Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Bridal showers are such a special event in a young woman's life! This past weekend Abigail, my soon to be daughter-in-law love was the guest of honor at a SPRING BRIDAL SHOWER...

The theme of the shower was...


The weather outside was more like a winter wonderland! It was snowing and blowing and dark and bitter cold.  But we brought spring inside for Abby's shower!

I was able to snap a few pictures before all the guests arrived!

A little vignette started the food line...

We used glass luncheon plates. I love having a sturdy plate! Plastic utensils were corralled in garden pots in a wire holder. Moss was placed under each pot for a little extra organic feel.

A porcelain basket filled with paper straw held napkins...

A little sign welcomes everyone to the table...

Two large glass jugs filled with spring blooms anchored the centerpiece on the table...you can see that  we also hung "puffs" from the ceiling for added fun! I wanted them to represent a spring sky!

A cloche filled with eggs adorned the center of the table to continue the whole spring nest theme.

The length of the table was filled in with lanterns and chippy candlesticks and nests...

So everyone would know what they were eating, eggs had the names of each dish written on them. They were nestled in little garden pots and placed next to the corresponding food.

When the guests arrived, just before we were ready to eat I was able to snap a few pictures with the spread on the table.

Here is Abigail, the love of my son's life... a sweet little southern belle... with a splash of sass!



Tomorrow I'll show you the beverage station and the dessert bar... and the little spring inspired take-home gifts for our guests!

The happy couple with their framed wedding invitation!

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every Wednesday at 8:00 pm

"Show up and show off all your creativity... any little tidbit will do"



  1. Oh how lovely everything looks!
    Beautiful girl!! Handsome son!
    Best Wishes to both of them!!

  2. Yvonne,
    Such an elegant bridal shower for your daughter~in~law to be, dear freind!!!
    I adore all the "feathering" ideas throughout the decor!!!
    Your nest creation on the buffet is perfection!!!
    Oh...there's more??? Of course, I'll be back!!!

  3. That is all just so gorgeous! I'd say that Abigail was one lucky girl. Did she check you out before saying 'Yes.' ? lol They certainly are a cute couple. Best wishes to them. Congrats to you on a job well done!

  4. So beautiful and creative. Such an exciting time that I know you are cherishing. Sorry you didn't have lovely weather to match your decor but I know it was an escape into spring upon entering your home. Very lovely. Best Wishes to the happy couple and all your family.

    Look forward to seeing the rest of the party.

  5. This is amazing Yvonne!
    She must have felt like the princess to be!
    Your absolutely and totally talented!
    Gorgeous, gorgeous.
    Beautiful couple too.

  6. Such a beautiful setting for a bridal shower. Everything looked so lovely. Best wishes to the happy couple.

  7. Your beautiful table setting and wonderful food menu would make any bride to be feel special! I'm sure it was an absolutely lovely time.
    Mary Alice

  8. Just as I would expect from you - everything is perfect. The name you chose for the shower is so clever. Feathering one's nest is every girls favorite pastime.

  9. Double WOW! I love everything. You are so creative, and thoughtful.

    I'm planning my niece's bridal shower in May.I may have to take some of your ideas =)

    Cannot wait for the rest of the story!

    Mary From Virginia

  10. This is absolutely gorgeous! I'm sure your daughter-in-love was absolutely thrilled! I love everything you did! =D

  11. Perfect! I could look at these photos all day; every detail is lovely! Thank you for sharing this special occasion with your blog friends.

  12. You threw a beautiful shower. Best Wishes to the happy couple. The set up is just divine! So many ideas, I had to pin them! xomarlis

  13. I can sum this shower up in one word...INCREDIBLE!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous from start to finish! Wow!

  15. Beautiful! Every little touch is perfect... absolutely stunning!

  16. Gorgeous! I'm hosting Easter dinner, and I am going to 'borrow' some of your lovely table ideas. Did you design your little table sign?

