Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here at StoneGable the change of season gives me a reason to create a new wreath. 

I love the saturated color of fall... the warm hues and the wonderful textures!

This wreath is overflowing with autumnal abundance!  

It's really quite easy to make a big full FALL PUMPKIN WREATH... I'll show you step by step...

StoneGable Fall 2010 Wreath Tutorial

2 large wreaths
3 glitzy pumpkins
5 large picks of orange/brown berries
4 large picks of earthy colored ball "berries"
2 packages of crape paper like fall leaves
3-5 picks assorted brambly berries and leaves
2 bags of pine cones and acorns
3 large pine cones
2 large stems, brown gourd pods
3 feather picks
2 packs of assorted feathers
odds and ends leaves and berries

florist wire
hot glue
dust buster

 Begin by wiring 2 grapevine wreaths together. This will make your wreath big and lush!

Because I wanted the whole wreath to be filled in, I sectioned the wreath into thirds and glued a large pick of rusty colored berries to the wreath.

Add additional variegated large berry/ball pics in between the original 3 picks.

This now sections off the wreath and makes little areas to work with. I find this much easier than trying to work on the whole wreath at one time.

Add pumpkins up against the original 3 berry pick

Tuck leaves under the pumpkins, crinkling them to give them visual life.

Add pine cones. I decided to use only 2 large ones and 1 grouping of small pine cones in place of the 3rd large pine cone, again for more interest.

Begin to fill in the gaps between each section with berries,leaves. feather pics,  pine cones and acorns. Continue to fill in and layer elements until the wreath is abundant and filled with visual interest.

Hang wreath and continue to fill in while looking at it in a vertical position.  This is a very important step.  Because the wreath will be viewed in an upright position, make sure there are no gaps or visual unbalance in the wreath when it hangs. I added feathers once the wreath was vertical. It was easier to position them.

Shake wreath and re-glue all loose pieces.  Fluff and hang in the perfect spot!

Hang and enjoy!

Pin It


  1. Happy Anniversary!!!! What a great giveaway. You are so very generous!

    The wreath is absolutely beautfiful.

    I am a follower and a new facebook follower as well.


  2. I'd love to have this wreath hanging on my front door! You are so talented. I have just recently started blogging and found your blog. I also follow your blog. There's always lot's of eye candy on your blog to inspire my creativity. Happy Anniversary!~Ames

  3. The wreath is stunning, Yvonne, as is everything you put your hand to. And beyond the wreath itself, is your photographpy. I never cease to be amazed at your beautiful photos. THAT is an art in itself.

    With ten thumbs and two left hands, I could nowhere near create a wreath as beautiful as yours. So, please, include me in your drawing. I'm a follower and a Facebook friend as well.

    Have a lovey day...and again, happy anniversary. I'm glad you're here in blogland...otherwise, I would never have had the chance to meet you since we don't live anywhere near one another.

    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Congratulations on a year!!! You have such a wonderful site it is hard to believe it has only been a year. Thanks for all of your hard work, lovely tutorials, and inspirations in this last year.

  5. A very happy blog anniversary from Greece !!!!
    The gorgeous -wreath candy !!
    Thank for the chance to win . Iam a follower and Iadded the pic in my blog

    hugs and kisses

  6. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YVONNE! Congratulations to you and a big THANK YOU for makeing the dicision to start blogging in the first place. You have no idea how much we all enjoy following your blog. Now about the wreath...it's BEAUTIFUL and I would love to throw my name into the 'hat' for this draw. I have the perfect place for it! OH...and I'd LOVE to win the other gifts too...they sound WONDERFUL! I hope you have a wonderful day here on your 'big day'...take care.
    Maura :)

  7. Happy Anniversary Yvonne... You are one of the sweetest people I know. I am so glad to know you and count you as a friend.


  8. oh please enter me, I am a follower here and on facebook and I will be posting your giveaway on my blog...today! congratulations!!!

