Saturday, May 26, 2012


On a recent trip to the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay I found this beautiful big blue and white bowl in a local antique shop!  I knew it belonged in my kitchen... specifically, on my kitchen table! It was love at first sight.

But, to bring it home... the beautiful bowl had to not only have a love relationship with me... but the price had to be right!  Oh, I wanted this bowl to be "THE FIND"! 

 I turned the bowl over to see the price tag and...

The bowl had my name on it!!!!!  Not really, but it should have because it was a very, very, did I say very?... good price. 

This blue and white beauty is in perfect condition. The inside of the bowl is GORGEOUS! (I'll post picture of the inside when I plant the geraniums outside!)

 It adds just the right pop of color to my neutral kitchen!

Don't you love coming across "THE FIND"!

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  1. Super find, Yvonne, and I think the geraniums in it are lovely, too! What a pretty addition to your kitchen.

  2. I love it when you find something you love and it fits into the budget! Your find is lovely :)

  3. I would have bought that amazing bowl in a minute!!! Sally

  4. It is indeed quite the find. I love commemorating trips with things I will always adore versus something like a t shirt.

  5. What a unique and awesome treasure. Those geraniums are the perfect look with it, too.

    Have a wonerful weekend!

  6. That indeed is a very beautiful bowl, a perfect compliment to your kitchen! Finding one treasure and bringing it home causes me to clean the entire house!

  7. Hi Yvonne! Oh, it's you! What a lovely bowl and I'm thrilled you got such a great deal on it!
    Have a great Memorial Day weekend and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. What a beautiful bowl. Perfect with the geranimums in it.
    Loving the placemat uder the bowl also.

    Have a great weekend and enjoy your company.


  9. What a great find! It looks right at home!

  10. It is gorgeous and I love the geraniums too. Great pattern on the bowl. Hugs, Marty

  11. Can't beat the blue and white combination, certainly one of my favorites. Priced right makes it a perfect purchase.


  12. I love it too. I also love poking around in old dust bin shops filled to the ceiling with "stuff." We have a huge shop like this near us in the countryside, the older woman who owns the building (which is beautiful) has so much "stuff" she doesn't know what she has. It's wonderful. And, that bowl deserves to be at home in your kitchen.

  13. Oh, Yvonne! Yes, it is perfect for your kitchen pallet of neutrals...I can just imagine the smile on your face each time you admire it! The geraniums are perfect in it!

  14. Yvonne is it perfect and Love, love a great find like this, a piece you will cherish forever!

    Do come and see my interview with Leslie of Segreto Finishes and enter to win her Fabulous Book!

    Art by Karena

  15. Lovely bowl. It looks like it is surrounded with "hearts". xo

  16. I agree! Gorgeous find and even prettier with the geraniums.

  17. Yvonne, what a beautiful bowl. It looks like there is a blue design on the inside as well. Is there? Would love to see that too. Have a great holiday weekend.

  18. Yvonne, I think we all love coming across " the find". You certainly came home with a beauty! Love the white geraniums too.

  19. It is charming and lovely with flowers. Joe and I bought an enormous oil painting today for just the right price and it is a FIND.

  20. I love this bowl. I used to have dinnerware that is very similar to this pattern. Enjoy it!

  21. I love the fun of the hunt. Pretty bowl Yvonne. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  22. It is beautiful and so glad it had your name on it....gosh things like that make my day! hugs, Linda

  23. Yvonne,
    This is a perfect FIMD, indeed! I caught a glimpse of the interior of the bowl...Oh~h~h! The height and heft make it such a great piece for the table...or kitchen island! I'd say..."It had your name on it, for sure"! Glad you were able to give it a home @ StoneGable!

  24. Very pretty! Great teaser we will have to wait to see the inside and will you ever reveal the price? Stay tuned!

    Robin Flies South

  25. That would be at home in my house too! And I see a glimpse into the inside. Wonderful find! Smiling ....

  26. Your new bowl is gorgeous Yvonne and the white geranium is just beautiful too! Happy Memorial Day Weekend:@)

  27. Yvonne-That is a beautiful piece. I love when I come across something like that and just KNOW that it is supposed to be my own- xo Diana

  28. I'd have bought it too... love it!

  29. It's lovely, Yvonne! It looks like a great size to have on your table, too.

  30. This looks like something from Annapolis! There is a FABULOUS pottery shop there that I ALWAYS go to and usually find THE FIND!!!! I LOOOOOVe your bowl, and love the HEARTS around it:):) I miss you, Pinky

  31. I love your new bowl and I think it found you. It's as pretty on the inside as it is on the outside. My grandson and I made cup and saucer bird feeders today with your tutorial. Thank you.

  32. Yvonne, The bowl is a wonderful addition to your kitchen table. I would have found that hard to pass up, too.

  33. You're so right....great find and I love using flowers in bowls....they showcase so well....just gorgeous!
    Have a great weekend!

  34. Lovely. Looks great with the geranium.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. Very pretty, but the bargain hunters love to know the price!
    God bless our service people this Memorial Day!

  36. Oh my- That is one beautiful bowl! Is it ironstone? Were there any marking on the bottom? I have never seen one like that. It's perfect for your table. Enjoy!

  37. It is a beautiful bowl and glad the price was attractive as well!
    Many thanks for visiting Thistle Cove Farm; I followed you home -smile- and am glad I did.

  38. The bowl is beautiful!

    Kim in MD
