Thursday, June 17, 2010



This post was done the very first week I started blogging~ on September 15, 2009.  I surely learned a lot since then!I know that the basil in many gardens is ready to be picked and made into pesto. This is a fabulous recipe! Pesto is a StoneGable staple! If you have never made pesto please give it a try! You will be glad you did.

As summer’s heat gives way to crisp autumn mornings, my garden is having its last hurrah. My veggies are quietly diminishing while my marigolds are riotous! And the pumpkins that grow in my compost bin, because they refuse to grow in my garden, are turning orange.
Tomatoes and peppers are presenting their late harvest offerings. My basil, the great summer standard of my garden, is full of flowery spikes and woody stalks telling me that I need to pick it today if I want to salvage it for pesto. I have really let it go too long. Ignoring it and only picking it when I needed it for culinary purposes. I did not pinch off it’s budding tops regularly, so that it would not flower. I did not make pesto like I have in years and years past as the summer goes along and the basil grows.

Now I am left with “bushes” of basil…with a lot of flowers. But I think I can redeem this green gold, as I like
to call it, and make a pesto to freeze so I can enjoy a taste of summer all year round.

I have made this recipe for many years. I love it! I use pesto liberally and often. I no longer measure, I can just eyeball it.


2 ½ c. fresh basil leaves, packed
¼ c. toasted pine nuts
½ c. parmesan cheese, chunked
or grated
½ c. Locatelli cheese, chunked or
¾ c. light olive oil
3 cloves garlic
2 TBS butter
dash of fresh ground pepper

In a dry pan, add pine nuts and toast over low heat. Be very careful, they easily burn. Put in food processor.

Wash and dry basil leaves and add to food processor. Put in all other ingredients with the pine nuts and basil and process until blended.

Refrigerate or freeze until you are ready to use it.

I freeze pesto in ice cube trays and then pop the pesto cubes out into a plastic container. Take it out of freezer 1 hr before use, or on low microwave it in 10 sec. intervals, stirring. Do not overheat!

Enjoy the summer yumminess!
Printable Recipe

I am participating in Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum. Thanks for hosting Michael Lee. This is a huge recipe book of a party!

I am participating in in Vegetarian Foodie Friday at Breastfeeding Mom's Unite for the first time.

I am joining my dear friend, The Tablescaper, for Summer Sunday's. Find the best of Summer here!


  1. not sure what locatelli cheese is?? i just planted several basil seeds (sage as well- turns out it is somewhat of a perennial here- ARK) indoors to transplant outdoors later with the idea of using some for pesto- have made it in the past but not using the cheese you specified. i really love the basil with fresh garden tomatoes and mozzarela-and in bruschetta. please comment in response to the cheese on this post- i will check later.

  2. Yvonne,

    I make lots of pesto. I have never added butter but I bet it is good. I will try the Locatelli cheese.

    My window boxes are full of basil and I will probably make pesto sometime this week. Thanks for sharing your recipe.


  3. Pine nuts are so yummy. They add such a buttery taste to dishes.
    I have used this same background as you on my second blog a genealogy blog. Stories of My Ancestors. I love seeing how it looks in some one else's hands.

  4. Our basil is growing great in the garden. Can't wait to make pesto. Your recipe looks delicious!

  5. Hi Yvonne...

    My friend, it's so nice having you for Sunday Favorites today! I really enjoyed your recipe for pesto. I must admit...I've never made it! I love the idea of freezing it in the ice cube trays...great idea!

    Thank you so much for joining in with Sunday Favorites this week! I'm so sorry that Mr.Linky gave us problems yesterday! He just up and disappeared on us! I couldn't even see who had signed up! Sheeesh! But we're back up and running now!

    Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. We love locatelli, and we love pesto! You could paint me with it and I'd die a very happy woman!

    I can't believe you've only been blogging for less than a year. Is that right? How can that be? You seem like such a pro!


  7. Yvonne, I love your pictures they are making me crave pesto!! I will definitely make this and freeze them in ice cube trays...thanks for the great idea

  8. I love a good pesto and just made a grilled chicken pizza with pesto made with basil from my garden this week. Your recipe sounds delightful! There is never enough basil in the garden, IMO!

  9. I love pesto!! You can do so many things with it and it freezes so well.

  10. I love pesto but haven't made it yet. This sounds yummy, I LOVE pine nuts in anything! Thanks!!! XO, Pinky

  11. YOur basil is beautiful, for some reason mine just doesn't want to do much this year.

  12. Looks delicious, especially thanks to your fabulous photos. I love pesto and look forward to making my own again soon. Store bought just isn't the same. I invite you to come and link this up at my Vegetarian Foodie Fridays @ Breastfeeding Moms Unite! if you like. You don't have to be vegetarian to join, but this recipe fits the bill. Hope to see you there!

  13. I saw pesto and came running over! LOVE that you can freeze this!

  14. That looks wonderful. Love how you save it in ice cube trays. I learned that trick for all my herbs at the end of summer, haven't tried Pesto that way though.

  15. My Mom use to always freeze it in the ice cube trays too which makes it so easy to use.

  16. Yvonne, I've just come in from harvesting some basil. You gave me a "why didn't I think of that" moment. The one in which I've never thought of freezing the pesto in ice cube trays. Thank you!

    I've just had a lovely crafting visit from a friend. She left me with an assignment of making napkins. Podso reminded me that you had just such a tutorial awhile back. I'm going to pull it up when I'm ready to sew.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  17. Great idea! I think my basil plant is on steriods! I have so much of it!!

    ~angela @ peonypatch

  18. Hi Again!
    Just HAVE to check your blog several times a week, it is so inspiring! Going out to the garden to trim back some of my bushy basil :) Can't wait to try this recipe, haven't ever used Locatelli cheese, and as I have the rest of the ingredients will probably leave it out this go round. What is the flavor of this cheese like? We it make the batch taste a lot different? If you can I would love to hear back here or at my email. Thanks so much, LOVE YOUR BLOG!!

  19. I am a 'Pesto Lover' too and grown my own sweet basil, friends and family love it when you give them fresh Pesto. I substitue raw almonds in mine and love the flavor.
    Check out my short cuts for Pesto.

  20. I am growing three different kinds of basil. I haven't made presto yet but think I will soon:)

  21. Thanks for linking up. I can't wait to try this!

  22. Pesto is so yummy and one of the only recipes that I have posted. Probably doesn't hold a candle to yours though. The ice cube idea is something that I have always wanted to try. Maybe this will be the summer.

  23. Ahhh....Yvonne, thank you so much for the memories of pesto! My basil isn't quite ready for that kind of picking, but I could make a small batch. The ice cube trays are a great idea.

    What do you make with the pesto?? Various ways of using pesto would be a great follow up post, particularly as the summer crop builds up.

    Thanks so much for coming and joining "Summer Sundays"!

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Your basil looks great, mine is still small and stubby. We have never frozen it. I will try that. I have also made pesto with my oregano because it survives our winters and grows like a weed. It tastes very similar and we love it. Everything is better with a little pesto.

  25. The basil pesto looks wonderful, Yvonne. Thanks for the recipe...Christine

  26. Yum! The pesto looks so beautiful! I would never have thought of freezing it! That's a great idea!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  27. Pesto is my favourite thing in the world! I will be sure to try this...
