Saturday, October 2, 2010

Giveaway and Decorative Touches for Mirrors

The Giveaway~ One Year Bloggiversary

I am having a giveaway to thank all of you for your friendship, encouragement and support for the past year!

Click here to view the 1st Bloggiversary post.

The Giveaway includes:

~ A StoneGable original Fall Wreath

~A box of Mamelah's FAMOUS Chocolate Macaroons

These are my all-time favorite cookies! Heaven!

~A gorgeous box of Homemade Truffles from Save Room For Dessert

Everyone RAVES about these confections

~A year subscription to "Belle Inspiration" Ezine

A new exquisite on-line magazine!

~ And a caboodle of other treasures

Everyone needs some extra surprises!

1 of the following gives you 1 entry:
*leave a comment
*become a follower or let me know you follow
*become a facebook follower or let me know you follow
exclusive Facebook giveaway ~ Nells' Hill "Feather Your Nest" by Mary Carol Garrity
One of my favorite decorating book. Full of creative and inspirational ideas!

* post StoneGable's giveaway on your blog

Giveaway ends Sunday October 3rd at 8:00 pm EST and winner will be announced by Monday.

Decorative Touches for Mirrors

Mirrors are a favorite here at StoneGable. Their beautiful reflective quality, the way they throw light and take up space while enlarging it is so attractive to me.

They also look fabulous when decorated with a little embellishment. (And I AM the embellishment queen!)

I tucked this pinkish berry garland around the mirror last fall and enjoyed it so much there that it has stayed.

The mirror is in my "Bohemian" downstairs bathroom. I LOVE this wallpaper, and will probably never remove it. The walls are decorated with a collection of hand painted vintage trays and other hand painted items that are similarly related. ( Later this fall the bathroom vanity cabinet will be painted red and glazed- look for an upcoming post.)The mirror was originally my Mother's and hung above our piano since I was a child.

I think little embellishment on a mirror can soften it and give it such interest! This old mirror looks so fetching with a little bit of green gracefully draped over it.

Small wreath hung from beautiful ribbon also give a mirror panache.

Do you embellish your mirrors? I'd love to hear!

 I am participating in Pink Saturday. Thank you Beverly for hosting this great weekly pink party! Please visit How Sweet The Sound.

My stylish and wonderful friend Splenderosa at Gems on Glamour is having a fabublous jewerly giveaway! You won't want to miss it! Please tell her I sent you. Click here to see her Swaroski Crystal Cuff Bracelets! She is giving away 2!

These are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


  1. What a beautiful giveaway..would I love to win!!!


  2. Yvonne, I just signed up to be a Facebook friend


  3. I, too have mirrors in every room Yvonne. And I see you also have a tole tray- there is a collection on a family room wall. I just love them :)
    xoxo Pattie

  4. I love the way mirrors capture and reflect beauty all around them. Those that come to us from dear ones seem to reflect a part of them into our lives as well. I have a dear old oval mirror that hangs in my home. Every time I look at it, I see my mother and grandmother--stopping to check their hair or makeup before going out the door. Thanks for that special memory this morning.

    The bohemian bathroom is beautifully reflected! And the colorful berries do add just the right softening touch.


  5. Yvonne, I love your wallpaper. If I knew how to hang it myself I would paper mine. The paper I had in my powder room had to come down. It was a blue stripe that did not work any longer. Great minds think alike. I have a couple of vintage tole trays hanging in my powder room. Love the garland over the mirror, too. BTW you do not need any decorating help, girl.

  6. Yes your mirror does look fetching and I am a fan of wreaths hung by a ribbon over a mirror. From what I can see, that is a beautiful bathroom.

  7. I love big beautiful mirrors and delicate vines! I entered the giveaway and mentioned you in my comment! Thanks! ♥

  8. I LOVE mirrors. I dont' think it's possible to have too many of them either.

    Most of mine I leave plain, but the one in my bedroom is embellished. It actually came that way...white painted wood as the frame. A hydrangea swag attached to the top, and blue ribbon weaved through some holes on the bottom and sides of the frame. Unfortunately, it's somewhat on the "country decor" side, which is no longer my preference. But it was a gift from my daughter, so I will not replace it.

    I love the vintage tray you have hanging on the wall.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  9. Our house is small...I love mirrors for giving rooms a larger look. Your decorative touches are always spot-on gorgeous!!


  10. Gorgeous mirror decoration.
    Greetings, Johanna

  11. You have one of the most beautiful blogs in blogland! I would love to be entered into the fray!

  12. I'm also a follower. I have followed you blog for some time just hadn't signed up yet.

  13. I just made you a friend on Facebook, too. Love it! Now all my friends can enjoy what I have been enjoying for some time.

  14. Congratulations on you one year in blogland, Yvonne.

    I love the mirror fallness...gorgeous.

    Pat@Back Porch Musings

  15. I am a Follower.

    Love this giveaway!


