Monday, December 30, 2013



I've been thinking a whole lot lately about my blog, StoneGable... and ways to make it better and smarter and more reader centered and more inspiring and a place you can't wait to visit.

I want StoneGable to be the blog you go to when you open up your computer in the morning...a place that feeds your soul and your mind and creativity!

I need your help. NOW is YOUR chance to tell me how I am doing! Would you please take this short survey. I need everyone reading this today to take the survey. I want to hear from you... be honest and don't hold back...

I want to make positive changes with YOU in mind! I want to post more of what YOU love to read... more of what makes YOU smile... and more of what makes YOU want to visit everyday!

Also, you can leave any comments, suggestions, likes and dislikes in the comments AFTER you take the Reader Survey!

Thanks a bunch! You are the BEST!!!!

I'll let you know what I find out!

(Position your mouse over the survey and scroll down to answer all the questions)


  1. I took the survey.

    Happy New Year

  2. I love your blog - photos are gorgeous and the way you describe things is well done. Glad I "found" you.

    Hope your survey helps with your plans for the blog.

    Happy New Year

  3. Just did the survey, can't wait to hear how everyone voted.

  4. I really miss your lovely tablescapes. Sandra

  5. Survey was easy to follow. I'm sure you'll find we like what you present. I enjoy your blog daily.

  6. Hi Yvonne! I took your survey. I think your blog is one of the most beautiful in blogland. First of all your snaps are always gorgeous, your tablesettings - envy! I have tried some of your recipes and they all have turned out beautifully. Last but certainly not least, I adore it when you show us your beautiful home! Here's to another year of blogging with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. ~Yvonne~
    I too enjoy everything about your blog on my daily visit !! You do a wonderful job, and you are so blessed to have the gifts you have!! Thank you for sharing !

    My truthful feed back would be to see you reply more to comments people write, I feel that would show connection, thankfulness, and interest in what others have to say. I KNOW, you can not reply to everyone!!
    Like sending a letter email to someone and never hearing back, makes one wonder if they received it or just does not care enough to reply.

    Have a Blessed New Year !!

  8. Many thanks, Yvonne, for all you do! I enjoy your blog and find it among the best. Happy New Year to you!

  9. Took the survey Yvonne! Glad to participate but I already think your blog is fabulous!!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
    XO Barbara

  10. Took the survey and just have to add, like others, I enjoy your blog daily for a host of reasons. I love the recipes, looking into your house renovations, your DIY projects.....I always know there will be eye candy when I pop into StoneGable. One of my favorite blogs! And favorite blog personalities. Thanks for sharing your life with us and encouraging us to seek after Christ. I am so glad you decided to come back. Happy New Year to you and your family.....may you experience God's peace and joy in a special way this year. Praying for continued health and healing. I would love to hear more about your weight loss journey....that is a great accomplishment!

  11. one day I was searching on google how to make a burlap wreath and stumbled onto your blog. YOU INSPIRED ME IMEDEDIANTLY.......I have been reading your blogs daily...Thank you :)

  12. I am new to your blog and I look forward to your e-mails daily. If I would make any suggestions, it would be for more quick and easy DIY's and occasionally answer the most repeated questions regarding your home, decorating, etc. Thanks for all you bring us, you brighten my day.

  13. Great ideas everyone! I'm taking it all in! Thanks!

  14. Yvonne,Just finished survey I Love your blog you come to me e mail.Your Style is Great,Photos very clear.However more explanation of What,Where,ect did Dishes ,Napkins,Fabric come from style and name.
    You Excel at Tables capes Love that your clarity makes us feel as if you are our friend and Thank You for Sharing with us.

  15. You can leave it as it is .The best blog!!!.I visit you several times a day.

  16. Just finished the survey...I do love your blog but more "step-by-step" pictures of what you've done is more helpful rather than the finished project.

  17. Maybe I am not the one to ask! When I get up in the morning, I make coffee, wake up my laptop, pour a cup of coffee, and check my emails for Stone Gable's post. Seriously, it is usually the first thing I look for and read. So therefor, I don't think you need to change anything! And, just so you know, I subscribe to 5 or 6 blogs, at least. Your's, and one other, are the two I look forward to the most! Thank you. Happy New Year

  18. Yvonne, I took your survey and apologize for the long comment. I truly love your blog. I can't say enough about it. Beautifully done! I would love for you to post the How To Start a Blog.

