Sunday, May 11, 2014


Let's look at the woman of Proverbs 31 and see if you might know her!
Here is how she might look today...

An excellent wife, who can find her?
For her worth is far above jewels.
A wife that is virtuous has strong moral courage and is as hard to find as a diamond.

The heart of her husband trusts her,
And he will have no lack of gain.
Her husband trusts her with everything in him and knows that he lacks nothing with this woman at his side.

She does him good and not evil all the days of his life.
She thinks of him when she does everything and looks out for his good. It is NOT all about her!

She looks for wool and flax.
And works with with her hands in delight.
She is industrious and is happy to work.

She is like merchant ships;
She brings food from afar.
She shops around, knows how to get a bargain and bring it home!

She rises also while it is still night,
And gives food to her household.,
And portions to her maidens.
She takes care of those in her house.

She considers a field and buys it:
From her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She is smart and has a good mind for business. She uses her resources so that she has a good return on them.

She girds herself with strength,
And makes her arms strong.
She is self sufficient and strong.

She senses that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out at night,
She keeps track of her money and is not lazy.

She stretches out her hands to the distaff,
And her hands grasp the spindle.
She works with proficiency and is good at what she does.

She extends her hand to the poor;
And she stretches out her hands to the needy.
She finds way to meet the needs of others. She helps those less fortunate than her.

She is not afraid of the snow for her household,
For all her household are clothed in scarlet.
She know that her family will be clean and well dressed because of her care for them.

She makes coverings for herself;
Her clothing is fine linen and purple.
She takes good care of herself and dresses modestly and beautifully.

She makes linen garment and sells them,
And supplies belts to the tradesmen.
She uses her time and talents and resources to bring money into her household.

Strength and dignity are her clothing,
And she smiles at the future.
Her character is more than skin deep! 
She runs her life and her household so they have security for the future!

She open her mouth in wisdom,
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
She is not a gossip and is not silly. When she talks she is wise and kind and has productive things to say.

She looks well to her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
She has a well kept household and keeps it that way. She is not lazy. She does not fill up her day with idle persuits.

Her children rise up and bless her,
And her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
"Many daughters have done nobly,
But you excel them all".
Her children love and respect her. And so does her husband.
He thinks she is the best wife in the world!

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But the woman who fears the Lord, she is to be praied.
Womanly wiles are not real and beauty fades, but the woman who loves and obeys the Lord is worth her weight in gold!

To all Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, Daughters and all those who love a child...


May we strive to be Proverb 31 Women!


  1. Perfect Description of most mom's. Thanks and Happy Mother's Day

  2. Beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. LOVE.LOVE.LOVE that you posted this beautiful Proverb...our work as we strive to be moms and wives and women of God does not ever go unnoticed by our heavenly Father. happy day...aimee

  4. Have a beautiful and blessed day Yvonne!

  5. Love this! Thank you for a great post :)

    Have a blessed week!

