Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pear Tablescape

It is almost Pumpkin time at StoneGable... Almost! Tucked between the sun and fun of lazy August days and the falling leaves, crisp breezes and pumpkins of October is Orchard Time!

Beautiful apples, luscious grapes and fragrant perfumy pears! September is a wonderful celebration of fruitful bounty!

Apples and grapes have had their 15 minutes of fame and now the pear is in the spotlight. Delicate and dripping with honey-laced flavor, the pear is worth a table all it's own.

The pears are the true stars of this Autumnal table. Hand painted pear bowls grace each place setting. They are recycled from a post last year. Every element of this table is something I had in my cupboards and used on past posts. I just recycled them, so to speak, to create this tribute to the pear.

The pear bowl sits on a trio of eclectic dishes. The edges and shapes of each dish are very different... this adds to the mismatched feel I love. It is the color of each dish that pick up the a color in the hand painted pear and becomes the unifying element.

To continue the natural feel, each place was set with a twiggy place mat. Vintage flatware with smooth, warm amber handles sit between the grooves of mats.

Three seckle pears and a tiny candle sit at each place as a personal vignette. The pears, at their luscious peak, are a take home gift for each guest to eat and remember their evening at StoneGable. I think their form and color are so beautiful!

Two little wreaths work together to make a statement of a napkin ring! Twiggy birch and a faux golden bittersweet wreaths gather up the napkins. This is an over-the-top treatment that I just love! It brings such pizzazz!  Earthy meets glam!

The centerpiece  is shared by 2 pear elements. A large decorative pear sits upright and larger than life.

 An arrangement of several varieties of pears are nestled in a twiggy birch wreath on a turned pedestal. Bosc, Green Anjou, Bartlett and Forelle pears become a feast for the eyes!

The pears are real, the leaves faux. Aren't they exquisite. The blush on the Forelle pairs are captivating!

Bubble glasses are a StoneGable favorite. These, in amber, continue the gold color theme in the table.

Green glazed pots filled with popcorn become interesting candles.

The overall look is warm and organic with a touch of old world color and feel.

 At StoneGable pears are artistic delights and culinary wonders!

The Menu
Mixed Greens with Sliced Pears, Spiced Pecans and Bleu in a Poppyseed Dressing
Pork Chops With Smoked Gouda and Bacon
for recipe click here and look on Wednesday's menu
Whipped Potatoes
Roasted Root Vegetables

with pear overtones
Coffee andTea


  1. I am a follower! :) And I love this tablescape--so warm and inviting--perfect for fall!

  2. simply amazing vignettes and photography.

  3. Number three never wins, but I am a follower just in case.

  4. its still hot as hades here, no sign of fall, my favortie season, so of course your colors are soothing my soul. you always do the best of the best, thanks for sharing the joy~

  5. This is just fantastic Yvonne! I love all of the textures, and the napkin rings are really fun!

  6. Your pears are a very happy bunch I am sure! What a beautiful tribute to pears! The hand painted pear bowls are awesome! :D

  7. Rustic and elegant. Very beautiful. You really could publish a magazine. Love the candles, love the colors, perfect for fall!

  8. Everything looks so lovely. I can't believe your giveaway! I love it all. The chocolates look wonderful and of course your wreath is gorgeous.

    Of course I am a follower, and an admirer of all things Stone Gable!
    I agree with Joni that you need to write a book on your lovely tables.

  9. Love all the pear elements -- especially the real ones! The twiggy features add wonderful texture and appeal!

  10. Stunning table. Love the pear theme. Each photo is absolutely perfect.

    I'm a follower :)

  11. Beautiful pear all the greens, golds and rich and warm.

  12. Love your pear table. Great layers of beautiful dishes. I love the unique things you use for napkin rings and for filler in the votives. Such great inspiration.

  13. What a stunning table setting! The pears are so beautiful all arranged like that. The colors are cozy and the menu sounds delicious!!

    I am a new follower!!

  14. I love the rich colors and texture of your pear tablescape--just perfect for this time of year!

  15. That fork and knife--are they old? They remind me of my grandmother, or cutlery in England. It's a pretty shade and "autumny" as well. Pretty table!

  16. I love all the rich fall colors on your tablescape- so beautiful.
    You have a lovely giveaway for some lucky soul as well. I am a follower and I will post it on my sidebar too.


  17. I just found your site and I love it! My family makes fun of me because I have so many plates and dishes. I love how you have yours out in your cabinets and the tablescape from today is gorgeous!