  16. I just sent a Friend request from Facebook.:-)


  17. Lovely touch Yvonne. Life is in the details!

    - The Tablescaper

  18. If a mirror looked like that in my home I wouldn't mind looking in it! :) Beautiful!

  19. Oh I love your pretty bathroom mirror with the garland. That looks fabulous. The wallpaper is wonderful. So pretty. Your home is always such a delight to see. Your giveaway is fabulous. So many lovely gifts. Yes, of course I am a follower, and I would love to be entered. Have a super weekend. Hugs, Marty

  20. Your lovely posting today inspired me to embellish a mirror...although I do that at Christmas, I think fall will be a good time to use some of my berry garlands for that very purpose. Thanks.

  21. Hi Yvonne
    Congratulations on one year. You have a beautiful blog. I am already a follower of your blog and I am going to sign up right now to be a facebook follower too so I have a chance to win that great book!

  22. 1st ~ THANK YOU for visiting FHC today - for chatting & letting me know you visited! and liking my son's music :) LoVeLy to find you'd been there when i rose today:)
    now, for my treat of finding you & your GoRGeouS blog! i am LoVing this! inspiriting & inspiring !
    and for your generous giveaway WoW!
    plz add me with the entrants -

  23. and added your giveaway to today's post..
    so sorry i don't facebook or tweet-
    i'm a booklover!

  24. Thank you so much for including me in your giveaway - I'm a follower too. And thank you for a beautiful year. I've enjoyed visiting your blog so much!

  25. Beautiful mirror and wallpaper! Enter me in the drawing and I am a follower too!

  26. Oh my you have such a wonderful give away put together! Love the wreath...and mouth is watering darlin!

    Yvonne that wallpaper is beeeeeeautiful...I love it!

    Smiles, Dolly

  27. I am follower 1005...... yaaaaaaaay!


  28. sign me up!!! Thank you! Looks fab! New to your blog and I love it! Melaine at mysweetsavannah!

  29. Happy PINK Saturday and blogversary! What a totally awesome give-away! Thank you for the chance to enter. This is my first visit to your blog and there is so much to see. Have a great weekend, Nan

  30. Happy Pink Saturday, you have a beautiful post and I love all your ideas on mirror embellishment, thanks for sharing and Happy Bloggiversary to you! Stop by sometime for a visit, I know it is hard to get around to visit everyone and we have such a large group but it sure makes it interesting and fun! Have a great weekend! Marilou XOXO

  31. Now I'm a follower! Count me in! Marilou XOXO

  32. Hi Now I joined you on facebook which I'm not very good at so I hope I did it correctly, My 3 chances are in but I would follow your lovely blog and wonderful ideas anyway! Thanks for the visit! Marilou XO

  33. * Oh... my... gooooonessss! I just "discovered" you, quite by lovely "accident", because I am "mirror hunting" this lovely Satturday morning!!!

    Sounds like a LOVELY and generous giveaway, and I would have signed up for your blogs even WITHOUT it! Terriffic!

    BTW: Maybe it's kismet, but our baby's name (ok, she's a LOVING, 7 year old HUNTIN' DAWG, but still "my baby!"), is named BELLE, which, OF COURSE, starts my e-mail address!!!

    Wonderful blog! "I villlll be back!!!)...

    Linda in AZ *

  34. * Oh!!!! BTW: Mary Carol is a sweetheart... have known her for years... she truly IS a wonderful, energetic, uber-talented gal!!!

    Thanks again,
    Linda in AZ *

  35. Congratulations on your first blogiversary, Yvonne! Your Giveaway is delightful; please add my name to the hat. I am a follower already. Your bathroom is gorgeous and I do love mirrors myself. Happy Pink Saturday weekend.


  36. Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win.

  37. I also follow your blog. Love it !

  38. Happy Anniversary! Your blog is just beautiful. I'm already a follower and just sent in a request to be a friend on facebook.

  39. Wow what a gorgeous idea. I have a large mirror in my hall that I have never thought of embellishing. That is about to change. And thank you too for your wonderful comment. It is always nice to have a strong voice chime in on such posts. :)

  40. I adore decorating with mirrors. My family teases me for it, but I love them.


  41. Love your mirror and great bathroom.I am crazy about mirrors and your garland gives it a special touch.

    Always enjoy your blog and have been a follower for a while. Your giveaways are fabulous!

  42. What pretties you have to share! I've been a follower like - forever! I love to come and visit you, you always have such fun things going on! Sandi

  43. I'm a Follower, as of right now.

  44. I love your giveaway, especially chocolate. The wreath is just gorgeous too.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I added you on Facebook, just waiting for your acceptance. :)

  47. Congratulations on your Blogiversary!

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Those chocolate macaroons are calling my name!


  48. Oh my what a pretty giveaway and pretty post!! I love the mirror and especially have my eye on the tole tray that is reflected in it!! My that is gorgeous!!!

    I would love to win that pretty giveaway!

