Monday, December 30, 2013



Before we get "SCOOPING" I want to remind you to take a quick STONEGABLE READER'S SURVEY. NOW it's YOUR turn to help me build a better blog in 2014. I want StoneGable to be the blog you LOVE LOVE LOVE to read everyday!

Thanks, Bunches!!!!

Welcome back to The Scoop...

The weekly linky party featuring the scoop on the best posts from around the web!

The Scoop

More exposure + less time = win win!

We are 
Barb from The Everyday Home 

Yvonne from StoneGable 

and Suzy from Worthing Court 

Hi! I'm Debbie at Confessions of a Plate Addict and I am excited to be your host this week...and the final host for 2013!

Next week will begin a new year with lots more fun and inspiration and our 100th Scoop! Please be sure to come back to visit because we have a treat planned for you!

Also, once you have linked up and checked out all of the fabulous inspiration here at the Scoop, be sure to head on over to my blog where I am sharing my readers' favorite posts from this year...with some fun and inexpensive projects for you to try!

  But now...let's get this party started! I am excited to introduce our guest host...Kirby from Kirb Appeal! 

If you have never visited her blog, be sure to head on over because you are in for a treat!

My name is Kirby and I’m an…oh, wait.  Let me start again.
My name is Kirby and I blog over at Kirb Appeal.  I am thrilled to be here at The Scoop, and here’s the scoop on me:
I am a wife (of DL, my partner in crime) and two grown (when did that happen?!?) children.  I also teach high school English to at-risk students and have a small furniture and home décor business.
In terms of blogging, I am pretty much just ridiculous.  If you want to read some of my silliness, here’s a post I wrote about decorating for the holidays.

aunt kirby

It was definitely a treat to look at all the great projects and recipes this week; I managed to check out all the posts (no school this week) and everyone did a wonderful job!  I have had fun choosing a few to feature.

First, as you may have predicted, Home Is Where the Boat Is had me at candy cane vodka!


Next, I fell in love with the buffalo check curtains, awesome backsplash, and holiday touches that Patty has in her kitchen.


Just Not the Cakes had a yummy-sounding recipe for something called Banoffee Pie.  Yes, please.


And I love that Shopgirl gives us directions for a DIY boxwood wreath!


Finally, Chateau Chic was just that with touches of red!


Thanks so much to the ladies at The Scoop for asking me to participate…it has been fun checking everything out!

Thanks for joining us, Kirby! 

Thank you for linking up, friends!
Please read the guidelines before participating:
  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host blog.
  • Be sure to include THE SCOOP button or text link to in your linked post...mandatory to be featured!
  • By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project on a blog post, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog, of course.
  • Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the originator of the post gets the credit.


  1. Thank your for hosting, Yvonne! Wishing you a very Happy,Blessed New Year!

  2. Oh I have red trasnferware and have just been inspired! Took your survey this am. Great idea!

  3. Great features Yvonne!Thank you for hosting! Best wishes to you and your family in 2014!

  4. It's been quite a year, Yvonne! I'm so glad we met and I'm looking forward to another great year of inspiration here at Stone Gable! Blessings to you and your family! Doreen

  5. I'm so glad to hear you're improving from your surgery, Yvonne. You are a strong gal...and will be zoooming around town in no time. ;) You've had an amazing year here on the blog and Stone Gable is always one of my favorite spots to stop and soak in the inspiration.

    Wishing you and yours a most blessed New Year!!

  6. Hi Yvonne, your posts are always full of inspiration and wonderful ideas. I took the survey and am inspired just by the fact you are so anxious to improve your blog for our benefit, thank you! Thanks for the Scoop party, always fabulous,

  7. Hi Yvonne,
    I completed your survey, and I thank you for co-hosting the Scoop. 2013's a wrap for me, having completed my first year of blogging. It's a pleasure getting to know so many of you through the written word and all the projects, recipes and tours. Cheers to 2014!
    Rita C. at Panoply

  8. Thanks so much for hosting! Happy New Year!

  9. Hi my friend! I hope 2014 is a GREAT year for you, your family and your blog:):) XOXO

  10. Thanks to all of you who host...Happy New Year to you and your family.

  11. Thank you so much for hosting dear Ivonne. Have a great new 2014, along with your family.

  12. Thanks for a lovely party, Yvonne! Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!


  13. Great features, love Kirby!…Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!

  14. I have enjoyed your blog this year and will continue reading the posts in 2014. Have a Happy New Year with your family and friends. Kathleen in Az

  15. Thank you so much for featuring my boxwood wreath :) I hope you have a wonderful, happy and healthy new year! :)

  16. Hope you'll had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year. Hope this year bring joy, laughter and happiness to our lives.
