Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bridal Shower Desset Table


Nothing is sweeter than a table full of decadent desserts except, maybe, a bride! And this darling bride is the sweetest!

Last week I gave you a peek at the savory food table at a recent bridal shower hosted at StoneGable. Click HERE to see original post.

So, this week it is time to see the desssert table.  The bride loves daisies, yellow, country and cheesecake.
The theme for this shower was LOVEBIRDS, and the feel was vintage and organic with a dash of whimsy.

Desserts were set up on the kitchen table. The centerpiece was a tower of daisies.

To see a tutorial for making these pretty and EASY  fondant daisies click  HERE.

A big fresh bowl of Strawberries with a fluffy fruity dip was the healthy choice on the table! The strawberries sat atop a twiggy wreath.

The utinsels and paper plates were gathered up in a white basket filled with shredded paper straw. A little nest and bird sat on the edge of the basket.

Three scrumptious cheesecakes were served, all cut a little differently. A strawberry swirl cheesecake with a chocolate cookie crust sat on a little green table.  A raspberry cheesecake with a chocolate cookie crust was cut into individual round servings and placed on a low pedestal plate for interest...

And a clasic cheesecake for the purists was cut into small squares.  These cheesecakes came from the Pelman Bakery, known for their distinctive cheesecakes.

A tiny nest was tucked in an open drawer of the green table while a bird lighted nearby.

To let our guest know about each dessert,  soft aqua speckled eggs were labeled with the sweet's name.

The bride-to-be's mother (my friend Capi) made these fabulously beautiful and so delicious pansied shortbread cookies. The pansies came from her garden and are totally organic and edible. I asked her for the recipe, and a tutorial is up and coming! They were melt in your mouth wonderful and had a big WOW factor!

Our blushing bride seemed to love her day and with many hugs told me, "This was the best bridal shower ever!"  What could be better than a happy young bride.

Everyone went home with fond memories and a pretty bag with a special cookie. It was a cut-out sugar cookie of a  left hand with a big icing diamond on the ring finger. (Sorry- I forgot to get a shot of these... but the bags are in the white soup tureen in the right of the picture below).

I will be posting the recipes for the desserts on an upcoming Foodie Friday.

I am joining Bird at Bird Crafts for a wonderul Party Post Party. If you are hosting or even thinking about a party jump on over there for some inspiraion.

I am joining Susan at Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday. Join in the fun!

I am participating in To Have And To Hold at Angelic Accents. Our lovely hostess Stephanie has all things wedding! Click HERE to visit! It is wonderful!!!!


  1. Love the whole nest theme you had going. How clever to incorporate that little open drawer into your display. Beautifully done.

  2. How lovely! You have a gift for creative tablescapes. Who wouldn't want to linger at this dessert table? What a lucky bride!!! Carla

  3. I'm so glad you took all the great pictures of this spread - it looks amazing! My favorite is the birdie and nest peeking out of the drawer! You worked so hard on all of this and it all came together so well...I am so inspired by it all and can't wait to look at the recipes! Thank you so much Yvonne for sharing your ideas and gifts with the rest of us!

  4. Those cupcakes are sure "smashing!" Beautiful photos. BTW I'm making your Cinco De Mayo dinner tonight! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, Yvonne, so many beautiful details to take in! The bride-to-be must have been in awe when she got her first glimpse of the the tables. The cupcakes and pansy shortbreads are little works of art. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Yvonne, everything is so gorgeous and is making me very very hungry!! I can't wait for the pansy cookie tutorial. I am so excited to make them. Your posts are always so stunning and inspirational.

  7. FABULOUS!!! Yvonne your cupcakes turned out great!

    I love your attention to detail wirh the little birds and eggs, and the nests...So vintage, so classy, so darling! What a lucky bride!

    Oh, I would sooo love the recipe for any of them cheese cakes! :D

    You can link it up to my DIY Party Link Party! :)

    I'd love to have you on my list? Plus, on Sunday there's a show off of my fave links

    Hope to see you there?!


  8. Yvonne, this is just unreal. So pretty. You have created the most magical and beautiful table. Every detail is exquisite. The food looks fabulous, but the way you have presented it is just gorgeous. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  9. UNBELIEVABLE!! Thank you for sharing!! UNBELIEVABLE!!

  10. I must comment that you are an absolutely incredible entertainer! You attend to every detail. Thanks for sharing it all with us!

  11. Oh Yvonne, you created such a beautiful table for the bride to be. I'm sure she's taken memories from this event to last her life through. Everything is so beautiful. In one of your previous posts I was trying to see what was on the bird eggs and wondered if you'd written the name of the sweet and clever. Every detail is perfect. I think those cupcakes and pansy shortbread cookies are both beautiful. I hope you'll share the pansy recipe or give a tutorial on them! Absolutely gorgeous!

