Monday, May 31, 2010

A Memorial Day Inspiration


Today was a very emotional day! And I am feeling sentimental. I don't often post about very personal things, but thank you for indulging me tonight.

Today, our family went to Fort Indian Town Gap National Cemetary to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers and to my Dad. He is laid to rest there along with thousands of men and women who have served in the Armed Forces to defend and protect all Americans.

As we drove through the quiet gently rolling landscape of Pennsylvania draped with American flags and decorated with flowers marking the graves I was so struck with a sense of extreme pride. The pride of having a Dad who served his country for over one third of his life! A career man in the Army first then the Air Force. A man who loved his country and his family and his God.

My father came from a poor uneducated family in the Ozarks. With hard work, determination and a will to make a better life for himself and his family he worked tirelessly. And succeeded. His love for us was effusive and his devotion to my mother was something most women only can dream of. He was strong and dependable and private.

My father had a profound effect on my life. It was by his example and through his inspriation that I learned to love and feel such pride for this country. My America!  It was watching my Dad that helped me to understand the sacifice each military person and their families makes for all of us. I came to know the debt of gratitude owed to all serving!

So, on the Memorial Day I want to honor my Dad, my inspriation!

I am joining Maggie (my wonderful blogging friend) at The White Farmhouse for An Inspirational Party! Please join her and see all the inspiring people there! Click HERE to visit and be inspired!

I as so humbled by you kind and loving post, Maggie. Thank you!

StoneGable Weekly Menu

Menu Plan: May 31- June 6

Exciting news from StoneGable this week. Stop back on Wednesday evening for my very first GIVEAWAY!  I have teamed up with April Cornell and put together some fun and fabulous finds! 

This is an easy menu planning week. I have guests (family) and we are going out a couple of nights. And I  will be away in Virginia this weekend to see my niece go to her senior prom. I am also sneeking in a trip to Old Lucketts  Store-Lucky me!  Have a very Happy Memorial Day! Please take time to honor our soldiers and their families!

Monday- Memorial Day Picnic
Barbecued Chicken
Homemade Mac and Cheese
Broccoli Salad
Corn on the Cob
Tossed Salad
Angel Food Cake with Strawberries
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recipe: Mac and Cheese
This is the best Mac and Cheese recipe! Given to me years ago by my sister-in-law Sue. This is my most requested family dish. Click HERE and look for the Saturday's recipes to find Mac and Cheese.

Girl's Dinner Out
Boy's- Homemade Stromboli
Ceaser Salad

Wednesday:Giveaway Kickoff!
Crab Cakes
Baked Potatoes
Roasted Broccoli with Garlic Oil
Leftover Coslaw from Monday

Recipe: Crab Cakes
I buy lump crab meat when it is on sale. These crab cakes have very little filler, so they are rich and very delicious.  Click HERE for recipe and look for Mondays menu.

Out to dinner

Hamburgers on the Grill
Home fries
Salad Fixins' for Hamburgers

Saturday- Monday
Away To Virginia

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Scritpture

Sunday Scripture: Memorial Day Weekend 2010

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his firends.   Jn 15:13

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pink Peony Tablescape And Birthday Party!


The peonies are in full bloom at StoneGable. Their big moppy heads are bent close to the ground, wet with last nights rain. Their glorious perfummy aroma wafting up onto the back porch.

I have been planning this table for months. Finding the few elements to go on the table in thrift shops, flea markets and antique shops. Simple, white and pink. Lace, starched linens and touches of silver. Letting the beauty of these magnificent flowers be the center of attention. I have been anxiously anticipating the arrival of the pale petal pink peonies.

The very best part about creating this table is that the blooming of the peonies also coincide with Pink Saturday's second birthday!  A meme hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, Pink Saturday is all about pink attitude!  So this tablescape becomes a birthday celebration! Just for you and Pink Saturday.

This small table on my porch is set for two. Silver utility serving trays hold a stack of white and pink dishes.

Pretty rose-like bowls (HomeGoods) top Limoges "Feme" salad/dessert plates.

The limoges plates are the fruit of a very productive shopping day at a rediscovered antique shop in Lancaster Pa. Rev Chi's Antiques proved to be a goldmine! The knowledgeable and amiable owner was so helpful. And I was able to find some lovely pieces at very reasonable prices!

The delicate rose design on the porcelain plates were created using a technique called "combination". The outline is a transfer and then they are hand tinted.  I swept them up to give them a loving home!

White damask and vintage pink napkins are gathered together in a silver napkin ring.

