Saturday, August 25, 2012

MIRROR MIRROR... A makeover fairy tale!

This is the story of an Ugly Duckling mirror.. Goldilocks mirror...Snow White mirror... and maybe a little Cinderella thrown in too...

Anyway, it is a fairy tale... Comfy? Good.... let's begin...


...there was an ugly duckling mirror (sad mirror). It had a great personality (bones, structure) but was very very ugly.
A big slobbery ogre (the manufacturer of the mirror) in a moment of complete insanity ( how else could it be explained) cast a spell on the sad mirror (painted it in a chippy polka dot manner). The ogre had wanted something to be a hideous as himself... (and it was)!

 It the ugliest mirror in all the land (literally, in all the land)!

Many of the town... and country folk (shoppers) thought it had THE POX (like... "a pox on you!")!

A kind and generous Fairy Godmother... FGM to her best friends... (I love playing this role... you should see my tutu and  wings!) found the sad mirror in the Land Of Overstocked Merchandise  (HomeGoods). Because she was very very wise and quite lovey (my story, my FGM vision) she knew that someday this sad chippy mirror would grow up to be the most beautiful in the land!!!!

 With a wave of her magic wand (and $49.99) the beautiful and slender ( my story, remember?) FGM set the sad mirror free from the Land Of Overstocked Merchandise (HomeGoods) to begin a long journey to a far off place (Washington DC)... riding in a beautiful carriage (an SUV)!

When they arrived in the far off place (Washington, DC) the fabulous and benevolent  FGM presented the mirror as a gift to the Capital Hill Princess (my darling Jacqueline) and her Prince Charming ( handsome husband Jonathan)  and instructed them to nurture the mirror (repaint it) and give it a good home (above the sofa).

Alas, the far off land (Washington DC) was not friendly to ugly mirrors... and it did not fit in ( too small above the sofa)... at all (too big for the dining room wall)!  Oh, the sad mirror tried to fit in... but nothing seemed to be just right (a perfect place to hang it)! And  all the other square beautiful mirrors made fun of it's chippy roundness! 

One day the Capital Hill Princess (Jacqueline) drank a magic potion (I know you like a Margarita at Las Placitas now and then, Miss J) and became a wicked witch (sorry, Jacqueline). She cast a spell (fairy tales are full of spells) on the mirror and banished it to the Land Of Stink And Stench (the DC Municipal Solid Waste Site).

Just when the mirror thought that it was doomed... who should appear but the exquisite, multi-talented, wildly famous Fairy Godmother!

The charitable, sweet, splendid, uber-kind FGM (again, my story) took pity on the sad mirror and said she would  grant it three wishes (try to fix it up herself)...

The first wish the unbelievably lovely, dazzling and humble FGM granted the mirror was to make it the most beautiful mirror in the land (except for the gilded mirror above the mantle... who can compete with gilding)! So the sad mirror began a long journey to the Land Of All Things Domestic (StoneGable) in another beautiful carriage (SUV)... feeling a little hopeful for the first time!

The mirror was not in The Land Of All Things Domestic (StoneGable) very long before the gifted, handy, savant-of-a-FGM (moi) went to work weaving her magical spell (getting out the Annie Sloan Chalk Paints). 

...We will save her magical transformation for another story (post).

The incredible, acclaimed, statuesque (I DID NOT say Rubenesque!) FGM waved her magic wand (paintbrush) and with just a few incantations (okay, I said a bad word when I dropped the paintbrush on the hardwood floor) the glorious, personable, brilliant Fairy Godmother's work was done!

The astonishing, ravishing, world renowned  FGM had taken the ugly duckling mirror and turned it into a beautiful swan (great decor piece). 

The mirror could hardly recognize itself! (I don't think mirrors have eyes)

"Now mirror", the magnificent, fascinating, sexy FGM, crooned... would you like to make your second wish? 

The mirror wispered in a grateful voice, " Yes, perfect, pulchritudinous (look it up!), benevolent FGM...I wish  to find a place to live... one that is... just right."

