Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bridal Shower Recipes, Part I

Bridal Showers Recipes, Part I

Thank you everyone, for your interest, kind comments and positive e-mails about the recent Lovebirds Bridal Shower hosted here at StoneGable. It was so much fun to live it again through these recent posts!

One question I heard over and over was, "Are you going to post the recipes?"  My answer, "Of course"! I'm all about sharing

Due to the numbers of recipes, I will share them in three parts. One for the savory food, one for the tea sandwiches and  drinks, and one pansy cookie tutorial. I hope you try some of these recipes when you entertain.

Savory Recipes

Salmon Mousse

StoneGable Salmon Mousse
1 1/2 lbs freshly cooked or canned salmon, flaked
1/2 cup green onions, diced finely
1/2 cup green pepper, diced finely
3 TBS chopped fresh dill
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup mayonaise (full fat)
1/2 cup sour cream (full fat)
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 8oz. package cream cheese (full fat)
1 can tomato soup
dash Tabasco or hot sauce
1/2 cup cold water
1 envelope unflavored, unsweetened gelatin

In a bowl mix salmon, green onions, green peper, onion, dill, parsley, mayo, sour cream and lemon juice.

In a saucepan over meduim heat combine cream cheese and tomato soup. Melt and stir until incorporated together. Add to bowl with salmon and mix.

In another small saucepan, add COLD water and gelatin. Heat over low heat, stirring until gelatin completely disolves in the water. DO NOT BOIL. When gelatin has disolved, pour into salmon mixture and stir until completely incorporated.

Cover the inside of fish mold liberally with cooking spray. If you do not have a fish mold you can use any other mold or divide mousse between a couple of medium size bowls. I have individual fish molds and have made molded individual servings for an appetizer course.

Pour mousse in mold and cover tightly with plastic wrap.  Refrigerate for at least 6 hours. This can be done a day or 2 before.

To unmold, put the bottom of mold in a pan of very hot water for just a couple of seconds and run a knife around the edges of the mold. Put a large platter on top of the mold and invert.

Decorate the mold with thinly sliced cucumbers to resemble scales, matchbox carrot sticks fanned across the fins and tail and a black olive slice for an eye.
I do not decorate mine anymore, because I have found that no one will eat it once it has been decorated.

Serve salmon mousse with crackers. It is also delicious with veggies. Or serve as a pate with toast points.

Bleu Cheese and Bacon Potato Salad

I make potato salads by the "taste and feel" method. I taste it for the ballance of flavors and when it feels right... it is! So these are just good guesses as far as amounts. It is not rocket science so just taste and feel your way through this recipe. I doubled this recipe for the shower.

Bleu Cheese and Bacon Potato Salad
5 lbs red and white new potaoes, skins scrubbed
1 lb cooked bacon, crumbled
4 green onions, white and green finely chopped
2-3 ribs celery, finely diced
1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
3 TBS fresh dill, finely chopped
4-6 oz. good bleu cheese, crumbled

2 cups mayonaise
4-8 TBS spicy brown mustard
4 TBS cider vinegar 

Put potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Cook potatoes over a medium high heat until fork tender. Drain water and cool potaotes. Cube potatoes, leaving skin on.

In a very large bowl, add potatoes, bacon, onions, celery, parsley, dill and bleu cheese.

In another bowl add all the dressing ingredients together. Add dressing to potatoes until creamy but not overdresssed. Refrigerate. Can be made up to 2 days ahead.

When serving, garnish with chopped green onions and crumbled bacon

Artichoke Parmesan Dip with Pita Chips

Artichoke Parmesan Dip With Pita Chips
2 jars (small) marinaded artichoke hearts, drained and chopped finely
1 cup mayonaise (full fat)
1 cup parmesan cheese, freshly grated
1 pressed garlic clove
 dash of hot sauce

I doubled this recipe and there was only a tiny bit left. Everyone loves this savory treat.
 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Put dip in an oven proof bowl and bake for 30 minutes. Serve hot with pita chips.

Pita Chips
2 bags pita bread
olive oil
herbs de provence (or any herbs or garlic for seasoning)
sea salt

Cut each pita round in two. Cut each half into thirds. Separate each wedge into a single layer. You will have 12 single layer pita wedges for each round.

Put rounds in a single layer on a parchment rimmed baking sheet. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs de provence and sea salt.

Bake in a 350 degree oven until golden and crisp, about 15 minutes.

Orange Poppyseed Muffin with Ham and Honey Mustard  Beehive Butter

Orange Poppyseed Muffins with Ham and Honey Mustard Beehive Butter
I could not find my Orange Poppyseed Muffin recipe so I used one from It worked just fine.
Click HERE for recipe.