  17. Beautiful Yvonne, everything looks just perfect....how blessed Abigail is to be in your family....you will love her to pieces! Congratulations and the very best to the bride and groom! You know we southern girls have a way of stealing hearts....---Marti

  18. Another amazing setup Yvonne. This is simply gorgeous....does your pretty southern belle know how lucky she is? And your son is adorable..sweet couple!! You did such a beautiful job.....the asparagus are so perfect looking, your magical touches are so inspirational! Makes me want to throw a party!!

  19. How beautiful the table looks, Yvonne! You definitely did bring Spring inside!

  20. What a beautiful table you have set for the shower.
    Everything looks so fantastic. What a lucky
    young lady Abigail is to be marrying your

    The things that you do are just awesome.
    Wish I had a a quarter of your talent.


  21. What a cute couple. That is the most beautiful shower I have seen in a long time. What an awesome theme. You did an absolutely beautiful job.

  22. Oh Yyvonne!

    First - the couple is adorable - they are so cute together, oh won't they make beautiful grandbabies for you???? : -)

    Your bridal shower party is just over the top amazing - one of the prettiest things I have ever seen. I love your taste you did a fabulous job with this and I can't wait to see more. WOW!!!!!

    Well done, my friend!


  23. Now THAT'S what I call a nice Southern style shower! Elegant, feminine and totally lovely! Just how we do it here in Virginia!
    She's just a beauty...I see great looking grandchildren in your future!!

  24. Oh Yvonne-will you be my mother-in-law? Such a beautiful fanciful tablescape-I'll wager it put stars in her eyes. Congrats to all.

  25. my goodness, it was gorgeous! What an incredibly lucky girl to be marrying into such a gifted family. Looking forward to seeing part 2!!

  26. Your creativity consistently blesses me. I love all that you did! I especially liked labeling the food items with the eggs. I hope you will post the recipe for the herb chicken salad in puffed pastry. How blessed your son and Abby must be to have you in their lives. Praying they have a wonderful life together. Thanks so much for letting us attend, virtually!

  27. Your table is magazine worthy!! Very creative! Thanks for sharing with us.

  28. Such a lucky girl! I would have given my right arm to have had a MIL like you!!! It's all so beautiful Yvonne!

  29. How lucky was I to be one of your guests at the shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was ALL wonderful, as always. The table was spectacular and everything was delicious! I have looked online for the bottles but can't find them, can you e-mail me with a source??? Thanks so much. Abby and Chris are a BEAUTIFUL couple. Their love shines from their eyes. XO, Pinky

  30. Like a magazine~ They are such a cute couple too..
    Your dining room with all the pretty windows is the perfect setting~

  31. Yvonne, Such exciting times for you and family! Beautiful couple, too!

    Your tablescape looks lovely right out of a magazine!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. You did such a beautiful job Yvonne. Congratulations to the happy couple!
    Hugs, Gee

  34. Yvonne, this is absolutely gorgeous! You have outdone yourself with this one! Everything looks so beautiful and the details are just perfect! What a beautiful couple!

  35. BEAUTIFUL! Magazine worthy for sure! Every little detail is amazing, Yvonne! I love it all! Congratulations to the happy couple!

  36. You did a beautiful job, Yvonne. I have settings for 100 in those clear glass plates and they have paid for themselves many times over for showers and engagement parties, etc. I am not fond of paper plates, etc. , so much nicer with the real thing, and so much better for the environment.
    What a wonderful couple! May God bless them!
    The food looks wonderful too!

  37. Lucky lucky girl! Wishing them all the best for a lifetime of happiness. Your decorations are simply gorgeous. Love the menu, it screams spring, ladies luncheon, so elegant and I am sure scrumptious. xo

  38. Abigail is very lucky to have a mother-in-law like you. I'm sure your son would agree that he picked a bride that has wonderful qualities like his mother.

  39. What a beautiful shower and a lovely bride to be! She's already blessed to have found a wonderful man to love her and a fabulously talented lady to be her mother in law! Congratulations on a really spectacular shower and the upcoming wedding! Hugs.

  40. What a lovely table and lovely food! Abigail seems like a wonderful girl and they make such a nice looking couple. They seem to absolutely adore one another. Oh, to be young again! Also, what a brilliant theme you have chosen "Feather Her Nest". The decorations are amazing. I so much look forward to part two of this lovely bridal shower. Thank you so much for sharing all this.

