Monday, May 31, 2010

StoneGable Weekly Menu

Menu Plan: May 31- June 6

Exciting news from StoneGable this week. Stop back on Wednesday evening for my very first GIVEAWAY!  I have teamed up with April Cornell and put together some fun and fabulous finds! 

This is an easy menu planning week. I have guests (family) and we are going out a couple of nights. And I  will be away in Virginia this weekend to see my niece go to her senior prom. I am also sneeking in a trip to Old Lucketts  Store-Lucky me!  Have a very Happy Memorial Day! Please take time to honor our soldiers and their families!

Monday- Memorial Day Picnic
Barbecued Chicken
Homemade Mac and Cheese
Broccoli Salad
Corn on the Cob
Tossed Salad
Angel Food Cake with Strawberries
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recipe: Mac and Cheese
This is the best Mac and Cheese recipe! Given to me years ago by my sister-in-law Sue. This is my most requested family dish. Click HERE and look for the Saturday's recipes to find Mac and Cheese.

Girl's Dinner Out
Boy's- Homemade Stromboli
Ceaser Salad

Wednesday:Giveaway Kickoff!
Crab Cakes
Baked Potatoes
Roasted Broccoli with Garlic Oil
Leftover Coslaw from Monday

Recipe: Crab Cakes
I buy lump crab meat when it is on sale. These crab cakes have very little filler, so they are rich and very delicious.  Click HERE for recipe and look for Mondays menu.

Out to dinner

Hamburgers on the Grill
Home fries
Salad Fixins' for Hamburgers

Saturday- Monday
Away To Virginia


  1. Have a wonderful time on your trip. The crab cakes sound yummy. As soon as I can get some good crab meat I am going to try them. Carla

  2. Yvonne:

    Have a great trip. I'm sure you'll find some wonderful treasure in your trip.

    Looking forward to having you join the meme "Where do you keep it all?" The link will be up tomorrow night.

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Yvonne, have a fabulous time with your company and then on your trip.

    I'm going to try your Mac and Cheese..ummm...
    xo bj

  4. I would love to come to your house for dinner today, Yvonne. Your holiday menu sounds wonderful. Have a very happy Memorial Day.

  5. I am all for the crab cakes- recipe looks really good and easy. will have to search your panzanella recipe. have fun on your trip - look forward to your april cornell giveaway. Happy Memorial Day!!

  6. As always, I want to be your houseguest for the week!
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day!


  7. Yvonne, I wish you a very nice time. Enjoy your trip and return safe.
    Greetings, Johanna

  8. Bonjour Yvonne,
    Will definitely try the Mac and Cheese. Have a wonderful time in Virginia!
    Good week to you,

  9. Looks like you are going to have a FANTASTIC week (food speaking). :-) Hope you enjoyed the pasta sauce last week! -

  10. Yvonne, your menu sounds delicious and doable, as usual, I love it.

    Sounds like you will be in my neck of the woods this weekend if you are planning to visit Lucketts. I know you will be busy with family, but if you have time, I would love to meet you.


  11. Everything sounds so yummy! I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip. I can't wait to see what you come back with! I know there is probably a stunning tablescape with your finds next week and I can't wait!

    Come and visit! There is a surprise there for you!
