Sunday, September 11, 2011

ON THE MENU MONDAY Week Of September 12, 2011

I consider myself a pretty upbeat person. Happy, hopeful... a maker of lemonade from lemons. And FOR ME blogging is a platform for positive thought. But today is different.

This has been a very emotional week for me! I don't often write about heavy things on my blog... but I have been a little MIA visiting all of my dear blogging buddies.  I have not been faithful leaving comments. And I think you should know why. Thanks for giving me grace this week even without knowing it.

It has been a week of high highs and low lows... and a little in between too. I've become a little unraveled!

Yesterday we celebrated the wedding of my niece Jennie and her beloved Dave. What a glorious day! A joyous day with bittersweet moments. Jennie was exquisite, a true blushing bride. And Dave... oh I was so impressed! He stood at the alter, eyes full of love, fixed on his bride, a steady kind smile on his face and emotionally held her up through the entire service. Not an easy thing to do, for my niece lost her lovely mother to cancer a few years back and she (we) have been feeling this loss especially much this week. Jennie did not have a her mother during the most important time in her life. So Dave grew into a strong Godly husband right before our eyes at the alter and held her... all of us... together! 

Because of the wedding, I have a house full of family today.
 Being a recent empty nester,  I enjoy having more time to live by my own schedule and to spend with Bobby, but I come alive when StoneGable is filled to overflowing. When it is full of laughter, tears, love, food, games, talk and family. When all of my "chicks are in the nest"! 

Amidst all of this I had my 7th back procedure earlier this week. I have not shared this until now, but I suffer from arthritis in my back. I am way too young to be immobilized!  I will spare you the details, but this has been an extremely long journey. Although my disease is not curable I now have much relief! The back procedures knocks the stuffing out of me, but I am SO thankful for them. Hopefully, I can maintain the level of comfort and mobility I have now.

Today is 9-11 as I write my weekly commentary. Deeply grieved. That is the only words I have! I got up early to pray and remember and I am deeply grieved. But thankfully not hopeless. I just wonder how many precious people are hopeless today... May God comfort them and may they know how many share in their pain and uplift them still! 

Highs... and lows... life! In times like these I am so thankful for my faith, family... and Kleenex!

Now enough of my ramblings, let's talk food! Happy subject for sure! Lot's of Slow Cooker recipes this week. I'm feeling like Fall is in the air and want to make warm yummy comforting food!

Here's what's ON THE MENU...

MONDAY~ Slow Cooker Day
StoneGable Chili
Buttermilk Sweet Corn Bread

Recipe: StoneGable Chili
StoneGable chili  is a little sweet... a  little spicy. It certainly is a little different and delicious! I married a family recipe with a gourmet recipe I love. Serve it over rice and sprinkle some good cheddar cheese and crushed tortillas over the top. YUMMY! Pass the sour cream and chopped green onions too!
2 lbs lean ground beef
1 large onions, peeled and chopped
2 large cloves garlic, minced finely
1 large green or red pepper, chopped
1 large can of stewed tomatoes
1 can kidney beans or black beans, rinsed and drained (I combine the two)
2/3 - 1 cup of catsup
1/2 -2/3 cups chili sauce
2 TBS chili powder
2 tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper
a sprinkle of taco seasonings from a packet (if I have it, I use it)

To make the slow cooker version, brown meat, onions and peppers. Add the ingredients in the slow cooker and cook for 8 hours on low.

Printable Recipe

Recipe: Buttermilk Sweet Corn Bread
1/2 cup butter, melted
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup white cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 8 inch pan.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and add sugar and combine. Stir in butter.
Combine buttermilk and baking soda and stir into egg/sugar/butter mixture.

In a separate bowl combine cornmeal, flour and salt.  Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients in thirds.

Pour batter into pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden and a toothpick comes out clean when tested.

Printable Recipe

Green Chile Chicken Casserole
Mexican Explosion Salad

Recipe: Green Chile Chicken Casserole
If you have been a dear reader for any length of time you probably know that I love Mexican food! So when I saw this muy bueno casserole at Gypsy Heart I had to give it a try. You will also want to spend some time perusing this great blog! So full of yumminess! For this recipe, click HERE.

