Thursday, September 30, 2010

Giveaway and Pear Galette

I think pears are romantic! And this easy Pear Galette speaks my culinary love language... easy and yummy!

Pears are a beautiful, perfumy elegant fruit with a honey-laced flavor and succulent texture! There are 3,000 varieties of pears know around the world. What a delicious world we live in!

Here's how to make this luscious dessert!...

I had an abundance of pears after posting a tablecape tribute to the pear. Click here to see the tablescape. Not wanting them to go to waste I made a couple of pear galettes. A galette is a rustic open faced tart, or pie. Wonderfully formed and filled with fruit.

This galette is very easy to make. The pate brisee (butter pie dough) and pear galette are from Martha Stewart. I promise, this is the best and easiest pie crust to work with!

Pate Brisee
•2 1/2 cups flour
•1 teaspoon salt
•1 teaspoon sugar
•1 cup (2 sticks) chilled butter, cut into small pieces
•1/4 to 1/2 cup ice water

Put flour, sugar and salt into the bowl of a food processor and pulse a couple of seconds to mix.
Cut butter into small pieces. This is best done right on the wrapper, because it won't stick and  when cut is easily transported to the food processor.

 Pulse until mixture resembles course meal.

Add a stream of water just until dough holds together.

Put on pastry cloth dusted with flour and divide into 2 lumps.
Form into discs and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Pear Galette
5 ripe pears
1 tsp corn starch
1/4 cup sugar
1 pinch of salt
dusting of cinnamon
1 TBS butter, cut into small pieces
1 egg
sanding sugar
apricot jam

Peel the pears and core with a melon baller. Cut into 1/2 inch pieces.

Add cornstarch, sugar and salt. Mix gently.

Roll out dough to a 14 inch circle.

Put dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Pile pears in the center of the dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Bring the sides of the dough towards the center of the galette.
Dot pears with butter.

Make an egg wash and brush it on the dough. Sprinkle with sanding sugar. Warm 2 TBS apricot jam in the microwave until melted. Pour over pears in the opening of the dough.

Put the galette in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Remove and put in oven.
Bake for 1 hour until the center is bubbly and the crust is browned.

Let sit until galette reaches room temperature. Slice as you would a pie and serve with ice cream or whipped cream.


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  1. Oh my gosh -- how yummy this looks! Thanks for your sweet visit and Happy Birthday from My hubby to Yours! Neat that they share the same day.

  2. Just beautiful Yvonne! I love Martha, but haven't made this dough yet. I keep making my G-Mom-B's shortening version, you know... Gonna add this as a must try for this fall:@)

  3. The word for that galette is LUSCIOUS. I'm so fond of pears, especially bartletts, and prepare them every way I can. This amazing pastry is on my dinner menu this week.

  4. I love the word galette. You even take gorgeous cookies of dough! :-)

  5. Wow you can tell I'm tired, or have cookies on my mind. I think I mean to say you take gorgeous photos of dough! :-) :-)

  6. I can't wait to try the Pear Galette; it looks delicious! Love your blog Yvonne; it's so inspirational.

  7. Wow what a giveaway! I have been a follower for a while. I enjoy it so much.

  8. What a pretty galette! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Mmmmmmm, your blog always makes me hungry! All of those goodies look delish! Did you see I made a low sugar version of your apple muffins? They were so yummy!!

  10. Such a beautiful wreath...and the chocolate looks yummy! I am a follower of this terrific blog.

  11. oh. my. goodness. You are going to ruin my diet with pictures like that!

  12. Yvonne something yummy AND a are too sweet and that pear galette looks pretty sweet too!

    Happy Bloggiversary to you! Your blog is always filled with delicious photos and yummy food!

    I'm a happy follower and off to post about your great giveaway on FB!

    Kat :)

  13. Just become a follower! Your blog is simply stunning! Can't wait to try the Pear Gallette! ~Susie

  14. I just became a follower as I am enchanted with your wonderful blog! Happy bloggiversary and I can't wait to try your pear galette!

  15. Please include me in your generouse giveaway!! I love and follow your blogs and I love seeing you on facebook!! You have the YUMMIEST pictures ever!! XXOO, Damaris

  16. I'm a follower. I love the wreath! So pretty! The pears look amazing!

  17. I am a follower and would love all of these great harvest inspired gifts

  18. Congratulations, Yvonne, on your milestone! What a wonderful giveaway~ I would love to win! I am a follower!

  19. Congratulations. How fun to celebrate your first anniversary. You are an inspiration to us all. I always tell friends they need to check your blog out, I love it!

    I love rustic tarts. This is beautiful and the pears sound so delicious. You make cut butter look like a work of art - amazing.
    I just can't eat as many recipes as I want to make and of course I want to make all of the sweet ones.

  20. Hi Yvonne,
    congratulation to the Blogiverary. Its everytime a lot of fun to visit your blog with the yummy recipes.
    greetings, Johanna

  21. YUM...this looks so delicious! Have fun with the give a way..just so wonderful! :D

  22. I am most definitely a follower here and on Facebook! . . . You have amazing God-given talent. The Wreath is gorgeous!

  23. I'm already a winner with this recipe!! We have an abundance of pears from generous friends and neighbors. I'm been "putting" them up in various ways but you've provided just the right way to immediate gratification.

    Thanks a bunch--or peck, which is appropriate!


  24. Umm, this giveaway is just too yummy and beautiful! A fall wreath, chocolate, AND more?? Pick me! :) Congratulations on creating a successful blog, Yvonne.