  9. Happy Anniversary.
    That is such a stunning stunning wreath.
    I am a follower.

  10. woohoo!! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.
    Great giveaway and prizes. Thanks for entering my name.


    barbara jean

  11. Oh, I am a follower too. =)

    barbara jean

  12. Happy Anniversary!!! Your wreath is beautiful!!! Thank you for the tutorial!
    Take care!

  13. Yvonne... you are truly a steward of so many talents....and I am thankful to follow your post that are the high lite of the day.... congrats again

  14. Happy Anniversary!!
    Than wreath is beautiful and would love a home on my front door.

  15. Those macaroons are making me drool(one of my favorite cookies) I am a friend on facebook!

  16. Posted about your sweet giveaway and tutorial too.

    barbara jean

  17. Happy FIRST Blog Anniversary! I think that is the prettiest fall wreath I have ever seen! It is simply gorgeous. Thanks for the tutorial - I hope I win yours - but if not I can at least try to make one. (I'm a Follower!)

  18. Happy 1 year! Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway! I follow your blog, and I am a follower on facebook too!
    Thank you!

  19. Congrats! LUV your blog! I have made so many of your recipes and have been inspired by your decor

  20. Happy Anny Yvonne! It's always a pleasure to stop by and see what you're up to:@)
    I follow, and I'll post your beautiful give-away on my side bar-thanks for the chance!

  21. Yvonne: Happy, happy blog anniversary! I am all of those things: follower, facebook follower, lover of your wreathes!! So glad you let yourself push "publish" a year ago!!


  22. Happy Anniversay! That wreath is beautiful! I'd love to be considered for the giveawy. :-)


  23. Oh,
    I'm already a happy follower! :-)


  24. What a beautiful wreath you have made. It is lovely and I would be honored to win it. Congrats on your one year Blog anniversary!

  25. I added Stone Gable to my friends on FB!!

  26. Happy Anniversary! What a gorgeous wreath!! Thank you for the wonderful give-away.

  27. I am a huge fan and follower!!

  28. I love you site and the step by step is so great! Will be posting your giveaway on my blog www.frostedtrash.blogspot.com.

    :^ )

  29. This wreath is georgous! I sure would like to win it.

    I am also a follower and I have sent a frend request on Facebook.

    I will continue to enjoy your blog.

  30. Yvonne, Happy Blogaverssary!! That wreath is just scrumptious. Don't you just love Hobby Lobby. That is so sweet of you to offer so many great goodies. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  31. I am a very happy follower of your gorgeous blog.

  32. Happy Anniversary! I'd love to be the winner!

  33. Once again wishing you a very happy blog anniversary! Even if I never win I hope the very best for you and your blog. You are a kind soul to be so free with your ideas, crafts, tutorials and recipes. I follow you both on your blog and on facebook. I do not have a blog, but I have told many people about Stone Gable :)

    Have a happy week!
    From Virginia

  34. Happy One Year Bloggiversary. Love the wreath. I'm a new follower to your blog and Love It!

  35. Beautiful fall wreath- I love how you often double the base!!! used that trick with fall garland on my table to make it look fuller and added some pheasant feathers as well.

    I am a follower both here and on facebook.

  36. Congrats Yvonne on your first year...Love the wreath and I'm a follower...Hope you have a GREAT day girl..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  37. I love the wreath! It would look great at my place!

  38. Oh, and I am a follower...your blog is one of the first ones I read!

  39. Love your Blog and all your ideas!!! Fall is my favorite season and that wreath would be perfect in our home.

    I'm a follower and a huge fan!!!

    I'm also a Facebook follower!!

    Thank you for all your great ideas.

  40. Happy anniversary!I'm already your follower and I'll post your giveaway on my sidebar.Thanks for the chance.Kisses from Italy,Anna

  41. Hi Yvonne!
    What a wonderful year you have had as a blogger...
    Really, the pleasure and joy has been ours! Your blog is like a magazine to me ~ only the editor and author is a wonderful woman named Yvonne!

    Your autumn wreath is gorgeous! It glows with an autumn warmth.

    So lovely ~
    *blessings always*

  42. You're fall wreath is just lovely. Oh how I'd love to have it on my front door. Thanks for adding the tutorial for those of us that aren't lucky enough to win!! I've been a follower for a while. I've also liked you on facebook. Congrats on your anniversary.

  43. I've been following Stone Gable since the "early days" ... Just love this warm place of hospitality and lovely talent!

  44. I will add your giveaway to my sidebar!

  45. Hello Yvonne,

    Happy First Blogiversary! What a fabulous and very generous giveaway!! What a gorgeous wreath! Thank you for the tutorial.

