Saturday, September 10, 2011


Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

God Bless us as we remember... and let us turn back to God!


  1. I sit here after watching the video with tears in my eyes. The tears are for those who died so needlessly and their families. My tears are also for those souls who did not have the love of God in their hearts. Thank you for making the video available because it was wonderful and I probably would have not know about it. God bless America!

  2. What a wonderful way to remember this day. Such powerful words...he will not forsake us, Amen!!
    Angela and Renee

  3. Yvonne, this is my worst day of the year, and I appreciate your Biblical reference to be strong. I put some pics up today with much difficulty and many tears. I am trying to focus on the positive, and the good memories of all the rest of my life, but this one just shuts me down in sadness. Is it September 12th yet?

  4. can you even imagine what would happen in this country if people would begin bending their knee to the power of Almighty god?

    we will never forget

    p.s. darling, you just won my giveaway

  5. I remember that momment so clearly. I was 8 months pregnant with my first child...the fear was so great. I have learned to put my trust and fear in only Him, as this world is always so unstable. When I fix too long on the circumstances of things and take my gaze from Him, I find myself again crippled with fear. Thank you for this sweet verse. Blessings, Christie

  6. Thank you for this. I posted a simliarly inpsirational post, the more we talk about it, the more we can help affect others, it all starts with one person. I have been paralyzed with sadness in thinking about this day and how our country is changed forever.

  7. Yvonne,

    My memories of that time actually include one of you. Do you remember standing in silence at the Columbia football game?

    Kathy F.

  8. Like it was yesterday, Kathy! I guess I have really never gotten over that day! How can you get over looking at the face of evil... Thank the Lord for my faith!
    xo Yvonne

  9. Yvonne, thank you for posting this tribute to 9/11. We must never forget this sad and tragic day in our country's history.

    The French Hutch

  10. Thank you for sharing this, Yvonne. Ten years have passed yet thoughts of that terrible day still make me cry. I don't think the wound will ever completely heal.

  11. Very, very touching. The words spoken by the narrator are so very, very true. How I pray that those who watch this video and listen to his words will stop and think about their own destiny. Will it be with or without Him.
    think this would be a very fitting video to post on my own blog.
    Thank you for sharing Yvonne.

  12. Beautiful video, it has me in tears. Thank you. We will never forget. XO, Pinky

  13. And all God's people said, "AMEN!"

    m ^..^

  14. Thank you,you have me sobbing, so many memories of such a tragic loss and what and WHO is important - Jesus.

  15. This is a very moving and poignant tribute to everyone who has been affected by the terrible tragedy of 9/11.

    Our country has paid tribute and our sermon at church yesterday was all about peace, forgiveness and turning to God.

    Blessings and best wishes,

  16. Yvonne,
    God Bless You for reminding us of what is truly important in our lives! We must always remember the Lord is our God and follow Him through whatever lies before us!

  17. Dear Yvonne I remember always!! thnaks for this post, blessings, gloria