Tilapia Milanese
Arugula Salad

Recipe: Tilapia Milanese
Tilapia is a wonderfully mild and delicious fish. Even better, it is so easy to cook! Tilapia Milanese is an upscale and simple recipe with a hint of lemon! YUMMY! To get this delicious recipe click HERE

Nani's Cabbage Soup
Beer Bread

Recipe: Nani's Cabbage Soup
My grandmother made this soup on top of the stove. It had that old world, cooked-all-day flavor and goodness. I have tweaked Nani's recipe to suite my busy lifestyle. I have a big slow cooker. Adjust the recipe to your slow cooker!
2 TBS vegetable oil
1 large yellow onion, chopped
1 large head of cabbage, rough chopped
salt and pepper
3-4 bone-in pork chops (I'm such a carnivore, 4 please!
1 can tomato soup
3 TBS butter
14 cup flour

In a large skillet over medium high heat, heat oil and add onions. Cook until onions are translucent, about 5 minutes. Put onions in the slow cooker.

Salt and pepper the pork chops.

In the same skillet brown pork chops on both sides and add to the slow cooker.

Add cabbage and add just enough water to cover the cabbage. Stir in a can of tomato soup. Put on the lid and cook on low for about 6 hours. You want the cabbage to be soft but not mushy.

Remove pork chops from the soup. Let cook a little and pull meat off the bone. Cut or shred into bite-size pieces.

In a large skillet melt butter. Add flour and combine into a paste. Cook on medium heat for 3 minutes. Take 2 cups of soup broth and add to the skillet to make a slurry. Whisk to incorporate. Let thicken a little and add to the slow cooker incorporating it well. Add the pork chop meat and cook on high for 30 minutes.
Serve with crusty bread.
Printable Recipe

FRIDAY~ Company's Coming
Tuscan Pork Loin With Sage
Roasted Root Vegetables
Constructed Pear Salad
Pear Galette

Recipe:Tuscan Pork Loin With Sage
I love to cook with Marsala! I think it goes wonderfully with Fall flavors!
1 lb. pork tenderloin, sliced into 8 pieces
8 large sage leaves
2 slices very thinly sliced proscuitto
1 tsp olive oil
1 TBS butter
1 1/2 cup Marsala
salt and pepper
2 TBS fresh parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Flatten each slice pork medallion between 2 pieces of waxed paper. Lay sage in the middle of each pork medallion. Cut each piece of proscuitto into 4 pieces. Lay one slice on top of each sage leaf and roll the pork up with the sage and proscuitto in the middle.

Heat olive oil and butter in a large skillet, and add the pork roll-ups four at a time. Brown on all sides. Remove to a plate and brown the other four roll-ups.

Add Marsala and cook, scraping up brown bits. Simmer until it reduces by half. Return roll-ups to pan and simmer with sauce for 8-10 minutes until done.

Recipe: Roasted Root Vegetables
I'll make extra for Saturday night. I could eat these every day. Any other leftover will be a delicious lunch!
4 yukon gold potatoes, diced in large chunks
4 large carrots, chopped in large pieces
1 large onion, peeled and quartered
2 small beets, peeled and halved lengthwise
1 turnip, peeled and rough chopped into large chunks
3 shallots with skin on
2 cloves of garlic, with skin on
olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Meanwhile, prepare veggies. Put veggies on a large rimmed baking sheet and drizzle with a good dose of olive oil. Sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper. Toss.
Roast in oven for 45-50 minutes until veggies are done through. YUMMY! Taste of fall!

Printable Recipe

Recipe: Constructed Pear Salad
This is a BEAUTY! And so full of fall's luscious flavors. Look for the recipe on Foodie Friday.

Recipe: Pear Galette
Pears are in season now and at their perfummy best. This gorgeous country dessert with a butter crust that is folded like a hug around a golden pear filling will have everyone asking for a second slice! I'm making a simple homemade vanilla ice cream. Find this ambrosial recipe by clicking HERE.

