Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly Menu~ September 27~ October 3, 2010 and PreParty Hoopla!

Check off one VERY busy week... I'm happy to be normal busy this week.

Tomorrow I will be celebrating my 1 year bloggiversary~ Well, reallyyyyyy I'm going to celebrate all week! Blogging started out as a way to connect with my newly married daughter, imparting all things StoneGable and sharing motherly wisdom concerning hearth and home.

But StoneGable took on a life of it's own!!!!! It has become a big part of what I do, a creative outlet, a journal of daily living at StoneGable and hopefully a place of creativity and inspiration for my readers. Who knew I could write 264 posts in 1year. And if time and money (and cleaning, shopping, sleeping, showering...) were no object, I could have written everyday. I have so many ideas rolling around in my head! I look forward to sharing them all!!!!

I am blessed beyond words by all of the people I have met through blogging. And so humbled by all of your sincere kindness! Bloggers and those who follow blogs are darling people!

Come back on Tuesday, I am having a celebration GIVEAWAY. And later this week I will be announcing a new meme (party) hosted here at StoneGable. I'm very excited!

Now about the menu: I found some wonderful recipes from fellow bloggers to try this week. I'm always tickled to make recipes that friends rave about. All I can say is, this week is shaping up to be fun and yummy too!

Lemon Pepper, Parmesan Crusted Salmon
Baked Potatoes
Panzanella Salad

Recipe: Lemon Pepper, Parmesan Crusted Salmon
This delicious salmon recipe come to us by Kendra at Haden News. I just can't wait to try it! Salmon with a crispy crust. YUM!

Recipe: Panzanella Salad
Will the tomatoes never end? I have tons (well, maybe not TONS) of Roma, earlies, beefsteak, grape and orange tomatoes yet to harvest. Next weekend is "can the rest of the tomatoes" weekend. But in the meantime we will love this delicious, crunchy Panzanella Salad.

Grilled Chicken with Creamy Pesto Sauce
Angel Hair Pasta
Roasted Broccoli in Garlic Oil

Recipe: Creamy Pesto Sauce
I call pesto "green gold". I make homemade pesto and freeze it to use all winter long. Pesto is quite easy to make. I can't be without the sunny earthy taste of basil. Kristen, From My Tiny Kitchen has a super yummy recipe for a creamy pesto sauce so I knew that it would show up on my menu this week. Her blog is new to me, but I'm sure we will become fast blogging friends. Her recipes are great!

Pork Chops Stuffed With Smoked Gouda And Bacon
Sauteed Rice
Homemade Applesauce
Garden Tomatoes

Recipe: Pork Chops Stuffed With Smoked Gouda and Bacon
4 oz. smoked Gouda cheese, shredded
8 slices cooked bacon
1/3 cup fresh parsley, chopped
4 center cut, bone-in pork chops
1TBS olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat grill to medium.
In a small bowl combine cheese, bacon, parsley, and a dash of pepper

Cup a pocket in the pork chop, slitting the meat to the bone, but  leaving the sides intact. Stuff with 1/4 cheese mixture and secure with a toothpick.

Brush meat with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill over medium heat for 8 minutes on each side, or until pork is done. Let rest for 10 minutes covered with tented foil.

Thursday Slow Cooker Day
Creamy Chicken Marsala
Fettuccine Noodles
Greek Salad

Recipe: Creamy Chicken Marsala
This wonderful slow cooker main dish comes to us from Crock Pot Recipe Exchange. I just found this tasty blog! I LOVE all things containing Marsala!!!!! And  Marsala in the slow cooker is just perfect in my book!

Friday: Company's Coming!
Pizza alla Campofranco
Grilled Vegetable Antipasta platter
Pear Galette

Recipe: Pizza alla Campofranco
The picture alone convinced me that I just had to make this torte-like pizza. It is gorgeous!!!! So I'm having some friends over to help us eat this beauty. It comes from one of the most busy, talented and diverse woman in bloggland, Pattie at Bramasole... Yearn For The Sun. It is worth the visit to see this gorgeous pizza creation!

