Wednesday, February 12, 2014


About this time of the year, I start wanting to dig in the dirt! However it will be another 5-6 weeks before I uncover my garden beds and dig in!

I put together an indoor herb garden with a little nod towards spring so I can snip herbs and use them to finish some of my savory and sweet dishes.

Just the smell of them brings thoughts of warmer days and glorious veggies, herbs and flowers straight from the garden...

My indoor herb garden is rambling and brambly and in a vintage soda crate.

I purchased little herbs from my local greenhouse and put them in peat posts that fit into the soda slots.

I also got smaller pots to group together and to add texture.

Right now there is parsley in my garden. I love love love to use parsley to finish a savory dish! I remember it growing in my grandmother's side yard! It has a bright and distinct taste!

I have a fresh bag of it in the frig for putting it IN dishes. This little garden is to snip and sprinkle over a finished dish.

A little butter knife makes a pretty garden marker!

You can see how to make SILVER SPOON GARDEN MARKERS by clicking HERE

I also have sage. Sage woks wonderfully with chicken! YUMMY! A little sage goes a long way! So I can actually use sage IN a savory dish.

Oregano is just so pretty spilling over the front of the box. It's wonderful on pizza!

Thyme is what I call a "fluffy" herb. Gotta love it's sweet tiny leaves and big bold taste!

I'm on my 3rd pot of mint. At first I thought this one was chocolate mint... but when I rubbed it between my fingers it smelled like spearmint. A little mint in water is amazing... even in the winter!

I used a silver spoon mint marker to tie up the mint that wants to take over the whole crate!

Herbs and peat pots are not the only things in this little garden.

I also tucked in a few eggs...

And a nest...

Some garden twine and a pair of snips (not shown).

As the weather warms up I'll be moving my garden from a vintage crate indoors to a garden by our Martin birdhouse. Then they will flourish and grow riotous in the good warm earth!  

But for now I can tend my little herbs and enjoy their wonderful aroma and taste and wish for spring!

Remember to

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  1. A wee bit of spring inside. How cute!! I am imagining the smell... sage is one of my favourites. But the way you have put them, not only are they fragrant to the since of smell, but they are a treat to the since of sight as well. Inspiring Yvonne.
    Happy today!
    HUGS, Gee

  2. It's perfect, I love how green it all is. We are head high in snow here so no digging till July at this rate.

  3. I love that you are bringing the outdoors in to make a winter's day bearable!...I love the crate..."freshen up" . . such a great message . . I do not see many of those 7-Up crates around . . love yours!...Just beautiful Yvonne!

  4. Love it!......hurry up spring!

  5. Herbs are my favorite thing to grow in my garden! Your crate and how you have it all displayed is just gorgeous! I can't wait for spring.

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  6. I just did a post on my wish for an herb garden indoors… but unfortunately in our area, (Indiana) NO ONE sells any herbs this time of the year. UGH. I've checked everywhere. I cannot wait to get out into the dirt again. I'm not sure we spend one minute inside once Spring hits!

  7. So sweet and pretty as we wait for spring. Beautiful photos. Hope you're feeling better and on the mend.

  8. Miss Yvonne, I adore your sweet herb garden! And I loved the suggestion for the mint. My sweet grandmother who passed away on Christmas Day always used fresh "sweet mint" in her water & tea. I've inherited a small stone pot filled with her mint & can't wait to use it in my water. xo

  9. Great idea. I am longing for some warm weather too. Bracing for this latest storm too. Looks like you will get more than us too:( Stay warm!!!!! XO

  10. Oh how beautiful! Feels like spring is in the air! And I love using fresh herbs too!

  11. I've had a little (and I do mean little) herb "garden" on my kitchen windowsill for the past 2 the smell and use of mint, rosemary and parsley. I love the way you used old silver pieces as markers, I'm going to try my hand at that.

    Hope you are healing day by day and getting better.

  12. I love your indoor herb garden. Do you have any hints as how to keep it from dying? I have tried and tried to have an indoor herb garden in the winter but the plants just wither and die. I am not sure if it is the heat in the house or that they are not getting enough sun. Yours looks so beautiful and healthy.

  13. Oh, I LOVE this, it looks just like Spring!!

  14. I think that is the cutest herb garden I've ever seen! I enjoy cooking with a variety of herbs but lack of sun prevents me from growing them in side. I find nice little pots of live herbs in the produce section of my grocery store. You must have recovered from the knee surgery and infection since you are doing so many nice posts. I hope that is the case. Update us because we have been concerned.


  15. That would make me smile every time I saw it! I love the eggs and twine tucked in and all the wonderful silver markers, couldn't be cuter!

  16. Yvonne, I adore your herb garden in your crate with all the sprigs spilling over! The nest + the twine+ the markers = Love!

  17. This post makes me long for spring to arrive. Beautiful, Yvonne!

  18. What a sweet and happy herb garden you have going, Yvonne. Thanks for visiting my winter picnic--the one with the Bobcat LOL. Your story made me laugh too! ~Zuni

  19. I'm anxious to garden too. Your crate of green herbs is a breath of fresh air!

  20. Wonderful idea to bring Spring inside.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  21. Love your herb garden and such a great ideas with the spoons!

  22. Please share with us how you water the plants in the wooden box.

  23. I am dying for spring to come around. This snow is just too much for me to handle. I too love to cook with fresh herbs and this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it with us Yvonne. you are a great teacher.

  24. I love that you have the herbs in that vintage cola crate -- just makes it so perfect! I live in AZ, so I'm getting ready to plant some herbs outside.....please don't hate me :)!

  25. LOVE your daily digest of to wonder what will be next. Even the sewing projects are easy to do...THANKS!

  26. I love the rustic feel of this lil herb garden. You're posts are so inspiring. I would love for you to share on my Chic By You Link Party @ Hope to see you there!

  27. Everything looks so fresh! I have been longing to did in the dirt too but it's still a bit wet here!

  28. OOOH love this whole idea of using the old soda crate and the spoons!! My mom would freak over this for Mothers day!! I would love it if you would come join us for Centerpiece Wednesday on my blog and share your creativity with us. Hope you will come and party with us.
    Karin 
