Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Welcome to TUTORIAL TIPS AND TIDBITS #10!  A HUGE thank you goes out to all of last weeks participants! Your tutorials, tips, tidbits and every thing you brought to show off was just fabulous and so so creative! 

What makes TTT wonderfully interesting is the wide variety of topics and range of subject mattered brought to the party!

Here are just a few inspirations from last week...

The most viewed entry from last week was GOLDEN OAK NO MORE from WILLOW WISP COTTAGE.  This gorgeous piece was once a thrift item.  It was transformed  with ASCP Duck Egg and the top was restained to reveal a real beauty!!!! This is a must see!

Are you ready for fall yet? Debra at COMMON GROUND sure is! She show us the stunning classy and tarnished way she is welcoming fall into her home with a little SEASON TWEAKING... I feel a copy cat moment coming on...

If you want a laundry soap that smells amazing, gets clothes sparkling clean and goes a long long way, visit 
BLISS RANCH for  HOMEMADE LAUNDRY SOAP.  One thing I love about blogging is sharing really great ideas! She saw this recipe for laundry soap on StoneGable and Savvy Southern Style and made it her own!!! Her pictures are gorgeous!!!

I think everyone in blogland has fallen in love with Anita's BLUE KITCHEN.  It was pure delight to visit her at FAR ABOVE RUBIES and take her kitchen tour. You will find so much inspiration and creative ideas!

Suzy at WORTHING COURT showed us an EASY WAY TO RAMP UP A BEDSKIRT. Just look at that fun pop of color! Great and easy to understand instructions. What a fun and flirty skirt!

Attention all bloggers: This great tutorial from Barb at The Everyday Home will show you how to CREATE A BLOG HEADER in 9 easy steps. Barb, this is a very well done tutorial!!!! Thanks so much!

blog, header, tutorial, Ribbet, PicMonkey

If there is a little one in your life you will love this NO SEW DUCT TAPE CRAYON ROLL from TUTUS AND TEA PARTIES.  Aren't these the cutest things? How about using them for party favors, Halloween giveaways ( if you only get several trick-or-treaters), prizes or a little gift for the kids in your life!!!
Lauren, this is a must-do idea!


For all of your harvest to table lovers... this informative post about EXTENDING THE SEASON from  Black Fox Homestead gives us great tips about planting and eating garden vegetables all the way through the winter. Very interesting!!!

Do you CHIP IT?  If you don't you will want to find out about this fun way to turn any photo on the internet into an instant color palette with a click! Warning: Click It is rather addictive... and fun.

Visit me to learn how to CHIP IT.

If you have been featured at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS please grab a "Featured" button from my sidebar.

Please visit our featured bloggers and see their creative blogs!

Now let's see what great TUTORIALS, TIPS AND TIDBITS  you have for us!

* Please link your post using your permalink
* Please link back to TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS in the body of your post. You can find my button TTT button on my sidebar.
* Visit other TTT participants... let's all visit at least 3 others and comment
* Please link up only photographs that belong to you.
* It would be nice if you would follow me, thanks!


  1. Yvonne,
    Thank you for hosting this weekly meme!!! Each and every post featured is such an amazing host of creative talent in the Land of Blog! I'm anxious to see what the participants have in store for us this week!!!

  2. Thanks for hosting! My first time jumping in. Adding your link now Yvonne:)

  3. Nope, not ready for Fall yet! Why rush, it lasts till December!
    Beautiful summer weather, beach time!
    Thanks for hosting. My post shows some wonderful fabric bargains at the outlets.
    Hope you will stop by!

  4. Love the crayon roll, I always have a weak spot for brand new crayons:@)

  5. Thank you so much for the shout out, Yvonne! Thank you for hosting =)

  6. Woot! Thank you for featuring my ramped up bedskirt, Yvonne. Thank you too, for hosting your party every week. I'm off to add your "I've been featured" button to my blog.

  7. Great features Yvonne! thanks so much for hosting!

  8. Yvonne, I have shared tips on cleaning the microwave and the car. Thank you for hosting!

  9. Thanks so much for the invite. I just linked up. Hugs, Marty

  10. Fantastic features from last week...Loved them all!!!...Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!!

  11. Thank you for hosting, Yvonne. I did sign up..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  12. Great features, for sure! Thank you for hosting, Yvonne!

  13. Thanks for this FUN party where anything can link! I love that. The features are all FABULOUS!!! Hope you feel GOOD by now. XOXO

  14. Hi Yvonne, well, thank you so much for including me in such wonderful company! just linked up, thanks for hosting!

  15. Awwww thanks for the shout out Yvonne. I love this Linky Party it always has some of the best posts. xxoo

  16. Yvonne, Thanks for asking me to link up here. I need to get back into the bloggy world once again- it's been a busy month! I'll add in your link once I get back home onto my computer. Can't wait to visit all these link-ups so I can get inspired. :-) Sue

  17. Yvonne, these are wonderful features! Thanks so much for hosting this great party...I'm excited to visit the other links!

  18. More wonderful inspiration and great suggestions. TTT is a great venue, Yvonne. Thanks for hosting each week.......Sarah

  19. This is my first time to link -- thank for hosting this. It is always fun to look.

  20. Thanks so much for the party! Love the features!
    jenn :)

  21. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on our last 2 posts Yvonne! I've linked up both of them to the party and so appreciate you hosting us! :-)

  22. I love the features! Thanks for hosting. It looks like there are so many great links.

    Have a great day.

  23. I'm trying to get some Fall inspiration, but it's hard to get out of summer mode.

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Hello Yvonne: Thank you for hosting the party tonight. I am so loving the light-colored dressers with dark stained tops that I am seeing--such an attractive look, and I especially liked the one that you featured, along with the beautiful blue kitchen and all the others. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your week!

  25. Thank you so very much for hosting such an inspiring party!

  26. Hi, sweet and busy lady. I had no idea On the Menu was still going on here. For some reason, I thought it more. Glad to know it's still here.
    Now, I've not been here to link to your TT&T's because I don't do tutorials, I seldom have tips so not sure just what I would link.
    I can't wait to visit some of these features, tho. :)
    hugs, bj

  27. Yvonne~ Wonderful features this week! I just recently saw SW's Chip It in an ad and have yet to try it! I hope your eye surgery went well and you're on the mend!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  28. Great features, Yvonne. So glad you stopped by. I can't remember all these parties. Thanks for hosting.

  29. Thanks so much for hosting, Yvonne! What a great party and so much inspiration!


  30. Oh wow! Thank you so much for featuring our post! I'm glad ya'll enjoyed it. :)

  31. Thanks for the invite to link up! Your features are wonderful, lots of great inspiration!

  32. Hi Yvonne! I'm taking a little break here at work... I'm cleaning up my classroom and getting ready for the upcoming school year.
    I am going to email myself the link to this post so that I won't miss all the great ideas here!
    The summer is going by so fast. I've been stealing moments late at night to browse and catch up on emails.
    What a great idea to have a link up with everyone's tips!
    A little question for you, Yvonne...
    Did you ever try a liquid hand soap recipe? I have one saved from Pinterest, and am thinking of trying it soon. I just love the powdered laundry soap recipe!
    *Have a lovely weekend, Yvonne!
    ~ Maria

  33. I would LOVE to have a go at making my own laundry soap!

    Great projects you got here.

    PS: I'm hosting a giveaway at my blog today for Sedwick Studios, hope you enter!

  34. Oh Yvonne, thank you so much for the feature!!! I am late to the party, but better late than never I guess. Thank you so very much for hosting, and I will not be late next week:-)
