Friday, August 24, 2012


My garden is bursting with tomatoes... the Roma tomatoes are literally dripping off off the vine.  And I'm grateful for that... many of my veggies did not do well this year!

I'm saving the bulk of the Romas to freeze and make into sauce, but when I saw this fabulous recipe for a grown up tomato soup... some of those ripe summer tomatoes were destined for Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup.

This is a beautiful and flavorful soup!  Especially perfect with fresh garden tomatoes!


I made a double batch hoping to freeze some, but my family wanted to eat it for lunch the following day!

Because it is so easy, I'm making another slow cooker full tomorrow and THAT will go in the freezer!

I made a Gruyere herbed crouton to mimic tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches... my adult version!

The original recipe can be found on Today's Mama... I think I found this on Pinterest. I tweaked this recipe... less half and half... more basil and fresh tomatoes, and changed the cooking techniques.

28 oz. plum tomatoes or other garden tomatoes OR 2 14 oz. can of diced tomatoes
1 cup finely diced onion
1 cup finely diced celery
1 cup finely diced carrots
1 TBS butter
2 TBS olive oil
1 TBS fresh oregano
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 cup fresh basil
2 tsp dried basil
4 cups chicken stock
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup flour
1~ 1 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated ( I use more)
1 cup half and half
1 cup whole milk
salt and pepper

Saute the onions, celery and carrots in 1 TBS butter and 2 TBS olive oil until translucent, about 5 minutes. Put the mixture in a slow cooker. Add tomatoes, oregano, basil, chicken stock and the bay leaf. Cook on low for 5-7 hours. Using a stick blender, emulsify the soup to the consistency you like. I like mine finely minced but not smooth.
At the end of the cooking time, turn the slow cooker on high.

Make a roux... Melt 1/2 cup butter in a large skillet. Add flour and whisk together. Cook for 3-4 minutes to get rid of the raw taste of the flour. Remove 1 cup the tomato soup and add to the mixture. Whisk. Add an additional 2 cups of tomato soup and whisk until smooth. Pour the roux mixture back into the soup and whisk. Add the Parmesan cheese and warmed half and half and milk. Whisk well and cook for 1/2 to 1 hours until the cheese has melted and the soup is thickened.
Garnish with extra basil and toasted crouton rounds


  1. It sounds wonderful, it is my favorite soup cant wait to give your version a try:)

  2. Yesterday I posted a recipe for gazpacho (cold tomato soup) on my From Harvest To Table blog.

    We have been having some cooler evenings and this tomato soup sounds perfect. Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  3. If you don't mind, could you run me a bowl of this down here for lunch today? LOL! This looks so good! I must try! Have a great weekend! Carol

  4. Yvonne, I love any kind of tomato soup, but this one sounds really good. I think I pinned this one too, but haven't made it yet. Yum!

  5. Oh, my goodness. Does this ever look good! I have to say, I am ashamed to say it, but I am coveting your tomatoes. There is nothing better than home grown tomatoes. I've pinned this to try sometime soon, albeit without home grown tomatoes. :-(
    Beautiful presentation too! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This looks incredible! Tomato soup of any kind is one of my most favorite things in the world! My veggies didn't do very well this year either! Such a shame! Thanks for sharing this recipe! I will certainly be making it!

  7. How bad is it to be craving this at 9am!!!!! I love tomato anything but always loved tomato soup. I must try this maybe this weekend. I have lots of fresh tomatos and am getting a litlte tired of brushetta:) Thanks!

  8. Yvonne: This looks so delicious and tomato soup is my favorite soup.
    Have to find some plum tomatoes so I can make this.

    Thanks again for a delicious recipe.

    Denise Lamb

  9. I saw your post within an hour of your posting and my soup is already in the crockpot! I was looking at a large bowl in my refrigerator and did not feel like firing up the canner this morning. The perfect solution! I had all the ingredients on hand and plan to freeze it all. I can't wait for a cool fall afternoon to spoil myself with a delicious bowl of tomato soup.

  10. What a great way to use up those tomatoes! This looks delicious, Yvonne! I can see why your family ate it right up!


  11. Yvonne, I'm one of those strange people who don't eat fresh tomatoes, but I do like them cooked in sauces or soups. This tomato basil looks fab. I will make this one. Thanks!