  19. Love your blog Yvonne, you do a fabulous shop of keeping it so interesting and you pictures are just great!! The only complaint I have of blogs overall these days are the ones that take so long to load and then are truncated, which just adds more steps to the process. Especially with IE, sometimes, I just have to give up. Happy New Year!! Hope your surgery recovery is going well....Linda

  20. I always look forward to your blog and how to-step-by-step is very helpful. I subscribe to several blogs as I like variety. I like that you have a variety in just your blog which makes it more interesting.

  21. Just took your survey ,love your blog and read it every time there is a new post. Sometimes I even go to your archives and see what you did in the past at the same time ,it's fun to see how your style changes, yet remains the same. You have a refreshing way of using what you have and changing it up. That's what inspires me the most, most of the time all we need to do is rearrange a display or move things about from one room to the next and it makes a big difference. I also would love to hear a response to some questions , as I have asked a few times and didn't receive an acknowledgement. Bless you for your efforts. LOOOve the blog !

  22. Just took the survey. Love your blog as is.

  23. Just a little p.s. one thing I really love about the blog is the overall design and setup. However ,I also understand the desire to have a blog earn revenue for it's owner. One thing that really gets in the way of it's charm are the tacky advertisement that pop up in various places. I have tried to block them on my end from google but without success. Can you consider removing the adds and find some great shopping sponsers instead ? Thank you.

  24. love you blog as it is! I have used many of your recipes and all have been winners. I wouldn't change a thing...the photos, the topics, the writing style...all A-OK!

    Sheila from west Michigan

  25. STONEGABLE is a fabulous blog!! Although I don't always have time to comment on your posts, I really enjoy checking them out. I especially like that you include Scripture Sunday as it shows we need to remember from whom all our décor items, talents, etc come from. You make very interesting points the scripture and by including SS on your blog, it becomes a great way to spread the Word. I LOVE your tablescapes and would love to see more of them. My only complaint about your blog is that I find the FONT too small and a bit hard to read. I don't participate in giveaways as I live in Canada and I'm never sure if I'm eligible. Other than that, please keep up the excellent work! We all missed you so much when you took some time off last year and were very pleased when SG returned! Happy New Year!


  26. I forgot to add my comment to the survey. I LOVE your blog, but wanted to pay special attention to how much I love your tablescapes. Keep them coming, please!

  27. Yvonne, I absolutely love your blog and read it every morning. It always energizes me with new ideas for my own home. I do agree with others that it would be nice to read some of your replies so we know that you are reading our comments and giving us some answers when appropriate. My best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year!

  28. I am new to your blog... I stumbled upon it on another site actually, and am so
    glad I did. I not only love all that you do, but, I am so encouraged that you share
    your faith. I have shared your site with others so they too might be blessed.
    Good luck with your knee surgery recovery. And, good luck with your survey.
    I wouldn't change a thing....

    Janicelynn from Gig Harbor WA

  29. Hi, Yvonne!!
    I have several blogs bookmarked on my laptop. Yours is the first one I go to everyday!! Your posts are wonderful! I have made many of your recipes and they have become family favorites. On your checklist of favorite things on your survey, you didn't have tablescapes. I have a "TABLESCAPES" board on Pinterest and yours are by far my very favorite pins!!! :)

  30. Took the survey! I'm so glad you won the best home blog award. Voted for you! Your blog is always the best and most beautiful. Always inspiring. My email address somehow got disconnected but I fixed that. Can't go without receiving your wonderful blog! Hope your knees are happy! May the Lord bless your New Year with gentle surprises and overflowing blessings!

  31. You are so gracious with your time, talents, and knowledge, thank you!

  32. Took the survey! I enjoy seeing what you are up to everyday. I love that I can follow along with lots of your projects.

  33. Took the survey, but do not know of anything I can say to improve on your blog as it is perfection!!!…
    Happy New Year Yvonne!!!

  34. I took the survey. My only suggestion (like others) is a reply to questions asked.

  35. You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work.

  36. Yvonne, I love your blog. It is sheer perfection. Don't change a thing. It is always the highlight of my day. Thank you for all you do to make it motivational and inspirational. I have shared it with friends many times. Happy New Year!