  12. Ugh, I need to now go back to my big girl pants cause I just gained lots of weight! Course the drool may have countered the calories. Everything looks so wonderful! So prettily arranged, the brides loves taken into consideration, just perfect. You are the hostess with the mostess! I would have to say that you are probably in demand for organizing every event! It's a good thing you don't live close cause I would be attached at the hip just soaking up all this knowledge. I can't even say you outdid yourself, cause it seems like you do that all the time!

  13. I absolutely love everything... the eggs were such a cute idea. Looking very forward to the pansy shortbread tutorial.


  14. How absolutely gorgeous! I love the whole daisy and nature theme. The cookies with the icing ring sound so cute and how perfect! The pansy shortbread is so pretty - it's all just beautiful!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed your give away items. Can't wait to see what you do with those coasters!


  15. Oh Yvonne! You made a young bride some VERY special memories. Allie LOVES your cupcakes (I did tell you about her fondant daisies! LOL) and I can't wait for the shortbread recipe!
    xoxo Pattie

  16. That IS the most beautiful bridal shower table that I have every seen. I am anxious for the tutorial on the pansy shortbreads -- so cute and they look so delicious! Joni

  17. AWESOME!! That bride must have been giddy with delight over her beautiful shower! I read your fondant tutorial...I'm so excited. I'm starting a cake decorating class tonight and your post just made me even MORE excited about learning to add special touches to cakes and cookies! Thanks for this fabulous share! dana

  18. Every single day you post something ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT, showing the world you are brimming over with talent & love...and all I can do is come up with an outfit & jewelry for Catherine to wear when she entertains in her new virtual dining room. LOL LOL LOL. I simply cannot believe how beautifully presented everything is, darling Yvonne. You know I love you.

  19. This settles it. I am going to have a 30-year shower. You're invited. Please bring your table setting and food. I cannot choose a favorite among the desserts. I will say that those daisy-topped cupcakes and pansied shortbreads are beyond beautiful and delicious looking. I'm wondering how the wedding could possibly top the shower?!


  20. Gorgeous the speckled bird egg food cards. Looking at these scrumptious sweets is not helping my diet any, I can tell you that.

  21. Shame on you for posting this after my lunch! :) Those cheesecakes look phenomenal. You do such a great job of hosting, Yvonne!

  22. That is just lovely! What a wonderful hostess you are. I know how much preparation goes into something as lovely as this!

  23. Just beautiful and stunning! Thanks for the tutorial on the cupcakes too! You are a sweetheart for sharing. I love it all. Just so refreshing. Be blessed. Cindy

  24. Oh how pretty everything is. Those pansy cookies are amazing, can't wait for the recipe. This must really have been a fabulous shower.

  25. I keep having to scroll back and forth through this post to make sure that I haven't missed anything! It is just full of detail after detail that I love.

    I saw the daisy cakes in part 1 and really want to try them. Now, I'm waiting for the tutorial on the pansied ones.

    Seriously delightful!!!

  26. What a beautiful party!! Loved looking at all your pictures, you are very talented Yvonne!! Wish I had an occasion to make the cupcakes, I will keep it on the back burner!! Looking forward to he tutorial on the pansy shortbread. I love how you keep giving us a hint on whats to come :)

  27. This is just beautiful! What a lovely table and even more lovely food. The cheesecake looks heavenly. I can't wait for how to make the pansy shortbread.

  28. Talk about the "wow" factor! Everything from the cupcakes to the pansy cookies, just lovely!

  29. Yvonne,
    Such a lovely table and yummy looking goodies. Well done!

  30. Bonjour Yvonne,
    As usual, you really outdid yourself with all the fabulous details. The lovebird theme was perfect. Anxious for the cookie recipe, I love shortbread. Of course I say that about anything sweet, I have a major sweet tooth that seems to be getting bigger...literally!!
    Hope you're having a marvelous week,

  31. Hi Yvonne,
    The dessert table was worth the wait. Your bridal shower was absolute perfection, and how lucky for the bride. You have such a gift of making everything look so elegant and inviting. This will be one post I come back to often.

  32. What a lovely bridal shower, what a lucky bride! The daisy cupcakes are adorable. Everything looks delicious. Dropping by from Tablescape Thursday at BNOTP (#1).


  33. I swerar every time I come here that you have created the most beautiful table...and then I visit the next time and swear THAT is the most beautiful table ever...

    You are really a master in the art of tablescaping...this table is truly STUNNING!

    The food looks pretty good too;)! If you have any left...I want one of everything;)!


  34. Oh Yvonne, it looks devine. Those cupcakes are amazing !What a party!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  35. Yvonne, The bride must have felt very special! What a beautiful dessert table. Your daisy cupcakes and the pansied cookies are my favorites.