  41. Your shower pictures are absolutely stunning! Am sure everyone was impressed with everything you created and arranged. You are going to be a great mother-in-love and I'm sure your handsome son is very, very proud of you!

  42. What a beautiful bridal table everything looks like Spring and he food looks yummy. Your daughter-in-law is very pretty and you have a very handsome son. Thanks for sharing this beautiful special day.

  43. This is absolutely GORGEOUS! I love every little detail about it. What a lucky bride-to-be! Thank you for sharing:)

  44. Yvonne everything looks beautiful...you do everything to perfection my friend!!
    They make such a beautiful couple!

  45. Every detail is so beautiful! What a special time to celebrate! Life to the full,Melissa

  46. Yvonne that is the most beautiful bridal shower I've ever seen. Wow! you are amazing, and that is a beautiful couple. Best wishes to them!

  47. Yvonne, ditto to the above 50 comments. I can't add a thing more. So lovely, bride, table and mother-in-love to be.

  48. Your new dining room looks so nice. Great job on it all Yvonne.

  49. The Bridal Shower is so beautiful and elegant! Your son and future daughter make a very beautiful couple. I like the puffs hanging from the ceiling. The whole setting is perfection with your amazing talents.

  50. Yvonne, wow, I am blown away! That spread & table is so stunning. Every detail is perfect. You are a mother after my own heart. What a beautiful couple, wishing them all the best! What a happy & exciting time for all:).

  51. Everything looks so lovely Yvonne. What a wonderful job. The room looks gorgeous and the couple...gorgeous. Can't wait to see the rest of the room.

  52. Beautiful! Very springy! Love the creamy backdrop of your "new" dining room. It made the tablesetting even more perfect. Love that you use glass plates. That is why I have stacks tucked away for more than a few seasons. I know this was a blessing to Chris and Abby.

  53. What a beautiful couple, Yvonne! I kow you are all so blessed. The table looks spectacular and the food simply scrumptious.

  54. Beautiful table, beautiful couple! Great job!

  55. Oh my goodness Yvonne!!! That was seriously AMAZING!!! Every single detail was so impeccable and you never cease to amaze me with your talent and creativity! What a beautiful couple and how thrilled everyone must have been to attend such a lovely and loving event in their honor! :-)

  56. B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.
    Every detail thoughtful and perfect. I was excited to see we share the same luncheon plates lol. I bought 50 of those years ago when my girls were married as we hosted quite a few showers in those days and I do hate to eat on a paper plate.
    Silly question, but I wondered how you attached your puffs? We just had some here and it was hard to do w/o holes everywhere.
    Your son and soon to be dil make a very sweet couple. Best wishes to them for a long and blessed life together.

  57. Yvonne.. what a wonderful moment in time. You did an amazing job and I'm sure your daughter in law -to-be enjoyed every second. The table is stunning and the food looks scrumptious. They look like a wonderful couple:) Congratulations to your family.


  58. I just got the biggest smile on my face when I saw the last picture! Beautiful shower and couple!

  59. Just lovely and what a cute couple!

  60. How fun for you, Yvonne! I couldn't wait to see your lovely *new* dining room, all set up for the party. It all looks magnificent! Beautifully staged & yummy looking food.
    Best Wishes to the happy couple!


  61. The table is so magnificent...you managed to incorporate the theme of Feather Your Nest along with the essence of Spring...so many wonderful ideas on that table...love how you used the eggs for the "food cards"...and your dining room is so beautiful Yvonne....congrats to the happy couple!...and I am sure that Abigail knows that she is truly blessed with a great Mother-in-Law!

  62. I don't even know where to start. The table is break-taking! It's all perfect, and then the labels for the food are so cleverly written on those eggs; what a great idea. My favorite photo is of the happy couple. They just look so darling together. He REALLY looks like he loves her. So happy for him and for you.

  63. Stunning! It is all so beautiful! I adore the theme and how everything just went together and flowed! BEAUTIFUL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  64. I have been anxiously awaiting your wedding-related posts, and of course was thrilled when I found this in my in box today! Fabulous & brilliant, it is bridal and spring and shouts happiness, hope and a grand new beginning. The "menu" eggs are simply adorable and the hanging tissue balls create such a fun filled space! Beautiful...

