Thursday, September 9, 2010

Raw Apple Muffins with Streusel Topping

September is a celebration of  the end of summer,back to school, fall in the air... and APPLES! Maybe it is the teacher in me that wants to sing the praises of juicy delicious apples. They are ripe for the picking now!

Besides making the customary applesauce, apple dumplings, apple pie and apple cider I wanted to have a morning treat using this month's favorite fruit.

I'm particuliary fond of StoneGable's Raw Apple Cake (bonus recipe on facebook) for it's moist, nutty, sweet texture and flavor but could not bring myself to cut a big chunk of it for breakfast. I did find a lovely alternative. Tweeking a recipe to make it my own, produced a delicious, moist, nutty, sweet breakfast  muffin treat! Great with coffee or tea!

These muffins taste like September to me!!!!

StoneGable Raw Apple Muffins With Streusel Topping

4 cups (1/4-inch diced) Granny Smith apples (about 1-1/2 pounds)
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 tsp fresh grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans

1/4 cup flour
2-3 TBS sugar
2 TBS butter

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
In a large bowl, mix together the apples and sugar. In a second small bowl, whisk together the eggs, oil, and vanilla.

 In a third bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmed and salt.

Stir the egg mixture into the apple mixture. Add in the flour in thirds, and mix until the batter is combined (the batter will be stiff). Distrubute the batter between 16 regular sized muffin tins. Remember to use cupcake papers.

To make streusel, combine flour and sugar. Cut in room temperature butter. Combine until it forms a small crumb texture. Sprinkle each muffin with streusel mixture.

Bake at 325 for 25 -30 minutes until done through and streusel is set. Cool.

 Savor The Season!

I am joining one of my most favorite blogs, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday. I love seeing all the creative fall ideas. Get inspired and join the fun!



  1. Yvonne, these look so yummy! Thanks for sharing! Would you mind if I tried to make these "low sugar" and shared them on my Sugar Free Sunday post? Of course, I'd credit you!

  2. Where it said raw..I thought maybe you wouldn't cook it! This does sound wonderful..and as a cake too YUM :D

  3. Yvonne, we used to live in New York's beautiful Hudson Valley surrounded by orchards. These surely do look like September!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. These look delicious...I am so ready for Fall and all the yummy flavors that come with it. I love the cupcake papers that you used!

  5. Yvonne dear... oh, I think I'll just skip dinner tonight and enjoy one of your gorgeous muffins!

    Your images are so tempting and absolutely drool-worthy. (Ask me how I know!) lol.

    These look way better than what I have on the menu. I'll be dreaming about them tonight, I just know it!


  6. Yvonne -- I like your idea of September. Yummmy! Love the wrappers too and the pics are beautiful. Joni

  7. Yvonne,
    Isn't it wonderful how saying September can signal certain sights, sounds and smells of the season? ? ? This recipe looks like " a keeper" for the Autumnal
    Cookbook. I'm sure they'd go great with my Crunchy, Munchy Chili for vacation. thank you for sharing!

  8. Beautifully presented, as usual, your apple muffins look delicious! Hurray for apple season and fall. I think I'm ALMOST ready for the transition.

  9. These look so delicious. I can't get over all the yummy food you post.

    By the way, thanks for visiting my blog the other day. I looked at your friend Mimi's blog...also very pretty. How lucky you are to have a friend in France :)

  10. Yvonne! Those look so beautiful, I can almost smell them from here! I am wondering where you find those pretty cupcake papers..they look so much better than the plain kind. They really make the muffins look like bakery style! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  11. Oh Yvonne, this is great! I love how you package them. The recipe looks delicious!

    - The Tablescaper

  12. I love the fall! I am excited to go on a mini trip to Durango next month. Pray for good weather and no snow so we can enjoy the beautiful autumn colors. This looks so yummy! Anne

  13. I will be making these this weekend. Yum! Thanks for sharing!:-)

  14. Yes, I love apple time! This looks so delicious! So kind of you to comment on my Willows post! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Yes, I love apple time! This looks so delicious! So kind of you to comment on my Willows post! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Hi Yvonne
    Yum.... I love apple anything. We have baked apples with our pork roast. Your posts are so amazing. I look everyday and learn so much from you. Life is great and Thank you for visiting My Cozy Corner.

