Friday, March 15, 2013


We are starting to see luscious California strawberries coming to market in or area!  Although, not as flavor intense as locally grown, California strawberries are a close second!

My favorite way to use them is to make Strawberry Shortcake!

At our house, we eat this for breakfast! The Shortcake is low in fat and sugar, the berries so healthy and we top it off by pouring a cup of milk over it.


Saturday, we are serving it at a STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE BAR for Abigail's bridal shower...

We won't be serving it breakfast style... but we will let each of our guests top the shortcake their own way!

I'll post about it next week.

As I was baking it the aroma was almost irresistible!

2 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 TBS baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup lo-fat buttermilk
3 TBS canola oil
2 TBS vanilla

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray an 8x8 oven proof pan with cooking spray. 

In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

In a medium bowl mix the buttermilk, oil and vanilla.

Pour the liquid into the flour mixture and stir with a fork until just incorporated.

The batter will be almost like a shaggy dough.

Turn the batter out into the 8x8 pan.

Bake until done in the center and golden on top, about 20-25 minutes.

Serve hot or cold.

Cut the shortcake into 9 equal squares.

Serve in bowls topped with lots of berries and milk.


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  1. Short cake for breakfast?
    That's what I'm talking about!
    Have a great weekend, Yvonne!

  2. This sounds delicious and I may make this over the weekend. We have been getting strawberries from S FL for at least a month now and they are always best early in the season. Have some in my fridge right now.

    Carolyn/A Southerner's Notebook

  3. I need to make this soon. We have been buying strawberries at great prices.

  4. Oh this sounds soooooooooo good. I definitely would love some. Hugs, Marty

  5. I just bought a huge container of beautiful strawberries at Sam's Club for a salad I am bringing to my daughter's home tomorrow. Now I know what I'm doing with the rest of the strawberries!

  6. A strawberry shortcake bar is brilliant! Your cake and toppings look scrumptious! Can't wait to hear about the bridal shower. Sending happy blessings your way.

  7. Yvonne, this looks delicious! I am excited to add this one to my recipe file. Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Photo's are beautiful and strawberry shortcake sounds great. andi

  9. Your photos are just beautiful. I am waiting for strawberries - they are usually at their best here on Mothers Day - natures little gift to Mothers.

  10. Looks like a beautiful cake Yvonne-enjoy:@)

  11. What a gorgeous photo, and how tasty that would be right about now! :-)

  12. Oh that sounds so good right now and LOOKS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.

    Lordy, lordy you sure can take a photograph. Wow. Makes me drool.

  13. Yvonne, this looks delicious and your tray is beautifully set. I will add this to my recipe collection! Linda

  14. Hi Yvonne! This sounds so good and I do miss the CA berries at this time of year. Your recipe sounds so good and I can't wait to try it:) Looking forward to hearing more about the shower!

    Have a great weekend! xxleslie

  15. You have Strawberry Shortcake for Breakfast! Are you serious Yvonne! I'm packing my bags and moving into your spare room, make way for a new lodger. :)

    Happy St Patrick's weekend.


  16. Oh my it looks wonderful....and what a fantastic idea for a dessert for a large group of people...I can just imagine the beautiful shower you will be giving for Abigail...have fun and I look so forward to all of the pictures!!!

  17. Yvonne, the recipes you post are so wonderful and this one "takes the cake"! ( I couldn't help myself). I needed a quick dessert for a small crowd this Sunday evening, this is perfect, Thanks! And the idea of shortcake for breakfast, well my granddaughters will love that! I'm in California and the berries aren't real sweet yet, but they soon will be....all summer long!

    Have a Blessed weekend!

  18. I know it's spring when beautiful strawberry shortcake recipes show up here. I could eat this right now it looks so good!!!!

    Happy Saturday
    The French Htuch

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Strawberry shortcake for breakfast sounds delish! Reading through the recipe, it calls for 2 tablespoons of vanilla. Is that correct or should it be 2 teaspoons?

  21. That looks so delicious, and honestly I would try anything you made. You make it all looks so delicious, and beautiful.

  22. My favorite food. Strawberry Shortcake. YUM!!
    Your recipe is very much like mine except I use butter as canola oil is NOT good for us and vanilla...oh my...I must try that! We pour milk on ours too. Most guests think we're a bit odd for that, so we have fresh whipped cream for them.
    P.S. In season...we've been known to eat Strawberry Shortcake for every meal (sometimes in one day). Shhhh. Don't tell anyone!! :)

  23. Oh I can't wait till strawberry shortcake season! This looks wonderful.

  24. You are correct, that is the best shortcake I have ever seen. The photos look amazing. I want to try this.