  18. As amazing as ever- And those pear bowls are the bomb! I love your menu, but I think, after drooling over all your pears - I will just have some plain old pair slices with some french vanilla ice cream. I love your bowls!

  19. Just beautiful! love all the pears, it just makes everything so welcoming!

  20. Totally always!! I am always in awe of the way you put a bunch of mismatched things together and come away with a table that is far beyond beautiful!! I love it!!!

    The menu sounds fantastic, except that I don't like pork. I would just substitute chicken breasts.

    Finally, a bit off the subject of tables, but still on the subject of pears...I have 3 pear trees, and I have a total of 3 pears this year. We had an almost non-existent spring, with freezes in late April and early May, killing what I thought was all the fruit...but by some amazing quirk, 3 pears survived, not sure which variety, without looking at my fruit tree map. (We have a total of 16 fruit trees, and only the prune/plum is giving a harvest this year.)

    Anyhow, have a lovely evening. And thanks for always bringing inspiration and beauty to my blog viewing.


  21. This is the prettiest table! The colors are wonderful and the pears are the icing on the cake. You have an amazing eye for detail. I'm so happy I stopped by.

  22. Oh my do you ever come up with these gorgeous tablescapes and menus week after week? Do you ever sleep????
    You have outdone yourself once again, plus giving us an opportunity to win your wonderful giveaway.
    Thanks so much!

  23. BTW, I am a faithful follower of your wonderful blog.

  24. I love your blog. Fall is my favorite season and fall colors are my favorite as well. You pear tablescape brings all of these things I love together!

    Thanks for your special talents that you share with everyone!I don't have a blog but I certainily enjoy what everyone who does!

  25. Dearest Yvonne,

    That was quite a mouthful of pear varieties; edible ones and decorative ones!
    Congratulations with your 1st anniversary and you've been very active in writing your blogs, almost daily as it reads.

    Rainy greetings from Georgia,


  26. FABULOUS as always! What a delight to the eyes! How I wish I could be a guest and sit at this table and eat that yummy sounding 'pear' menu! Those pear bowls are so unique and perfect for your theme. The napkin "wreaths" are a wonderful and like you said, "over the top" addition! I could go on and on....just amazing!
    P.S. Love your words "...apples and grapes have had their 15 min of fame..."!


  27. Just breathtaking photos and beautiful prose make for a wonderful time to spend a fall evening. Thank you for all the ideas. Emelia.

  28. I am a follower! I love your recipes!!

  29. Love your blog - it is always beautiful and inspirational! Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. A beautifully set table week after week! These pears are gorgeous. Love your napkin rings and what a wonderful giveaway. I'm a follower and would love to put my name in the hat.

  31. The pear bowls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful!!! Very pretty tablescape!

  32. To leave a comment is never a problem because you create the MOST AMAZING tables....such beauty, perfection and wonderful food! I imagine your friendship would be just as amazing! Please enter me in your giveaway! I would LOVE to have that fall wreath on my front door! Toni

  33. I enjoy your beautiful tables settings so much. Thanks for sharing your home with us and keep those fabulous Stone Gable recipes coming.
    Please enter me in the drawing for the lovely wreath. Thanks so much!

    Mary L

  34. For Toni,
    Thanks for always being so encouraging! I certainly count you has a treasured blogging friend!
    xo Yvonne

  35. Your table is stunning. As beautiful as it is, it is still so warm and inviting. It looks like it would be so cozy and would welcome good conversation. Just gorgeous!!!

  36. i so clearly remember your pear tablescape from last year. I think thats when I becaume a follower.

    Beautiful table. The many tones of your colors is a feast for the eyes.

    - The Tablescaper

  37. I'm a follower...gorgeous tablescape! I have the same goblets on my tablescape today too! Love the gold amber color of them. This is like a carefully orchestrated with the is amazing


  38. I'm a follower- sign me up. I don't do Facebook because of my daughter-in-laws job or I would follow you there too!>)

    The tablescape is beautiful-as always. You are the standard I judge all others by Diana

  39. Your tablescapes are just amazing. I've had your blog in my "favorites" for a long time. You never disappoint. Yes, you should do a tablescape book. Truly amazing. JAD

  40. Yvonne this is all just gorgeous! Love the precious pear bowls. You are talented sweet lady.

    Happy Fall! ~Melissa :)

