Saturday, November 20, 2010


Acorn Napkin Ring Tutorial:

One of the repeated themes on my Thanksgiving table will be acorns. To continue the theme I made napkin rings out of acorns collected on a hike.

The napkin rings are organic with a little glitz of gold, just the right combination for my table!  This project was fun and easy to do. And for no money, I now have beautiful napkin rings to use each fall!

StoneGable Acorn Napkin Rings
acorns, bottoms and tops
thin gauge wire
gold paint
hot glue
drill with slender bit
wire cutters
needle nose pliers
DUSTBUSTER (this project is a little messy)

SG: Tip Before you start this project, you will want to read this article about how to safely have insect free acorns to work with. Acorns can come with many unwelcomed  little critters inside. Thankfully they are easily taken care! Click HERE to read the article.

Gather acorns. (Or have your wonderful husband do it for you!) Bake acorns to get rid of any nasty pests or critters living in them according to the article referred to above.
Drill a small hole in your acorns through their equator.

Paint some acorns with gold paint. I use JoSonja's Artist's Gouache. It is a little thicker and dries beautifully. But any gold paint should do. I only put 1 coat on the acorns. I loved that some of the original color shows through here and there.

String acorns on 20 gauge wire. I had green wire, but if I were buying some just for this project I would look for gold toned.

I used 7 large acorns, and painted 2 gold for each napkin ring. Depending on the size of your acorns you might adjust the number of them for each napkin ring.

Make an acorn circle and twist wire ends to secure.  Using the needle nose pliers, bend the twisted ends back on the wire that goes through the acorns and tuck the twisted end back into the hole in the acorn.

Hot glue on a couple of little acorn hats... fun!!!

Pull a pretty napkin through and be THANKFUL for some unique and pretty new napkin rings!

Look for these napkin rings on StoneGable's Thanksgiving table, posted Wednesday!

StoneGable Thanksgiving Countdown

Only 5 days till the BIG EVENT! Hopefully you have been doing a little bit everyday and by now are well on your way to a less stressed holiday. I am so excited to share these tips with you today!!!!!!

Here at StoneGable we  serve Thanksgiving dinner between 3:00-4:00. Dinner can last  a couple of hours. We love the tarry at the table talking, telling stories and enjoying a cup of coffee after dinner.

We usually serve sweets as a dessert buffet later that evening. It gives us a chance to let our dinner settle. The dessert buffet is served around 7:00 .

Between dinner and dessert~ The table is cleared, the buffet is set and Thanksgiving dinner is totally cleaned up!

Clean-up is a big production but is also very easy and the burden does not fall on 1 person! We all pitch in and with a little music, wine and fun banter it is an enjoyable part of our Thanksgiving!

Here are my best tips for getting Thanksgiving dinner onto the table and cleaning it up.


I usually cook Thanksgiving dinner and have a houseful every year. Many of my guest ask me "What can I do?" And when I am in the thick-of-dinner things I often find it hard to concentrate on what exactly I need them to do.

I now make 3x5 cards with all the jobs I need done  written on them. Write them out before Thanksgiving when you can sit down and think.

 When someone asks to help I hug them for their thoughtfulness and hand them a card. When the job is done the card goes into a "done" pile.
Examples: fill the water glasses with ice and water, light the candles, put the stuffing in the serving dish...

I ask 1 or 2 people to work with me in the kitchen, cleaning as we go so when it is time for the mea,l the kitchen is in good order! Thanks MOM and Lisa!

The 3x5 card technique works GREAT for clean up!!!!  Make a 3x5 card of everything you can think of that will need to be cleaned up.
Examples: Collect all flatware , Collect glasses collect all condiment dishes, collect all cloth napkins...

 (All food leftover on plates gets scraped onto a sturdy paper plate and thrown away)
~the boyfriends and girlfriends you seperated at the table can clean up together... awwww!~

I have a dozen or so dish pans I bought at the dollar store.