Recipe: Balsamic Grilled Vegetable Antipasta Platter
I LOVE to put together this fabulous platter. Serve it as part of a meal or as an impressive appetiser. Make
StoneGable Balsamic Marinaded Grilled Vegetables (look on Saturday's menu). Add wonderful compliments such as marinaded artichoke hearts, salami, fresh mozzarella, greek olives, green olives, prosciutto, anchovy fillets, Armenian twisted cheese, figs, pears, and marcona almonds. Plate beautifully and garnish with rosemary, parsley and sage leaves.

Recipe: Pear Galette
Stop by StoneGable on Thursday night for the recipe, how-to's and photos. I'm posting this rustic dessert as part of Foodie Friday.

Talipia Picatta
Roasted Root Vegetables
Apple Fennel Salad

Recipe: Apples and Fennel Salad
Doesn't that sound so wonderfully fabulous? Thanks to you Sue at Thoughts From Over The Rainbow for this taste of fall salad. Susan was one of my very first blogging friends and I just LOVE her! She is a true friend!

Healthy Lentil Soup
Fresh Herb Dinner Rolls

Recipe: Healthy Lentil Soup
Doesn't this recipe just scream fall? Yummy and stick-to-your-ribs delicious!  I am making a double batch of Healthy Lentil Soup have for weekday lunches. Thanks to Savoring Time In The Kitchen, one of my go-to foodie blogs... and don't get me started on the beautiful images!

Recipe: Fresh Herb Dinner Rolls
OH MY CARB GOODNESS! I can't wait to make Fresh Herb Dinner Rolls. Mari at Once Upon A Plate is the most fabulous cook and such a great encouragement. And this is another blogger with an eye for art! Her photography is outrageous! The recipe makes 4 dozen rolls, so I'll be freezing them for lunches and dinner for quite awhile. They would also make a beautiful gift... a dozen yummy rolls wrapped up all pretty!

Other goodies to make this week:

Dutch Apple Bread
It's apple time here and I am thoroughly enjoying local apples before pumpkin time arrives next week.
I found this mouthwatering recipe on North Dakota Kitchen, a warm, homey, food filled treat of a blog! I'm going to make a few and freeze them!

Pizza Dough
I will be freezing it. Thinking ahead. We are having a big birthday weekend coming up. Lots of family! I think I'll make artisan pizzas for lunch when the crowd comes. I'm getting out the bread machine to make a couple of batches.

Join StoneGable on facebook for exta recipes, and other fun tips and tidbits!


  1. Congratulations Yvonne! You've done good've done good! I don't always comment but I always pop in! Hugs- Diana

  2. Congratulations on your one year bloggiversay! Your menu sounds delicious. I checked out that Dutch Apple word...yummy:)

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary! Your week's menu sounds wonderful.
    Enjoy your week.

  4. Congratulations!!! You're wonderful and have provided much inspiration this year to me and many others!


  5. Congratulations...I always look forward to your posts. I started to right especially your weekly menu but then that would have left out Sunday scriptures and your tutorials and your tablescapes and so on and so on. You inspire more than just your dear daughter. Blessings, Patty
    btw...I moved over to Typepad, I hope you come visit.

  6. One year? I'm actually thinking "only" one year! I would have guessed much longer. I am always so excited to note a new post from you in my sidebar and I'm never disappointed. I'm looking forward to your "bloggiversary" week!!


  7. Congratulations on your first blogaversery! I love looking at your blog though I rarely comment...shame on me!

  8. Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm! Wow, you have so many things to celebrate - congratulations to a wonderful blogger who ALWAYS gives her best! I downloaded that chicken recipe for the crock pot - sounds so delicious and easy - even for guests! Checked out the pizza recipe at Bramasole - so delicious looking. Can you believe that I missed my 100th post? Things have been way too busy around here lately! Ciao, bella!

  9. Happy one year, Yvonne! I gave you a shout out on my blog. The girls loved the beef stew!

  10. Happy Blogiversary Yvonne!! And I do so hope you enjoy your pizza!
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  11. Happy Blog Birthday! WOW! 264 posts!!1 that's awesome!
    By the way...set an extra place at your table this week...your menu sounds delicious...I think I'll be in the area all week long right around dinner time! ;-D
    See you tomorrow!
    Have a beautiful day~

  12. Happy One Year Yvonne!! I love reading your blog, you make everything so beautiful. Hope you enjoy the salmon as much as we did. Have a great week.