  37. Love your blog. I think I'm gonna re-paint/stain my large dining room pedestal table and chairs about the color of your breakfast table. Thank you for the inspiration.

  38. Yvonne,

    I love your blog! You and your home are really an inspiration. I would like to see more sources listed. Also, I would like to see replies on some of the questions. I know I have asked before and never received an answer.

    Please don't change the content. It's great!

  39. I just completed the survey. I think Stone Gable is great.

    I hope you are recovering well.

  40. How do we submit the completed survey?

  41. Hi lovely lady.
    I also did your survey love your Blog.

  42. Happy 2014, Yvonne! May 2014 be a happy healthy year. You have a lovely blog, always have. I miss your tablescapes and your visits. Just have fun with your blog, bigger, best, first ...doesn't really matter.
    You inspire many!

  43. Hi, I took the survey and enjoy your Blog so very much. Hope you have a wonderful 2014, and I'll be checking in daily to get my daily inspiration. Hope you're recovery is going well too. Peggy

  44. I always enjoy reading your blog and all of the content. Hope you are having an easier time after the knee surgeries. I completed your survey.

  45. I took the survey but don't have any suggestions on how to "improve" your blog b/c I think it is one of the best, if not THE best, in blogland! I agree with several comments above about getting responses to some questions asked...I have left several but never got a reply. I know you can't respond to everyone, there's not enough hours in the day, but wonder how you decide which ones to reply to and which ones not. In the past you have commented on my blog, and would love to have you visit more often! With that being said, you are one of my absolute favorite bloggers....looking forward to 2014 and all that it holds for Stone Gable and your satisfied readers!

  46. I love everything about your blog. It feeds my soul

  47. I took the survey too but have no idea how you could make it better!!!! It is perfect to me, beautiful, inspiring, fun. Perfect! XOXO

  48. Yvonne,

    I want to take your survey, but I not sure I'm seeing all the questions. Are there only 3 questions and how do I submit my answers?

    1. Ann read the last sentence in the post. It will tell you how to get the rest of the questions. Thanks!

    2. Thanks Yvonne, I figure it out and submitted my survey. There's not allot you can change for me, I LOVE your blog. It's the first one I look to.

      Thanks for all you do.

      Hope you and your family have a New Years filled with many Blessing, good health and lots of laughter!!

      God Bless,

  49. Thank you for making your blog available to me; I enjoy reading it and appreciate the work that goes into it. Since you have expressed an interest in receiving reader feedback (and only because you have asked for such feedback) I would like to make several suggestions: I have a 35 year career in advertising and marketing and spend a lot of time in the area of art direction. I respectfully suggest that your blog is somewhat over art-directed, which actually makes it much harder to read and scan than I believe you intend. It's clear you spend a lot of time trying to make the blog attractive and clearly you care about readability. I would suggest that instead of mixing so, so, so many font styles and sizes (for emphasis, I suspect), stick to just one body font style. It takes restraint to make things readable. i would also suggest that reconsider centering your body copy and instead justify right-- centered copy is very strenuous for the eye to follow as it must readjust and reorient itself on each line. Over-designed. Simplify! The best art directed blogs out there are all quite clean and simple in design. It's much more pleasing to the eye and easier to digest.

    Your home is well edited, and not over cluttered. May I suggest that you apply this same beautiful approach to your blog and declutter, simplify fonts, and align type to left margins.

    Best of luck to you and thanks for listening.