I put a large towel over my washer and dryer in my laundry room just off the kitchen. I also put a folding utility table in there too. All the dish pans full of dirty tableware goes in the laundry room. At the utlity sink there is  a bottle of dish soap and I ask my helpers to fill their dish pan with hot sudsy water and leave them on the already prepared surfaces! The dishes are already cleaning themselves! If I didn't have my laundry room I would use my garage! And my kitchen stays relatively orderly. I LOVE THIS TIP!!!! IT BRINGS SANITY TO THANKSGIVING CLEAN-UP!

When it is time to wash the stemware, it is brought out of the laundry room and washed up. The dish pan is rinsed clean and a towel is put in the bottom of it. All clean stemware goes back into the pan to be dried and put away. Then the next pan of dirty dishes come out. Repeat until done.

We have a rule here, Cooks do not do the dishes!!!!  My husband and brother are great washers... aprons and all! Great modeling for the younger boys!!!!

By the time the dessert buffet is set up everyone is ready for something sweet. This is the time to bring out great paper plates and napkins. They just need to be tossed away. Clean up is so easy!!!!

I am setting my table tomorrow! It is a big job and my Mom and daughter are helping.

Monday I will talk about what to do with leftovers, what to make ahead and my Thanksgiving dinner timeline.

Yes, this post is FINALLY done!!!!! Have a Happy Pink Saturday.

I am participating in Pink Saturday, there has to be SOMETHING pink here!!!! Thanks Beverly, you are a wonderful hostess!!! Visit Pink Saturday and check out all the pink attitiude in Bloggland!


  1. Cute napkin rings Yvonne, but beware of little worms. I know from experience that there are often little guys living in the acorns and they emerge just when you least expect it ;(. I have heard that if you freeze them or bake them first this will eliminate the problem.

    Thanks for all your tips; I know you will have a lovely setting for your feast. Best to you and your family...

  2. those are darling, my house is littered with acorns, my dogs bring them in as snacks...

  3. Wonderful tips...I will save that for the party we are having on New years Eve...since our Thanksgiving in Canada was in October, and we are having Christmas at our kid's house.
    I am sure it is so much less hectic and messy when you all chip in to get things done. One of the things I dislike most is when dishes pile up and I am too busy to clear up.Having the dessert buffet later is something we have been doing...everyone enjoys that much better.
    Love those acorn napkin rings!

  4. You are a master of organization, Yvonne! I love the acorn napkin rings, though we do not have any here. Thank you for the beautiful post & photos....

  5. Maybe I can incorporate the cooks don't clean up rule here this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be GREAT! I have copied ALL of your wonderful tips and will buy the dishpans on Mon. I ahve a small utility table I can set up in the laundry room, I just do NOT have a utility SINK in there:(:( But, I will make this work and things should be much easier and organized!!!!!!!!!!! You are WONDERFUL and your family is SO blessed to have you!!!!! On Thursday I will, among all my other blessings, be thankful for your sweet friendship and inspiration!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT to see your table!!!!!! Happy Pinky Sat.!!!!! XOXO

  6. Good grief, I forgot to mention how much I LOOOVE the napkin rings. I made napkin rings too, several years ago out of a berry garland. It made enough for me to give 12 to my best friend!

  7. Yvonne, great minds think alike. LOL My post today is all about acorns. I'll need to make some of these for my table - some year. Ha Ha. I'm not very crafty.
    They are darling and I look forward to seeing your beautiful Thanksgiving table. ~ Sarah
    Thanks for the note. The acorn cakelets are part of my post. I'm going to experiment with other recipes this week. Thanks for the advice.

  8. Cute napkin rings Yvonne! It does sound like you've hosted one or two Thanksgivings:@) Your tips are great, looking forward to seeing your table:@)

  9. They are darling! But as the first commenter said, many of them have worms that hatch when they come into the warmth of the house!

  10. Hello Yvonne,
    the acorn napkin rings are so adorable. I love this natural material with the shiny gold. And your tipps are gold worth.
    Greetings, Johanna

  11. Yvonne, if you EVER need a new blank canvas to try out your wonderful ideas, feel free to knock on the door of my B&B! You're welcome here anytime.

