Tuesday, May 14, 2013


This is my family room...  the BEFORE  picture.

Here is the after...

Maybe I should say the "during" instead of the after!  

I have always like the bones of my family room...but try as I might I really have not been totally comfortable with the "feel" of the room. You know, that intangible sense that the room is at it's best.  Something was off.

I have always loved the wall color... SPRINGFIELD TAN by Benjamin Moore. But in that room it's been hard to live with. Right color... wrong room. Picking a wall color has always been hardest for me.

I think it is the combo of the lack of light... the other brown pieces in that room and the lack of accent colors and textures.  The carpet is another problem.  But that's a problem for next year.

So we are brightening the whole back area of our home up with a lighter wall color!
SONNET by Benjamin Moore has worked in the living room and dining room so I'm using it in the family room, breakfast room and kitchen!

There are other new and rearranged things going on as well... 

This all need to be done by Memorial Day weekend. We have 150 guests coming for a backyard Country Wedding Reception.

CRAZY, huh?

If I've been a little MIA, I hope you will understand!!!

Here is a great item in this week's AT HOME flash sale...

Click HERE to see this week's sale. So many great items!
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  1. Yvonne, can't wait to the see the room when finished. I know it will turn out beautiful! Just think you will be so happy and proud of yourself and really enjoy it for your upcoming affair.

  2. Yvonne, I am doing the same thing at the same time!!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Yvonne, I just know the transformation will be gorgeous. Everything you touch seems to be golden. Can't wait to see it!

  4. Sometimes paint is all you need, Yvonne! Looking forward to seeing the finished room.

  5. it will be perfect! love the new color!

  6. Can't wait to see the finished room Yvonne. I know I want to tackle painting my dining room, it is the perfect time of year to paint since typically it is warm enough to open up the windows. You have inspired me to get a move on and start painting! :D

  7. I cannot wait to see it! There is nothing like a wedding, graduation, or a holiday to kick things into high gear! Good luck!

  8. I have the same dilemma with my family room. It's lacking the "feeling" I want & need. I painted it last fall but the result fell short. So I'm back at the sorting it all out stage. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, I don't have anything forcing a deadline upon me. I'll be anxious to see your results! Good luck!

  9. I can't wait to see the makeover Yvonne. You are going to be so busy but what an exciting time for you. Blessings, Pamela

  10. Have fun! I bet you are going to love it!

  11. Yes we have to break a few eggs to get an omelet!!! LOL - good luck!

  12. WOW! That's some deadlines! We know what you'll be doing for the next few weeks. Can't wait to see the result!

  13. You are such a brave heart, my friend.

    I loved your room before - but you never fail to impress with your amazing transformations.

    Try to breathe deep, it will all happen in plenty of time, I know it will.

    Wish I was there able to lend a helping hand.


    1. Me gusta todas las cosas que estan hechas con amor........Saludos y graciase

  14. I wish I could help you!!! Just call me!!! I can be there in 45 minutes!!!! I love the new color. now.....BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  15. It always all happens at once. My moto...breath, don't panic it's ONLY 150 people:) Cannot wait to see the wedding pics. Enjoy

  16. It's looking great! It's a great color and feels fresh!
    I'm waiting to put my new lighter color up in our living room and I can hardly wait!
    You so good at entertaining I'm sure that you will pull this off beautifully!

  17. Wall color is so very hard to mas as well. Like you say...the light and so many other factors. Have you ever tried the website "Chip It"? You download a picture of your room and they match it up with 4 different color samples that coordinate. I love it!


  18. I think your family room is lovely with this color but I think you will love the new color in this room and I can’t wait to see. I need to paint and I’m thinking about changing my color too. I just don’t think I’ll try this before I’m expecting 150 guests. You amaze me Yvonne!

    The French Hutch

  19. Looking good, Yvonne! Bring on those 150 guests; you will be ready.


  20. Yvonne,
    I can't wait to see the reveal of this beautiful room. I love the color too.

  21. Oh my goodness, what a big project, just days before a wedding!!! I would like to say that I have never tackled a project during a busy season... but I did removed wall paper during the Christmas season once. When you know you want something changed, you just do it. Best wishes to all the family for this upcoming wedding!!

  22. Exciting Yvonne! Great color and I'm sure the room will look amazing when completed. Gosh, I concerned about entertaining 50 at my daughters graduation party.. How exciting and some much preparation ahead!


  23. Yvonne, I love the lighter color. It's so pretty! The room is 100% brighter and will flow so nicely with the new, lighter feel in your living and dining rooms. Sending happy wishes for the party! xxoo

  24. The home decoration is really awesome and simply marvelous. The interior designs and the wall paint color are great.

  25. Your "after" gave me a giggle. :) We have the same problem in our family room, and I'm still wrestling with what to do about it. I'm really looking forward to seeing the changes you make as I'm sure they will give some really good ideas.

  26. Get your azz moving woman, I can't even think about cleaning a room before Memorial Day let alone take on a redo. I do have some chair completion as a goal, only because I said someone shoot me if they are not done by June. And June is coming. So's Memorial Day!


  27. I love your "during", Yvonne, because I just know that the "after" will be stunning!

  28. Hi Yvonne, so many exciting things happening, I know that wedding is going to be "off the hook" because you are planning it. Cannot wait to see the after! Have fun....

  29. I can't wait to see the after, I am sure it will be beautiful!! Good luck with the wedding and can't wait to see those pictures too!!


  30. What a difference a change in color makes....it looks wonderful!

  31. It looks like your plate will be full in the next couple of weeks...but if anyone can pull of re-decorating a room and having 150 quests at their home, you can!!....I so cannot wait to see the results of your labor of love...I know the room will be stunning!!..You work magic in everything you do!!!....have fun with it!!!

  32. Good luck! And I'm looking forward to seeing the big reveal!

  33. I don't know how you do it, girl!! But, if anyone can...it will be you and it will look absolutely fabulous!!! I can't wait to see the 'really' after shot! Have fun!

  34. Love your blog and your style! Perfect color, amazing what a little bit of paint can do. Cant wait for the after shot! Thanks for inspiring us all!