  41. Congratulations on your approaching year anniversary! Your tablescape is lovely. The pear dishes and the gorgeous live pears are both wonderful treasures. Thank you for sharing your charming tablescape. Cherry Kay

  42. Love this fall tablescape. Love those pear plates.

  43. I am a happy follower! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your give away. Cherry Kay

  44. Love, love, love it!!! Fall is my favorite time of year although we had 110 the other day in Southern California - I know that Fall temps will be coming soon. Your tablescape helps me dream of all that if possible with something as simple as a few pretty pears. You did such a wonderful job as always. I am now going to try and track down those twiggy napkin ring holders aka wreaths - I see them in stores and always wonder what I can do with them now I know. But now where exactly did I see them last....hmmm?

  45. Yvonne,
    you are a real artist in creating special atmospheres. I adore this sunny golden colors and how everything goes so perfect together. Really great photos of a great table.
    Greetings, Johanna

  46. Dear Lady Y!

    I always gasp when visiting you. I can't say more words... EXCELLENT!

    I been your follewer since I followed Susan but I got a hard time to link me in the follower menu.

    Anyways, I live in Stockholm, so, I guess, your giveaways are just for the US participants.

    TY for sharing...

    Happy TS Day,

    Happy TS Day,

  47. Beautiful! I love your colors. It really is fall with the soft greens, golds and touches of orange. Cute idea using the popcorn to anchor the candle, love it!

    From Virginia

  48. Good Morning Yvonne,
    I love your pear tablescape. The colors, patterns and textures are incredible together. The plates are gorgeous!!
    Congratulations again on your blog anniversary and I wish you another 100!! I am a follower of you here on your blog and on Twitter.
    The wreath is gorgeous.

  49. Your blog was one of the first I started following.

    Your tablescape is exquisite, so divine!!!

  50. From tip to toe.. perfect..but the little napkin rigs are so unique!!
    You must have a dish house like Jain..

  51. I must be your No. 1 fan from South Africa. Your tablescape is exquisite as always...please please! will you do a little tutorial on those vine napkins rings that hold the serviettes in the most precious way.
    Well done again!Shel

  52. Yvonne,
    This tablescape is simply breathtaking !

    I also love pears and have some displayed on my table for autumn.

    Your blog is very inspiring !


  53. This table is breathtaking! I love the color combinations and the pears are indeed the stars of the table. Greens, golds and Fall colors are so pretty and I love the use of twig elements.
    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful table with us!

    I am a follower
    I requested on FB, but have not heard back.

  54. Good Morning Yvonne, Happy Day! We are getting the rain we so very much need. A good day to stay in and decorate.
    Your table is so beautiful I love the turned wooden pedistal in the center it is such a warm dark fall tone. The corn in the votive is a sweet idea I'm going to steal it. I just love how you so effortlessly pull things together.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  55. Blessings Yvonne! I agree that the pear deserves recognition and you set a lovely table! I also have a big fruitbowl centerpiece full of gorgeous pears on my kitchen table.

  56. I really enjoy the colors you chose. It is a beautiful table. I love how you added height with the beautiful turned wooden pillar.

  57. I love pears and your tablescape is over the top gorgeous! I love the centerpeice and pear plates. I have never participated in a give away before so I guess, I'm leaving a comment and I am a devoted follower!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  58. I am a facebook follower and I love your site, you always inspire me.
    Gayle Ferguson

  59. I LOVE your blog!!! Thank you so very much for sharing with us all!Thanks for the giveaway. Thanks for your inspiration. Truly, you make my weeks more creative and fun by the ideas I learn from you. So, one more time Thank YOU!!!

  60. Gorgeous photos Yvonne! I really love the colors. You put them together and make everything look like art!
    Congrats on your blogavesary!


  61. Wow, that table is stunning. You reminded me that I have a pear cookie jar that I should put out. I wish you could come to my house and help me. I long to decorate and do more but am lacking in skill :)

  62. Love your table! I wish I was 1/2 as creative as you. Everything is just beautiful!!!

  63. Follow your blog via GFC

  64. GORGEOUS table, Yvonne! I love your napkins rings and the clever idea of popcorn in the candle holders! You have truly captured the bounty of autumn with this tablescape!
    Have a beautiful day~
    ;-D Kathleen

  65. Oh, so gorgeous! Congrats on one year! This is a lovely giveaway, hoe I win! XX!

  66. I am a follower on Google Friend Connect! XX!

  67. How pretty! I love the way you always layer color and texture in your tablescapes. I am learning a lot from you. Now to just have all of the lovely dishes and flatware....... Wherever do you store it all? Carla

  68. Lovely table and with my favorite colors too. I just love the golds, greens and touches of red. I was given some pears today and plan on making a pear casserole this weekend. Yummy!!

