Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"I NEED TO REGROUP" Breakfast Trayscape

Cherished mornings at StoneGable start off very early with a great cup of coffee, bible study, catching up on e-mail, writing, laundry and the morning news.

Once in a while, when I am feeling bombarded by information, demands and stress I shut out the outside world and make a delightful breakfast and serve myself on a pretty tray.Tarrying over something delicious and nutritious, I can pray, read, look out the window, breathe deeply and regroup. Life is too precious to wallow~ in anything negative!

A little pampering with simple pleasures and a couple of exta minutes to reflect on my blessings will give me the right attitude for my day!

I have needed that luxury this week.

Simple and organic, my breakfast tray holds a stack of green and white dishes.

A green leaf bowl and plate continues the natural theme. A granny smith apple sits in the leaf bowl. I love their tart sassy flavor!

French Leaves decorate the tray. The real leaves are not yet turning here. I am a huge fan of French Leaves. They come in a variety of colors and different leaves. I use them under cheeses, desserts, soups, between plates and to decorate a table. They add a gracenote to any table~ no matter how humble.

A short walk out in my garden produces these happy marigolds and purple globes.  I plant many varieties of marigolds ever year in honor of my grandmother. They were her favorite. And I must admit I am very fond of them too! This is the perfect vase to hold the marigolds. The wide top allows for the lush foliage.

Simple cotton napkins in colors that coordinate with the tea towel that acts as a placemat are gathered up in a natural woven napkin ring with green accents.

I got up early this morning and baked Raw Apple Muffins with Streusel Topping. My whole kitchen smelled so delicious! The muffin sits in a leaf dish and a french leaf is tucked in between.  I am so looking forward to eating this with my coffee. YUMMY! The recipe and how-to's will be on my blog Thursday evening.

My Luckett's birch basket hold all the breakfast essentials, except my coffee. That stays in my hand!!!

I pulled out 2 new books to peruse and a summer issue of a magazine I wanted to rip apart. I am NOTORIOUS for having piles and files of articles, pictures and ideas ripped out of back issues of magazines!

With some beautiful music wafting through StoneGable, a good breakfast and some leisurely reading, I'm feeling much more like myself. I'm  ready to meet my day with a little prayer of thanks for the time I had to regroup today!

The Menu
Coffee with milk and splenda
Raw Apple Muffins With Streusel Topping
Granny Smith Apple


  1. Everything looks so pretty and comfy. Those muffins look awesome. I love getting up before everyone in my home, fixing my coffee and having that awesome alone time when all is quiet.

  2. Beautiful way to begin a morning. You consistently share such gorgeous settings and photos, Yvonne. I agree, life is too short to let negative thoughts spoil the hours.
    Have a beautiful day! ~ Sarah

  3. What a great way to start your morning. I love the fall feel of your trayscape and the muffins look yummy!

  4. Good Afternoon Yvonne,
    I came over to visit and took a deep breath in while enjoying your post. I am a Autumn girl, and very visual, so this post did my soul well!
    I loved your flower arrangement and sweet story of your grandmother. May I please come and sit at one your tables someday??? :-)
    Are those your glasses in the pictures?? LOVE THEM!

    Have a wonderful evening~I agree with you... There is no need to wallow in the negative!
    Love Carissa

  5. What a way to start the day. Looks great!

  6. Oh, you are so right about pampering yourself when you need the pampering. You really have a way with presentation. Every tidbit on that tray looks divine!

  7. I loved the little purple flowers with the marigolds..they look like some kind of a clover?! Very cute to everything else too :D

  8. Dear Yvonne,
    I think regrouping is much needed into today's world of hustle and bustle.

    I took this day off to blog, pray and listen to the outdoor sounds of my small town. Having surgery tomorrow.

    Enjoyed your post very much!!! Pleasant.

    God bless and may you have a sweet Autumn,
    d from homehaven

  9. It's lovely, and we are so blessed to have the time to sit, regroup, pray and think.
    When I retired after 33 yrs of teaching, that was one of the things I treasured most, enjoying the morning, to read, think and enjoy the moment. So many are so busy and rushed, they don't have the luxury!
    I saw your little napkin rings at the WS outlet Mon. I had to do a little retail therapy to shake off the blues. My family left after being out so much of the summer, and once school starts for the older ones, we don't see them too often. Summer is very precious to me!
    Beautiful post, Y!

  10. Yvonne -- Just reading your post made me feel like rethinking my mornings...although making sure that three get the bus is never restful...I think Autumn is a time for regrouping. I love the marigolds. Joni

  11. Beautiful trayscape Yovonne, sounds like the perfect start to the day! Marigolds and zinnias remind me of my G-Mom-B too, they make me smile-enjoy:@)

  12. Yvonne, what a beautiful and inspirational post. We should all regroup now and then and just breathe. Gorgeous photos as always and those muffins look yummy and I wish I was smelling them baking now.

  13. Hello Yvonne!
    What a beautiful tablescape this is colorful for fall with the flowers. The muffin looks delicious and I'll be looking for the recipe as soon as it's available. What a wonderful way to start your day. I hope you are having a wonderful day....take care. Maura :)

  14. I love your blog and have given you a shout-out :) You and I share the same likes and I never leave this site without at least a couple of ooh's and ahh'.

  15. I would have to say that tray could cheer up any dreary day! Why oh why did you have to post those muffins AFTER I realized I am fat?! I wonder how many I could sit in a closet and eat before anyone misses me. Hmmmm.... I think I may have to find out!

  16. Yvonne, you've inspired me to take some time for myself tomorrow morning. I'm definitely needing it and you've reminded me how I love those special moments
    xoxo Pattie

  17. This lovely and delicious setting must have been very refreshing and more certainly sat the tone for the rest of your day.