    I love your beautiful blog and am a very happy follower!

    I posted about your fabulous giveaway on my sidebar.

    ~ Tracy

  46. I've been following you from very nearly your beginning! congrats on your successes and I always love your ideas and photos!

    I am a follower and hopping right over to be a Facebook "liker"...;D

  47. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Thanks for entering my name.M.Grazia www.pettirossoinfreddolito.blogspot.com

  48. HAPPY, happy anniversary!!! The wreath is GORGEOUS!!! The givbe away is amazingly generous! YOU have brought SO much joy and inspiration to me this past year so THANL YOU!!!! I am a faithful follower, FB follower but can't post this on my blog cause I don't have a blog!!!!! YET!!!!!!!!!!:):) Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  49. Whoops, sorry about the 2 typos!:)

  50. Pretty wreath and great give away. Love your food entries!

  51. What a wonderful giveaway! Pretties and sweets all at once, perfect. Of course I follow you!

  52. i am a follower and enjoy your posts! just.plzzz@yahoo.com

  53. that wreath will look beautifullllll on my stone fireplace and those goodies will taste so good going down to my belly!!! just.plzzz@yahoo.com

  54. Happy Anniversary! Please enter me for a chance to win this beautiful wreath! Thanks for great tutorial.


  55. Happy Blogaversary!!!! Love, love, love the beautiful wreath and all the other goodies.

  56. Hi, Yvonne! Thanks for the chance to win that beautiful wreath and the other wonderful items! I am a facebook friend, and will become a follower right now!
    God bless,

  57. Hi Yvonne,
    Happy Anniversary to your blog. I can't believe that it is just 1 year. I love your blog and I am a follower since a long time.
    Thank you for the tutorial.
    Greetings, Johanna

  58. Happy Blogaversary -It is hard to believe you have only been blogging for a year-your displays and pictures are so evolved . You have a very special talent that just soothes the soul :-)

  59. Happy Blogiversary. I just celebrated mine earlier this month.
    I would be thrilled to win this wreath. It is absolutely beautiful!

  60. I am already a follower who admires your projects!!!!

  61. congratulations!!
    I am a follower!

  62. I love your blog!
    would love being the winner of the wreath and all the other goodies!!

  63. Hi, I got here via Barbara Jean's post and I adore the wreath, I would love to enter for a chance to win the great prizes..

  64. I just clicked to be a follower and am enjoying exploring your blog...

  65. I also clicked to add you as a friend on FB....yeah, I now have 3 enteries....

  66. Just sent you message on Face book to be my friend..
    this is third entry,,
    I really want to win all the goodies!

  67. Happy Blog Anniversary and many more! I would love to win this very special giveaway!

  68. Yvonne, congratulations on your first anniversary. I enjoy your blog so much and feel that no one sets a more inspired and detailed table than you! Joni

  69. I am a very proud follower of your blog!

  70. Yvonne, I just made a request to add you as a friend on facebook. Thanks for the tutorial on the wreath. It is lovely and speaks of fall. Joni

  71. Congratulations! What a great blog. Love the wreath and the tutorial. Thank you.

  72. Beautiful wreath! I SO enjoy your blog. Happy Anniversary!


  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This beautiful wreath along with your beautiful pictures have so inspired me to get my own home ready for fall. You are very creative. I am new to blogging myself and a new follower and enjoy seeing all your new ideas! Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the holidays!

  77. Congratulations, Yvonne! I will post your beautiful wreath give away on my blog. I am a follower, but I do not do Facebook.

  78. Oh Happy Anniversary Yvonne. I have so enjoyed your blog and I always look forward to your posts. You have such lovely decorating ideas and I am always inspired. Your wreath is exquisite. So pretty. I would love to be enter in your giveaway. I look forward to the next year also. Hugs, Marty P.S. Yes of course I am a follower.

  79. Happy Anniversary! I am so impressed with your blog. I am a follower and I am going to follow on facebook also...I just have to have that wreath. Carla

  80. Yvonne, somebody is going to be so lucky to win this givaway. You have a wonderful blog. I am a follower, facebook friend but I don't have a blog to post it on. The wreath is beautiful and happy 1 year in blogging. Lena

  81. Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy your beautiful blog! I am a follower of it and have you on my Google Reader. What a great giveaway! Thanks for all you do!

