Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where Do You Create?

My Study

My study is like a comfortable slipper! It just fits! It is a soft place to land and a sanctuary from all the clamor of the day!

Come on in ...

And see where I create!

Please excuse the color and quality of these photos. The room has little natural light and it was an overcast day when these pictures were taken. I had to adjust my camera to get these photos without a flash and they are not up to my usual standards~sorry!

Every morning when I wake up, I pour myself a BIG cup of coffee and head to my small study for time with God.  I am a Bible Study teacher and a speaker so this is where I do most of my studying and prepare for my speaking engagements.

It is also where I blog.

Just recently this room has  become my study. Before that it was a craft room/ kids computer and homework room/sewing room/ overflow room. The walls were painted terracotta (I think it looked like pepto bismal pink, though) and the furniture was white. My sewing machine cabinet was in here. But since my children have  left home, I felt I needed a space to read, study, and now blog. A more defined space.

I chose soft colors for my new space. Philadelphia Cream  by Benjamin Moore is a very warm and neutral wall color.This is a truely beautiful wall color!!!!! 

I was tired of white furniture (my kitchen is white) and wanted this room to be warm and old world-ish. I found this lovely french inspired chestnut desk at a local furniture store and it was love at first sight. It JUST fit in my study!

Using soft aquas and greens and butter in my study became a nice contrast to the wood. Aqua is such a popular color right now. But I wanted to really soften it up. No bright or in your face tones! And I did not want to buy any investment pieces in that color. When it falls out of vogue or I get tired of it I want to be able to change the color without any guilt!

My big investment was an unusual shade of green (the photo does not do it justice~sorry) persian rug. Perfect size, perfect color, perfect feel for the room. It was worth the investment!

This room is very much still a work in progress. I do not rush into decorating. It is a thoughtful process to me. And I am patient. I love the hunt of finding beautiful things that speak to me. The thrill of thinking about and finding a home for each element.

Adding to and editing things in the study is a slow and gratifying activity!

My desk, where I spend a good deal of time each day, always has flowers. Mostly from my garden now. And pictures of my family. Lots and lots of them. I have kept all my gilded frames- even though they are not so popular right now- they are still popular with me!  I also have a small painted wire basket (GW) that holds note cards, a pen and some stickers. A pretty tile from the Biltmore waits for that cup of morning coffee.  And where would I be without my reading glasses! They sit in a little silver bowl with legs. This bowl was a Good Will find and I am so wild about it!

Behind the closet doors are a good many of my dishes! And on the door knob hangs a flora dora holding fresh flowers. This was made by Jane at Flora Doora. Isn't it darling? It give me something so pretty to look at. I want to do SOMETHING with these doors... but what? Any ideas? Paint them to match the walls is what I have come up with so far.

I have been collecting things I love to display in the bookshelves. Not nearly done, I am taking away and adding often. I like a ballance of books and meaningful pieces. These are just a few of my decorating books. I have sooooo many books of all kinds! Books are an addiction!

I am a huge fan of Degas, and LOVE the ballet! A dear friend sent me this Degas card and I put it into a frame. I am captivated by this little work of art.

My study is a very tiny room. It sits right off of my kitchen. It feels confined (in a good way) and cozy!  The only thing missing is a fireplace! I added this large comfy taupe and pale aqua chair to the corner by the door (Calico Corners). This chair and the porch swing are my favorite places to get away from it all!

I am reading a couple of wonderful books about the art of note writing for an upcoming post.

Here's the pink for Pink Saturday!

There is still much to do! My desk chair fell apart last month and is not able to be repaired. I am in search of a new one. I have a huge wall decal to hang that says "Faith... makes things possible, not easy" above my closet. And so much more. The next two pictures are visual aids to show you what I am planning to do. I feel like John Madden with the circles!

Beverly at How Sweet The Sound has asked us to post, "Where Do You Create" for Pink Saturday. She asked us to show off our craft rooms or studies. When my craft room is more organized, I'll show you that too... in about 2 years! Venture over to her blog and see where other bloggers create!


  1. Yvonne,

    Just beautiful. I love that little silver GW find!

