Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Little SomethingTo Crow About

How To Have A Very Good Day!

The mailman came this morning and brought me a fabulous package! Don't you just love getting this kind of mail? I couldn't wait to open it because I knew what was in it. I won the Toile and Rooster Giveaway from The Pleasures of Homemaking and all wrapped up in pretty tissue and bows were some lovely treasures! 

I received :

  • some very beautiful hard to find yellow toile material. (I already have plans for it- upcoming post)

  • black and red toile tissue paper packs

  • 8 toile paper plates

  • 8 toile matching napkins

  • 6 rooster coasters ( I'm thinking of a project for these!)

  • a darling rooster plaque with "Bless This House And All Who Enter"
I wonder how Manuela knew I am a toile lover , a yellow lover and a rooster lover! A Giveaway tailor made for me! Thank you Manuela. You are very generous.

 Manuela has such a lovely blog filled with all things home and garden. Recently, she has taken us into her garden to make the most adorable silverware plant stakes, gone thrifting and taught us how to make our own cleaning products! If that wern't enough, she is having another giveaway!
This month Manuela is giving away a gorgeous book, COMING HOME A SEASONAL GUIDE TO CREATING FAMILY TRADITIONS by Rosanna Bowels. This book looks coffee table worthy.

Please run over to vistit The Pleasures of Homemaking and enter  for a chance to win.

Another fun thing happend to me. Well, to me and some other very talented bloggers. Beverly, from How Sweet The Sound was featured in this quarters edition of Artful Blogging. The magazine did a lovely feature on Pink Saturday. Pink Saturday is a fun and social meme Beverly has hosted for several years. It's all about PINK attitude. Congratulations, Beverly! You are the pinkest! To see what all the buzz is about visit How Sweet The Sound and say Hi to our famous Beverly.

I ran out yesterday and bought a copy of Artful Blogging and there I was! I decided to wait to  savor it with coffee and fruit this morning!

Right there on page 40 was my little picture of WHITE TEA AND HOT PINK ROSES. Click HERE to see original post.

 And on page 41 was the photo credit, along with the credits from the photos of other very, very talented bloggers!

That was all very exciting, but it is the gratitude that I feel that really makes my day! What makes this a very good day is the reminder to stop and count my blessings! I am so thankful for all the wonderful people that visit, comment, and support my blog. I feel so grateful for the way this communtiy has embraced me and let my voice be heard.  It is meeting generous and caring people like Mauela and Beverly that go out of their way to make my days brighter! Thank you, dear ones! I am very very blessed!


  1. Congrats on a terrific win!! I love toile and roosters and am drooling over all your goodies.

  2. Now you are having a terrific Bloggy day!!! Soak it up. Lots and lots of hard work has gone into it.

    Congratulations on your win from Manuela!

    Becky K.

  3. Congrats on winning Manuela's beautiful giveaway...don't you just love toile?!

    You must be thrilled to find yourself in the magazine...so exciting! I am soooo happy for you!


  4. Yvonne! Congratulations! Your blog is so pretty and you are such a great encourager to us all, I'm really glad you received this recognition! Keep up the good work!

  5. Yvonne...Happy day!! Congratulations and congratulations, lol! How wonderful that you won that lovely prize (coveting here) and that you got a mention in Artful Blogging! Running over to congratulate Beverly :)


  6. Congratulations on your win and being featured in Artful Blogging! I'm excited to hear that there is a magazine devoted to US. Oh, I'm so happy to be a part of US now! Enjoy your treasures. Can't wait to see how you use the toile.


  7. Congratulations for winning Manuela's give-away! I love to visit her and see what she has to share - and I love coming here to visit you. And congratulations for being 'published'. You deserve the recognition. I love your photos and the things you share and will keep coming back to visit you often.

  8. Yes, that must have been fun to get those things in the mail and to see your photos published. Joni

  9. Way to go on all counts! I had just stopped by to get the black bean and corn salad recipe--headed to Kroger :)

  10. How exciting! And I see about a half dozen of "MY" blogs credited there! Yay! I must go find that book!
    xoxo Pattie

  11. Oh Yvonne!!!! How exciting!!!! It's always great to win a giveaway, but to be featured in a magazine. That is awesome. Of course they appropriately honored such a talented lady. Your tablescapes are magical.