  13. Congratulations on your anniversary! I love your menus!

  14. Happy 1st Blog Anniversary! Mine is coming up in November. Didn't the year go by quickly?

  15. CONGRATULATIONS on your 1 year anniversary Yvonne! I'm so glad you decided to blog to stay in touch with your daughter...who'd have thought it would lead to THIS! You are a wonderful inspiration...THANK YOU.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Maura :)

  16. Happy 1st birthday to your blog, Yvonne! You've been an inspiration with so many of your creative ideas.

    Your menu sounds wonderful. Those stuffed pork chops sound delicious and would make my husband so happy!

    Thank you so much for featuring my lentil soup post in your menu!

  17. Only a year???? You are so good at it!! Congratulations. Carla

  18. These look so yummy!! Thanks for sharing! Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary!

  19. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I think yours is one of the most beautiful and inspiring blogs out there. I LOVE it!!


  20. Congratulations!I have been pouring older posts and really love all of them especially with dishes and linens.I am a mom of three and one in college, one graduated on one in high school.I have been blessed to have been passed down many of the same items in your lovey posts.Being from Charleston SC I love all the home traditions and arts. I don't blog but I am enjoying all the special home and recipe tutorials you are may teaching us. Thank you for all your time and effort so that others may be inspired by your knowledge and creativity. Thank you and looking forward to your future gracious living posts.~Emelia~

  21. You have accomplished a great deal in a year! It is always a pleasure to visit here! Congratulations!

  22. I am so glad Bill and Cynthia told me about this Yvonne!!! I LOVE cooking and I am always looking for a good recipe!! Happy one year anniversary!!!

  23. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I love stopping by and seeing your wonderful photos and ideas!


  24. CONGRATULATIONS dear Yvonne!!!!! That is awesome! I will be away from Wed. til Sat. night so will miss some things and I am SOOOO disappointed! I am hoping someone will have a laptop and I may be able to check in!!! Have a WONDERFUL blogiversary WEEK!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  25. Congratulations on your anniversary Yvonne. I'm enjoyed your blog very much in the past year.

    I'm all about all things Marsala so I'll be sure to try this crockpot recipe.

  26. Congratulations on your anniversary Yvonne. I'm enjoyed your blog very much in the past year.

    I'm all about all things Marsala so I'll be sure to try this crockpot recipe.

  27. Congrats on a year of blogging! You've come a long way in a few short months!

    The pizza looks is going on my list of things to try! Yum.

  28. Hi Yvonne,
    Congratulations on your blog anniversary. You and your blog are divine! I want to try the Marsala Chicken in the slow cooker and the Apple bread they sound wonderful. A couple weeks ago I had friends over for my birthday and I had a butternut squash from the garden. That day I saw you posted the Ina Garten salad with the cheese, greens , maple syrup butternut squash etc. I had forgotten about that recipe I hadn't made it in awhile and I was thrilled to see it on your blog. I wanted to make something great with it and the salad is incredible. I mentioned you in the blog post I did and linked back to you so hopefully other readers would get this yummy recipe.
    Thanks for such an inspirational blog.

  29. Congrats on your one year blogiversary. believe i began following you in November of last year when you posted an outdoor t.scape.

    Look forward to your future posts.

  30. Bonjour Yvonne,
    COngratulations on your one year anniversar. We tarted just about the same time. Your blog is a gorgeous highlight of Blogland!
    The Chicken Marsala sounds perfect for tomorrow's dinner!
    Will talk soon my friend,

  31. Hi!

    Just wanted to stop by again and thank you for the very kind and thoughtful comment you left on my blog! I'm glad I could make you smile!
    Many Blessings,

  32. Congratulations on one year! You have an amazing blog. I always enjoy my time here!!!

  33. Yvonne, I always love to stop by, I do think the word is "inspiration"-thanks!

  34. Pretty nice site you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

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  35. Happy anniversary to you Yvonne! Stonegable is one of my favorite stops and you are sweet to make life more beautiful and meaningful for all of us.

    By the way, making pizza dough ahead and freezing it is a great idea.