  82. Happy Anniversary to you Yvonne. Your wreaths are always so beautiful and this one sure hits the right notes for the fall season.

    I enjoy your posts very much, and I would think I've read nearly all of them. I am certainly a follower and will post your giveaway on my blog.

    Looking forward to another year of wonderful ideas and photos

  83. What a great giveaway Yvonne...so many generous people this week! Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to another great year of your sweet posts! Thank You.

  84. I am a follower! How I'd love to win that beautiful wreath and all the other goodies. Happy Birthday to your blog! Mine is coming up next month too. Wow! 265 posts! How did you ever find the time? Maybe that explains why you have so many followers. Really enjoy your blog! Keep up the good work.

  85. Yvonne...this wreath is gorgeous! But of course!
    I follow your blog and I'm leaving a comment and you are a FB friend!
    I so enjoyed our lunch together today...you are a beautiful person and I look forward to getting to know you better!
    xoxo Kathleen

  86. Congratualtions on your 1 year mark! I have been reading your blog for most of that time. I love the cinnamon rolls recipe and so does my family. Such a generous giveaway.

  87. Happy Anniversary!
    I'm almost at my 2-year anniversary -- can't believe it!
    I'm a follower already of your lovely blog....and WOW that wreath is gorgeous!
    You've got skills, honey!

  88. Happy Anniversary.I would definitely say this is one of your callings.
    You've excelled~

  89. Happy Anniversary, Yvonne! It's difficult to imagine that you have only had this blog for a year. Your post are exquisite, like everything that you do. Thank you for sharing your talents and inspiration so generously.
    ~ Sarah

  90. Yvonne, I'd be thrilled if I should win this gorgeous wreath, not to mention the other goodies. What a generous gift. Count me in again as one of your faithful followers. ~ Sarah

  91. Wow!!! Wonderful giveaway. Please sign me up. I am now a follower and will post on my Giveaway Blog.

    Thanks so much for the tutorial!!! Beautiful, inspiring photos.


  92. Many congratulations on your one year blogoversary! You're blog is beautiful!


  93. I have been following ever since I found your blog!


  94. I have been following ever since I found your blog!


  95. And I follow on FB too...in fact I visited there before coming here. Your (hopefully MY) wreath is gorgeous! Love all the things you're giving away! I can eat sweets ANY time! ;-)


  96. Winning one of your stunning wreathes would be so wonderful, Yvonne. I've got my fingers crossed. I'm a happy facebook and blog follower.

  97. Count me in for everything-facebook and follower as well.

  98. Yvonne, the wreath is gorgeous and I see now why it is so full looking (double wreaths). Congratulations on one year; I've enjoyed your blog so much this year that I follow both your blog and your FB!

    Dotsie (aka podso)

  99. That wreath is STUNNING! Beautiful! I am a happy follower and thanks so much for the chance to win!! Happy Anniversary!

  100. Well, since you are one of my very favorite blogs, and I love your tutorials, menus, recipes and photos, it would be sooooo nice to win this giveaway, now wouldn't it? I don't know if I am a follower, but I'm about to become one either way! thanks for your generous spirit!

  101. Happy Anniversary!! Your wreath is beautiful and I would LOVE to win!! I am glad we are blogging buddies and I look forward to many more years :)

  102. Congratulations on your anniversary. Your blog is a beautiful place to be.. I'm delighted I've found it and then refound it.. Is that even a word?

    Love the wreath!

  103. Congrats and I follow and follow and follow..

  104. Congratulations! Your blog is awesome; I always look forward to reading it.

    I would love to win all this good stuff! I am a follower of your blog as well as a facebook friend.

  105. and now that I know you are on facebook, I follower there too! cool. I really need a wreath. not just a new one, just one.. and this one is beautiful. thanks for the chance. You are amazing.

  106. Happy Anniversary, and many more! I can tell your heart is into blogging, and appreciate everything you share. I know how time consuming it can be!

    The wreath is absolutely beautiful, and you are very generous offering all the goodies.

    I am a follower and facebook follower as well.

  107. Happy Anniversary from your follower, Miss Merry from Miss Merry's house with the picket fence! Can you believe that it has been twelve whole months and how many new friends there are out in blogland?