  18. I love this post! I really need to work on regrouping and taking time to myself in the mornings. I used to do that, and was so much better for it. Thanks for reminding your readers to do that. Can't wait to check out your recipe for your muffins. I can almost smell them, they look so yummy! I've never heard of French leaves. Where can you get those?

  19. So relaxing! I can just picture myself staring out the big glass window, overlooking the sky scraping trees with their changing leaves, sipping on a steamy mug of coffee and sinking my teeth into your Raw Apple Strussel muffin! Opps, I got lost in your moment! I live in Florida and drean of Autumn! Enjoy!!!!!

  20. Beautiful breakfast the green and white layers. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

  21. Since I am so ready for autumn and the moving to be done, your post did give me a little mini break. Like you could use a quite time.
    I love the way you dressed up your breakfast. Hope the quite time was refreshing.
    Linda @ bushel and a pickle

  22. It's so important to do what you do in the morning. Time for quiet is rare today.

  23. Seems regrouping was good for you! We all need to do that sometimes! Your table and dishes are so lovely. The muffin looks wonderful!
    I love muffins and would love to try these.
    Be a sweetei,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Prayer, Bible Study and a wonderful breakfast - what a perfect way to start the day!

  25. Hi Yvonne ~ Thank you for this lovely little retreat. With my eyes closed now, after viewing your lovely photos, I can almost imagine experienced such a lovely, peaceful morning!
    Bless you ~ Maria

    ps. love the accent of the French leaves! So autumn-y and pretty!

  26. I think just looking at this post every morning would start my day off right :)! It is lovely! I can't wait for the muffin post! I can almost smell them! I am not a coffee drinker, but Oh, I wish I was on most mornings! Thank you! Christie at threepixielane

  27. What a wonderful way to start a morning. I need to treat myself more gently and just "let go" of some of the demands I place on myself. Thank you for the post-it did me good! Diana

  28. It is so nice that you pamper yourself like this sometimes! I think that is wonderful and I may just have to try this! We have 3 days to go til the wedding and I am sooooo excited! Can't wait to share pics on FB with everyone! Hope you have a great week, Yvonne! XO, Pinky

  29. Hi Yvonne, My mornings are always best when started with quiet time and reflection. And I love those french leaves too. I have even used them as placecards, with names printed in a gold or black marker. Looking forward to your upcoming publication. Linda

  30. Yummy. Now that is the sane way to start a morning. It's wonderful that you can. French leaves just add so much. Once again beautiful. Be blessed.

  31. This is a beautiful way to start off a day.

  32. Yvonne, this was really nice to read. I hope you feel more relaxed. I was feeling that way this afternoon as the grandkids left the house and I hadn't thought about a tablescape. I was going to skip and then got going and got re-energized. It turned out to be fun (once the kiddies were gone) although my 5 year old granddaughter started doing her own tablescape last week, so I guess I can't complain. Your muffin looks so good. I love to start baking again when the weather cools!

  33. Yvonne, What a perfect morning you've planned. Every detail is so beautiful and I'm looking forward to the muffin recipe. Patty

  34. Luscious and lovely, I'm oohing and ahhing like always!

  35. You always find the best treasures to share with us, specially me over Sweden who have another way of lifestyle, compare the American way of living.
    You really have a very elegant ambiance in your breakfast room. Everytime I visit you, it makes me drool & wish & dream that this is mine.
    Lucky guest who'll join you on this beautiful Thursday morning.
    Scandinavian simplicity rocks too…
    Happy TST,

  36. Visiting you and reading your beautiful post is what I needed to start my day off right, Yvonne. What a treat. Many thanks.

  37. Yvonne -
    How wise you are to pause and let grace come into your morning. Beautiful photography.

  38. I would love to start each day this way, in my world it isn't likely I'll get to anytime soon! Thank you for the beautiful reminder that we should take time to reflect and rest. I'll do that through your posts :)

    From Virginia

  39. Your a woman after my own heart! I start my day in much the same way (after I get the kids off to school) minus the coffee. With the weather change, I've been enjoying my morning time on the back porch with God and nature. It's been so refreshing. Now I just need to add some pretty dishes and apple muffins! Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs!

  40. Absolutely delightful Yvonne!

    You never fail to inspire us with your beautiful blog. Thank you for that. xo~m.

  41. You set a perfect tray for all of us Yvonne, each of us needs to stop and take a moment for ourselves.

  42. This is just so warm and inviting. I love each little detail and those muffins look amazing. I will have to try them this weekend. I don't know why I have never thought about cutting marigolds for a vase. They look lovely!

  43. Somehow this paints such a different picture than what is happening at my house. I'm walking around with my plastic container of Greek yogurt, making the bed with one hand and eating and sipping tea with the other. Something just isn't right at my house!

    As always, very impressive. Your photos are lovely. What I like the best?? The touches of purple in with the marigolds...stunning!

  44. After this post, I shall always think of you as the 'tablescape philosopher. Truer words were never spoken. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom and your charming design. Cherry Kay

  45. What a lovely inspiration... well spoken and shared.

    I particularly loved the green -- the everything textures and tones of your green.

    AND... that muffin -- oh my.

    I am not taking a bit of a break to go to a bakery ...LOL my hinnie blames this on YOU!!

    Stop by and say hi if you get a moment.


  46. What a wonderful respite. The trayscape is delightful.

    All the Best,


  47. Yvonne Dear, Marigolds and Nani...How her heart would sing. When you were little, remember I wasn't the morning person...Dad was. But now, I love the morning, coffee, reading, reflecting, then I am ready for the day. Love, Mother

  48. I love the shades of the flowers against the backdrop of those lovely dishes. And the sentiments are so true. "Regrouping" helps us keep things in perspective. What an enjoyable post Yvonne.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)