  12. looks delish! My hubby loves to grow insane amounts of tomatoes, so I'm always looking for things to do with them. This year was an exception, though, as we had a baby in March, and he was slow to start his plants. I have to say, I was a wee bit relieved at the time, but now that the few plants we have are ripening, I'm missing the large batches we usually get. Next year!

  13. I do not have a garden, but these tomatoes are very reasonable and plentiful in the markets ... so that is what I will do. LUV 'tom' soup. Thanks for this awesome recipe. Now I will have to plant these Romas next year.

  14. Pass the soup please. The Bob Evans resturant serve this. My daughter and I love it. Our tomatoes are on the vine but not getting ripe very fast. Smiles, Susie

  15. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks, Yvonne - you have me wanting this right now!

    Our romas died, something happened to them, we think deer but not sure - we have it fenced but it was knocked down a few times. So bummed about that - we do have some yellow tomatoes - yummy and less acid, which is good for joints - your soup looks so good but wouldn't look good with yellow toms - so will have to go to the farmer's market and give her a go!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. I am STARVING right now so this is making it worse:):) I WILL make this, I love tomato basil soup! Thanks so much! Have a beautiful weekend, mine is FULL to the brim:):) XOXO

  17. Oh tomato basil is my very favorite soup of all. Can't wait to try your recipe. Wish I had a cup in front of me right now.

  18. This looks wonderful!!! I make an Amish Tomato Soup with some of my garden tomatoes, but I'm going to have to try this one now! I love LOVE tomatoes and basil, and always have TONS of both! :-D

    Thanks for the recipe and your revisions!

  19. Mmmmmm, we were on vacation in NC and ate the best tomato soup at The Tupelo Honey Cafe and I've been dreaming about it ever since. This sounds wonderful, Yvonne. Our tomatoes are gone by now, but I can pick some up. I love the idea of Parmesan and basil in it. My basil is still going strong.

  20. Oh this looks heavenly. My tomatoes are doing so well, I will be trying this for sure. Thanks, Yvonne! Have a great weekend. :)

  21. Sounds like a very flavorful soup Yvonne! Glad to hear your tomatoes are doing so well-enjoy:@)

  22. Cannot wait to try your version of my favorite soup! The croutons look delicious too! Thank you for posting the recipe. I have tomatoes that need to be used.

  23. Yvonne,this is yummy!...I'll bet my canned(jar) tomatoes would be good in this recipe,wow wish I had a bowl right now.

  24. Yvonne, oh my this sounds wonderful. I could eat tomato soup every day for lunch. Love both your soup and the yummy croutons. I haven't had breakfast yet but I'm wanting some of your soup right now!

  25. Yvonne this soup looks wonderful heading into fall soon; the season of soups for me!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  26. Love tomato bisque and will def be trying this......looks so good! Thanks for the recipe.

  27. I'll definitely try your recipe. I love tomato bisque, especially when it's made with fresh tomatoes. I've never used the slow cooker to make it...what a great idea.
    Thanks for the printable version.

  28. Oh, you have no idea just how good that sounds to me right about now!!!!!!!!! I love the idea of the Gruyere "grilled cheese" sandwich! Hey, if you're gonna do it, do it in style!!!!! :=)

  29. this recipe is so close to gazpacho.....without the cream.and of course
    served cold. yummy....

  30. I cooked this for dinner on Monday after you posted the recipe! IT IS DELICIOUS and easy! Dinner party worthy as well...served with a tiny grilled cheese sandwich. Five starts on this one!

  31. If I am using fresh roma tomatoes for this recipe, about how many would I use? Your recipe lists the amount of canned tomatoes, but I am unsure about how many fresh tomatoes to use. Thank you!

  32. very nice
    thank you so much
    have nice day =)

  33. I have just made my second batch of this amazing soup and wanted to say a huge THANK YOU! It is absolutely amazing, and freezes very well. I was able to omit the cream and milk for almond milk and found it to be so thick and creamy, I didn't miss them at all! Fantastic!

  34. No crockpot; any idea how long to cook on stovetop? Thanks!

  35. Thank you for posting a recipe that includes FRESH tomatoes! All the other recipes I find call for canned and I have a ton of fresh garden tomatoes just asking to be used! Can't wait to try this recipe :)

  36. Thank you for posting a tomato soup recipe that uses FRESH tomatoes! Every other recipe I find calls for canned and I have a ton of garden tomatoes just begging to be put in a soup! Can't wait to try this recipe :)
