Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I don't think there is a sweeter flower in all the world as a Lily Of The Valley! It's perfumy aroma and scalloped white bell blooms are dainty and lady like!

These shade loving flowers are in full bloom at StoneGable just waiting to grace a little chippy table on the front porch...

Lilies Of The Valley call for a very simple, uncomplicated table. My grandmother's table worn and slightly warped with years of wear works so well with these innocent blooms!

A little bunch of white lilies of the valley are placed on white plates with intricate edges and scrolling designs.

The lilies are tied up in a quaint bundle with kitchen string.

The little bundle are framed by the plate edges!

Lace edged ecru napkins are overlaid with a cloud of organza... and gathered up in a silver ring.

The vintage napkins are ones my grandmother once had.

I love the juxtaposition of the Waterford crystal goblets on the chippy table.

A hotel silver footed bowl is filled with sweet lilies of the valley.  It makes a simple and pretty centerpiece.

With the bridal veil spirea in full bloom... the lilies of the valley still are the stars of this table!!!!


LACE COOKIES with Vanilla Ice Cream
Prosecco with Strawberries

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  1. Dear Yvonne! You could not have given a better description of the Lilly of the Valley. I know so little of gardening, I had no idea they were shade loving. Those vintage napkins are outstandingly beautiful. They are like a flowing dream. I have put your vinaigrettes in my favourites. I love your display of plates!

  2. How beautiful your table is Yvonne! We just discovered Lily of the Valley blooming at the bottom of our front hill/yard, and I was so thrilled!

  3. Your pictures are so amazing. I can actually smell the flowers. Thank you Yvonne. Blessings, Patti

  4. I am SO jealous! I had lots os lily of the valley at the other house and we brought over about 6 to replant. This year I got 3 blooms:( Not near enough to make a bouquet. This is STUNNING. I adore those scalloped dishes. XO

  5. Oh Yvonne! This table is just so beautiful. Lily of the Valley was my mother's favorite flower. I can smell their sweet scent through my monitor. Your dishes are so unique and fit this table so well!

  6. Hi Yvonne! Oh, your table is so pretty and the Lily of The Valley is just a lovely little flower. I really don't know if I've ever seen any in person! How dainty and sweet is the little bundle you have on your pretty plates! No one does pretty tables better than you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. What a beautiful photo! I've never seen Lily of the Valley complimented in such a lovely way before. We grow them also and they are so dainty and like a breath of fresh air. There is a hymn about Jesus that says ...he's the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star....etc. love that too. I bought a pin that is a vase..(cut off pretty) and thought I"d be wearing lots of little bouquets out and about, but everytime I try to do that my pin goes on crooked. One of the pitfalls of getting older I guess. Wishing you happiness! Maggie Ann

  8. What a beautiful presentation ... I grew up with 'Lily of the Valley' in New York. Sadly, here in So. California that is not a possibility. Thanks for bringing back fond memories ... a great way to start my day.

    Warm Regards,

  9. This is just lovely. My lily of the valley are just starting to bloom and I will have enought for a small vase. You are so fortunate to have so many blooms :-)

  10. Thank you for posting this! I finally have enough blooms on my lily of the valley but wasn't sure how to arrange them if I cut them. Yours are lovely in the silver bowl.

  11. Just beautiful, Yvonne! I love white and green! My bridal veil spirea are in bloom all along my border. When I look at it, my heart almost bursts with joy. But I can't see mine from my porch like you can. How lovely it looks.
    Your neighbor in Lititz,

  12. How luvly. Your posts always inspire me. I live in a house w/ 3 men. Not complaining, as they indulge me w/ my dishes and flowers and elaborate table settings . So many people don;t bother anymore and that is so sad.
    Thanks for always sharing the fact that beauty is still very much alive in the little things.
    Happy Wednesday Yvonne.
    Hugs, Gee

  13. How pretty and simple to showcase the delicate beauty of the lily of the valley. I love the spirea draped in the background....gorgeous!

  14. Just takes my breath away, Yvonne. We had Lily of the Valley growing at our previous home, and I miss it so. As always, you have created a gorgeous setting!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  15. I love your lily of the valley. We have deer all over, so they eat just about any flower we plant. My birthday is in May, so this is my birth flower. When we built our house, I had lilies of the valley, along with roses and ivy etched into our front door glass. I have Royal Albert lily of the valley china, both green, and another with pink roses. I have collected all of it on eBay, so I continue to watch for extra pieces.

  16. Your table is stunning! The lily of the valley is so beautiful and I love the way it smells. I don't know why but I don't have any, will have to get some if I can find it.
    Love the old chippy table on he porch with your beautiful dishes. Great post! Thanks so much for sharing.

  17. STUNNING Yvonne! So delicate and bridal-y and romantic. You are a master!

  18. Oh I love that table and place setting...Lily of the Valley is so special to me as those were the flowers in my wedding bouquet. i just wish I could grow them here...Love the elegance of the place setting and crystal with the worn table of your grandmother's..and those napkins so beautifully wrapped in organza are so lovely! Love this post...brought back beautiful memories!

  19. LOL I was given a beautiful pot of lily of the valley from my youngest daughter for mother's day and had it in full sun. Came in to read blogs, read this and went straight outside to move it to the shady part of the house. Had no idea, either.

    LOVE this tablescape- you did a fabulous lovely job with it, Yvonne!

  20. Stunning!!! All that glorious whiteness!! And with the Spirea, too! What a delightful spot to sit. :)

  21. Yvonne~ I've died and gone to white heaven...your wonderful chippy table, beautifully embossed dishes, Lily of the Valley bouquets and the Spirea in the background! I can't say enough! Simply gorgeous!

  22. I love lilly of the valley - and they look just perfect on your well loved table. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing,liz

  23. Yvonne, Lily of the Valley may be my very favorite flower of all the beauties. I had some in my wedding bouquet. The scent is so delicate and the tiny bells are so pretty. Your table is just exquisite. Linda

  24. Beautiful! Our l of the v are bloomed but not the spirea. What a wonderful backdrop!
    How are the preps going for the party?
    What is your rain out plan?
    I just keep working and working! It never seems to end!
    Hope you are making great progress, I know it is soon!

  25. That's just gorgeous Yvonne, your plates have left me breathless! The delicate blooms look so great on that worn wood table~

  26. Beautiful! I carried Lily of the Valley in my bouquet. Just lily of the valley and all the way to the church I sat amongst it's wonderful fragrance. They are such a beautiful flower and your tablescape is lovely.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I love your blog. Lily of the Valley is one of my favorite flowers. The flowers, fruit, leaves, and bulbs are highly poisonous and can be deadly. They probably should not be on plates and care should be used with bouquets around food and children.

  29. Lovely post! Reminds me of White and Shabby blog. Nice inspiration.

  30. Yvonne,
    I adore the use of square plates on your table!!!
    Framing the florals with the position of the saucer, very clever indeed!!!
    Simplistically beautiful tablescape, dear friend!!!

  31. Oh Yvonne,

    This is so pretty....and your colors are perfect!

    Happy day to you my wonderful friend!

  32. How does the lily of the valley grow? Hard plant to tend? Shade? BEAUTIFUL!! ;-)

  33. The plates are breath taking and I have searched the web for them...can you please share the NAME of design and source of supplier? Tai-Pan Trading has been mentioned but still cannot find them there...need a name! THANKS in advance!