Cool muffins and slice horizontally. Spread a thin layer of poppyseed mayonaise (1/2 mayo + 1/2 poppyseed dressing) on muffin bottom. Add a generous piece of ham. I like to use a sprial ham, but we used a good quality deli ham to keep within the budget.

Honey Mustard Beehive Butter
This is one that you just have to taste to see if you like the taste and consistancy.
1 lb butter, room temperature.
2-3 TBS honey
2-3 TBS good dijon mustard

Mix and adjust taste with honey or mustard. Line a small deep bowl with plastic wrap and press butter into bowl and cover with plastic wrap . Refrigerate. This an be done well ahead.

To serve, invert bowl and remove plastic wrap. Put butter in the center of a platter. Run the tines of a fork around the butter, to simulate the lines on a beehive. If desired add a little faux bee on the beehive. Place muffin sandwiches around beehive butter. Serve with a decorative knife. Guests are to cut off a slice of butter and put it on their sandwiches.

Caprese Picks

Caprese Picks
2 boxes grape tomatoes
1 large container marinated fresh mozzarella balls
fresh basil

Thread a grape tomato, mozzarella ball and another grape tomato on a small skewer.
Arrange in a bowl and garnish with fresh basil.

Next week: Tea Sandwiches!

I am joining Michael Lee West for Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum.


  1. Yvonne, I truly believe you're my long lost sister! We seem to love the same things! I can't wait to try the potato salad- I adore blue cheese! Just gorgeous
    xoxo Pattie

  2. YUMMY! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas and recipes..I would love to see the Pansy cookies recipe too! You are a wonderful party planner! Come say hi :D

  3. Foods look yummy, glad things work out.Cute tablescape.. Have a good weekend. Nancy

  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to post and share your recipes.


  5. Everything looks delicious! I have a recipe for crab pate that is very similar to your salmon pate. Which reminds I haven't make that in ages...maybe a good appetizer for Mother's Day:) I really enjoy your blog....very inspirational! Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.

  6. Oh, yummy! Yvonne, thank you for these recipes. Your photos are amazing. That you made all this beautiful food is amazing.
    Stops at your blog are always a treat! ~ Sarah

  7. Yvonne, thank you so much for sharing these recipes. I still want you to come and do the shower for my 30th+ anniversary though. Now, I have to get myself out and register for all the new things I want. I wonder if one can put "paint the living room a different color" on a registry?


  8. Darn... now I have to go have a snack.

  9. I'm back again, since I seem to have an addiction to your blog....

    So much beauty and recipes to take in... Oh my, I will be trying these, and using your fabulous decorating ideas....

    Thanks for helping me plan my next Ladies Tea!

  10. Ok, you win! This is by far the most beautiful post. The setting, the food everything is just perfection! Thanks for all the recipes. That second photo should be in a magazine!

  11. Yvonne,
    You just have the most amazing blog. It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing all your ideas.


  12. Such a table... love the names on the rocks... the people at the party must have felt like royalty

  13. Everything sounds so good! I so have to get back on my recipe project that I have going on. The potato salad sounds incredible. Love bleu cheese! Or gorgonzola. Or fontina. Heck, I just love cheese!

  14. I can't wait to try some of the recipes. Carla

  15. Yvonne, I have enjoyed your blog for months but this bridal shower was over the top. What a gift of hospitality you gave to each guest who attended! It was a treasure to the eyes and to their taste buds. I can't wait to use what I have learned from you! Julie Horst

  16. Thank you for all the recipes! Your party must have been amazing! I love stopping by to see what you've been up to.

  17. I am soooo excited to try these recipes!!! Bugs me when people display so much amazing looking food and don't tell the recipes! Thank You so much!

  18. This looks delicious Auntie Yvonne! ;0) What a blessed bride to have such a lovely shower!

    That potato salad is going to be a nice summer recipe around these parts! Thanks for sharing

  19. That is just the sweetest and most delicious looking shower! I am so jealous of the bride, and of you for putting together such amazing foods! I love every single thing I see here - and I just might have to steal that potato salad recipe (getting tired of mine!).

    Thanks for sharing this @ Foodie Friday - I can't wait to see what's next!

  20. What a gorgeous spread you served. I love how you labeled everything. I am having a hard time picking a favorite. I think I am just going to have to copy them all down and try them all:-)

  21. How very beautiful! I love the variety of texture, flavors and colors.

    Becky K.

  22. This is not only beautiful but so delicious...everything is perfectly prepared and the ingredients are so mouth-watering. I will definitely be trying these recipes!! Thanks for sharing them with us and thank you for your sweet visit to our church tea party tables! I did not know you were a speaker..wished you lived nearby I would love to go to one of your studies!