    Have a great week and Happy Pink Saturday!


  2. Lovely Yvonne- a perfect sanctuary to think and create. My plans for my study are evolving and I have decided on some changes in the future as I now know what I "miss" in there. And I also have a small collection of books on note writing! Have a wonderful weekend
    xoxo Pattie

  3. A peaceful and relaxing place...You showed me we can all have a quiet place in our homes. No matter how big or small it is! I am a GW girl too! Love your silver find! Thank you for such a lovely post! Blessings!

  4. Yvonne, what a nice room to create in. It looks wonderful as is, but I know you want to do those other things, too. Isn't it nice to just wait and find each perfect piece.

  5. What a special space you have there. It is very nice to see a little more of your world and I'm sure that no matter what your plans are for the room, it will look stunning. I love your glasses all snuggled into that little footed bowl and the hydrangeas, well, love.

  6. What a great creative place you've made. I love how cozy it is. I share a home office with my husband and his side is chaotic. It kind of made me give up on my side. But seeing your post has inspired me to try and make this space more inviting. Thanks for the tour! :)


  7. Hi Yvonne, your room is lovely. Soft, serene and peaceful. It certainly speaks to a creative spirit.

    Barb ♥

  8. Yvonne,

    What a lovely space to create in! It is so warm and beautiful...I love the wall unit/ me an idea...hhmmmm...that is what I love about blogging -the best ideas abound! Thanks for sharing your wonderful space!

    Miss Bloomers

  9. Yvonne...What an inspiring room! I love that little footed bowl from GW. Have a great weekend my friend!


  10. Yvonne, you certainly have a very pretty, very tidy creative space! I can picture you here!

    And I enjoyed seeing what you plan on adding as well. My house is always a work in progress, and I'm fear my creative space is a bit of an unmade bed. ;-)


    Sheila :-)

  11. Beautiful study Yvonne! I like all of your plans for it too! I agree, and always use/keep things that I find make me happy, and I don't worry about fads, they always change! Lovin' that little silver bowl!
    PS-I'm gonna make your pesto today, only difference will be walnuts instead of pine nuts (forgot to get them...)

  12. Your study is warm, elegant and lovely. You've created a wonderful place just for you. Thanks for sharing it with us, Yvonne!


  13. Beautiful & so restful. I can just see you reading in the side chair after paying bills or taking care of business.
    When I saw the first picture, I thought, oh, my sewing room could not ever look that nice or neat. Glad to know that you have another room that takes care of sewing or crafting! Mine should be ready about the same time yours is.

  14. Yvonne, your study is wonderful. I would love to have a room just for me, but since that isn't going to happen, I just mess up the whole house. lol Your study is so beautifully decorated. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  15. Yvonne, your room looks very calming and a great place to get away from the routine of everyday life.

  16. Yvonne - your room is PERFECT!!!! I would love if it were mine :). Really, it's absolutely lovely (adore the silver accents - that footed bowl!!!).

    I have a suggestion for your door quandary - check out this blog post by Centsational Girl. I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding coordinating colors to go with your yummy Philadelphia Cream walls and warm wood tones.


  17. Great space Yvonne. It's wonderful to have a little corner of the world to call your own. Decorating does take time to evolve.

    Hope to see you at "Summer Sunday".

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Love your work area !
    Have a nice pink weekend with love from the Netherlands ♥RINI♥

  19. Yvonne, your study is a very pretty sanctuary. I love it and can see you in there. I love your flora dora also! The new knowledge of your being a public speaker was so nice to learn and I so wish I could hear you speak. I know what you mean about the front of your doors, I have the same question about mine. I've decided to make my left door and inspiration board design door. I hesitated because I didn't want to further 'fill' up my studio but it's a space for me of inspiration so I'm going for it. Also, Yvonne, I also always LOVED Degas. I love how he has the art trailing off and leaves you wondering...what would be there...
    His capture of form is fabulous.
    Happy Where Bloggers Create. I love that I can picture now where you are when you blog.

