Thursday, May 24, 2012


If you come to visit me at StoneGable, I will greet you at the door in an apron. It is just part of my "uniform"!

I started wearing aprons as a young wife to save my clothes from getting dirty. As the years passed I continued to wear them... to gather up veggies in the garden, wipe salty little tears, dry off dishes and messy  hands, and to hold all sorts of sundry things that end up in their big deep pockets

. Aprons also decorate my kitchen. They hang on very unique wall hooks...

I love these plate hooks! They are all part of one piece... all joined together!  
Aren't the designs on each plate so unusual?

I added the blue and white plate above. I thought it gave the arrangement a nice balance!

The plate hooks and the aprons give my neutral kitchen a bright splash of color!

I am working on making my own version of these plate hooks... I feel a tutorial coming soon!

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I am participating in:
SEASONAL SUNDAYS at The Tablescapers


  1. Those are cute hooks. My aprons are hanging, too.

  2. Yvonne, I love aprons, too. Wearing one makes me feel so domestic and creative. Yours are displayed in a very clever and pretty way. It's nice to have your aprons ready to wear when you are cooking one of your faboulous meals. --------Shannon

  3. I love those hooks. Hope you are all ready for your guests!!! Come see my latest post/disaster:):)

  4. BTW, where did you get the apron rack? And the apron on the far right looks like it is beautiful: veggies etc. on it?????

    1. Pinky, I got it from Lucketts! We need to take a fieldtrip!

    2. Where may I purchase the plate hooks?!?! LOVE THEM AND YOUR SITE!!!

  5. Oh I love your apron rack! Beautiful display! Would love to see the tutorial!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. I, too, am an avid apron wearer.

    I was just laughing at my cat a little while ago - as I take it off and start to walk to put it back on the hooks in the pantry my cat thinks it playtime and chases the apron strings all the way.

    Love wear you keep yours!

  7. PRECIOUS!!!!! Looking forward to the tutorial! And I love the aprons, too!

  8. I love your aprons and that you actually wear them. Such a great idea. I may put one on tomorrow! Thanks for posting this.

  9. Do you remember I commented on your beautiful hooks when I was in your kitchen. They are gorgeous! I'm curious to see your tutorial.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Yes I do! Please come and visit me and my aprons soon!

  10. Yvonne, I have my aprons hanging in the kitchen too, but mine aren't on such a lovely hook. I look forward to the tutorial.
    Happy weekend.......Sarah

  11. Beautiful way to display your aprons. Am looking forward to your tutorial.

  12. Glad to see someone still keeping the tradition of wearing an apron. When my mama would put on an apron (everyday) I knew she meant "business" in taking care of our home. You keep giving me memories of growing up ( I'm almost certain I am older than you) and that's one of the reasons I love your blog!

  13. My aprons hang on the back of the door. This is much prettier!

  14. They looks so pretty, Yvonne. Both of my grandmothers wore aprons.

  15. I have one bright apron hanging in my kitchen and I think it will appear in the background of a photo that is going up today. The plate hooks are very pretty and functional. Be blessed my new friend, Olive

  16. Well I just love your awesome aprons and the unique hangers, beautiful! And I love that you wear your aprons all the time, what a fun idea (and clean, too). Mary

  17. Love this post. I, too, wear aprons at home for the same reasons. Several my aunt made for me 30 years ago. My grandparent's lived on a gentlemen's farm and she wore aprons everyday...a whole world existed in those big pockets...the things she would pull out of there amazed me! Please, please do a tutorial on the plate hooks, I would love to make one too. Suzi

  18. I love the plate hooks...can't wait for your tutorial!...I do not usually wear aprons, though I have several...I really should......
    Your aprons are beautiful and moreso hanging....what a beautiful spot in your kitchen!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Hello,

    Well, I also wear aprons for cooking and crafting. Have many hanging in the kitchen and my studio. Love to decorate them as well.

    Love yours because I love blue!


  20. So cute. Hope you do a tutorial. I love aprons and try to remember to wear one, not only to protect my clothes but in memory of my Grandmother, who wore an apron all the time.

  21. I can't wait for the tutorial on the plate hooks. I love to do crafts and I would love to make one myself. I have some pretty aprons I would like to display on such beautiful hooks.

  22. Glad to know there are others who use aprons as much as I do! I like sewing my own and have many themed ones for the different seasons and holidays.

  23. All of my aprons are hanging in my pantry but you make me want to display them. I can't wait for the tutorial on how to do the plate rack. It makes such a beautiful statement with your aprons hanging there.

  24. I love your aprons! I need to wear mine more often! hugs, Linda

  25. I wear my aprons when I am out in the garden. Actually, I have a dedicated garden apron. Can't wait for the "hook" tutorial. Thanks for sharing. And a belated glad you are back.

  26. I can remember my granny always wearing an apron to cook in. But...she saved her prettiest apron for the holidays! Those precious memories bring a smile to my face. I too love aprons. Happy Memorial Day. Hugs and blessings, cindy

  27. I really love this plate rack apron hanger, Yvonne! I have lots of my Mother's aprons --she was so petite that I can't wear them myself, but I love to look at them and use them decoratively.

  28. Yvonne, I'm loving those hooks with the plates. How clever! Your aprons look so decorative. I'm afraid mine are all stained and not worthy of display. laurie

  29. The plate hooks and aprons are so pretty and practical too.

  30. Yvonne those are the prettiest hooks!! I love the look of that whole wall with the plates and aprons and that pretty basket finishes it off perfectly! Enjoy your Memorial weekend!

  31. Yvonne,
    I adore your apron plate hooks! I imagine these are such a conversational piece, as well! I, too, wear an apron when I'm cooking! Mine hang in the laundry room...on a hook! Seems aprons have made a "come back" of sorts in the past few years! I'll be watching for the tutorial!

  32. Yvonne:
    What a beautiful way to display your beautiful aprons.

    I have recently purchased three red transferware paltes to display
    on the mantle in my kitchen.
    Now I love the way you have used these plates and hooks.
    I anxiously await the tutorial as I would like to try to do

    Wishing You and your family a great weekend.

    Denise Lamb

  33. What a great idea!! I don't have a place to hang even one apron and this would be ideal. Looking forward to the tutorial.

  34. Great plates, hooks and aprons!

    Learned my lesson about the need for WEARING AN APRON!

  35. Love the hooks and aprons! I also wear aprons while I am working in the kitchen! Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog.

  36. Love the aprons and they are part of my "uniform" as well.

  37. Did you do the plate hook tutorial?

  38. Did you do the plate hook tutorial?

  39. Yvonne, that blue apron in the middle is just dreamy! I can see I need to upgrade my apron collection. I have one (and only one) that my son gave me when he stopped working at the grocery store. lol It is his old black apron with a red apple. I ruined too many shirts with olive oil splatters before becoming a true believer in aprons. Now I won't cook without wearing it! Enjoyed your aprons this morning!
    Hmmm. I know I have an apron pattern around here somewhere...

  40. I have a plethera of aprons. I even have them when my boys were little (they are now 27 and 24). I homeschooled them and when a sewing class came up, we made aprons! They were the only boys in the class but they made cammo aprons and used them for years until they outgrew them. I have them saved for grandchildren some day! I am the same way with wearing one almost as a uniform. They keep my clothes clean and are used for a myriad of situations.

  41. I just love this Yvonne! :-)I have never owned an apron but have always wanted one! I hardly see them anymore....where would I got to buy one??
    Sharon Geers