    Your wreath is amazing - really a work of art!

  108. Congrats on your celebration. I have had you in my reader for about 3 months and have not had a bad recipe since. I would love to win your treasures--thanks!

  109. Yvonne Dear, What a beautiful wreath, and all those things in your basket at Hobby Lobby knew just where they would be going....Please put me in your drawing.....how I would love it on MY front door. Congrats to you dear, on your one year anniversary. What beauty you bring to our computer screens daily. Mother

  110. Yvonne, the wreath is gorgeous! You always have beautiful photos of your talents here and I so enjoy them.

    I'm a follower here and on FB.

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! I'm excited ~ :-)


  111. I am a follower and a Facebook follower!Your blog seems like you are much more experienced than one year. Well Done!!

  112. Happy Blogaversary. Well, the chance of me winning, not good. But you definitely made me hungry for something sweet.

  113. Happy anniversary on your blog. I love going to Hobby Lobby just to look and the flowers can definitely be a downfall. I would love to entry your drawing and I am one of your followers. I don't always get to leave a comment because it depends on whether I am visiting from home or elsewise. Your wreath is so pretty. Have a great day.

  114. It is a milestone to reach that first year mark!!! CONGRATS to you. You have such a lovely blog. May you blog on for a long time.

    I'm leaving a comment and I'm one of your followers.

    God bless and may you have a sweet life,
    d from homehaven

  115. Yvonne,
    Happy Anniversary and what a generous giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting. That wreath is beautiful!

  116. Happy 1 Year Blogiversary! I adore your amazing and beautiful blog.


  117. Yvonne, Congratulations on your anniversary. You have provided me with many hours of viewing pleasure and I thank you.

    Your wreath is gorgeous. Thank you so much for the tutorial; it is most helpful to those like myself who need step-by-step directions for almost everything. :)

    Enjoy following you on Facebook, too. Please keep your wonderful posts coming!

  118. I love the wreath and your blog. I am sure I have read every single entry and am always inspired.

  119. Happy anniversary! Love your blog too.

  120. Wow, congratulations Yvonne!!! It's amazing what you've been able to accomplish in just one year...such a following! I'm coming up on my one year in a month, and I only wish I had the success you have had. :-) The wreath is beautiful. I follow you, friend!

  121. Congrats! Congrats! on your Blogaversary! Time certainly flies when you're blogging. I know it has for me. I love your sweet blog and your generous spirit that is so willing to share with us your talent and creativity.
    I am a devoted follower and I am posting about your fabulous giveaway.

  122. Congrats on your blog anniversary!! Your giveaway is just outstanding!! I am a new follower of your blog :)

  123. I just became a facebook follower :)

  124. This wreath is outstanding!

    Happy anniversary and thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower.

  125. Happy Anniversary!! I am so glad I found your blog...such inspiration!!

    Just wanted to let you know that I am a follower, I am also a friend on facebook and I just blogged about your bloggiversary.

    I look forward to many more blog posts from Stone Gable!! :) :)

  126. I love reading your tutorials Yvonne - easy for anyone to follow.
    This autumn wreath you made is fantastic - and lush as you encourage in the directions.
    Your giveaway has so many treats included, I'd be happy with any one of them.
    I'm already a follower and please enter me in your draw.

  127. Congrats! I took the plunge and made my first blog post this week, so I am happy to celebrate with you.

  128. I am becoming a new follower today! What a great giveaway. You have fabulous pics.

  129. Happy anniversary.. I love this wreath.. It looks outstanding.. Happy blogaversary.. I have been a follower and love visiting..

  130. Yvonne....your blog was one of the first I stumbled upon and I was hooked. I can't imagine how busy your mind must work to create all these lovely things...and so many of them too. I have to say that I have squirreled away so many of your ideas in the hopes of using them someday. Love the last item on your supply list for the wreath...dust buster!!
    Looking forward to the next year full of wonderful photography and inspiration.

  131. Congrats on your Bloggeversary! What a gorgeous wreath! Thnaks for sharing the tutorial.

    I have just become a follower.