  20. Yvonne, Your space is so wonderful. It looks like the perfect room to escape to with a cup of coffee and write your blog. Love that you have surrounded yourself with things you love..just beautiful.
    xo, Sherry

  21. What an inspiring room! You have decorated it beautifully. I like that you are taking your time. Those TV shows that decorate rooms like a road race drive me crazy! You have to live in the room to see what it (and you) needs. Just lovely!

  22. Yvonne, this is a beautiful space. I'd need to clean up my act to post photos of my little office space. ~ Sarah

  23. A warm an inviting room! So cozy!

  24. What a beautiful room to create in!! It has a warm and inviting feel. A room that says...I'm very cozy so come in and sit a while!!

  25. HI Yvonne!
    I neeeeed this kind of help and inspiration!
    Thank you for sharing...
    I visited the Flora Doora Etsy Shop... how adorable are these sweet inventions!
    I have a little Mary Engelbreit tote with silk flowers in it... how wonderful it would be if it could hold real ones! and Voila, Flora Doora did it!

    I like the French-country look of them!

    Love the warm wood of your desk ensemble~ Will be following to see your progress!
    Happy Father's day to your husband...
    And what beautiful children in the photos!
    ♥ Maria

  26. Love your space. Someday... someday I will have such a space.

  27. As always a stunning post- your space is just gorgeous!

    Happy belated Pink Saturday from
    Maggie Mae!
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  28. Yvonne, you are so fortunate to have this cozy space to create in. I love the feel and hominess of it. A space of your own.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  29. I love your creative space. Beautiful! And so restful. Happy belated pink day.

  30. Dear Yvonne,

    Ever since I discovered your blog, I have enjoyed visiting here - I love your posts, I love your blog's aura - so it is no surprise that the place that you create is so peaceful and lovely too! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

    You're invited to stop by my studio when you have a moment too!


  31. What a lovely little spot you have created for yourself! The furniture is beautiful too!

  32. I love it and I'm so super extra hugely jealous! LOL... What a fabulous space. Could you please re-do my office? Since you said you re-did the room after the kids left and it was all those other things, I can't wait to get everyone out of the house to do mine. I have a space that a fabulous size, but too cluttered and mixed with so many different things for different members of the family. Even if it was still like this it would sure be nice for it to be uniform, cozy, beautiful and functional for everyone.

    Your decorating philosophy and process is fabulous. Unfortunately, and I hate to say it, my biggest barrier to getting beautiful pieces when I see them - regardless of how great the deal is - is finances.

    I really do love your space! Superb. Fresh flowers? WOW... okay, I'm done drooling for now. :-)

  33. Oh, my gosh..I'm visiting a day too late again, but I'm here..that's what counts doesn't it? So, Happy Belated Pink Saturday to you and I hope you'll visit my PS-post and enter my give-away! Love, Esther XX

  34. You've such a pretty, tranquil plate to work and create. I love every idea you have for the future of the room to! You'll have to show us when you've finished with all your 'to do's' for this room...though it's gorgeous just as is.


  35. There are so many things that I love about this room!!! It is decorated so elegantly! I couldn't believe it when I got to the end and you saw that you have more plans:) Love the chair, the door arrangement and the desk furniture!

  36. Good (late) evening my friend! I couldn't figure out how I missed this post but then noticed the date and remembered that we were on vacation when you posted this. I am in love with your study. I think the furniture is gorgeous, the rug, the chair by the door and all your fresh flowers sing to me. Now I can picture you CREATING all of your beautiful posts! And I ahve gotten some good ideas too. Hope you are having a beautiful week and enjoying this mild weather! XO, PInky

  37. Hi Yvonne I am having a special day to actually look at some of my favourite blogs. Yours is top of my list and I just love your little sanctuary so much and totally think your photos are great. You put so much thought into everything and I find that very inspiring! Your home is absoluely stunning


  38. Yvonne,

    This is such a beautiful space, I love it! You have it arranged so nice and it really does exude a sense of warmth and welcome LOVE it!!!

    I will be back often to visit this space alone.

    You mentioned you so speaking, to what extent? I would love to hear more about your work.

  39. Thanks for sharing! I'm intrigued by the paint of those gorgeous cabinets. Really like the design and everything. :)

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