Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today, I asked my good friend Pinky, from DESIGNS BY PINKY to come by and show us her lovely home.

Pinky and I met through blogging and have become very good friends in real life!!! She lives about an hour from me and we get together often.

Pinky has a wonderful sense of style and her home is a beauty!!!!

Thanks for sharing with us today...

 HI my friends! I had asked my Joe to please make me wooden valances for the living room so he DID! They are just what I wanted to finish off the blinds. I also asked him to make them with a top board so I could sit things up there if I wanted to. When I got home today, they were all done and UP! So, I got busy decorating them. I don't have as much display space in this house and wanted to have some of these things out to enjoy. It was a little cloudy by the time I took the pics so I turned the lamps on for ya!

 I also put this arrangement on the coffee table for Spring. The white one that I made a couple of weeks ago is now on the dining room table. I get antsy looking at the same things in the same place:)

 TONS of  flowers in this arrangement. Hydrangeas, gerber daisies,berries and BEAUTIFUL ruffled tulips.

 This is the footed container.

Thanks, Pinky! I love your home!!!

Please visit PINKY and show her some blogging love!!!!

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  1. Loved seeing Pinkie's beautiful home, Yvonne. Thanks so much for the feature!

  2. Gorgeous flower arrangement!

  3. Yvonne,
    What a pleasant surprise!!!
    Thanks for calling on your friend (and mine) to help when you're overextended!!!
    What a wonderful post!!!
    See you soon, dear friend!!!

  4. It's so much fun to tour homes! Love the brilliant colors in the florals repeated in the pillows, a happy yet elegant room!

  5. Thank you SO much, my dear friend, for having me here today!!!! My life has been ENRICHED and BLESSED by our friendship. Thanks to everyone for their very kind comments too. XO, Pinky

  6. Pinky and Yvonne, thank you for sharing this lovely space. Your gorgeous flowers are inspiring me to rush out and fill a vase with beautiful blooms. Those tulips are spectacular!

  7. Pinky has a beautiful home, with many oriental things that I also love! The flower arrangement is gorgeous! Thank you Ivonne for sharing. Hugs,

  8. Well done ladies! Pinky, your home is lovely! Great job on the valences joe and the flowers look gorgeous. Hydrangea and tulips are gorgeous right now!

  9. Pinky does have a good sense of style! I love the wooden valances. The flowers are beautiful!

  10. Pinky, you know how much I love your home....and you are such a talented floral designer...and kudos to Joe for making such wonderful wood them!!....and BTW..just wrapped a package for you!

  11. Newest follower from Victoria's Vintage Designs... love your blog, have actually been reading it for a few years now! I am now official! V

  12. Yvonne & Pinky;
    It is wonderful to see how 2 people meet and just "click" into a friendship. Funny how God uses us in many ways and puts people in our lives for reasons. You ladies seem like you guys have it together. Cherish that, and meanwhile, keep decorating and sharing.. I love both of your pages. You both have wonderful talent. :)
    Many blessings,
    Leslie B.

  13. Thanks so much for sharing Pinky's home! That floral arrangement is just stunning! How wonderful to have a blogging friend so close!

  14. I love floral design, so I so enjoyed the arrangement on the coffee table. The tulips add such a great pop of color and interest! Pinky-it was a great idea to add the extra display area above the windows...he did a beautiful job making them. Thanks for letting us into your home!

  15. Oh, I wish I could meet some of my favorite blogging friends and I wished they lived nearby! What fun! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  16. Beautiful flower arrangement, Pink!
    Yvonne, I hope you are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to see!

  17. Pinky, you have a beautiful home.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Pinky your home is stunning. I love it and your decor is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  19. Pinky, Thanks so much for guest hosting today! Your home reflects your love and warmth. I'm so blessed to call you friend!!!

  20. You have a lovely home. I love that flower arrangement.
