Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cashew Crunch

Great Gift: Cashew Crunch

This little treat graced our Thanksgiving table as a yummy take-home gift for each guest. Some of the little bags did not make it from the table! They were a hit!

So easy to make, and sooooo delicious! Cashew Crunch is such a crowd pleaser that  I am using it as a little gift for my cookie exchange guests to take home too.  Cashew Crunch would make a wonderful hostess gift.  And what bus driver, mailman, or thoughtful person in your life wounln't want a special thank you!

2 cup sugar
1 lb butter, plus 1TBS butter to grease sheet pan
1/4 cup water
2 TBS light corn syrup
2 cups lightly salted cashews
1/2 cup milk chocolate melts (use good quality), melted
*bowl of ice water- keep a bowl of ice water near you so if you accidentally get some of the toffee on your hands you can submerge them and stop the burn.  Always err on the side of caution!
Grease 2 sheet pans with 1TBS butter. I use large 1/2 sheets.
Cut 1lb butter into chunks.  In a heavy saucepan, combine sugar, butter, water and corn syrup. Stir until butter melts and sugar dissolves. Using a candy themometer, bring to a boil and cook stirring constantly until themometer reads 300 degrees. Caramel will be a dark amber.

Remove from heat and stir in cashews.

 Pour out onto 2 greased sheet pans and spread with a buttered spatula. Cool completely.

When cooled, use the tip of the knife and break up cashew crunch.

 Remove cashews to parchemnt paper (or waxed paper).

In a microwave-proof bowl heat chocolate melts on 30% power in 30 second intervals, stirring each time, until chocolate is melted.

Drizzle chocolate over cashew crunch using a spoon.  (I drizzled half of the cashew crunch and left the other plain.  Then when I bagged them I used half chocolate and half plain.)

Let harden completely and put in bags or store between parchment paper in an airtight container.
I bought little ornaments to tie on each bag for extra pizazz!

I want my friends to have something sweet to eat and something for their tree to remember our fun day!

I am joining Michael at Designs by Gollum, for Foodie Friday.  Visit Michael for oodles of great recipes and pictures to go along with them!


  1. This sounds so good!! I love the added ornaments to the package , I can't wait to try this recipe.

  2. I wish I had a bag of that right now. I was always a cookie maker and fudge...never brittle. It looks fantastic. The first year we went to Florida for Christmas, I baked all our regular favorites so it would feel a little "normal"! We found that we never ate them. When you are eating out and in theme parks etc., you just don't want a cookie. So now, I bake a few things to give to the neighbors before we leave and that's it.


  3. Be still my heart, and what a lovely way to package this wonderfully tasty gift!


  4. This will be what I give to neighbors this year. Thanks for a great recipe! Come by GrannyMountain for a visit...

  5. This looks delicious! Thank you for the recipe. I'm going to try this one. I, too, like to give little treats to dinner guests. I had initial boxes filled with honey glazed pecans for each guest on our Thanksgiving table. We are doing another dinner party soon for a few friends and neighbors. I already have the little treat boxes. Not sure if this will fit in them, but I love the idea of the clear bag and an ornament tied to the ribbon. It's the extra little touches like this that make a guest feel special. Thanks for sharing this with us. ~ Sarah

  6. These little "crunches" look delightful. I am thinking these would be great to make this year. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Cashews are my favorite nut. I'd have a hard time not eating all of those myself! What a wonderful table gift.

  8. A fantastic gift idea--plus, it looks out of this world delicious. I love the ornaments. So festive!

  9. Yvonne:

    These look fabulous. They could definately work as a treat for Christmas guests to go home with too!

    - The Tablescaper

  10. Yvonne...this is right up my alley. I just love nuts and nut brittles. Your tie-on ornaments are just gorgeous!

    Happy weekend to you, my friend!


  11. Your brittle is really gorgeous. I've never had it made with cashews. This would be wonderful for gifts. I can't wait to give this a try. Have a great Foddie Friday.

  12. Oh, I will definitely be trying this one out! It looks fantastic and the way you bagged them is gorgeous! I tend to use cashews instead of walnuts in many recipes since walnuts bother my husband and cashews don't. I am sure he will love this one! Who wouldn't? Drizzle chocolate over anything and this fat girl is all over it like a buzzard on a poop cart!

  13. This is just the kind of thing I was looking for as a christmas table gift. Thanks.I will try and make these.

  14. I love your addition of the ornament on the gift. I never thought of that. This recipe looks incredible!

  15. Ok, my mouth is watering first thing this morning!! Packaged beautifully!

  16. Oh my goodness, Yvonne! I love cashews and this is a wonderful way to use them and have an extra added punch of sweetness! Yummy!

    This is a wonderful post . . . it's so pretty! I love how you've wrapped up the brittle for gift giving . . . again, so pretty!

    Thanks for sharing this recipe . . . I definitely have to try it!


  17. Great idea of adding the ornaments to the bags..

    The crunch looks delicious - will be adding it to my list this year of Christmas Goodies!!

  18. Beautiful little gift bags full of holiday treats. Love the recipe and your presentation.

  19. That looks fabulous. What a great take home!

  20. cashews are so good even if they aren't organic. Chocolate cashews are out of this world good.
