Tuesday, April 9, 2013



a sure sign of spring at StoneGable

Here is a little of twiggy inspiration...

Decorating and tablesetting are great ways to use nests!!!

This pretty-in-pink nest was easy to make!  I took a plain nest and added cherry blossoms, eggs and moss... 

Now this is so fun! A nest on a stack of cups and saucers...

Spring nests find an abode in my little corner cupboard...

This is not a nest, but almost mimics one! I planted pansies in egg shells and nestled them into egg cups. The  willow wreath is a nod to a tiny nest...

One of my favorite "perches" for nests are on candlesticks!

Silver and nests... perfect match...

Adding a little fluff to almost any serving piece makes a very upscale nest...

I enjoy playing Mother Nature by making my own nests. They are easy, inexpensive and can be made in any  size.

I made this nest earlier in the spring and propped it up on a pretty curvy branch from the garden...

Click HERE to see a Nest Making Tutorial...

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  1. Lovely Yvonne...........

    The French Hutch

  2. So pretty! Always a great reminder of spring and the anticipation of things to come. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have to say that my favorite is the serving piece......they are all lovely!

  4. Very pretty... luv all the little nests. A sure sign of spring!
    Hugs, Gee

  5. Sweet nests so beautifully displayed...Happy Spring Yvonne!

  6. GORGEOUS!! No one can do a nest like you Yvonne, simply stunning!

  7. Your nests are gorgeous Yvonne! I really like the one with the pink cherry blossoms. Such sweet decorating ideas! Have a great day! Pamela

  8. So precious! All of them are simply beautiful, but I particularly like the one in the top of the silver teapot.
    Thanks for the inspiration.


  9. Yvonne, every single photo is absolutely stunning - totally pin worth to be sure!

    So springy, so gorgeous, so talented!


  10. I don't think I can pick a favorite! Each one is adorable and creative. Makes me start thinking about a couple nests I have packed away...now if I can just remember where they are! LOL

  11. What beautiful inspiration for spring, as is the bird's nest tutorial on that previous post. Many thanks for sharing such great ideas! Sue

  12. Your nests are the perfect way to herald spring! I love the eggs with pansies (what a great decoration and a gift) and how you tucked the nests here and there. So fresh and inspiring!

  13. Yvonne,
    Not only are your nests gorgeous,
    but your artistry of display makes such exquisite vignettes!!!
    My favorite of your past display is the nest in the tea cup!
    This year your homemade nest with the curvy branch from your Garden stole my heart!!!
    Thank you for sharing how eay these nests are to make
    and for sharing how beautiful they are arranged within your lovely home!

  14. Beautiful images of spring. You are so talented Ivonne, everytime I see your posts are simply gorgeous! Big hugs,

  15. Such pretty pics of all your nests, Yvonne. I did make a nest and my little granddaughter made one, too. I hope to show it on a post soon, with a link back to you.

  16. I have been "feathering our nest" for the past 2 days!!! Can't wait to show you. XOXOXO

  17. I love all of the nests and all of the ideas for feathering my nest. All of the photos are so gorgeous.

  18. I am a sucker for nests! Yours look beautiful! Life to the full! Melissa

  19. All your nest, Yvonne is such a beautiful picture. I made a nest, do one, too, and my little granddaughter. I hope to show shortly after, a link back to you.

  20. I so love your nest decor...I find myself placing them all throughout the house lately...getting ready for Spring...thanks for all of the beautiful inspiration!

  21. Just lovely, Yvonne. Your nest making tutorial is fabulous.~~Angela

  22. Wow Yvonne, they are all so delicate and beautiful. I especially love the ones tucked into your silver pieces!

  23. Great nests, very pretty and inspirational.


  24. Wonderful! Where do you find your eggs for the nests? Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  25. I think nests work for every season and appreciate your ideas on displaying them. It got me thinking about how to incorporate them into each season's beauty by gathering other natural objects to display with them. I especially liked the idea of candlesticks...and promptly went out to search for the perfect ones I could use in every season...and decided on chippy white terracotta ones from pottery barn that are large enough to hold a small pumpkin, nest, or bowl. It made me so happy to find a new way to feather my nest and change things up a bit.