    Great post!!

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  23. YYUUMM!! This was AMAZING!! Thank YOU!!

  24. Oh my heck!! This is DARLING!! Are you sure Martha Stewart wasn't hosting this party?? :)

    Happy Friday to ya!

  25. Oh Yvonne I grow to love you more and more as time passes. You even mold things and use pedestal bowls. I think I've found a kindred spirit.

    Thanks for the fantastic recipes, I'm sure you had lots of fans made at the bridal shower. What a treat it must of been to be a treat at your home. You set the bar on how to be a hostess.

    Happy MOther's Day, Yvonne!

  26. They sound so delicious, and I am still BLOWN AWAY by the photographs! You are beyond talented, I love the way you have the dishes presented on those little stones, honestly, these are some of the best shower pictures I have ever seen, straight out of a magazine!

  27. Awesome ideas! I'm ready to throw a party...thanks.

  28. What a beautiful site you have! I wanted to personally thank you for visiting my blog! I will be following all your wonderful adventures in the future! Happy friday and thanks again! Alex

  29. Oh my goodness... what a beautiful blog. I'm signing up here for sure!
    Now this is not so lady-like probably to be posted under bridal shower recipes, but here is the real recipe for the fried rattlesnake.

    Title: Fried Rattlesnake

    This is a delicious appetizer!

    Fresh rattlesnake backstrap
    South Texas orange juice
    Powdered nutmeg
    Salt & pepper
    Cracker meal
    Canola oil
    Cocktail sauce or picante sauce

    Cut backstrap into 2 inch strips (looks like calamari strips). Soak in orange juice with a little nutmeg, salt and pepper for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator.
    Remove rattlesnake from o.j. and dip in beaten egg. Roll in cracker meal that is seasoned with salt and pepper. Fry in canola oil until crisp.
    Serve hot with either cocktail sauce or picante sauce.
    Hint: Use an X-acto knife to remove backstrap.

    Number Of Servings:Depends on the size of the rattlesnake!!

    I hope your son safely gets the opportunity to make this. It is good and quite a conversation piece.
    Thank you for your visit.
    Have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!
    Ladybug Creek

  30. wow the presentation is awesome! Really nice job! I really like the recipes they sound so yummy. Thanks for visiting today!

  31. Oh my goodness...this post is absolutely incredible. I thought we were following each other before, but I guess not so I am following now. I have missed out on so much!

  32. Oh I adore your blog!!!! Your shower is so beautiful..I love how you used the sweet little eggs as glad you found me and now I have found you!!!! Off to see what I have been missing. xoxoxo

  33. Yvonne, you must be an amazing cook! I can't decide which recipe I want to try first and the presentation is always so pretty. The details that you remember make everything more special. This must have been a very charming shower to attend.

  34. Yvonne....Everything...and I do mean everything...looks delectable ! Love that you share all the recipes. I'm thinking that you have to be soooo organized.

  35. It's difficult not to stay and browse! Beautiful and yummy! Anyway, I mentioned your blog on my blog today for Pink Saturday. Just stopping by to let you know.

  36. Yvonne, this is totally over the top! Everything looks so delectable and the presentation is beyond. Just amazaing!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  37. OH... Miss've outdone yourself!!
    This was a jaw dropping presentation.
    You know I'm gonna try my hand at the fondant daises. Have you ever tried making them from gum paste? You were my inspiration for my nesting post. I wait with bated breath to see what you'll reveal next. Everything you present is captured so beautifully in your photos!!

    Sweet wishes,

  38. Yvonne, I just love every minute I spend at your blog. Lady, your table was so pretty. You've got such an eye for balance and design.

    I thought your beehive butter was so cute and so clever...something I will most definitely do.

    Each recipe had my mouth watering with anticipation towards the next.

    I made a bacon and bleu cheese potato salad a long time ago and forgot about it until seeing your recipe. That sounds so darn good! I can't wait to make that soon. I think it would be great for a cookout...which we do lots of at my house because Shawn loves to grill and we've got a large family.

    Thank you for all your hard work you do to prepare for these lovely, lovely posts.

    Blessings for a wonderful Mothers Day,


    p/s I have some Charlotte pieces due next week.

  39. I am beyond delighted to see all of these recipes...there are so many to try!

  40. Oh my goodness Yvonne! The food is endless and beautiful! Thank you for the recipes! What a sweet shower! Happy Mother's day dear!


  41. Just dropping by to say: Happy Mother's day to you!

  42. Yvonne, thank you SO much for taking the time to post all of your wonderful recipes from this beautiful shower! It was such a special event & I am saving the link for future reference. Maybe when little Ms. Caroline gets engaged!! LOL