  132. I am posting your giveaway on my sidebar.

    Irma :)

  133. Hi Yvonne! I love your wreath and all your other goodies :)

  134. I blogged about your giveaway and anniversary. Adventures in Ceredo

  135. You are such a pro! I love the feathers in it and the pumpkins...I am all 3...good luck to everyone! Thanks for such a wonderful give a way! :D

  136. Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary! You were MEANT to blog as shown by the large number of followers you have after only one year as well as your numerous insiring and beautiful posts! I love checking in here even when I don't have time to leave a comment. I always feel like I've opened a page in a favourite magazine ...actually its even better.
    Keep on blogging! That wreath is GORGEOUS and I WANT it! I'm a follower and have been since I discovered you!


  137. Happy Blogaversary!!! Your Fall wreath is STUNNING! Just like everything else you do! :)

  138. First of all, happy blogoversary! It seems like you've been blogging longer than that (and that is a compliment ;O)! The wreath is gorgeous. Love the pepper berries! I'm already a follower. Your pictures are always so gorgeous, I can't imagine not following.

  139. Hi Yvonne...

    What a fabulous milestone, my friend! Congratulations on your one year blogaversary! Your sweet blog has given me many wonderful hours of enjoyment and I always come away from your place...inspired! Thank you, dear lady! Sending you my very best wishes for another year of continued success and much blogging bliss!

    How very sweet of you...to do such a fabulous giveaway in honor of your blog birthday! I would just adore that gorgeous autumn wreath...as well as all the other sweet gifts! Of course, I have been a very delighted follower of Stone Gable for quite some time now! Thank you, Yvonne!

    Happy One Year!!!
    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  140. *Wow, what beautiful vibrant Fall colors. I would love to be entered in your giveaway

    *I am now a follower of your blog.

    *I've become your facebook follower.

    *I've posted your giveaway on my blog.

    Thank you for this generous giveaway!

  141. Happy Anniversary!!! Your blog is awesome!!! I am a follower and would love to be entered in your awesome contest!!! I would love to win the wreath and the candy would be great too!!! Thanks for sharing on how to make the wreath!!!

  142. Happy, happy anniversary to a lovely lady! I would love to win my first giveaway with your wonderful collection of goodies! I just had to smile with your last direction to shake the wreath and reglue if needed!

    I am a follower!

    Ciao, bella!

  143. Hello again Yvonne,

    I also follow you on Facebook!

    Ciao, bella!

  144. I just found your beautiful blog.Can't wait to take time to sit with a warm cup of tea and get lost for awhile.I'd love to enter your giveaway.I'm in for two entries.Harvest Blessings!~Amy

  145. Congratulations on your anniversary. The wreath is beautiful and would look wonderful on my front door. Please enter me in the contest. I was following you on Bloglines, but they are now defunct so I follow you on Google Reader. So, that's two entries and I'm feeling lucky!

  146. Happy Anniversary!! Love the wreath!

  147. Yvonne, congratulations on your anniversary! It's hard to believe you're only a year into blogging, as your blog is so fabulous! I am a follower and always look forward to seeing what you're going to post next.

  148. What a wonderful blog you have! I'm now a follower and also on Facebook. Can't wait to check out all of your posts! Congrats!

  149. Hi Yvonne!
    "Happy Blogiversary" to you! I am most delighted to find your blog so I can now follow your fabulous tutorials! It's no wonder you have an abundance of followers with the beautiful photography you provide! Please enter me into your giveaway as it surely would be a delight to display your stunning wreath! ~.~

  150. Happy Blogiversary Yvonne!! Looks like a lot of us would love to win that gorgeous wreath!
    Thanks for the tutorials.
    I am now a follower of your blog and also on facebook.

    Please add me to your giveaway!!!



  151. Hello and Happy 1 year Blog Anniversary to you. Wow please enter me in your giveaway. The wreath is stunning just breathe taking I love it. And what better way to spend the chilled winter days then to rollup in a blanket with that magazine and be inspired.
    I am a follower, I will post on my blog, and I went to facebook.
    here's to many more years of blogging

  152. Happy Anniversary1
    All beautifuk but wreath is AWESOME! and..(chocolate too LOL)

  153. Yvonne,
    Happy Blogiversary! StoneGable has become one of my favorites. You have great style and fabulous ideas. I've been a follower since almost the beginning and will now find you on FB. This is a lovely giveaway!