  50. You have a truly enjoyable blog to read. It is the first blog I check each morning. I love to read about your family, home and projects. I sometimes wonder how you find enough hours in the day to complete all that you do. You are an amazing person and I love that you share your decorating tips and amazing sense of style with all of your readers. When I first discovered your blog, I actually ended up going back to your first post and read each and every single one. What an enjoyable experience to start in the beginning and see how your lovely blog has evolved over the years. You can imagine my surprise when I realized your son is serving as a youth minister at a church very close to my home.
    At this point, I have to share a little story about my Christmas of 2011. On a very cold Sunday evening, I answered the door to a group of Christmas carolers from your son's congregation who asked if they could sing to me. At the time I had my eighty nine year old Dad living with me and I asked if they would mind coming inside so they could share their Christmas joy with Dad. I had no idea that there were at least fifty men, women and children in the group. They so graciously came in and made sure the children were close to Dad so he could see their beautiful little faces. They filled our home with such beautiful music and I had tears of joy running down my face. They gave us a gift much more valuable they any gift you could put under the tree. They shared their love of God with an elderly World War II vet. I regret that I never sent a note to the members of the church to thank them for their kindness. My Dad told all of his Christmas visitors about the joy he experienced when the carolers came to visit. Being homebound and unable to attend church this was his Christmas blessing. I still get teary eyed and a lump in my throat just thinking about it as it turned out that was my Dad's last Christmas. So please pass on to your son that he has true angels in his congregation who live their faith by example..
    Have you discovered the fantastic ribbon outlet in Hagerstown on Willow Circle? They have gorgeous ribbons and fantastic prices. It is like any other outlet where certain times of the year they have more inventory than others. I find if you want Christmas ribbons to go in the late summer or early fall.
    I wish you many blessings in 2014 and a complete recovery from your recent surgery. Thank you for sharing your God given talents with your readers. Have you ever thought about creating a design book for all those who don't follow blogs to enjoy? Your blog is five stars ***** with five being exceptional. I'm looking forward to seeing all the creativity you will share in with us in the coming year.

  51. Answering the questions was not easy to get the form to work. I have not followed you long, however, I read it every time I see it in my email. I am in the process of moving and most of my favorite things are packed up, so I try to envision the type of home I will have when I get moved and get decorating ideas. I want to do DIY projects whenever I get moved. My house is for sale now, and I have no idea when I will move. So there is not much I can do right now except dream about what I want to do when I get moved. I appreciate your blogs and inspiration. I do not like to cook very often, so recipes are not my think unless they are easy. Happy New Year!

  52. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog Yvonne and am a faithful daily follower!! If I could request one "change" it would be to see more of your beautiful tablescapes. You are the hands down best tablescaper I have seen and I love the inspiration you give me to create my own beautiful tables. I know they are tons of work to create and photograph but I would love to see more!! Happy New Year!

  53. I think to each his (or her) own... But I love your fonts!!! I love the Stone Gable brand. Personally, I think the fonts lend an elegance that most bloggers don't have on their blogs. It feels classy and beautiful!!! Don't change your fonts please!!!! I don't want ordinary... I want StoneGable fabulous!!!! Thank you so much, Shannon M

  54. Took the survey and just want to tell you the Stone Gable is fabulous! I read it every morning! I love the scriptures that you sometimes share. Your stand for The Lord always inspires me! Happy Blessed New Year!

  55. Took the survey. Happy New Year!

  56. I would like more table setting scapes too!

  57. Discovered your blog a few months ago & absolutely love it! Thanks for all of the wonderful decorating ideas. You have truly inspired me. I took the survey & I wouldn't change a thing! Hope you're recovery is going well. Wishing you many blessings in the new year!

    Diane J./Ohio

  58. Was happy to take the survey. You are one of my favorite blogs out there. Love! love! all that you do. Thank you and Happy New Year!

  59. I love your blog and your creativity.It does inspire me to try more projects. Im always amazed at how tasteful everything looks in re: to the layout of the blog.Super talented !

  60. Yvonne,
    I adore your blog and your helpful tutorials!!!
    I have missed Tutorials, Tips & Tidbits.
    I don't always visit The Scoop, as I don't understand exactly how it works.
    You are a continual source of inspiration with make~overs and projects!!!
    Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion in your Survey.

  61. I made the pear stand( on right) last Christmas dinner it came out well and looked very festive I put pomagrante seeds on top of it with a bit of honey they drizzled down the pear looked like lights

  62. A little late, but just did the survey ... I find such peace with each of your daily blogs. I have been inspired and motivated, thanks to you! I enjoy each and every blog you write. It is evident your writings come from your heart! Wishing you and yours a blessed 2014!

  63. Love your blog...DIY, home decorating and Sunday Scripture are my favorites.

  64. When I am on line your site is the first to check! I have been so impressed with everything you do. Thank -you and please keep it up! Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
