Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rug Hooked Animals~ Barnyard Bash

Is your home a barnyard? No I don't mean messy... although sometimes StoneGable certainly qualifies for that moniquer. I am joining my dear friend Lynn at Happier Than A Pig In Mud for a Barnyard Bash!

I didn't really think that I had many "barnyard" friends hiding out in my home... but Oh my, I was wrong!!!! There were little and big critters hiding out in full view all over my house. It was surprising.

The barnyard critters that are nearest and dearest to my heart are my kitchen chair pads. I love to rug hook. Designing, dying wool and turning an idea into something creative and real is such a kick for me.

The rooster  resides at my husbands spot.. Bobby is not a  rooster kind of guy (more like a teddy bear), but I want him to think that he rules the roost!

The chair pads are coordinated through the borders, colors and general theme.

The bunny graces my daughter's seat. If you look closely they have been well loved. The loops no longer stand up like little rows of soldiers. Now they have sorta melted into each other. These pads should last for generations. The older they get the more muted they will become.

Each design is outlined in white to make each element pop! The backgrounds are all a french vanilla.

The art of rug hooking is to make subtle color and pattern changes within each scene. A swirly pattern is so much fun to produce!

The sheep is my son's. He is a shepherd of God's flock. Never did I realize that the squirmy funny little blond boy who sat on this chair would be a gentle leader. Fitting! The sheep was my favorite to hook.

I love bees! So naturally I made a bee chair pad. This was my favorite to design. My work is usually traditional primitive as most rug hooked pieces are... but I am a little crazy with color. I love working with color.

So now you have met the menagerie of creatures that live on the kitchen chairs.

Please join in the barnyard fun and visit Happier Than A Pig In Mud for Barnyard Bash.


  1. Those are adorable! Soooo cute and so filled with life.

  2. Yvonne, your work is amazing. Even better is the fact that they hold such precious memories for you and your family.


  3. What beautiful work. Love with every hooked stitch.

    Isn't it amazing what jumps out at you (like animals) once you open your eyes to it.

  4. Yvonne, your talents amaze me. You do great tablescapes that just seem to come naturally to you and always look like a magazine spread, you sew exquisitely, wonderful cook and now you even hook chair pads. Wow!!!!

  5. Yvonne, you never cease to amaze me. Designing, dyeing, and rug hooking too!?!? They are beautiful and very special with a unique design for each member of your family.

    One little question. I don't see loops on the back. How do they stay on your seats? I have some (which I purchased) but have them tucked away as they also don't have loops or any kinds of ties and they kept sliding off. Suggestions?

    - The Tablescaper

  6. These are so pretty! These will just get better with age!


  7. I love that they are so different and so personal to each family member. So sweet!

    Becky K.

  8. Wow...these are amazingly lovely...I would not want to walk on them.

    Happy weekend. xoxoxo

  9. Those are the prettiest chair pads I've ever seen. I especially love the one with the bee hive!

  10. Oh my goodness Yvonne. They are just gorgeous. That is such a talent and I can't believe that you even dye the wool. Wow. I love all of your designs. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  11. Yvonne,
    I think you have some amazing skills in rug hooking too! These are so cute! I love them all. Very neat. I am so glad you showed them.

  12. That sounds good to me Yvonne. The color in my great room is a camel color and I wish I could give you a name, but it ended up being remixed because it was way too yellow at first. It is very similar in color to the background of your blog. The color in my sitting room is a caramel and it is pretty, too.

  13. Oh, and I forgot. I have shown every room there is to show and of course keep repeating them with the changes made. My laundry room is my next painting project besides a table. I also need to repaint the deck unless my husband hires that out. I sure hope so.

  14. Yvonne,

    I just love your hooked chair pads..each is beautiful and so the animals but I think I'm partial to the bee hive! Maybe it's cause I think I'm the Queen Bee around my house. LOL

    Happy Barnyard Bash!

    Miss Bloomers

  15. So creative and perfect for kitchen chairs. My goodness, you are so talented!

  16. Hi Yvonne! Oh, your seat cushions are beautiful! You've done such a wonderful job and that you actually designed them too! I did a few hooks back in the day but nothing as pretty as yours!
    Your barnyard is gorgeous.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Those are really nice, look well made too!

