Thursday, November 18, 2010

Homemade Gifts~ Hot Chocolate Mix And Christmas Dinnerware GIVEAWAY

Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix

Hot Chocolate Mixes are convenient, but usually not fabulous tasting. Too sugary and no depth of  rich chocolate flavor.
I worked with several recipes and added a little of this and that and came up with a recipe that is quite yummy.

Now I 'm not saying that it is as good as real hot chocolate but it is pretty delicious and very very easy!

StoneGable Hot Chocolate Mix

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 cups powdered milk
1/2 cup malted milk
1 cup good double processed dutch cocoa ( I used Godiva)
2 bars good milk chocolate chocolate (Cadburry), grated
1 tsp salt
1 dash cayenne pepper
2 tsp corn starch
1/2 bag mini marshmallows

Mix all ingredients, except marshmallows, in a large bowl. Make sure it is totally incorporated. 
Put in a large canister, layer marshmallows.

To Serve:
Boil water. Fill a mug or pretty tea cup 1/2 full of hot chocolate mix. Add boiling water and stir. Add extra marshmallows.

StoneGable Hot Chocolate Mix would make a lovely hostess gift or a thoughtful gift for a hot chocolate lover!

I am participating in Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum.


  1. Hi Yvonne! Thank you so much for the prayers and sweet thoughts. I'm a bit slow but so happy to be back. Allie is a huge fan of hot chocolate and she loves to gift her teachers and friends with something homemade- she'll love this. GORGEOUS plates!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. OMGoodness, I can barely breath.
    I have never, in my looong life, seen such beautiful Christmas dishes. They just take my breath away. Sweet Nothings cottage is very modest but I do believe we could make these dishes feel right at home.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win such a generous gift.

    I am making that mix...all 3 grandsons LOVE hot chocolate and this would make a great "extra" gift.
    xo bj

  3. I will spread the word by taking it to my sidebar..:)

  4. Love the dishes, thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. Also, the hot chocolate recipe sounds heavenly and what a lovely gift it will make.

    Mary L

  5. They are all so beautiful but I think my favorite is the Wise Men.

    You did an awesome job on these photos, Yvonne..just beautiful.

  6. What an amazing giveaway! Truly spectactular dishes! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. I'd have to say the star of Bethlehem is my favorite! But they are all beautiful!

  8. Such beautiful plates.
    I like the Star of Bethlehem.

  9. Yvonne, Those plates are just fabulous! I would love to be part of the giveaway. Love your hot chocolate recipe, too. It looks pretty and sounds good.
    Hugs, Beth

  10. Mary and the Angel is my favorite Bethlehem Christmas scene. Thanks for offering this giveaway -it is fabulous and I'd love to win!
    Blessings, Beth

  11. Hi Yvonne! Oh, these are the most gorgeous dishes ever! What a wondrous giveaway! My favorite is the oval platter with the entire nativity!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. I'm back to say, yes ma'am I've been a follower of your blog for some time!!
    Please enter my tiny name in this giveaway!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Looks and sounds delicious, Yvonne!

  14. Yvonne I have never seen these dishes. They are absolutely beautiful and festive. My favorite would Heavenly Host and Star of Bethlehem! I am gonna make a batch of the hot chocolate and give to my son, who is in college. It gets cold at WVU and this will warm him up (he sure will spike it)! I am a happy follower and will post this amazing give away on my blog!

  15. I love the Star of Bethlehem! It is gorgeous!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway and for sharing your hot chocolate recipe!

    I'm a follower...and you are on my list of favorites!

    Thank you SO much! Hugs! ♥

  16. I am a follower! Just the ingredients sound good and I love the presentation.

  17. OH MY! I didn't leave separate comments!

    So this one should say...I love your giveaway and the wonderful recipe!

  18. I don't know where my comment went???? I left one last night! I am a follower as you know, I did post it onmy blog and on FB, and I also LOVE the Mary, Joseph and Babe plates!!! I hope this doesn't disappear too:):) XO, Pinky

  19. Thank you for another delightful and seasonal gift recipe to anticipate the Advent season. The bow and other touches you gild your jars and other table items with are also so pretty and creative. You are an inspiration and thank you. Emelia.

  20. I will be adding this post to my blog

  21. I love your blog. I have never been on here before, but will definitely be back. Thank you for the hot chocolate recipe.

  22. Oh, the dishes are beutiful and I would love to be entered to win them. I went to Lydia's page. I like the oval platter the best. It has the baby Jesus in the manger scene/the Nativity scene we are used to seeing at Christmas. It was sooooo hard to choose, since they are all so beautiful!! Thank you for the opportunity!

  23. I'm a follower and I love this post. Gorgeous dishes and yummy hot chocolate. My favorite in this series is The Angel of the Lord. What a beautiful plate. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this lovely set of dishes.

  24. I love hot chocolate and love a cup of delicious warmth in the cold months. What a gracious and beautiful giveaway, Yvonne!

  25. Yvonne! So good to talk to you this evening! This dishes are BEAUTIFUL! I will become a follower! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!!