"Done", said the fairy (I'm running out of adjectives).

The lighter-than-air FGM flew over the Land Of All Things Domestic (StoneGable) looking for a just-right place... not too small and not too big... but... just right!

The beautiful mirror was so happy  (opps, used that one already) elated!

It had finally found a wall that was "just right"!  

The ________________, __________________, ________________ ( this is the audience participation part of the story... you fill in the blanks this time... be kind!) and her handy side-kick helper (okay, it should say troll, but I just could not bring myself to call my sweet husband a troll) put the mirror in its new just-right place... in the Capital Hill Princess' (Jacqueline) weekend getaway (bedroom at StoneGable).

But don't worry, the Capital Hill Princess (Jacqueline) would not partake (overindulge) in any magical potions (Margaritas) in the Land Of All Things Domestic (StoneGable) when she came to visit with Prince Charming (Jonathan). No, no no... not while the motherly, protecting, just, merciful, giving... and powerful FGM was watching over the land of All Things Domestic (StoneGable) AND the Princess (Jacuqeline).

The mirror loved living in it's just right place (wall in the J and J guest room) in the Land Of All Things Domestic (StoneGable)!

And there the beautiful mirror lives to this day... being admired by the people throughout the land (overnight guests... and hopefully dear readers).

And like all great fairy tales... THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER...

Wait... wait ... what about the third wish? Isn't there a third wish? The mirror gets another wish...

Well, that is for another time... you know... all great stories always have a SEQUEL!

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  1. love the finish!

    fab transformation.


  2. LOL this post is so cute! :D Your mirror really looks nice. Love it!

  3. And the moral of this story is . . . . you should never, ever, ever give away thy objects, lest they be finish!!!! Really nice story!!! Love it!!!

  4. Totally loved your story darling Ivonne and the mirror is fabulous! I love your room, so pretty and inviting too. Yes, it's happened to me before..of course, the other way around, lol..I gave the thing away and later I realized it could have been great "in this corner"...shu!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. The missing words that go in the audience participation line are: witty, talented, Yvonne. The mirror is truly beautiful, the fairytale is wonderfully written and you are a truly talented, lovely person. How is that? ------- Shannon

  6. Yvonne...what an entretaining post! I chuckled all the way through it! And your mirror is just lovely. Please tell her/him? (the mirror) I said I said that!

  7. I didn't want this home decor fairy tale to end! Great post, beautiful mirror! xo

  8. Loved your story about the mirror.
    It turned out truly beautiful.
    Just perfect for a true Fariy Godmother.

    Princess Jacqueline and Prince Johnathan
    will fall in love with this beautiful mirror
    next time they visit the StoneGable Castle.

    Denise Lamb

    1. Denise, Thanks so much for all the kind comments you leave on StoneGable... I appreciate your faithful friendship and encouragement!!!

  9. Great post Yvonne and what a fabulous mirror makeover!! The whole looks gorgeous!

  10. AAAwwww... Very nice story FGN, ooppsss, Yvonne :-)I am a sucker for a good fairy tale.
    Beautiful mirror. You did a wonderful redo. Definitely an upgrade form what the poor thing had. The J room is very lucky indeed.
    Cheers, Gee

  11. Loved your fairytale and your "physically beautiful" mirror.
    You must have made many a language arts middle school teacher smile reading your creative thoughts. And yes, I ran to the dictionary.

  12. What a sweet fairytale, Yvonne!! You definitely transformed this mirror with a wave of your wand (brush)! Love it and it looks perfect in your guest room!!


  13. Loved your fairytale and your mirror! It looks wonderful! Let's hope Princess J doesn't ask for it back now! It's perfect where it is!