  17. Apples and streusel toppings. It doesn't get much better than that. I invite you to link this up at This would be a great addition. Cheers.

  18. Could these possibly taste as great as they look...oh I am sure they do! Fabulous photo styling here and now I must get up and go look for something yummy to eat!


  19. I'm certainly wanting to savor the season with these muffins! They look so moist & delish with that streusel topping~ I am craving one for breakfast myself!

  20. I'm lovin' your cupcake papers! Nothing smells better in the kitchen than something baked with apples:@)

  21. It must be fall because many of my favorite bloggers are making delicious and comforting muffins... these look spectacular!

  22. These look like September and October and November and December and January..... Is cutting a big huge hunk of cake for breakfast bad? See, I learn something everytime that I visit. They do look amazing. I am looking forward to going to the orchard with the kids here really soon and now I have another reason to look forward to it.

    I am working on a post now that you inspired me to do. Come and check it out when it is up!

  23. They look so good..I made your little individual pies for sweet~ Thanks for the ideas~

  24. Yvonne,
    I couldn't agree with you more, that now is the time to make something with apples. Your muffins look delicious! I will have to look around for those cupcake papers. They are really neat. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment!

  25. Sounds yummy. I am headed to the NC mountains this weekend. I'll have to find me some apples. Carla

  26. Nothing says fall more to me than apples. These look so wonderul and the strussel topping makes them even better.

  27. Yes apples are by all means the fall icon. We picked a few last weekend and have been enjoying fresh apples all week. My family will love these muffins. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  28. Such gorgeous, delicious looking harbingers of fall!! I will certainly be putting these on the menu. I made your breadstick cinnamon buns while our sons were here and they were a huge hit. I hesitated to tell them how easy they were!


  29. Thanks for stopping by! These apple muffins look divine. We are going to a local orchard this weekend, and now I know what I can make (besides apple butter).

    Have a fabulous weekend,

  30. I love apples, cinnamon and this wonderful time of the year. Thanks Yvonne for another good recipe!

  31. Hi Yvonne,
    I don't know if things you prepare taste better than anyone else's, but they certainly always LOOK better -- these cupcakes appear to be absoulutely luscious! What a great way to celebrate September!

  32. Oh Yum! I think I will try this for breakfast tomorrow.

    Yvonne I made some darling mitered corner napkins using your tutorial. I always have to mix it up a little, so I added a fun twist. I would like to write a blog post on Wednesday with a link back to your blog crediting your instructions. Please let me know if this would be ok.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  33. Those muffins look really yummy! It's a great way to bake with apples!

  34. WOW ~ they look Amazing!! I love the photos too.
    I am Leslie from Baltimore, nice to meet ya!

  35. As always, your recipes and photographs are a true work of art.

    They look delicious!!! I can just imageine one with a hot cup of Earl Grey...a lovely afternoon treat.

    Blessings to you,

  36. Yum, these look delicious. I just bought a bag of Granny Smith's, so I'm sure to try this recipe. These muffins will be another way to get my family another serving of fruit.

    All the Best,


  37. Thanks for posting these at Vegetarian Foodie Fridays! Cheers!

  38. Oh, how I wish I had one of these this morning. Guess I need to get myself down to the kitchen. Thanks for sharing the recipe. As always, your photos are gorgeous. ~ Sarah

  39. I can smell them!!! Your pics are so inviting. They look delicious. I love apples. I am your new follower. I love your blog.

  40. These look better the second time round. I wish I could reach through the screen to taste one.

    - The Tablescaper

  41. Yvonne these look so scrummy I'm certainly going to take the recipe for my files. I also need to find those great looking cupcake papers when I'm in the States next month.
    Thanks Maggie

  42. Yvonne,

    Love the cupcake papers, do you make them or buy them? I often make muffins for my husband's office and these muffins with the cute papers would make them even more special.

  43. I am so excited for apple everything. This tickles me pink!

  44. I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago and I love it! Your apple muffins are coming out of the oven at this moment. :) You are very blessed by God with many talents and I am enjoying seeing all that you are doing.

  45. هذا هو مثل رائع الموارد المفيدة التي كنت توفير وتعطيه مجانا غائبة مقابل. أحب رؤية المواقع التي فهم قيمة توفير الموارد نوعية مفيدة مجانا. ذلك؟ ق القديم ما يدور حولها ويأتي البرنامج.