  18. Yvonne, absolute works of art! I'm sure they make you smile every day! I love the swirls and texture, and of course the great colors! Thank you so much for joining the Bash:@)

  19. Yvonne, you are one amazing lady! I think your talents are endless as must your energy be. These chair cusions are adorable. I've always admired this art. A freind does this, and I am so impressed with how she dyes her own wool. I love to visit her studio/workroom. How wonderful to have these pieces to pass down through your family in years to come. They certainly will have special meaning to your children. Have you done any rugs? I adore your designs. Guess the bee hive would be my favorite, but they are all fabulous. I'm so happy you shared these works of art.
    Thanks for the very thoughtful comment on my Barnyard Bash tablescape. You made my day! ~ Sarah

  20. How cute are those. You made them? From scratch, dyeing them? Wow.

  21. G'day Yvonne ~ I learned somethign here today I didn't know ... they are all gorgeous.
    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  22. Oh I love these Yvonne! It's been many years since I hooked- this is good inspiration- lovely!
    xoxo Pattie

  23. Your chair pads are AWESOME! I've always wanted to learn to hook rugs and your chair pads make me think it's time to learn! My chair pads in the breakfast nook are hooked houses but I did not make them and think critters would be better. As I always say when I comment on your blog....I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Still it YA Vonne or E Vonne? My cousin is YA Vonne. ;0) Thanks for sharing your gorgeous work. Vicci

  24. Such wonderful workmanship. I spent a number of years as a custom needpoint canvas artist and designer, so I totally appreciate your artistic skills. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your barnyard. Thank you for sharing your charming designs. Cherry Kay

  25. I'm rug hooked now on your beautiful chair pads. You really can learn something new everyday; I never heard of rug hooking; or if I saw it before, I did not realize what you call it. Your rug hooked animals make for a lovely family seating arrangement, a new twist on place cards.

    I also like the symbolic poetry each rug hooked animal expresses about each family member, like your son, the gentle leader. Even though you may be too modest to say it, you are the Queen Bee at StoneGable - fabulous. Your blog is a beautiful expression of you.

    All the Best,


  26. I've hooked rugs before but NEVER from my own patterns. I love them all Yvonne, especially your bee hive. I have a love for bee things too. Thanks so much for posting.

  27. Hello sweet lady...

    Yvonne, you never seize to amaze me with your never-ending talents! Your hooked rug chair seats are gorgeous!!! Ohhh my...I can't even begin to imagine the hours that went into each one of these beautiful pieces! I have never tried my hand at this craft but it really does look fun! I love each little creature that you chose...I tried to choose a favorite but they're all sooo pretty! The rooster is so I kind of gravitate toward that stately fellow! Ohhh...but I do love my bunnies as well! Hehe! Thank you so much for sharing your craft with us...simply amazing, Yvonne!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  28. I had no idea you were a hooker. I am too. I do not cut and dye my wool. I should try that. I love your barnyard collection. I did a post some time ago about some of my projects. I love the bunny. We have so many here at Applejack Lane!

  29. Love your barnyard chair covers! The are so lovely and fun, and I have not seen any like them before.

  30. They are lovely! I don't have many animals in my home, live, none, otherwise, next to none! All of the animals are in the freezer! But I joined Lynn anyway!

  31. Holy Smokes - I can't believe you created those beautiful chair pads. They are AMAZING! What lovely colors and your commentary is so rich, too! Wonderful post.

  32. I'm such a fan! Is there anything you don't do fabulously well? Each one is absolutely a work of art!

  33. Yvonne-Beautiful workmanship. I love the hive one...with the bees.

    Tablescaper~ I don't know how to email your from this hotel computer...(says unprotected website) but my Aunt used to use those rubber rings that were used around the top of canning jars. She would put a couple on each seat and then lay the hooked piece on top of it. I don't remember that they slid much at all. Diana

  34. I am impressed beyond words at the chair pads. They are gorgeous and will be such a treasured heirloom in time. Beautiful.

  35. soooooo soooo sooooooo cute!
    you've outdone yourself.

    May you have a sweet life and God bless,
    d from homehaven

  36. Those are incredibly cute!! :-D
    Have a great day and God bless,

    I am having a mega online party/giveaway on my blog in the next couple weeks, and I would love to invite you to come on over and check it out. There are eight giveaways at the moment, all entirely sponsored by private businesses and Etsy shops! :-) Here is the link:
    { }
    Hope you can join in!

  37. LOVE LOVE The bee skep!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Hope you will keep checking back, as I feel like I live in the barn yard some days!! Happy Painting!

  38. Your chair pads are gorgeous! I have bought a number of magazines with instructions to hook like this and always mean to try it. I always have so many project in the works that I just have not done it as yet. Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments. I also have a hen house that my hubs built. Not a cutely decorated as my daughters but you can see it here

    I have added a shelf on the side with no windows for some plants so there has been a little decor going on. Have a great week!

  39. I love every one of those! I have rooster ones on my kitchen chairs too but I didn't do them myself! Love yours :D

  40. Hi Yvonne,
    I have never heared about this technique before your post. But all your rugs look really gorgeous. Would love to try this also. Thank you for showing it.
    Greetings, Johanna

  41. Saraswati Exports is among the very few companies in India which has in house production facilities including Spinning of Yarn, Wool Dyeing, Designing, Weaving and Finishing etc. The group turnover is crossing Rs. 100 Crores with annual export of Rs. 40 crores to U.S.A. Website-