StoneGable Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore
Fresh Spaghetti
Ceaser Salad

Recipe: StoneGable Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore
Bobby requested Chicken Cacciatore~ so of course it is ON THE MENU this week. I am making a big meal on Friday for company, so I want to cook an easy meal on Saturday! I am pulling out my slow cooker to make this easy and savory dish!
1 jar good Marinara sauce
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup prepared pesto (click HERE
 for homemade recipe)
4 TBS olive oil

1 onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
3 cloves garlic, pressed
flour for dredging chicken

salt and pepper
4 chicken breast and 4 thighs
4 oz. sliced mushrooms
2 TBS flour
2 TBS water

2 TBS dry red wine

In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium high heat. Add chopped onions and peppers and cook until translucent and soft. Add garlic and cook for 1 more minute. Transfer to a bowl.

Salt and pepper chicken and dredge through flour. Add remaining 2 TBS olive oil in the skillet and brown chicken on all sides.

Mix Marinara, cheese and  pesto together in a bowl. Put 1/2 the mixture in the bottom of a slow cooker. Top with onions, pepper, garlic, and then the chicken. Sprinkle chicken with sliced mushrooms and the remainder of the Marinara mixture.

Cook on low for 6-7 hours.  Remove chicken when it is done. Mix flour, water and wine together. Whisk into the sauce in the slow cooker and cook on HIGH for 20 minutes until sauce is thickened. Put chicken back into the sauce and heat through. Serve over spaghetti.

Printable Recipe

Recipe: Ceasar Salad
If you are a StoneGable dear reader you will know that Ceasar salad is served ON THE MENU quite often... with good reason! This is one of my best recipes. This is the best Ceaser salad ever!  For this company worthy recipe click HERE.

Chili Stuffed Baked Potatoes
Corn On The Cob

What's ON THE MENU for you...

~Please link your post using your permalink.
~Make sue you have a link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY on your post.
~Please visit at least 2 other OTMM participants


  1. I love your idea of having the recipe ready for each day..They all look scrumptious.

    Thank you for the invitation to join this party..

  2. Nani's Cabbage Soup sure caught my eye! Sorry for your difficult times this week Yvonne, but I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm sure the Eagles win helped too:@)

  3. Thank you for such a beautiful post! It resonates in my heart!
    Thank you for sharing such yummy recipes. I think I'll try the Pear Galette this week.

  4. Yvonne,
    Thank you for hosting this inspiring and nutritional weekly meme. Not only do you inspire us with nutrutious food for the body. . .but food for the soul, as well.Prayers for your relief from the pain of arthritis and those for renewed health and strength! I've been out~of~town, but hope to have a post ready for the following week. In the meantime, please know that you continue to bless my life in wonderful ways!!!

  5. I hope your back continues to improve~ there's nothing more debilitating than back pain...arthritis, I can't begin to imagine. Your Pear Gallette is mouth-watering! Looking forward to your Pear Salad on Friday~

  6. Hi Yvonne,
    I sat in church today with tears rolling down my checks as we listened to our pastor read
    Psalms 46. I will ask God to wrap His mighty arms around you and hold you up a little longer, because we all need you! Thanks for sharing your beautiful talent with all of us.
    Miz Helen

  7. I am inspired to get my menu going. Thanks for sharing wonderful recipes and links!

  8. Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear about your surgeries and procedures! I sure do hope that are feeling better. Take care!!

    Thanks for having me. Hope you have a lovely and restful week.

    Best wishes,

  9. Oh HONEY, you are speaking my language with the slow cooker recipes. I love to use it in the Fall and Winter! I will be printing these recipes and making them all! Joe will be SO happy!!!! I want to see pics of the arrangements you made!!!! Hope you are feeling good today. I almost called you this afternoon, I had a GREAT shopping day today! Call me tomorrow if you get a chance so we cvanb chat! I will be home all day, starting the FALL decorating!!!! XO, Pinky

  10. I have shared Mocha Walnut Brownies, Apple Dumplings, and Honey-Mustard Glazed Carrots. I hope you will be feeling better this week. Thank you for hosting!