  14. Can I be you when I grow up?? :)

  15. Kind, generous, wise, lovely, beautiful, slender, fabulous, benevolent, exquisite, multi-talented, wildly famous, charitable, sweet, splendid, uber-kind, dazzling, humble, incredible, acclaimed, statuesque, glorious, personable, brilliant, astonishing, ravishing, world-renowned, magnificent, fascinating, sexy, pulchritudinous (I know what it means), benevolent, lighter-than-air, BRILLIANT, STEADFAST, WHIMSICAL & PERFECT FGM told the bestest story ever here at StoneGable. I loved every single word, and cannot wait for FGM to reappear.

  16. Well, geez, Splenderosa took the WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):) This was a wonderful story and GREAT ending. Can't wait to see it in person. XOXO

  17. I love the mirror! I would surely have found a place for it. What would life be without fairy tales?

  18. looks beautiful and what a perfect spot you found for it! Have a lovely weekend.

  19. What a fun fairy tale! I love that the mirror made it's way back to the fabulous, faithful FGM. When does the sequel come out??

  20. It was the secret potion. works everytime!!

  21. The missing words...most,funnest,hostess----in the land of BLOG!! I this was so dawg-gone cute...and the mirror,mirror on the wall,you now are the fairest of all!!

  22. Oh are THE "fairest one of all".....loved your the mirror...and I look forward to the sequel!

  23. the ___________(clever),___________(talented), and _______________ (amazing)

    The magic mirror mirror on that wall is PERFECT THERE!

    Very very well done, indeed.

    You are truly the fairest of them all, I concur!!

  24. So funny, Yvonne. What a read!!! Be careful they might take it back the next time they visit!

  25. Excellent outcome! Great job FGM! Your wand (talented hands) worked its (their) magic! The room looks fabulous!

  26. It turned out great, Yvonne! I'm glad the mirror found a home! : )

  27. Too cute! Thanks for a whimisical tale of seeing beauty in the least of these...every time your princess spies her cast off she will secretly wish it still lived with her. (we amazing FGMs know these things about our Princesses, mine also happens to live in The unfriendly Land of DC) ;-)

  28. it looks great Yvonne. wonderful redo. i sent an e-mail to your account inquiring about your annie sloan finishes. i hope it didn't get junked.

  29. Love your imagination.....and the mirror!!

  30. ROFLOL> That has got to be the funniest post I have ever read. What a great start to my day. Thank you.

  31. LOL What a fun tale! Mirror-mirror, what do you now see? Loved it! :D

  32. You crack me up!!! Love the mirror's new look....and the inspiration that maybe I could put a little ASCP on my mirror. Hmmm.

  33. I award this post Three Hankies! Thrilling, inspiring and beautiful. Regena in TN.

  34. I love the ending. The mirror is so lucky to be in your magical hand.
    great job!

  35. Yvonne,
    I agree with Debra...J & J may now decide that mirror was a "diamond in the rough" and that it needs to return to their home!!! Your story was too cute! I began reading this morning...had to leave for Worship...just now back for the rest of the story!!!Magnificient transformation!!! I'll be watching for the tutorial and the sequel!!!

  36. What a great job! I don't think that poor mirror ever had a chance until you took it under your wing!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  37. Did you have a fabulous time writing that or what! And I equally had a fabulous time reading it! Love your sense of humor and the way it comes out with words. Totally entertaining!! Oh... and you probably would love some feedback on your transformation, huh. Well, missy... it's superb!!!!! Job well done, lovely spot for it to rest, and a good eye to see it could have a new life!!! Ok.... what's the next fairy tale we get to hear?

  38. Hans Christian Andersen's got nothing on you! Love a makeover with a happy and beautiful ending! Nice job :)

  39. You are such a hoot!!! FABULOUS transformation! It just reminds us that we can't look at things and take them at face value. We have to imagine all of the possibilities!

  40. Great story! And a fabulous mirror that lived happily ever after!

  41. happily ever after are the best ending! great looking mirror!

  42. What a great mirror! I'd love for you to share this at my linky party, Twirl & Take a Bow at I hope you can stop by and join in!

  43. An entertaining story that ends happily every after!
