Sunday, May 20, 2012


This week I am getting ready for a house full of family and guests for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. I am so excited for our out of town guest to visit!!!

I love Memorial Day! Growing up all of my childhood and teen years in a military family gave me a deep understanding and appreciation for heroic effort and great sacrifice of our military men and women. I saw it firsthand in my own home! 

Tomorrow my dear Mother and I will visit Indiantown Gap National Cemetery in the rolling hills of  central Pennsylvania. It is the most beautiful, peaceful, well kept and honorable place. It is where dignity and resolve and selflessness resides.  Indiantown Gap is where my Father rests. 

If you have never visited a National Cemetery I encourage you to go! Especially for Memorial Day. It should be a mandatory requirement for every American citizen! You will never forget it your whole life long! 

To find a National Cemetery near you click Here.

Now here's whats ON THE MENU...

Steak Fajitas
Refried Beans

Broiled Baby Lobster Tails
Roasted Asparagus
Garden Salad With Strawberries, Bleu Cheese And Champagne Vinairgrette 

Sausage, Corn and Broccoli Bake
Fresh Tomatoes And Basil Salad

I saw this recipe on the Pillsbury site. It sounded so yummy, so I tweaked it to make this easy meal my own.

Salmon Cakes
Grilled Vegetables With Balsamic Dressing
Cucumber Salad With Feta


Cheese Board
Grilled Eggplant Casserole
Grandmom LoBianco No Fail Meatballs
Arugula, Shaved Parmesan, Toasted Pine Nuts In A Lemon Vinaigrette
Strawberry Rhubarb Mini Pies
(upcoming post)
Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
(upcoming post)


Chips And Salsa
Barbecued Chicken
StoneGable Potato Salad
Corn On The Cob
Panzanella Salad
Asian Coleslaw
Dessert from Lancaster Central Market

Garlic Pork Tenderloin With Garlic Marsala Sauce
Tasty Taters
Green Beans 
Ceasar Salad
Big Chocolate Chip Cookies

Here's what else is on the men...

Strawberry Shortcake

View Recipe

Breakfast Cookies

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StoneGable Iced Tea

View Recipe

Printable Recipes

Culinary Tutorial
Ceasar Salad

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  1. Your menu looks yummy....can I come to your house to eat this week? *hee hee* Thanks for hosting the party!

  2. I think I NEED some fajitas! What an amazing weekend Yvonne, I hope we're this lucky for the holiday-enjoy:@)

  3. Another week of home run recipes.

    Have to make the eggplant this week.

    I really have been dreaming of eggplant
    and yours sounds so delicious.


    Have a great week.


  4. Have a great week, Yvonne! I know you're excited about your company. Thanks for hosting OTMM.

  5. Yvonne,
    We just returned from the National Cemetary in Fort Scott, Kansas where we placed flowers on the grave of my Aunt and Uncle...a World WarII Veteran. He passed away December 7, 1999...Pearl Harbor Day (Remembered)! Like you, were are a retired military family of 21 years of devoted service! This weekend we plan to visit a new Memorial in our town...along with the first official cook~out of the season! Enjoy your company! Will be thinking of you and your Mother as you visit the grave of your Father!
    P.S. My dad is a World WarII Veteran...U. S. Navy...and will celebrate his 90th birthday this June!

  6. Memorial weekend at your house is truly memorable! Fabulous menu as always. xo

  7. Hi Yvonne,
    Thanks for reminding us what memorial day is all about. We have five family members in a National Cemetery, it is truly a place of honor. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  8. Sure wish I could come for dinner on Tuesday:):):) I LOOOVE lobster!!! Your entire weeks menu sounds wonderful, your guest will be thrilled with all the fabulous food.....and hospitality! I know. I am so grateful to your Father and mine and my FIL for their service to our country. Hope to see you SOON!!!!!!!!!! I will be posting pics of the "stged" house probably tomorrow. XO, Pinky

  9. Hi Yvonne...somehow I missed that you grew up in a military wonderful!! Your menu sounds divine and especially the lobster tails!! YUM! Have a wonderful week. Love to YOU!

  10. Sweet, Sweet Yvonne- Do you think I could just move in with you for a while? I will clean your house top to bottom and you can cook for me. Sound like a deal?;>) xo Diana

  11. Everything looks divine and what a great suggestion to go visit a National Cemetery! Thank you for sharing it!

  12. Yvonne, I am always so excited to have mil from Stonegable. You never disappoints! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  13. Another delicious post-I'm very hungry now!

    Thanks so much for having me. Have a great week!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  14. PS-I'm having some Blogger issues this morning, if I scroll down to add a link to OTMM I lose my Publish button... I'll keep trying to link back but wanted to let you know what was going on:@)

  15. I didn't realize you grew up in a military family Yvonne. I appreciate the sacrifices military families give to our country. I was born while my father was away at war and he didn't see me until I was eighteen months old.

    Thanks for hosting On the Menu Monday. I've brought a Mediterranean tuna salad that is a refreshing change from the standard celery and mayonnaise version. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  16. Thank you so much to your family for their service and sacrifice to this country. My dad was a WWII and Korean War Vet and he instilled in us a great appreciation for our military.

  17. YUM -- Miss Yvonne - it ALL looks so WONDERFUL! You amaze me :)


  18. Your menu sounds like there will be another week of great eating at Stonegable. Everything looks delicious. Have a wonderful day, Yvonne. Blessings...Mary

  19. Oh these all look so good, wish that was my menu this week. Enjoy all your delicious food!

  20. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend Yvonne! This menu looks delicious!

  21. Thank for hosting... I'm getting hungry as I type! Have a great week!

  22. Your menu looks wonderful, as usual. I promise to join the party next week. I have been out of town and teaching all Monday morning. I am home for the summer and looking forward to the party.


  23. Every dish on your menu sounds so delicious. You are such a great cook! I bet your husband is in seventh heaven in every bite he takes. Thanks for hosting another wonderful party.

