Monday, May 3, 2010

StoneGable Menu Plan & Inspiration Party

Menu Plan: May 3~ 9, 2010
Inspiration Party

Before I  begin with my menu plan this week, I want to join Maggie at The White Farmhouse for a wonderful new monthly party meme. It is an Inspiration Party! Each month Maggie is giving us an opportunity to salute someone or something that has been an inspiration to us. And bloggers get lots of inspiration and encouragement, especially from our own wonderful community. So I certainly want to join in!!!!! Click HERE to this thoughtful new addition to blogland!

This month I would like to give a big THANK YOU to someone who has inspired me and supported me since I've been blogging. She is a wife, mom,  my friend. She is creative and hysterically funny. I often leave her blog either crying from laughter or crying from being touched to my heart!

She has more energy and determination and is a very good example for me. She tackles jobs and big projects with verocity and ease. She lives with an ex-Marine, no wonder!

But she inspires me becase she cares so deeply. I never do a post that she doesn't leave a wonderful message- and I anxiously look for her affirmation.

Hosting this new party, she give us a chance to tell someone they have inspired us. That just goes to show what a kind and wonderful person she is!

This is for you, MAGGIE! You are such a blessing. YOU are an inspiration.... and I thank you for being my BFF (best blogging friend!).  I just love you!

StoneGable Menu:
I just got back from a Woman's Retreat where I had the privilege of speaking. What a wonderful group of women. And the food was non-stop!

This week I am looking for easy and light meals- continuing to try to cook more nutritional food that is easy on the waistline.

Roasted Chicken with Vegetables and Potatoes

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Day
Polenta and Turkey Sausage Lasagna
Ceaser Salad

1 lb sweet italian turkey sausage, remove casings
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 (24 oz) jar tomato basil marinara sauce
1 (18 oz) tub refrigerated fat free polenta, cut into 18 rounds
1 box frozen spinach, tawed and squeezed dry
1 cup fat free ricotta cheese
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
1/4 cup egg beaters
1 zucchini, very thinly sliced
1 cup shredded fat free mozzarella cheese

Heat a large skillet sprayed with cooking spray, add turkey and break up. Cook, breaking up occasionally until done, about 8 minutes. Remove to a paper towel. Add onions and cook until translucent, about 3-5 minutes and add garlic for last minute. Remove and mix with sausage.

Mix ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese and egg beaters together in a bowl.

Spray slow cooker with cooking spray. Spread 1/3 of the marinara sauce in the bottom of cooker. Cover the marinara with 6 slices of polenta, they do not fully cover the bottom. Cover with 1/2 of the spinach, 1/2  of the ricotta, 1/2 of the sausage, 1 cup marinara, and 1/2 of the zucchini. Repeat. Top with 6 polenta slices and remaining marinara sauce.

Cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours. Turn off slow cooker and spinkle with mozzarella cheese and cover. Let stand for 20 minutes until the cheese is melted. Cut into 6 wedges.

Wednesday: Cinco De Mayo
Light and Easy Chicken Enchilladas
Black Bean Salad

Recipe: Chicken Enchilladas
This recipe from Cooking Light looks like such a winner to celebrate Mexican Independence Day- Click HERE for recipe.

Recipe: Black Bean Salad:
1 can black beans, drained
1 can white shoepeg corn, drained
1 red bell pepper, diced finely

3 TBS vegetable oil
1 TBS balsamic vinegar
3 TBS orange juice
1TBS splenda or sugar
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 clove of garlic, minced
salt and pepper to taste

Wisk dressing ingredients together and let stand for 1 hour. Put on salad and mix thoroughly and refrigerate.

Hamburgers On The Grill
Tossed Salad

Recipe: Hamburgers
I LOVE a good hamburger on the grill!!! Generally, the more fat in the meat the better it tastes, but I am not eating all that delicious fat! (BOO-HOO). This recipe is a great tasting alternative.
1lb 93 % lean ground beef
1 lb 85 % ground beef
1 packet Lipton Onion Soup Mix
3 TBS worchestershire sauce
2 cloves, pressed garlic
1/4 cup water

Mix all ingredients together. Mix gently. Do not moosh or squeeze meat. Make into 4-6 oz. patties. Grill.
I am serving these on "light" buns with mayo ( just a little), mustard, lettuce and tomato.

Pan Seared Scallops In A Lemon Wine Reduction
Smashed Potatoes
Fried Spinach- Delicious!!!!! I'll eat just a little...I hope!

Recipe: Pan Seared Scallops In A Lemon Wine Reduction
This is one of my very favorite recipes! I love to serve this for company. Click HERE to see the recipe and a tutorial.