  11. Yvonne, I am so sorry to hear about your trials this week. It seems like it always comes all at once. With your steadfast faith, all will turn around. Just love your creative crock pot recipes.

  12. O, sweetie, I think this whole entire weekend has been hard for us all. I have been oon the verge of tears for 3 solid days.
    I do hope your back feels better...a hurting back can send me straight to bed for days.
    Hope this week is much better for you.
    xo bj

  13. I love your blog. Thank you for adding so much beauty to the world with your wonderful pictures and words...and recipes. ;)
    Hope you feel better and better.
    God bless!

  14. Thank you so much for your kind comments and the invitation to participate in your On the Menu Monday. What a busy and emotional week you've had!

    You've got such a beautiful blog and delicious recipes. I would love to do some tablescapes but only have an everyday set of dishes, my china from when I got married, and a Christmas set! It looks like a lot of fun and I've so many beautiful ones. Have a great week.

  15. I am most definitely going to have to try these slow cooker recipes. We are in full football season, so I am toting my son to football 4 nights a week, and youth group 1 night. Busy, busy, busy. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Thanks for inviting me to this great event! Sorry to hear you are not feeling good. Rest up and feel better soon:) Hope your week goes better!

  17. I am so sorry to hear about your back! Will keep you in my prayers!

  18. Big, gentle hugs for you, Yvonne. I'm glad you've gotten some relief from your back pain but I'm sorry you've had to go through all that to get there.
    Take it easy for awhile, please? I don't know how you manage to accomplish all you do each week!

    I used my slow cooker yesterday for a Sunday roast. GMTA!
    Your chili recipe will be a good way for me to use up some of these green peppers & tomatoes that I have coming out my ears!

    Prayers said for Jennie & Dave...may they be blessed with a long, happy & HEALTHY life together. I know her Mom was smiling down on them!


    p.s. Would you believe I made cabbage soup last week? I swear we are related!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear you had an emotional week. I'm sure the wedding was bittersweet for everyone and congratulations to Jennie & Dave. They are blessed to have you and your family to be with them.

    I hope that your back procedures continue to help. I have similar back problems and it has slowed me down and I can't do some of the things I used to do. Back problems are not an easy thing to deal with. Thank you for hosting On the Menu Monday. I don't know how you do it, but we all thank you for the time and commitment you put into it.

    Your menu this week sounds like fall and comfort food, which is exactly what you need for your house full of company. I never had chicks, so when I get a house full, I'm not cool as a cucumber like you. Take care of yourself. I'm sending big hugs your way.

  20. Yvonne I don't know how you do all you do. Even just the amazing posts you publish seem to be a lot and always so well done! I feel your emotion over your niece's wedding--how good she has YOU and now God has given her a wonderful husband. There is joy in sorrow. And the amazing Hope we have through all our troubled times. I am so happy you are getting help with your back. Yes you are far too young for such a thing! That's what I tell myself about my arthritic overworked thumbs! Have a restful week my friend!

  21. Goodness, what a week you have had. I will be praying that your procedure works well for you. Hubby has a nerve block in his back every 6 months. Back pain is so very hard! Such yummy recipes at Stone Gable this week. I'm going to pull out the slow cooker and try Nani's cabbage soup this week. Oh YUM!! It's Apple Month this month at Take Six so I will have some apple recipes to share at OTMM. Have a wonderful week!

  22. I too hope you keep the level of mobility you have..if not more..:)

    I wish you improved health every single say.
    You have such faith..I am sure it helps..and I know He will answer your are so good at keeping His word heard:)
    I am always thankful for the passages I have read.
    You must know that you help people.
    I am glad your nieces husband is good:) I know what it is like to be a motherless daughter on that special day..She will have many times through her life..when her mom will be missed:(
    I wish her peace..and the knowing that somewhere out there..her mom is watching over her and seeing her life develop.

    Your menus are always great..the time you take ..

  23. Yvonne,

    The week sounds great! I got some ideas for my menu this week.

    How did your Peppers and Eggplant in Garlic Oil come out?

    Have you posted your homemade tomato sauce yet? I may have missed it. I have tons of tomatoes coming in and looking for a good sauce.

