Monday, May 31, 2010

A Memorial Day Inspiration


Today was a very emotional day! And I am feeling sentimental. I don't often post about very personal things, but thank you for indulging me tonight.

Today, our family went to Fort Indian Town Gap National Cemetary to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers and to my Dad. He is laid to rest there along with thousands of men and women who have served in the Armed Forces to defend and protect all Americans.

As we drove through the quiet gently rolling landscape of Pennsylvania draped with American flags and decorated with flowers marking the graves I was so struck with a sense of extreme pride. The pride of having a Dad who served his country for over one third of his life! A career man in the Army first then the Air Force. A man who loved his country and his family and his God.

My father came from a poor uneducated family in the Ozarks. With hard work, determination and a will to make a better life for himself and his family he worked tirelessly. And succeeded. His love for us was effusive and his devotion to my mother was something most women only can dream of. He was strong and dependable and private.

My father had a profound effect on my life. It was by his example and through his inspriation that I learned to love and feel such pride for this country. My America!  It was watching my Dad that helped me to understand the sacifice each military person and their families makes for all of us. I came to know the debt of gratitude owed to all serving!

So, on the Memorial Day I want to honor my Dad, my inspriation!

I am joining Maggie (my wonderful blogging friend) at The White Farmhouse for An Inspirational Party! Please join her and see all the inspiring people there! Click HERE to visit and be inspired!

I as so humbled by you kind and loving post, Maggie. Thank you!


  1. Yvonne,
    What an inspiring post. You said it all...thank you for my freedom and the freedoms your dad fought so hard to give us. I honor him and all the men and women protecting our freedoms now, and who have protected our freedoms in the past!!

  2. Oh Yvonne ~ I love this and what better person for this day of inspiration ~ love all the flags. Somehow I am feeling very patriotic right now and I am not even an American! Hope you had a wonderful memorable day week-end. Thank you so much for your kind words. xo

  3. Thank you for this beautiful and touching post Yvonne.

    Your insightful memories and appreciation of your father's service to our country are so similar to my own memories of my dad.

    I sm deeply thankful to all have given their lives for our free way of life, and of course to our men and women who have served, & those who are serving right now.

    ((hugs)) to you sweet lady. Thank you again for sharing. xoxo

  4. Oh Yvonne...what a beautiful tribute to your father and all of the other brave men and women who bought our freedom with their lives!

    I am forever thankful to them and pray for our armed forces every day!

    What a wonderful post!

    Happy Memorial Day!

  5. Yvonne,
    I am so humbled by your words and your tribute to your Dad. He must have been a wonderful man.

  6. Giving thanks with the multitude for the service and sacrifice of your father and many others. I can only imagine such bravery and courage.
    I am eternally grateful ♥

    Yvonne, you certainly also bring pride & joy to your father and to your Eternal Father!
    Blessings always, Maria

  7. Yvonne, what a beautiful post! My father served, and was wounded in World War II. I am thankful to all those who served. What an beatiful picture of all those beautiful flags in the cemetary. Joni

  8. Such a lovely tribute to your father! My own father was in the Air Force for 21 years...

  9. A wonderful tribute.
    A blessed Memorial Day.

  10. Beautiful, Yvonne. My father, brother and many other family members all served, and a cousin made the ultimate sacrifice. Many friends now have sons and husbands serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. We do owe a huge debt
    xoxo Pattie

  11. I am sure that your Dad is smiling down on you. Proud of the daughter he has raised. Thank you so much for playing. This is such a great post! Love the picture of all the flags. It is moving to see all the flags marking the graves of those that have served. Even our tiny community cemetery had quite a few flags.

  12. Lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories.

  13. Yvonne: You've penned a loving portrait of an airman and soldier who was also a man who loved his family and inspired them. Each person serving us in the military has a story, a family, someone to inspire. We need to be as supportive as possible of them and their loved ones here at home. They are all giving so much!

    Thank you for such an honorable and poignant reminder.


  14. No wonder you are the way you are, Yvonne, with such an inspiring model to look up to & emulate. Your Dad sounds like he was a deeply perceptive & honorable man & he has influenced not only you, but your children & your *someday* grandchildren, too. His legacy lives on!

  15. A lovely post and loving tribute to your father reinforces my feelings for my country and those that defend it daily no matter the sacrifices. Will check out farmhouse- I was awed by her bible's under the cloche when i last visited-wow

  16. Thank you so much for sharing that photo and the stirring words with us...I love Memorial Day because it makes me so proud to see the flag on display everywhere! God bless each and every family with a loved one serving far and near to protect us and our freedoms!

  17. Beautiful post. WE have a National Cemetery here in Chattanooga. So humbling to go by there - especially when the American flags are in place! So much to be thankful for.

  18. Dear Yvonne, your post is a wonderful tribute to your father. I am sure he is in heaven proud to have a daughter like you.
    Greetings, Johanna

  19. Beautiful and inspiring and full of pride in your family and country. You gave me goosebumps.

  20. Yvonne~this struck a sentimental cord with me too. My father served in WW2, which I'm very proud of. I never for a minute take for granted the sacrifices all our soldiers make in preserving our freedom.
    Thanks for sharing this tribute.

    Sweet wishes,

  21. I have chills! What a beautiful post and blog! I am so glad I found you through white farmhouse.

  22. Very inspiring. I enjoy your blog and am in love with your patriotism.

  23. Breathtakingly awesome write, Yvonne.
    May they rest in peace & know that we truly appreciate the service they provide to continue to have our freedoms in this beautiful country.

    So glad the White Farmhouse referred us to you.

    You now have a follower.

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  24. Yvonne, I am so deeply touched by your post. Thank you for writing this to share with us. Love you dear blogging buddy.