  36. I was so amazed by the pictures from last week; I couldn't wait to see the dessert table this week! It's so stunning!!! I love all the details that bring the whole theme together! Brilliantly done!
    My mother showed me once how to make sugared pansies, but I've never tried to do it before!

  37. I'm speechless!

  38. Love everything! I have a friend who loves shortbread, and am going to attempt those exquisite cookies with the pansies for her.

  39. Dinner was great.

    Thanks for noticing the details. I did make the placecards--size of trading cards, an "altered look" with a stamp (the little girlfriends), a ribbon, and buttons.

  40. Can't wait for the tutorial on the cookies as my daughter's wedding shower is coming up this summer! Can I freeze pansies???? If so, can you tell me how to do it??? Everything looks SO divine, you really outdid yourself and all your efforts are so evident. I love the little table with the drawer pulled out, genius touch!!! You are SOOOOOOOO good at this , you never cease to amaze (and delight) me!! XO, Pinky

  41. Incredibly inspiring! You are truly gifted.

  42. Yvonne, I love that the theme for the shower was LOVEBIRDS, so perfect. I love the vintage look and whimsy with the bird nests; love the sweet drawer you added. How lucky the bride was to have you design such a stunning bridal shower for her. Thank you for sharing, everything looks so yummy and divine!

  43. Yvonne, you do know how to throw a party! Thank you for sharing all the beautiful details. Lucky young girl to be honored by you with such a special event. All that food looks amazing. Did you do all the baking?

  44. What a wonderful party and what a great menu and such pretty desserts!

  45. This is just absolutely fabulous!!!..Loved it!

  46. Hi Yvonne!
    Thank you for sharing these ideas in such a timely way for me! I can't believe it's Wednesday night already! Your desserts look so wonderful! The pansy cookies are so pretty! I have what I think are wild violets and was hoping they are edible... they look very similar to your friend's flowers. Deep purple with a yellow center.
    I love the sprinkling of sugar over the flower. They look magical ~ Thanks again, Yvonne...
    and thank you for all the work you put into your beautiful posts!

  47. LOVELY!!! J'adore those cupcakes!!!

  48. Yvonne, I love your serveware! Where do you get it all, I want to go on a shopping trip with you. You must have great shopping in your area.
    I need details.:)

  49. Wow! Part II was a wonderful as Part I. Attention to sweet details carried thru out. Especially liked the robin eggs as a mini-menu board and the food looked scrumptious.

    I'm sure your guests had a wonderful time.

    Thanks for sharing so many great ideas.

    Kay - North Central Texas

  50. I have been waiting for dessert ever since I saw the shower last week. It is just gorgeous! So many ideas and inspirations. You are magic!

  51. Absolutely gorgeous. The shower is just something out of a magazine!

  52. Iknow the bride will always remember the special love and care you and your daughter put into this (YOU :) The nest in the drawer is such a cute detail. I can't wait to see the shortbread tutorial and you already know how much I loved the cupcakes!

  53. You are my "new best blog". Just gorgeous.

  54. So incredibly beautiful. The theme was wonderful. Lucky Bride!

  55. Oh my this is just to lovely.... I'm scrolling up and down over and over just to get in every little detail.

    I've been married almost 50 years, but daisies were my theme back then when I had my shower and wedding. In fact, back then Francisan Ware had a pattern of daisies, and that of course is what I chose.

    Love coming and basking in your beauty, talent, and ideas!!!
    Wanda from Brushstrokes

  56. I am loving all the bridal ideas you are posting! Truly amazing.

  57. How beautiful! The pansy shortbread is making me drool. I can't wait to see the tutorial on them.

  58. Awesome desserts...just gorgeous. I gained 5 pounds just viewing your photos.

    Jan @ BellaCasa

  59. Wow! Everything looks so pretty and sounds like it would be my type of party! Very nice.


  60. Yvonne, your buffet is phenomenal. I love those daisy cupcakes and will surely try to make them. And I am waiting for the tutorial to make the pansy cookies. Thank you for sharing this gogeous ideas.
    Greetings, Johanna

  61. Awesome! I am hosting a bridal shower next month, I can't wait to see all the recipes!

  62. I'd love to be a bride all over again and have you do my bridal shower! Wonderul food, beyond description! Lovely fun! She was one fortunate young woman to have you give such a lovely shower for her! Blessings, Toni

  63. This is just amazing!!! You outdo yourself and I never thought that was possible as everything you do is amazing!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the lemon/daisy cupcakes and every bird/nest detail!!!!


  64. I love dessert tables...and so should not have read this at 12:20 am...I want a daisy cupcake. Beautiful!

  65. Fabulous, Yvonne! This is just fabulous in every detail!


    Sheila :-)

  66. Wow, I love the table center pieces, the flower cup cakes are so cute, I'm loving it.