  24. Yvonne, I am so sorry to read what you have been going through! I don't know if it was your sister who passed away or your husband's but, regardless, I'm sure the wedding of your niece was an extremely emotional event. It sounds like she married a prince!

    Then, to have your back issues! We have a good friend who has had a FEW back surgeries also, so I know that this is not an easy recovery and a last resort. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and can't believe you have been able to keep up blogging during all of this. What a trooper!

    I also know the heartbreak of an empty nest. It's been several years now in our case and my heart always fills up when I am able to have the whole family together and cook for them.

    Don't worry about not visiting and thank you for OTMM!

  25. Yvonne, I am so sorry you have had a rough week. I agree completely, my home comes alive when filled with friends and family. Keep us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do.


  26. Get well soon! Today is a good day to get back to business with some real comfort food!

  27. Oh Yvonne, I'm so sorry about your dear back & so glad you got relief. Too bad you had such a rough week, but I know the wedding was wonderful but bittersweet for your dear niece. Hopefully, this week you'll feel stronger. I don't know how you do all that you do, but thank you for your wonderful menus, your inspiration & hosting OTMM. Hugs to you!!!

  28. Wow, having a recipe ready for each day is a ton of work. I end up craving something else at least one day if I plan like that, so instead I'm trying to plan with various meals available for the week, have all ingredients on hand for them, and make whichever meal sounds good to me that day. But then, living alone, I don't have to cater to anyone else's cravings.

  29. I hope you'll feel better soon. The buttermilk cornbread is definitely something I'm going to try as I love corn bread and I'm back to living in an area where you can buy buttermilk... I lived for a while in a region where there was no buttermilk in supermarket!!! It was a nightmare to me...

  30. Hope you feel better soon.
    Your Chili recipe looks really good. I could go for some right now.

  31. Goodness! Your menu sounds good this week. I bookmarked the Green Chile-Chicken Casserole to try soon. Thanks for hosting, and have a great week!

  32. PS: Praying God sends peace and happiness to your heart this week. :)

  33. mmmm...looks extra yummy this week!!
    wishing you lots of strength physically and emotionally.xoxo

  34. I absolutely love your blog!! Your tablescapes are so beautiful.
    I am going to try your chili recipe. It sounds very delicious!Thanks for sharing it.

    Hope your back feels better.I can relate.

  35. The wedding sounds does all of your yummy offerings this week but that pear tart looks oh so good.! Sharing some kolaches this week in honor of my birthday and my Nana!

  36. I just popped in...Your blog is a delight! I am impressed with your meal planning. After we finish our floors, I will have to get my act together to join you on a Monday.
    I wish you comfort and blessings!

  37. Life is always full of it's ups and downs. Your positive attitude is your treasure. Love your menu!

    Susan and Bentley

  38. Yvonne,

    Your post is very moving. We all have our 'down' times and you seem to face everything with such a hope, positive attitude and strength from knowing God. Everyone who reads your blog admires you for your creative talents, as do I, but I also admire you so much as a person. You are positively a richly blessed, wise and compassionate woman.

    Thank you for the inspiration you bring to and share with us in blogland.


  39. Oh, and as've shared more yummy recipes. I love Chicken Enchilada casserole...I think yours is called Green Chile Casserole. Anyway, that's one I sort of forgot about as I haven't made it in awhile so I'm going to look forward to this again. Cabbage soup...the weather is becoming perfect for that as well. Thank you for sharing and hosting,


  40. I think the 10th anniversary of 9/11 has helped to make lots of people share your feelings this week, even though we all have our own contributing factors. Both of my elderly parents have arthritis of the spine, and I have watched them both deteriorate rapidly this year. They've both had multiple epidurals, so surgery may be their next option. I wish you God's peace as you deal with the pain. Next week will be better, I just know it! ;O)

  41. I'm late to check in but haven't been 100%. I'm keeping you in prayer as I know how debilitating back problems are. I am so sorry you're experiencing this.

    Thanks for the shout out! Your recipes and photos are so outstanding...few of us can compare to them. :-)

