Monday, February 10, 2014



I love love love seeing all the creativity and inspiration on Scoop Days! 

This week at StoneGable I'm so excited to share my indoor herb garden. I'm enjoying fresh snipped herbs while snow is on the ground! And my herb garden is in a vintage soda crate! 

I'm also planning an easy culinary diy with puff pastry! I think I just may be the queen of puff pastry!

I hope you will stop by StoneGable daily to see what's going on at the farmhouse...

Welcome back to The Scoop
The weekly linky party featuring the scoop on the best posts from around the web!

The Scoop

More exposure + less time = win win!

We are:
Barb from The Everyday Home 
Yvonne from StoneGable 
and Suzy from Worthing Court   

Our host this week is...

Suzy picture

Happy Scoop Day everyone!  I'm tickled pink to be your host this week!
Pink would seem to be a good color to be this week now that Valentine's Day is just a few days away.  I've been totally immersed in the Holiday of Love lately.  How about you?

Scoop 105 button

All of my projects and recipes are easy (I'm all about easy!), so I hope you'll give one of them a try.
You all shared great projects last week.  I really struggled to choose just a few to feature.

Laurel from the North End Loft missed having her hubby in the room with the rest of the family in the evenings when he needed to work, but didn't have a lot of space to spare in their family room.  I love her solution for a Family Room Writing Table.

The North End Loft:  Family Room Writing Desk

Diane from An Extraordinary Day put together a very pretty Winter Mantel.  Birch branches, pinecones, burlap and bookpage snowflakes - love it!

An Extraordinary Day:  Winter Mantel 

I'm a sucker for anything red velvet, so Tiffany from Daily Leisure sure grabbed my attention with her easy recipe for Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies.

Daily Leisure:  Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies

Jenna from Rain On A Tin Roof gave her grandmother's corner cabinet a fabulous $15 Hutch Update.  Perfectly updated and styled to bring a special piece into the 21st century.

Rain On A Tin Roof:  $15 Corner Hutch Update

You guys never cease to amaze me with your vision and ingenuity!  Lyn from Repurposed For Life made this gorgeous Kitchen Island.   You won't believe what it started out as.

Repurposed For Life:  Kitchen  island made from piano parts

Thank you to each and every one of you for linking up and visiting The Scoop every week.  The party wouldn't be anything without all of you!
Let's get on with it, shall we?

Thank you for linking up, friends!
Please read the guidelines before participating:
  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host blog.
  • Be sure to include THE SCOOP button or text link to in your linked post...mandatory to be featured!
  • By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project on a blog post, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog, of course.
  • Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the originator of the post gets the credit.


  1. Hi Yvonne,
    Hope you are staying warm and cozy and continuing to recover. Thanks so much for the great party!
    Miz Helen

  2. Thanks so much for hosting Yvonne ( and all you other ladies too )
    Hope everyone has a great week

  3. Thanks for hosting and hope you have a good week!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting Yvonne! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! Enjoy your night.

  6. Thank you for hosting! Such a great linking party - amazing talented peeps in Blogland!! ♥

  7. What a fun party, Yvonne! Thanks so much!! ~Zuni

  8. Thanks for hosting, Yvonne! Happy Valentine's Day!


  9. Happy Valentines day. I had a look at the piano table and was wowed.
    Hugs Kay

  10. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for hosting your Scoop # 105 for us today. Hoping you have a wonderful week with your family and also have a great Valentine’s Day.
    God Bless.
    xxoo Diane

  11. Yvonne,
    Thank you for hosting! Hope you have a great Valentine's Day.