  65. What a beautiful couple! And what a beautiful set-up to celebrate! This looks like a Pottery Barn ad and a Williams-Sonoma ad had a baby! :-) It's gorgeous!!! All the little details are wonderful! I love big, big decorative items, so those clear glass vases with the branches in them are speaking loudly to me!!! Looking at the ceiling there also gave me a great idea since ours in our dining room is going to have to be repainted after a recent leak. I never considered putting the color just in the recessed area so I could keep my four walls creamy white. Ding, ding, ding...I think we have a winner! And this shower decor is no doubt a winner!!! Congratulations to the couple and to both families!

  66. Yvonne, it is all perfection. These two young people are a blessing for your family. And, they are blessed to be surrounded by love.

  67. Beyond fabulous Yvonne! ANd what a beautiful dining room you are blessed with. It is breathtaking for sure:-)

  68. Yvonne, I'm a late visitor to your gorgeous bridal shower for your future daughter-in-love. She is a beauty and so is this absolutely lovely table. You are so creative! I want to soak in ever detail of this table. Love the idea of using the eggs as food markers. The food presentation is amazing. What a gorgeous party!

  69. Absolutely stunning, Yvonne! You didn't leave one detail untouched! I love every single thing about it, and I know your family and guests did, as well! (What a beautiful couple, too!)

  70. Oh, what a special day that must have been! Congratulations to you, your family and your son on his upcoming nuptials. The table is just fabulous.

  71. Perfection all the way around... from the bride and groom, to the table creating a spring theme that would rival any event planner, to the menu! You just must be beaming ear to ear.... just fabulous!

  72. Yvonne, I had to see part 1 after part 2! Your menu sounds delicious and your daughter-in-love must have been thrilled with the decorations and to be showered with so much attention to detail! Love the labeled eggs!

  73. So pretty Yvonne. Love all of the eggs. The menu is fabulous.

    - The Tablescaper

  74. This was a beautiful shower ...lucky Abigail!! I am taking pointers (wreath under cake stand..wonderful) using that for my families Easter gathering and I pinned a photo.

  75. Oh Yvonne! What a beautiful gesture for your soon to be daughter-in-law! The table setting is so creative and well, simply fabulous! I love the theme and how you interpreted it as well as those puff balls representing the sky above the table! She is indeed a lucky girl to have a mother-in-law to be like you! But I'm sure she knows that already! :D Thank you so much for inviting us into your home and to share this special event! I can't wait to see the dessert and gift table!
    Beth P

  76. How did I miss this post, wow you know how to throw a shower! Beautiful, I would of been oohhing and ahhhing over it all.


  77. This party is beyond gorgeous! You're my inspiration ;)
    Jamie @ somuchbetterwithage.com

  78. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love everything here! Oh my... :)

  79. wow!! gorgeous!! very well done and I'm sure she appreciates all the time and effort you put into this...it is no easy task to put something that beautiful together I'm sure

  80. Wonderful...I love your blog and yours posts. By, By from Italy...Liana


  81. Hi, Love the transformation of your dining room.. Am a recent visitor from Enchanted home and was wondering if the paint shown in the beautiful spring shower dining room photos above is either sonnet or natural wicker? Thanks so much for such wonderful inspiration!

  82. I LOVE your blog! Whiten your teeth for your bridal shower with the All White Bleaching System and save 10% with the promo code ORALCARE at dentist.net !

  83. I can remember how much fun and excitement it was to be involved in my own wedding, and then to assist others in theirs. Looking at your beautiful post, just gave me the excitement all over again. Creating and decorating is such a thrill, and I can see how much you love it too...Breathtaking ! A beautiful couple to whom I give all of my best warm wishes! Thank you for sharing your site, I am thrilled to see all that you share with us! Simple Pleasures :)

  84. I LOVE your blog! Thought you might like to know that you can whiten your teeth with the All White Bleaching System and save 10% with the promo code ORALCARE at dentist.net! It really works!