  49. I am a happy follower now! I thought I was following you before but guess not!

  50. HI Yvonne! I am back from my beach was NOT beach weather, as you know, but we all had a great time! I just love the garland you have used to embellish your wreath! In fact, while at the beach I bought 2 long mirrors and am going to hang one on each side of my hutch in my dining room. NOW, I will try to embellish them too!!!!! LOVE this idea! You know I am a FB friend and a follower too! WONDERFUL, generous giveaway! I will now go peek at the bracelets!!!! XO, Pinky

  51. Hi Yvonne...I couldn't follow you more (cuz if I did you'd think I was a stalker! LOL) Gotcha on Google & FB sites plus my comment here...Woo Hoo 3 chances. Fingers crossed!
    Licks & Wags,

  52. OH MY, what a lovely and generous giveaway. Count me in! I'm a follower, too and I'm off to add ya on Facebook. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  53. Hi Yvonne, I love the wallpaper in your bath and the way you have decorated the mirror. The vintage trays are wonderful! I just sold a beautiful tray in my shop and it was really hard to see it go.

    I hope you will stop by and enter my giveaway.
    xo, Sherry

  54. What a beautiful giveaway!!'
    I love your wallpaper and I love decorating my mirrors also.

    Deborah in NC

  55. I am a follower of your blog!

    Deborah in NC

  56. I'm awaiting friend confirmation on Facebook.

    Deborah in NC

  57. Hi! I'm a follower and I absolutely LOVE your powder room! Cannot say enough about how much I love wallpaper in these smaller rooms and I actually have some in ours as well. It just gives them their own distinction! I so enjoy looking at all your gorgeous photos and congratulations on your bloggiversary!

  58. Thank you for the wonderful idea!

  59. you have a lovely blog .... I would love to win your giveaway!

  60. What a scrumptious collection of goodies. I'd love to be entered for a chance win ~ thanX!

  61. Hi Yvonne,
    Congratulations on your Bloggiversary, I would love to take part in your Giveaway and win that gorgeous wreath.

  62. BTW I've been following you for some time now.

  63. I've never thought about decorating my mirrors in this way, but your look so stunning perhaps I'll start.
    BTW I've put your Bloggiversary/Giveaway link on my sidebar.

  64. I'm so excited about your giveaway, Yvonne, and have done a post about on my blog this weekend. I love your roasted corn and bacon chowder and blogged about that as well. So many of us are eagerly waiting to hear about the lucky winner.

  65. I'm also a blog and facebook follower.

  66. Hi Yvonne, I love embellishing mirrors as well, I think it softens the space around the mirror and takes the eye to a different perspective. Your bathroom wallpaper is beautiful - I don't blame you for never wanting to change it. We have a tomato red paisley wallpaper in our kitchen here at Frog Hollow Farm - it's been up for about 20 years and I don't think I'll ever get sick of it. It's full of so many different colors and I love looking out the big kitchen window at a bleak February day with the red paisley wallpaper framing the scene and adding some color! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments!
    Ciao, bella!

  67. what a fun giveaway! would love to win!

  68. Oh I am so glad I stopped by! Can't wait to see if I win! I am already a follower!

  69. Oh my! What a lovely blog! I'm now a friend and a follower. I would browse more, but I'm going to go gather things for a wreath.

  70. Embellishment Queen! Perfect name, I just love it. And, I love your beautiful bathroom with that lovely Towle tray on the wall & the vining. Truly lovely, Y. I have so much to tell you I'm sending an email. But, thank you thank you thank for posting about my giveaway, so many of your ladies have come over to sign up. Such a treat for me. No pun intended. Sending love darling one. xx's

  71. I just requested to become your friend on facebook! I'm quite new to fb, so am not sure I did it right..I would love to win your giveaway!

  72. Your photos are so beautiful! Definitely have given me ideas on sprucing up some things around my home. And this is a wonderful giveaway! I would LOVE to be entered!

  73. i just sent you a friend request on fb,... i hope i did that right!

  74. I would love to enter the drawing as I have enjoyed reading your blog for quite some time. I recently became a friend of yours on facebook and it's always nice to see your posts there as well. I always enjoy your menus, decorations and the Sunday scriptures. Thank you for taking the time to write your blog, it has been a blessing to me. : )
    Becca from TN

  75. I am so happy I came across your blog! It's absolutely gorgeous.

  76. Hello, Yvonne. I have a coffee filter garland hanging as a swag in my dining room. This $2 project made the room to me. The walls are 12 ft high and the mirror is flanked by 2 large lamps. It just needed something to soften it. I always liked the swags I used at the holidays so I made something to use year round. Made it with my daughter which makes me love it even more.

  77. Your photos are always so amazing. Love your embellished mirrors. Love them.

  78. I would love to win one of your amazing creations!!!

  79. I've asked to be your "friend" on FB!!!

  80. *** First, you have a LOVELY website! Very inviting. *** Second, I would LOVE to win this for my mom's hospital room. She has been in the hospital since August. This would really cheer her up. annc999(at)yahoo(dot)com.