  26. The Nativity scene is a feast for the eyes...and the Heavenly hosts is a close second! Would so enjoy having this set. Thanks for the opportunity.

  27. What a great give away! My favorite scene would have to be the Bethlehem the overall site of the city.

  28. The giveaway is amazing. The Star of Bethlehem scene is my favorite. Beautiful dishes!

  29. Love the way you decorated with the dishes!

  30. I am a follower of your blog and your hot chocolate recipe looks yummy. I am copying the recipe now.

  31. I've been a follower since I started following blogs...but I'm still new to it all. :)

  32. My favorite of the dishes in the one of Joseph, Mary and the Babe. Love the colors and overall tenderness of that one.

  33. I think the hot chocolate recipe looks yummy. If I can't win the dinnerware, I'd settle for a jar of it. lol Seriously, I am thinking about making this for my little boy to give his teachers at school for Christmas. Thanks for the recipe.

  34. I mentioned the giveaway at the end of my post today.

  35. The dishes are amazing! True Christmas dishes at last!

  36. Hello Yvonne,
    thank you for this yummy recipe. I think I will make that for my son because he loves hot chocolat with Marsmallows. I hope I get them here.
    Thank you so much and have a nice Thanksgiving.
    Greetings, Johanna

  37. I love your blog ..... and would love the plates.... I am also a follower

  38. I'm a follower and appreciate the hot chocolate mix recipe. As for the plates, I really like the Star of Bethlehem.

  39. I was surprised to see the cayenne in the chocolate mix. I'll have to give this a try. Sounds like the perfect gift for my church friends!


  40. Very beautiful Yvoone, and so generous. Each one is special. Your hot chocolate recipe sounds perfect for these cold days.
    I will head over now to see Pat's blog.
    Bon weekend,

  41. I love your blog. I look at it every week to see what scrumptious recipes you have. Your wreaths and other decorations are breathtaking.

  42. There are two plates I love. The one with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus which says that "Mary ponder these things in her heart." What a comment and so true of Mothers. I also love the whole manager scene where it talks of Jesus as being Imminent, Mighty Counselor, Prince of Peace.

  43. Yvonne,
    I've just posted about your beautiful giveaway!

  44. You hot chocolate mix is absolutely decadent, Yvonne. I love the addition of malt. It reminds me of my favorite summer time treat: chocolate malt shakes. Somebody is going to be one very lucky winner of your wonderful set of dinnerware.

  45. The love gals will enjoy the hot chocolate mix! They love drinking it from lovely cups. Just like their mom.:)

  46. I just love Christmas dishes, but these are absolutely beautiful and are representative of the true meaning of Christmas. I am a new follower and love to visit and get ideas for table settings. You do such a great job!


  47. Yvonne...I love the flavor of malt! What a wonderful hot chocolate. And those scones I spied....I am a self-confessed scone-aholic. What a wonderful spread and those dishes - - :)

    CHRISTmas Blessings!

  48. My goodness, how generous! I love them all, but I am favoring Star of Bethlehem. I Thank you & Lydia for hosting this fabulous giveaway!
    I am already a follower.
    Also,I love the hot chocolate recipe. I will be making some for gifts. Happy Holidays to you! Linda

  49. Yvonne, I have never, ever seen dishes like this before! How wondrous.... I especially like the Star of Wonder plate design. This would set such a beautiful table on Christmas Day. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to bring this china into my home. ♥ I follow and will be putting this on my blog. :-)
    ~ Sue

  50. I am TOTALLY a Follower!! YOU are so AMAZING!! Thank you to Pat for this MOST GENEROUS gift!! Please include me in the True Meaning of Christmas Giveaway!! XXOO, Damaris

  51. I absolutely LOVE the platter and the ribbon mini plates!! And your YUMMY Hot Chocolate recipe!! XXOO, Damaris

  52. My fingers are BLOGGING!! XXOO, Damaris

  53. I am going to keep that recipe and try it this weekend, thank you!

  54. This is scheduled to post at 6:00 pm central on my blog tonight.

  55. My favorite is the Star of Bethlehem pattern.

  56. What a super giveaway! I enjoy reading your blog.

  57. I am a follow of your blog.

  58. This dinnerware is absolutely gorgeous! please enter me--and thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

  59. hi--i am anonymus--just realized i forgot to leave my e-mail it is also, this is my first time on your blog, and i am finding it very lovely!

  60. WOW! These are sooo beautiful! Oh, I hope I win! I love all the scenes, but I will chose the Star over Bethlehem.

  61. My comment about this post is this...Gorgeous pictures, as always. I so enjoy this blog. The time you take to do the pictures here is so appreciated.

  62. I don't drink much hot chocolate because the instant is icky and I don't often take time to make homemade. I do love it with the added touch of cayenne. This make ahead recipe sounds much better than the ones I've seen. I'll try it!