  25. AND . . . I'm posting a link to your giveaway on my blog!

  26. Hi Yvonne, you are so right about that Martha Stewart butter pie crust! I made it for those darling pies in a jar and the dough was pliable, and never cracked. This is the first pastry dough I ever made that didnt' break apart on me while rolling it out. Thanks so much for that tip - you know, I follow so many of Martha Stewart's ideas I don't know how I missed this one. The pear galette looks wonderful, I love using fruit up that way! I'm making Ina Garten's apple crisp this weekend -we use a little less citrus than she does. Boy, does the house smell great when that apple crisp is in the oven. Ciao, bella!

  27. The rustic tart you made is just so pretty and lovely for October. I think I might attempt it with apples that you suggested last week. Thank you again for your beautiful posts.I am certainty a follower of your home arts blog! Take care~Emelia~

  28. This looks amazing and I do plan to try it. I salivated all the way through those pictures. Oh, my goodness! Can't decide whether I'll use apples or pears.

  29. I have always loved the look of the rustic galettes..I must say your butter cube photo is so cool!

  30. Your pear galette looks absolutely scrumptious. After a trip to the local orchard I'm drowning in apples - I might have to give this a try with some of them :). Thanks for the great giveaway too!

  31. Congrats on your anniversary!!

    I discovered your beautiful site a few weeks ago. I believe I have gone thru the whole thing.

    Your menus have inspired me to create my own weekly.

    Your decorating ideas and recipes are wonderful and I have already used them.

    Thanks so much and best wishes for many more blessings.

  32. Pears sure take a backseat to the apple this time of year. They are wonderful and your galette looks fabulous :)

    Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary!


  33. Congrats on your blogversary... it is always so beautifully done.. I had thought you had been doing it for years. Pear dessert is gorgeous and so are all those giveaways.. whoever wins will be very lucky!

  34. Yummy looking. I love the wreath and it would look wonderful on my new front door or my new sunroom wall.
    I am a blog follower and a Facebook Follower!

  35. I am so glad I found your website. I have been looking for recipes for fall other than apple or pumpkin. I can't wait to try it. & I love the wreath, it is gorgeous.

  36. Well here's a comment.
    I've been a follower for a while.
    I'm now a Facebook follower.
    Please enter me in your giveaway. These photos are to die for. I absolutely love the one with the pears all in a row!

  37. Hi Yvonne!
    Oh I do love making a butter crust. Most times I use Smart Balance {not the light version} and other times I use the Smart Balance butter blend...
    for lighter crusts.

    This looks heavenly.
    My daughter loves baking pear pie and she loved the Martha Stewart version.
    She's visiting this weekend and I'll show her your galette ~ it's a masterpiece!
    {wishing I could have a slice passed to me through my monitor ;o)

    Blessings for a restful weekend~ and congratulations on a successful year of blogging, Yvonne!
    You put soooo much into this * You are truly a blessing to all who visit ♥


  38. This looks so delicious, Yvonne, and I love the look of them too. I'm saving your delicious recipe.

  39. What an amazing recipe! I love your blog! I'm going to put it in my favorites list! THanks! ♥

  40. Not only delicious-looking, but beautiful as well!!

    Yvonne, does your husband realize what an amazing and creative gal he is married to? Does he realize how much beauty you bring to your home with your gracious and hospitable ways? He's gotta feel like one of the most blessed men alive!!

    Have a lovely day.


  41. Thanks for the inspiration and ideas and the recipes. You make me smile. Congrats on keeping this up for a whole year! Visiting your blog is a poor substitute for visiting with you, but it makes me feel like I have had a little "Yvonne fix." Hello to your DH. Love you. Capi

  42. Oh I SO need a new wreath. Fingers crossed.

    If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my FAB FALL FRENCH GIVEAWAY.

  43. Recipes AND a giveaway? Too good to be true! I would love to be entered! I have NO wreath for my front door. I NEED to win this giveaway! lol!!
    Thanks so much!!

  44. Good morning Yvonne, just popped over from sweet Maria, Calm Energy. Your pear galette does look delicious!
    Off to read some of your past posts..
    Have a happy weekend. xxx

  45. Happy Pink Saturday...
    Happy Blog Anniversary...
    Your blog is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.
    and I'm your new follower...

    that PG looks scrumptious...


  46. I just love the "homeyness" of your blog. I was actually thinking of making a PG the other day, i made a pie instead, but it was a mild disaster because of the humidity.
    This looks so inviting i might just try one!

  47. What a great giveaway! I'm a daily reader of your blog and love your pictures and recipes. Thanks for sharing.. Peggy from PA

  48. Can I have another chance...really??? I just posted about your giveaway on my blog. It's my post in ages. I continue to enjoy my favorite blogs on a daily basis, but I just can't seem to post on my own.

  49. yvonne...your site is like visiting an elegant but warm home. it is so beautiful...and then this galette--me oui si vous plais. okay...that is probably not even proper french...but it sounds wonderful in my head. gorgeous photos, gorgeous gallette, and amazing posts that i have been enjoying over a cup of tea. thank you for finding my blog, and thank you for linking up to tuesday night supper are a cherished guest.

  50. The galette is pure perfection; another one I will try this weekend. I also use pate brisee for many sweet & savory dishes, and I am so glad you call it by its real name! I am sorry, Yvonne I have been so busy lately, not much time to post or comment! Adding you to my sidebar now so I don't miss another great recipe or post! all best~

  51. Wow this looks so delicious.. I definitely want to try this ;))

  52. This is always a hit wherever I bring it! Last night I used the last of my pear's from my parents trees and made two galettes. Everyone at work loves them!!