  154. Now,I follow stonegable as "wolfsrain"

  155. I become a your facebook follower as "antonella mazzariol"

  156. Yvonne,
    That is a gorgeous and inspiring wreath! I look forward to each of your posts. Happy First Anniversary to you and hopefully many, many more!

  157. I post of your giveaway on my candy-blog here:http://candy19candy.blogspot.com/2010/09/questo-giveawy-e-eccezionale-fa-venire.html

  158. Yvonne,

    An absolutely gorgeous autumn splendor wreath... and I am so needing a new autumn wreath for my door !

    Please enter me in your grand giveaway !

    I am also going to post your blog on mine as one of my favorites !


  159. Yvonne, your blog and your wreath are just lovely. Congrats on your blogiversary!

  160. thank you for sharing your creativity with us for the past year. i make your granola often. it is a family favorite. happy fall!


  161. Congratulations on your one year Bloggiversary! How exciting! I just became a follower and am heading over to Facebook to become a follower there. Thank you for sharing the wreath tutorial and for the give away.

    Autumn Blessings,

  162. Congratulations again, Yvonne. I have enjoyed your many tutorials and this wreath is gorgeous! How I'd love one hanging on my front door.

  163. You have a superb blog! Just found it and I love it. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary, too!. I've just become a follower of your blog and on Facebook. I'm on my way now to add your giveaway on my blog sidebar. Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity, please enter me in it.

  164. Hi! And Happy Blogiversary! I am a follower and a facebook follower. I will also be posting this on my blog. Thanks for sharing the wonderful tut on how to make the beautiful wreath.


    Gen @ Olde Pear Primitives

  165. Love the wreath - it is wonderful! I would like to have it on my front door! Please enter me in your drawing. I am a follower and just joined you on Facebook. I will also post this giveaway on my blog.


  166. Wow, wow, wow!! What a generous giveaway, and what a beautiful wreath.

    I would love to win this, my new front door is just crying out for something as gorgeous as this wreath.

    I just discovered your wonderful blog, and have added myself to your followers list, and facebooks list. I have made a cup of coffee and am going to explore your blog now.

    Thanks again for the chance to win,

  167. Oh My! What a beautiful wreath.
    -I am a new follower of your blog!
    -I just joined you on facebook.
    Please enter me in your give away!!!!
    You have beautiful creations....

  168. dear yvonne,

    lisa at hospitable pursuits sent me over
    here to drool at your gorgeous blog.
    congratulations on your anniversary
    and thank you for the amazing tutorial.

    i am creatively retarded and so appreciate
    all the help i can get.

    many blessings on your sweet blog and
    the amazing amount of influence you
    have after just one year.


  169. WOW you have a lot of comments for this lovely giveaway! I hope that I am the lucky winner. I am a follower, and I am leaving a comment, along with posting it on my blog!
    Thanks for sharing.

  170. Happy Blogiversary! What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for including me :-)

  171. Happy Blogversary, Yvonne! I am just so proud to know you. You deserve EVERYTHING wonderful! xx's

  172. i've been following your wonderful blog for a while now and check it each day. i love it for it's beauty and inspiration. thanks for sharing it with us and happy anniversary!

  173. Your wreath is beautiful, as always! Congratulations on your blog-i-versary - here's to many more.

  174. Hey Yvonne~
    Congratulations on your "Blogiversary" and may I say what a fantastic Giveaway you are having as well!!!
    I am a new follower and would love to be entered!
    The wreath is GORGEOUS, the magazine looks so INTERESTING, and the chocolate.....DIVINE!!! The perfect combination!
    Thank you for your generosity and the wonderful opportunity!!

  175. Yvonne, you are always such an inspiration and the wreaths you create really set the tone for each season. Congratulations again and thank you for joining the party.

  176. My goodness, you have done well in one year! My congratulations to you.
    I have become a follower. I sent my friend request for facebook.I will post your giveaway on my sidebar.
    I love this elegant wreath.
    Please stop by my blog as I am having a giveaway, as well, and would be honored to have you enter.

  177. What a wonderful giveaway. I love this wreath. Beautiful.

  178. This is beautiful! I just found your blog and I signed on to follow.
    I will post this on my blog..Awesome!

    Bear Hugs~Karen