Recipe: Fried Spinach
I had this at an upscale local restaurant, The Press Club, years ago and it was hauntingly good! On a recent vist, I asked the chef how he makes this decicious and decedent and not-on-my-new-eating-plan side dish. He was so kind to give it to me and I was so anxious to share it with you!

1-2 bags fesh washed baby spinach.
Cooking oil

If you have a deep fryer set it to 350 degrees. I don't have one so I follow the directions below.
If spinach is not washed, wash it and make SURE it is dry!
Put oil in a large pot or dutch oven, about 3-4 inches. Heat to 350 degrees.
Put spinach in oil and fry for 30-45 seconds. Remove from oil to a paper towel lined sheet pan. Sprinkle with salt.
Oh I can just taste it!

Saturday: Celebrating Mother's Day- Out to dinner

Sunday: It's Mother's Day-
What are you cooking my darling Bobby?

Have a wonderful and blessed week! Here are some upcoming StoneGable posts to look for.


  1. Good morning Yvonne,
    As always, it is a pleasure to come visit you. The food looks delicious and you have such a flair for making everyone feel like an invited guest. Would love to have you join me for Tea Time tomorrow. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful week.


  2. You are just too sweet! I have tears now after that sweet post. I do have to say "Right back at ya babe!" You definitely the Ethel to my Lucy! You keep me grounded and not too flighty! Hard job but someone has to do it!

    Everything again sounds so wonderful! I am drooling over here! I like this new light and tasty menu. So far I have lost 10 pounds and about 200 more to go. Just kidding! But it is a bit! You need to get into the wild game though. No fat! In fact sometimes it can be a problem, especially on the grill! I will have to make a post about cooking with wild game. I am hoping that the weather will be warm enough here to get the bagel dough to rise! I tried it the other day and it flopped. So I still owe you some bagels!

    I have been meaning to ask you though, what kind of camera do you use? Your pics are so beautiful. Of course you do have a great eye for arranging a beautiful pic. I still can't get over how pretty you made doing laundry look! It's not so pretty when I do it and neither am I!

  3. Welcome back Yvonne! I must say- I think YOU are a wonderful inspiration .
    xoxo Pattie

  4. Awwwweeeeee. So sweet. You are such an inspiration to all. Glad you're back. Hugs, Marty

  5. When I started blogging, I had no idea that so many wonderful people would come into my life. You, dear Yvonne, are an inspiration to me. I'm so happy when I see you've posted. Sometimes, I wait to spend time with you--until I feel relaxed and ready for the inspiration that I know is coming to me. I still have to figure out how to join in these "special" groups. For now, thanks so much for your friendship. Now I'm headed over to spend some time with Maggie.


  6. HI Yvonne, thanks for always sharing your menus and giving us all such wonderful ideas and inspiration! I can't wait to visit The White Farmhouse blog! Looking forward to your upcoming posts too!!!! XO, Pinky

  7. Sounds like a wonderful week of healthy (almost) eating!

  8. Your menu's always have my mouth watering, Yvonne! Fried spinach...that sounds so wonderfully delicious! I love spinach any way but does hubby and my kids to.

    Have a blessed week and thank you for letting us all know about Maggie's meme!


  9. I love your menu for the week and the recipes too...thanks for sharing all that! Have a good week and come say hi :D

  10. Yvonne,
    I LOL when I noticed Domestic Adventures and Antics on your header! There is certainly never a short supply of antics in my world. Thanks for sharing Maggie’s fun new party, I’ll head over and say hi.
    Talk about inspiration, you have it totally together in the meal planning and foodie arena. Your recipes are always enticing. My waistline sure would appreciate it if you would work on the lower calorie versions you mentioned!

  11. Yvonne, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on the Ruby Tuesday Greeting Card post. To answer your question, I use Picnik, and have really been happy with it. Thanks again for stopping by. Also, I tried your breadstix cinnamon rolls, and LOVED them. Thanks for a great idea. Can't figure out why I didn't think of it though.....:) Have a blessed week!

  12. Thanks for the link to Maggie's new meme. I was not aware of it & I think it is a great idea. You do know, however, that MANY of us will be listing YOU are our greatest source of inspiration!!!!

    Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us.
    I hope you'll tell us more about the retreat sometime. It sounds very interesting.


  13. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes! Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day dear!


  14. Hi Yvonne,
    I had to come over and say hi, it's been a while. I can't tell you how lovely your work is. It is sooo much work to stage and take pictures of all the work you do to make these amazing tablescapes happen. I just can't imagine how much space you must have to have to house all of your entertaining dishes, platters and props. You amaze me with all of your ideas and the fact that you have all the right items to make them happen :)
    I just did a post on lilacs and I have put one of your images from your lilac tablescape and a link back to your blog so my readers can see more of your loveliness. If you get a chance, come check it out!
    I hope you are having a wonderful day!