I love the pink ruffle of the peonies, the rose bowl and the scallop of the perfection!

The table linens were borrowed from my mother. A rose colored tablecloth peeks out from underneath  my great grandmothers heavy lace beauty.

The silverplate flatware is a recent purchase from Rev Chi's Antiques. It was manufactured by Harmony House and dated 1944. It has a monogrammed "D" on each piece. I am wild about monogrammed silver... even if it is not my initials. If you are interested in silver and silverware care you might want to see my post on collecting and care of silver. Click HERE for post.

The cake server is a particularly lovely piece.

Cups, saucers and dessert plates wait for those yummy strawberry birthday cupcakes!

These stately salt and pepper shakers were rescued from a flea market for $2.00. I shined them up and they have a new life now!

The real center of attention are these fabulous pink peonies! Full and lush and so beautiful. A soup tureen becomes a centerpiece for these captivating blooms.

The table is ready for a little pink birthday party!

Happy Birthday, Pink Saturday! Beverly you have brought so much fun, creativity and joy to many bloggers, followers and friends! Here's to many more!

I am participating in Pink Saturday's Second Birthday Celebration! Beverly, thank you so much for all of your hard work!

Please go and visit Beverly and and wish her a very happy birthday!
Click HERE for a pink visit!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

StoneGable Granola


We are having a house full of family for the long weekend. Nothing thrills me more! I often say our home is more like a hotel! 

So I made granola to have for my snackers. It also makes a great breakfast when we need to eat something quick. Sweet and crunchy, this granola is a real energy booster!

StoneGable Granola:
6 cups of oatmeal
1/2 cup wheat germ
1 1/2 cups slivered almonds
2 1/2 cups chopped pecans
1 cup coconut (flaked)
1/2 dark brown sugar ( I use a little more)
1/2 cup non flavored vegetable oil
1 tsp cinnamon
2 TBS vanilla
1-2 cups assorted dried fruit (I use dried cherries)
1-2 cups of add-in (mini chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, cereals)

Preheat oven to 225 degrees.
Mix all ingredients except dried fruit and add-ins in a large bowl. Mix well to coat evenly.  I omit the coconut, not all of us are fans. Distribute on 2 large rimmed baking sheets.

Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes. Turn every 15 minutes.

Remove from oven and cool completely. 
Stir in dried fruit and add-ins. I put dried fruit and  add ins in individual bowls and let everyone make their own customized blends if we have it for breakfast.

Store in air tight container.


I am joining Michael Lee West at Designs By Gollum for Foodie Friday. Start your weekend right- go see all the wonderful recipes! Click HERE

I am joiniing Chari at Happy To Design for Sunday Favorites!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Memorial Day Table

Memorial Day was originally called Remembrance Day.  First established to honor and remember soldier's who had lost their lives in the Civil War. Their graves were decorated with flags and flowers to remember them and their ultimate sacrifice.

Remembrance Day was later changed to Memorial Day and remains a day to honor American men and women who have given their lives so we can be a free nation!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

StoneGable Weekly Menu Plan

Weekly Menu Plan: May 24- 30, 2010

This week I am revisiting some StoneGable standby recipes. They are easy, delicious and one's that are tried and true family favorites! A recent favorite is a wonderful pizza from Faithfulness Farm. My family thinks this pizza is the best! Thanks Mrs. P!

It would not be a good cooking week however, if I didn't have a couple of new things on the menu. I love to peruse all the great dishes posted on Foodie Friday. This week I just couldn't resist the sound of Orzo Asparagus Salad and Kickin' Pasta Sauce.  Both are from very talented cooks in bloggland.

Shrimp Scampi with Bowtie Pasta
Ceaser Salad

Recipe: Shrimp Scampi with Bowtie Pasta
This is a wonderfu and tasty recipe from the Barefoot Contessa. I find her recipes consistently delicious and
quite do-able. Click HERE for recipe. I am making it with bowtie pasta instead of linguini.

Grilled Chicken in StoneGable Marinade
Orzo Asparagus Salad

Recipe: Grilled Chicken in StoneGable Marinade
My go-to marinade will work wonders on chicken breasts or tenders. Click HERE and find this fabulous and my very favorite marinade recipe under Tuesday's menu.

Put chicken in a zip lock bag with marinade. Marinade for 30 minutes to 8 hours. Remove chicken from the bag and discard marinade. Grill chicken.