  63. Beautiful! loving the nativity scene rimmed with scripture..
    infuse at live dot ca

  64. gorgeous dishes, delish hot choc!
    yummy post:) infuse at live dot ca

  65. OK, now you have done it, now I want hot chocolate! That recipe sounds amazing.

  66. Hi Yvonne, so glad to have found your wonderful blog. I'll have to come back to read your archives too.

  67. I'm a follower. Sometimes I look at your blog three times a day to see what new inspiration you offer! I loved the Star of Bethlehem. It is breathtaking.


  68. I love the dishes! They are beautiful!

  69. I love your blog! I've already tried the bath salts and granola. Might just have to try the hot choc too :)

  70. Wow, gorgeous giveaway! I loved "The Journey" when I looked at the pieces.
    It would be wonderful to win this. PICK ME PICK ME!
    I found your blog link and I'm so glad I checked it out.
    I love to give gift mixes out, your hot chocolate sounds delicously wonderful!

  71. Love love love the blog--and these breathtaking dishes!
    I am in love with the oval plate w/the whole nativity scene on it!
    Thanks for the chance to enter!

  72. I blogged about the giveaway here:

  73. Great post--love the pictures!
    Want to try the hot chocolate! YUM

  74. I happily signed up to follow your blog!

  75. Just found your site and just became a follower. Love the dishes. I especially love the Oval Platter because it shows the "traditional" Christmas scene. Of the individual scenes I like the one with Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
    az sunflower girl 1 @ aol dot com

  76. I am now a follower, so glad I found your blog. How uplifting, and I look forward to reading your posts.

  77. Yvonne,

    What a generous giveaway! What a lovely set of dishes for Christmas time. I just love the little butter pats. Your photos, as always, are wonderful!


  78. Been following from the moment I found your incredible blog!


  79. You are the best Yvonne! Thank you for offering such a sweet giveaway!

    I love the Mary, Joseph and Babe pattern. (I actually love them all!)


  80. Thank you again dear!

    I am a following!


  81. Love this post! I am always so inspired and up lifted when I visit! Thank you for the cocoa mix recipe!!!


  82. I have posted about your giveaway on my blog to spread the wonderful news!


  83. My favorite from the Christmas Dishes Collection is the 5 angels set. It is so beautiful! Thanks for letting us know of this giveaway.

  84. I have made a post on my blog about this Giveaway. Though I do not know how to make a link or anything yet.

  85. I love how easy it was to go and take a peek at these dishes. I think you've done a lovely job.

  86. I am a follower. I found this site through Down On The Farm which is a site I enjoy reading and now I hope to enjoy your site.

  87. What a lovely post. I hope you give away is enormously successful. I don't know how it could not be. It is very generous. I love your hot chocolate and it will be perfect for this mornings breakfast. We've turned cold and damp here and it sounds like a great way to start the day. Have a great day and a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary

  88. I love the Mary, Joseph and Jesus plate. Thank you for such an awesome giveaway!

  89. The recipe looks yummy! So fun to try for the Christmas season!

  90. Thanks so much for the cocoa recipe...I would not have thought to add the marshmallows to the mix...brilliant! The dishes are gorgeous.

  91. What a wonderful give-away! This set is not only beautiful but it has such a special message. I love them all but the Star of Bethlehem plates are my favorite. I am a follower - headed to your Facebook page. Thank you for sharing this generous gift with us.

  92. What a beautiful and generous giveaway! My favorite Christmas decoration is my Nativity Set, so this is right up my alley!!


  93. Your blog is truly inspirational. Love the dinnerware. Amazing!

  94. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway. Thank you! My favorite illustration is The Journey.

  95. The hot chocolate looks great in this lovely cup! I especially like the little ornament/butter pats included in the set!

  96. I've been a follower for quite awhile. :-) Love your blog.

  97. Such beautiful dishes,,I love the heavenly hosts! With the cold weather hitting here that hot chocolate recipe sounds heavenly, too! Thanks!

  98. What a generous giveaway! The dinnerware is stunning!

  99. Just checked out "Lydie's House", and my favorite Bethlehem Christmas scene is the Nativity scene on the oval platter. Just gorgeous. What a wonderful reminder of why we celebrate Christmas. :)

  100. What a fabulous giveaway! And what a fabulous blog. I found you through a post about this giveaway on a blog that I follow. I love your look.

  101. Hi again. I think that the Star of Bethlehem is my favorite.

  102. Love your give away...THE BETHLEHEM
    CHRISTMAS SCENE....what a terrific blog Ivonne. You remind us all Christians why we really celebrate Christmas, I've never seen dishes like this before. Thank you for showing us.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving and may God continue blessing you Ivonne. XO XO XO

  103. Great site and I love the Nativity scene on the platter. Hope to try your hot chocolate soon.

  104. The dishes are like none I have ever seen. Beautiful! I like the Star of Bethlehem scene the best. Thank you for showing us!

  105. I enjoy your blog every week. I get inspiration from your lovely photos, menus and recipes. Would love to win these beautiful Holiday dishes!

  106. They are all so beautiful and fantastic. Star of Bethlehem is wonderful.

    Send gifts to Pakistan From UK.