  69. I am in AWE at how very different your pears bowls look on this ELEGANT table vs the black & white fun checkered table.... Your talents just NEVER end.. AND I AM SURE YOUR MIND NEVER STOPS CREATING!!!! I had a HUGH smile when I read that you placed SECKLE pears at each place setting... They were my late father's FAVORITE fruit, and I would search high & low to find some for his visits... great table & great memories!!!!

  70. Happy anniversary! Love your Autumn tablescape. I especially like you napkins rings!

  71. My next challenge for the Project Food Blog competition is a luxury dinner party, and I SO WISH that you could come help me decorate!

  72. My next challenge for the Project Food Blog competition is a luxury dinner party, and I SO WISH that you could come help me decorate!

  73. Wow, Fantastic!!! Very pretty setting, love the pears plates, really cute!

  74. Yvonne, you have some amazing talents and wonderful Fall decor. Wish you could come over and decorate my home.
    With that said I nominated you for One Lovely Blog award. Check my blog for more.

  75. Yvonne,

    Your blog is the best. I've been a serious follower and look forward to each and every post. Your tablescapes never disappoint. Only wish I had your talent. Many blessings to you.

  76. My word! I have no chance of winning with this huge crowd, but I have to try! I love your blog and it has truly been one of my favorite new finds of the past year.

    Love the pear motif. I have some pears in the fridge and think I'll go eat one now.

    Enter me and wish me luck!

  77. And yes, lordy, I follow you everywhere! Even on Facebook!

  78. And I'm heading straight back to my blog to post about your giveaway at the end of today's post! Cha-ching, cha-ching!

  79. Just a beautiful tablescape - thank you so much! I especially plan to remember and use your idea of the votives nestled in popcorn - so clever!

  80. Lovely as always Yvonne. The colors just say comfort and home- just what I need this week. And such a beautiful giveaway- thank you!
    xoxo Pattie

  81. And of course you know we follow!
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  82. Wow Yvonne -- the pears surely are the stars as well as the amazing photos of your beautiful tablescape! Your "over the top" napkin rings are amazing and yet, the real pears are not overshadowed. Joni

  83. Hi Yvonne, The colors on this table are gorgeous! You have captured Fall perfectly. Love the pears stacked and the adorable pear bowls. Beautiful!
    xo, Sherry

  84. Another gorgeous table, Yvonne! The pears look delicious, too.

  85. This is a beautiful table setting. I love the colors, the textures and I can only imagine how wonderful all those pears smell.

  86. Wonderful tablescape...again! To me, your blog is more beautiful and enjoyable than some of the home decorating magazines I get. My daughter is having her reception in a barn next June and we are going to be making the wreaths you should us on your blog. They will look beautiful on the barn doors. Thanks for that.

  87. Please enter me--I'm a follower fascinated by your superb photography. I would love watching how you choose your shots--I almost ate my computer screen at the shot of the dough---now THAT's good.

  88. Everything is always beautiful. Congratulations on the anniversary. I can't wait to see what you do for your 2nd year.

  89. I'm also a Facebook friend if you confirm. thanks again.

  90. I feel like I say the same thing each week but you continue to outdo yourself!!! This table speaks to me, I LOVE the rustic feel, the colors and the theme! The pears are GORGEOUS! Your talents never cease to amaze and delight me. It is such an UPPER to visit your blog! XO, Pinky

  91. Yvonne,
    Your cheery pear tablescape totally won me over as a follower of yours last year with it's whimsical nature. . .so lighthearted! I am in awe at this elegant post of pears. . . you truly have a wonderful artistic talent! Thank you for continuing to inspire with each and every post!

  92. Oh, Yvonne! I have just gotten the chance to 'catch up' on your amazing tablescape! We are trying to get our house ready for a wedding shower and with three little kids, I am running around in circles! This table is so lovely and I adore the little ribbon around the napkins and the 'corn' votives! You are so creative and so inspiring! Congratulations on your anniversary! I am sad that I missed the fun and giveaway! Christie at Three Pixie Lane

  93. I am a very happy follower of your great blog! A cup of gourmet coffee in the morning and your blog...starts a perfect day! Lisa