Recipe: Orzo Asparagus Salad
This recipe comes from Red Couch Recipes, a blog I am smitten with. I think this dish sounds so delicious and I can't wait to give it a try. Click HERE for this spring inspired recipe.

Ravioli with Kickin' Pasta Sauce
Greek Salad

Recipe: Ravioli with Kickin" Pasta Sauce
I really excited to try this yummy sounding pasta sauce that comes from Delightful Country Cookin'! This is not a delicate or whimpy sauce, but one that has meat and full flavors. Oh, this sounds perfect! I am putting it over store bought cheese ravioli. Click HERE to get this soon to be favorite recipe.

Recipe: Greek Salad
I could make this salad with my eyes closed. Very rich and satisfying and full of great  and vibrant flavors! I love this for lunch and have it often. But my family craves it for dinner too. Click HERE for a salad you are sure to love too!

Bachlorette Party. Boys you have to fend for yourselves. You know the take-out numbers! There may even be leftovers (that is a bad word to Bobby).

Homemade Pizza
Field Greens with Bleu, Dried Cherries and Pistachio Nuts in a Raspberry Viniagrette

Recipe: Homemade Pizza
Mrs. P from Faithfulness farm makes the best pizza. And even better than her pizza is her amazing blog. She is a great blog buddy of mine. For this adictive pizza click HERE for the recipe.
Wedding- Congrats to our two young friends!

Sunday: Kids Are All Home- YEA!!!!!
Grilled Flank Steak On Skewers
Corn On The Cob
Caprese Salad
Store bought Philadelphia Style Potato Salad

Recipe: Grilled Flank Steak On Skewers
This is a family favorite. Using the same recipe for the marinad as on Tuesday, this steak is marinaded, tender and delicious. Click HERE and look for it under Tuesday's menu.

Hope you all have a positive and productive week!

Look for these upcoming posts in the near future!

Sunday Scripture

 Sunday Scripture:

Jezerel Valley, Israel

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field.  (Parable of the worth of the kingdom) Matt 13:44

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pansy Shortbread Cookies

Don't you love having creative friends? At a recent bridal shower at StoneGable the mother-of-the-bride brought a plate of fabulous pansy cookies to share. Of course I thought they were the prettiest cookies I had ever seen! Everyone ooooohhhed and aaaaaaahhhhed over them. And not only were they beautiful to look at... they were wonderfully delicious too!

I just had to try to make them myself. Shortbread cookies are quite easy to make and fixing the pansy on top was and fun. Very impressive for the little work they take. They taste buttery and sweet, and the pansies have no taste to interfere with the lovely shortbread flavor.  I would have to call this a WOW factor dessert.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tea On The Porch

Yellow China And Black Tea:

Tea time on the porch is one of my favorite things to do at StoneGable. And tea  with friends on the porch is an event!  Tea time for me is reminiscent of my childhood years in Scotland and England where tea time was a cherished and time honored part of the day!

The inspiration for this table came from my antique yellow porcelain tea set. I waited around at an auction, years and years ago, to bid on and finally get this pretty prize. I love yellow and dishes so I just knew I had to take it home.

This set, a lustreware china made in Japan, is probably of very little value but it is my very favorite tea set. The tea pot has a jolly, sunny look. I think it has a little bit of an up-turned attitude!

The simple yellow and white pattern is highlighted with a thin black band.  This is a striking combination, but not too loud or over done. The little tea pot sits on a small wrought iron stand.

The form and design of the creamer and sugar bowl mirrors the teapot.

Each place is set with a square plate with softened corners. It has a  bold scrolled design. It is the perfect backdrop for the delicate yellow dessert plate that is part of the tea set.

Topping each place setting is a double napkin gathered up in a white whrought iron napkin ring. The black and white check brings a relaxed feel to the table. The white formal napkin with a monogrammed P dresses it back up a little.

Thin yellow porcelain cups await the tea. Their reflective finish is captivating.

A tea cup is also called into an unorthodox use. It becomes a little bowl for lemons.

A white footed planter aquired at a flea market is planted with begonias and greens. The yellow flowers of  the begonias almost matches the yellow in the china.

Sitting and sipping tea... laughing and bearing our hearts and souls... finding joy in just being together and being out of doors... these are simple pleasures that cannot be underestimated!

Will you join us?

I am participating in Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps On The Porch.  This is the 91st  Tablescape Thursday our lovely  Susan has hosted. Thanks, Susan!  Click HERE to join in!

I am participating in Rainbow  Summer School~ Yellow at On a Tangent. Click HERE to see all the sunniest!