Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Cloche and Holiday Cloche Party

Blue and White Christmas Cloche:

When you put ordinary things under glass something magical seems to happen! Pretty thing become spectular, attention-grabbing centers of attention!

I am joining Marti at A Stroll Thur Life for a "Holiday Cloche Party". It is fun to see what holiday vignettes are created by the talented participants!

I am a little late for the party being a tad under the weather (and not good timing). But I put together a bit of Christmas-Cheer-Under-Glass because I don't want to miss the party altogether!

The inspiration for this post is the little blue and white pot in the cloche.  It originally held a perfect tiny poinsetta, but it would not fit under my little cloche.  So I dug through my Christmas boxes and came up with this blue and white Christmas scene.  I am moving this to my dressing table in my blue and yellow and white bedroom.  Yea! A spontaneous decoration!

This is truely a thrown together, bits and pieces arrangement- notice (or don't) the red ornament box under my settee' in the foyer. Ooops!  I tried to carry the same elements and colors from one part of the vignette to the other.

Because my only cloches are small (note to self-  1. put "big honkin' cloche" on gift list-2. cut out picture of big  honkin' cloche and tape it to Bobby hunting clothes) I used little left out and left over pieces of greens, berries and a couple of small green balls.  I stripped 2 yellow glittery balls from the wreath at the base to tuck in the cloche arrangement.  I think I will make a couple more litte arrangements using left-over.

I hope this inspires you to find things you already have and repurpose them into fresh looks!

Today is decorating day #3. Check back to see some Christmas reveals!


  1. Your cloche is beautiful, Yvonne! THanks for stopping by to see me. I love your tree in the background, gorgeous!

  2. Hello Yvonne! Nice to meet you! Thank you for coming by my blog! Your home looks gorgeous! I love the look of your cloche with the blue and white! I love incorporating your everyday decor with Christmas! Your tree looks absolutely beautiful! God Bless! Lauralu :)

  3. Yvonne,
    I agree something magical happens to anything placed under a sparkly glass dome! Your blue and white pieces looks wonderful and you have showcased them beautifully.

  4. BEAUTIFUL, Yvonne! I just love the blue & unexpected surprise when you're thinking Christmas decor. I LOVE it!! Hope you get that BIG honkin cloche your looking for under the tree :)

    Blessings to you!

  5. That is VERRRRRY pretty. Love the blue and white!

  6. Lawdy! You got more talent in your little finger than anyone I know. Is there anything you don't do? I am learning so much from you and your blog. It seems that everything you touch just turns out beautiful! I will definitely be putting in a good word with Santa for your big honkin cloche! You have been such a good girl!

  7. Great job! I don't have a cloche either, but like you managed to find something in my Christmas decorations. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Very cold here today, so I'm busy in the house putting up Christmas trees. A perfect day!!! Get better soon.....Sarah

  8. It's perfect!!! And you are so right, something magical happens to things when put under glass. Thanks for sharing your cloche. And I wouldn't have noticed the ornament box if you had not brought it up. It's always that way. We see all the flaws in our own photos, but no one notices until it's brought up.

  9. OHHH it is so pretty! Love the blue and white and the base is just stunning! I would have never noticed your box it you hadn't pointed it out (in fact I still had to look for it!). If you look closely in my photos, you will never know what you might find, normally a kid, dog, backpack, bone or somesort of mess! I think that's the beauty of it all- it's life!
    Dee Dee

  10. You did a great job. I love the blues. Are you having the same trouble I am? I still haven't seen most of the tablescapes, I'm trying to look at most of the cloche(s)? and I've posted to Foodie Friday with no time to read the other recipes. How do people do this and read everything they want to read?


  11. Oh Sweetie...
    Everything looks positively beautiful. I love your cloche. I really love the blue and white coloring on the pale colored pedastal. So pretty.

    I really love the mixture of the beaded berries and frosted looking ornaments that you have used to accent the flower arrangement. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful cloche ideas with me today.

    Please stop by and let me share my cloche ideas with you.

    Country hugs...Sherry

  12. Wow, for thrown together, this is just stunning. I love the look of the beautiful blue and white ginger jars with the chrimstmas ornaments and twigs. This is just stunning. You have created such a beautiful vignette. I may have to borrow some of your ideas. Hope you feel better soon and thanks so much for joining the party. This is just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  13. I absolutely love your blue cloche....I've checked out some of your older posts and have enjoyed reading them and so I've decided to follow you.
    Christmas Blessings

  14. I love blue and white. Your cloche is lovely! I haven't done one of these yet, the only cloche I have is pretty small, but small can be beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Your cloche is so pretty and what a fresh change to see blue and white! Small or not, you've made the cloche beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Very pretty! I hope you are feeling better! Nothing keeps us bloggers from being in these parties, does it? I had photograph problems, but used them anyway, didn't want to miss the party! I used some of my Nativity collection under several different cloches. Come see!


  17. Your home looks absolutely scrumptious!! Your cloches are stunning. Thanks for stopping by my blog, made my day!! Yes it was teal tulle I used, inexpensive!! Have a great day and thanks again!

  18. Hi Yvonne, I tried to leave a comment yesterday but I guess my blogger is still malfunctioning.

    I just wanted to thank you for stopping by to visit yesterday, and also tell you how GORGEOUS your blue and white cloche display is! I love it!
    I also enjoyed browsing through your previous Christmas posts as well!

    I'll also be looking forward to the upcoming post you mentioned!

    Have a wonderful day!

  19. LOVE!!This one of my absolute favoritest of all :)

  20. Love the cloche! I'm a huge blue and white fan and love how you blended it with Christmas!

    - The Tablescaper