  12. Yvoone,
    How clever you are! Those napkin rings are absolutely adorable. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, dear! May you always be blessed with family and friends!

  13. So adorable! And frugal too (love that).

  14. Great idea for napkin rings, Yvonne! Last night at Michaels I was looking at little mini ornament clusters and thinking about using them to make napkin rings for Christmas. I decided not to buy right then because I knew I wouldn't get to them now.

    Great tips! The funny thing is that we do a lot of that here, but it just seems to happen, which is a real pleasure. My hubby is also the washer and makes it his goal to stack the dishwasher in a functional yet full manner! We have to eat a little earlier in recent years though because he's in retail now and has to get ready for Black Friday. That means bed by 6-7:00 and up by 2:00 a.m.!

  15. The napkin rings are beautiful, Yvonne...very elegant. I am going to give them a try,,,perhaps not for Thanksgiving, but for next fall.

    I love your tips...especially the one to have someone helping in the kitchen washing dishes, bowls and pots while I cook. I always feel water logged when cooking as I clean up as I go along! Time to enlist some help!!


  16. Ah, to have Thanksgiving at Yvonne's house! You are the queen of this holiday, Yvonne, undoubtedly! Fabulous giveaway and those acorns are gorgeous! XX!

  17. The 3 x 5 card idea is great! And, every one of those little things take time for the hostess to do, but they must be done. Great idea, Yvonne. I have begun laying in all the foodstuffs, wines, champagnes & have a fresh turkey on hold at Whole Foods. So I'm ready. I'm even giving everyone their 1st Christmas gift as they leave my house. This idea is new this year & I love it. Love you too. M.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving Yvonne! Your blog is always a delight to the eyes and full of wonderful ideas, recipes and fun. What a treasure you are to the blog world, Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs Marilou

  19. Love the napkin rings. I know they are going to look great on the table. Thanks for the tips for Thanksgiving chores. Have a great Thanksgiving. Hugs, Ginger

  20. Hi Yvonne...

    What a GRAND idea! I love your acorn napkin rings...they turned out beautifully! I like that you added gold to a few of the acorns...sooo pretty! I would love to make some of these. Thank you for sharing your pretties with us and the great tutorial! I also really enjoyed all of your Thankgsiving tips...all great ideas!

    Warmest Thanksgiving wishes and blessings to you and your sweet family, my friend!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  21. So many great tips in one post... I love the card idea to get things done in good order. Will give it a try this year!

  22. I love this idea!! Thank you so much! I will love this project. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Kathi

  23. So many beautiful and help things in this post- thank you!

    Sorry for the belated visit... I've come to think of it as "Pink Weekend"!

    Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae@
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  24. Cute cute idea! You should see how many of those things I have this year. There are only so many oak trees I need on my place and this is so cute. You have me dreaming of all kinds of things we can make out of those things now. I am a new empty nester too. Too bad we aren't closer we could play and craft. Love your blog. What a joy to stop by today.

  25. Oh, Yvonne, I have read through your clean-up tips several times and really want to work it into our Thanksgiving. I will have to modify a bit as I have nine grandchildren (all but one age seven and under) but I know they are capable of helping too. My laundry area is just off of the kitchen but there is no sink. Maybe a large Rubbermaid container for the pots and pans?

    I think the little ones will enjoy using their own dishpan.

    Well, you have given me lots to think about :)

  26. You have AWESOME tips Yvonne! LOVE the 3x5 cards with jobs! I usually like to do everything myself b/c I don't want to have to stop and explain something...this would definately help!
    And how CUTE are those napkin acron rings?! My son would love to help me make those! We're going away this year for Thanksgiving...but I will definately be trying this next fall!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  27. I read every one of your Thanksgiving tips. You've put a lot of thought into this - great advice!

  28. I added this project and thumbnail to our site and linked to you. We are looking for more Christmas project as well as other projects, so if you have any similar projects please feel free to let me know.