    Congratulations and well deserved!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Congrats on your giveaway win and the mention in the magazine. I am surprised with your beautiful photography and wonderful tutorials that it has taken this long for you to be noticed! I would be so excited that I think everyone would get a copy of that magazine for Christmas!

  13. Congratulations Yvonne on your rooster prize pack (my mom would adore that--she's recently fallen in love with the roosters and is currently redecorating her kitchen).

    Oh, and congrats on being featured in the magazine! You celebrity, you!

  14. OK now... nobody likes a gloater! That rooster package was mine I tell you... MINE.

    Giggle. And congratulations again. And I'm so glad that you won for ONE reason. It was due to your win that I found this blog, which is now among my very favorites. You rank right up there with Manuela herself. I happened here on the lovely lilac tablescape page and have followed ever since.

    Very appropriate for such a lovely blog to be featured in Artful Blogging.

  15. Oh congratulation on being featured in a magazine. That is fabulous. Your gifts are also just wonderful. I am such a rooster lover and everything is gorgeous. Love your blog, it is always so fun. Hugs, Marty

  16. Yvonne, I've been MIA. This is wonderful for you & I'm so proud of you. Congratulations, lovie.

  17. Bonjour Yvonne,
    Congratulations on the magazine photo - you do such lovely work and deserve this! Enjoy your lovely package.
    Enjoy your day,

  18. Congratulations! You deserve all the best sweet lady :) !!!
    Have a great day,

  19. Yay! Two big congrats: for winning and for being published. Your photography is so gorgeous I get jealous everytime I stop by. The photography is only half of the talent, though. Your styling is perfect.

  20. congrats to you on the giveaway and being featured in artful blogging- enjoy reading your posts and seeing your gorgeous photos

  21. Oh Yvonne, that is so exciting: winning the give away AND being featured in the magazine!!! You DID have a great day! Maybe one day I will start a blog too, I would love to join in on the fun (and not just READ them and comment:):) XO, Pinky

  22. Oh my goodness...you did have a good day. I don't know which is more exciting, such a wonderful prize package or being in the magazine! I'm so happy for you:)

  23. What an exciting win! Be blessed. Cindy

  24. How fun to win the give-away, and I saw your blog name on Beverly's post about the article, I thought "wow, well deserved!". You do truly inspire Yvonne, thanks!

  25. Hi Yvonne! So many happy posts today! :D
    I have a big smile for you!
    What a thrill to see your beautiful photo of the post you did on white tea and roses {I remember that one... it was stunningly composed}
    When you wrote how you waited until your breakfast was just right to savor the article {I've done this... it makes it extra special, doesn't it!?}
    Yvonne, you have brought such loveliness to our world... thank you for all you do !
    *Blessings for days that are always this happy*

  26. Omigoodness...thank-you so much for your recent comment...sooo sooo sweet! What a wonderful give-away you won! Mannuela is a sweet heart!

  27. Yvonne,

    Many congratulations on your spot in Artful Blogging. How excited you must have been and must be still. I'm very happy for you and see exactly why they chose you!

    Again, congratulations!


  28. Congratulations! What a great win, and how wonderful to have your photo featured in the magazine! Big Congrats! laurie

  29. How wonderful!! I am learning a lot from bloggers like you. Thanks for sharing such beautiful ideas. Carla

  30. What great winnings! I love the roosters...I really like roosters...I wonder why there are none in my house? Cannot wait to see what you do with the toile.

    I have never heard of Artful Blogging...I must check that out.

  31. I love love your rooster package you won! how wonderful
    I just cracked open my copy of artful blogging today and I noticed that picture!! too funny! small world! I just found your blog through a new blog friend who shouted you out! ;) I love love the inspirational stories in ARtful blogging! being only 3 months in... I am so inspired by blogging and it is really digging deep into my soul and bringing out the me I lost years ago! =)

    well... aren't you glad I shared all that! hm... sorry! You have a lovely blog! I will be back!

  32. Congrats! You deserve it you have such a lovely blog.

  33. Congratulations, Yvonne! How wonderful! Pat told me she was in there too...I have to find that magazine somewhere!

  34. Congratulations on your win & on being in the magazine!

  35. What an honor...kudos to you & all the other bloggers, too! Such wonderful inspiration you provide to so many!
    Congratulations, Yvonne!!!!!
