of our home!

The landscape in that tucked-back area was not given much thought until last weekend...

I wanted the small cove by the garage door to say WELCOME HOME... for my family to feel the sanctuary of StoneGable... even before  stepped in the door.

The landscape had "good bones" but in desperate need of some color and warmth! I added flowers, and planters and a hanging basket and a bench and a lantern.

A tall lantern with a battery operated candle says, "I've been expecting you, I left the light on!".

A wrought iron hanging basket will fill in and overflow with blooms in a couple of weeks!
For the garage door area I chose flowers in white, hot pink and purple... bright and cheery!

For my local friends: Good Harvest Garden Center, Strasburg has a potting station in their greenhouse. You can pot up your baskets and planters right there... and leave the mess behind!
 They have everything you need, too! The hanging basket was made there and carried to my car! How easy is that!!! Click HERE for the Facebook link. Go see Chris and tell him I sent you!

Come on by... I'll leave the light on!!

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  1. Very sweet and the tree on the wall is spectacular.

  2. Working on something similar at my place. Our backdoor entry is what we use all the time so I have working on sprucing that up. Pretty cool about being able to pot up stuff right at the greenhouse where you bought it. Hugs, Carol

  3. Such a pretty area, Yvonne. Isn't it funny how we neglect those areas that are more used by us and the family.

  4. What a welcoming back door. I am sure your family will love having that extra welcoming touch when they arrive home.

  5. It looks wonderful, Yvonne! I'm sure everyone who comes in this area will take notice and smile.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Doesn't this just make you feel better? And, I love the idea of potting somewhere else.

  7. So pretty Yvonne. I agree our families need to feel the welcome mat is out and the light in always on!
    Nice place to greet them! Love the lantern to!
    Miss Bloomers

  8. Good morning Yvonne, you outfitted that corner just right. The lantern is a sweet and welcoming touch. Am I being dumb or is there no way to follow via GFC now? I have tried numerous times to follow you via GFC and it will not let me. I changed my password and every thing. hugs, olive

  9. In my open everyone enters through the back door that opens in the kitchen and then they stay there chatting and picking on plates ahahahahah

    I've tried to welcome them through the main entrance but when I realise several prefered the back door and are already in the kitchen feeling at home...

    Lovely, inspired corner you made.

    Congratulations Yvonne!

  10. Love it all! So warm and inviting. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Love your sweet little resting spot!! It is all in the details and you seem to always take care of all the details so beautifully, Happy Tuesday,

  12. Lovely and what a neat idea for the nursery to have a potting station for their customers!! We rarely use our front door. Everyone comes through the side door (we have no garage) that leads into hubby's office/mudroom.

  13. It looks delightfully welcoming! My family also comes through the garage and then through the laundry room to get to the rest of the house. When guests come over, I make sure to keep the garage door closed so that CAN'T come that way. The garage is the "not so pretty or organized at all" place in our home.

  14. Well done! It looks inviting and awesome!

  15. Great idea Yvonne! My family always come in through our garage too and I'm glad to get some ideas to make it prettier and more welcoming.


  16. I can't imagine you having an unsightly garage! Your little welcome space is charming. I'm sure your family appreciates it!

  17. Very pretty Yvonne, I love the battery operated lantern-such a nice touch:@)

  18. What a lovely welcome home for your family. It looks really great, Yvonne! Nice job- xo Diana

  19. Yvonne,
    What a wonderful way to let your family know how much you enjoy their presence!!! Lovely idea!

  20. I love the look! And the candle is a nice touch...very meaningful! Having a home where everyone (not just family members) drive around back to the uglier back gate, I am inspired to make a more welcoming back entry! thanks! kim

  21. I bet you are looking fwd to the weekend! You are such a great hostess, I am sure they look fwd to coming home!
    It is the opening of the season here, lots of parties and of course, the parade in our town,Southampton. Very old fashioned home town feel.
    It will be crazy out here, and then will quiet down till school ends and all the summer people arrive, Alma being one of them! Lol
    Enjoy your family this weekend, and your special guest. Is it Tom Selleck? If so, I will be there! :)

  22. Yvonne, all your touches gives such a warm welcome. The hanging basket looks so pretty in its new home and will be gorgeous with a little time. How great you have a garden center where you can go make your own baskets. Love the lantern on the bench.
    Have a lovely evening.

    The French Hutch

  23. I came over from Wow us Wednesdays and you did WOW me. How sweet of you to leave such a comfy space to welcome everyone home. I love your leave the light on theme. So sweet. And I was thrilled with the idea of potting at the store. What a concept. Your guy Chris at the Garden Center has some savvy style to think to do that. Love it!


  24. Yvonne, everything in and around your home reads "Welcome!" This is a very pretty area and I love the lantern. Would be wonderful to have a garden center that you could create your own pots/baskets and leave the mess there. Such a great idea!


  25. Isn't it funny how we can overlook sweet spaces around our homes and all of a sudden we go, "HMMM, I should do something right here"!!! I love what you have done and love the lantern idea too. I love lighting the lanterns I have on the front porch too. Let's get together soon!!! OH, and I will have to check out the nursery! GREAT idea to be able to plant things there!!!!! LOVE that. XO, Pinky PS, the house is going on the market on June 6th!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAY, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Hi Yvonne...

    Your family entrance looks lovely, my friend! I love the stone bench with the lantern sitting atop! How awesome...to add a battery operated candle to the lantern...that's a GRAND idea! The pretty-n-pink flowers were the icing on the cake...so beautiful! Thank you for sharing more of your gorgeous home with us, dear lady! You always inpsire me!

    Warmest wishes,

  27. What a lovely spot you have made to welcome family and friends!

  28. I love the bench and the cute little potted plant! What a great idea for a potting shed at a nursery!

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  29. Hi Yvonne , I thought I was the only person on earth whose family used the garage door! Mine garage is a catch all for everything and very unsightly as well.....Your little welcome touch is the answer! Enjoy your blog very much, N.xo

  30. It looks just amazing. You always think of everything, Yvonne. Such a beautiful area to greet your family. :)

  31. That's it! We all need to come over for a visit! Would love to look around and see a full view. I love your post. Everything is lovely. I showed your kitchen pictures to my hubby who is trying to redo our kitchen....he loved the look of your kitchen as do I!
    Have an awesome weekend.

  32. Yvonne...Strasburg?...I how I love that town and the entire area....I just can't imagine actually living in that gorgeous area...Whenever we are traveling anywhere near that area...I make my hubby take a detour...to go out of the way to drive through that gorgeous country...

    Love the pretty area that you so lovingly enhanced for your family...so many times we forget those who "come in thru the back door"...or garage door in this case...for they are they ones who truly find comfort in your home...I love how you are always embracing the "all things family"...you are amazing!

  33. Just perfect - it definitely says "Welcome Home." Love the colors and the planters.

  34. What a pretty little welcoming arrangement. Very nice, Yvonne.

  35. I love the stone on parts of the exterior of your house, and this little corner is charming!


  36. Lovely, and I am really enjoying your blog! Here from Savvy Southern Style, and now following you. Would love it if you followed back :)


  37. What a lovely welcoming area for your family to come home to! Love the idea of the battery operated candle too ...



  38. Hi Taste of Home team,

    We are looking for Mrs. Holiday!

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    Check it out and help us get the buzz going about Mrs. Holiday!

  39. Only one person I thought of when I saw this,Yvonne.

  40. love the new "do"; it's beautiful and welcoming. leaving a light on is such a sweet way to say Welcome.

  41. I have that bench on the side of my yard and never knew what to do with it. Thank you for the great ideas.
