Monday, May 5, 2014


The hottest plants in the greenhouse this spring and summer are succulents!

The are riding the tide of trendy and finding themselves not only potted on patios but elevated to indoor home decor status!

I'm bringing them indoors too! I love their plump little leaves and odd shapes. And I found several little galvanized containers to repot them in!

Here's just a few tips for caring for succulents if you are loving these sweet, funny, desert plants...

Succulents are not as indestructible as they look... so handle them carefully! Their fat little leaves will fall off the stem if handled too roughly!

They like lots of drainage! Make sure to plant succulents in soil that drains well and pots that have drainage holes in the bottom.

I made holes in the bottom of these fun little pots!

When selecting succulents for indoor use choose green ones! They will have the best chance of surviving inside!

Succulents like lots of natural light, but direct sunlight for long periods of time might burn them! So find a bright place and make it their home. I have my trio of succulents on a windowsill. They gets lots of bright light, but are protected from all day direct sunlight by our porch roof.

Water succulents about once a week. Let the soil get almost try between waterings. 

During the growing season, from spring to early fall, use 1/4 of the recommended strength of an all purpose fertilizer in water to give succulents a drink and keep them healthy.

I've seen succulents planted in old shoes, tea cups and urns and even in carved out wine corks!

Yes, succulents are VERY trendy and fun right now!!!

Hope you will give these engaging little plants a try. They will reward your care by being healthy and happy plants that bring an updated look to your decor!

Remember to 


  1. Love, love, love them!! Where did you buy the cute little pots?


  2. I love succulents! They're so easy to care for, with so much beauty for the little amount of care.

  3. Love those cute pots too! I have several succulents that were gifts from my girlfriend when we moved in. I am just repotting them now, and need to find some cute pots:):) XOXO

  4. I love those pots Yvonne! Thanks for the tips on growing succulents and keeping them healthy. They look so pretty on your window sill. Have a beautiful day!

  5. I love succulents, too. I also like the pots you chose to plant them in, Yvonne!

  6. Succulents are in lots of magazine photos....but they leave me not caring for them at all...they seem desert and barren like...To each his own

  7. Living in hot dry Southern California succulents have become a go to plant for me. Great tips Yvonne!

  8. Great post...think I will give this a try! What kind of soil do you recommend, Yvonne?
    Ann R.

  9. Thanks for these care tips. My momma lives in Arizona so I'm going to have to get some of these to help make her feel a little closer. Didn't realize they were a desert plant.

  10. Great tips Yvonne...I love your pretty pots!...

  11. Succulents are awesome plants and pretty much the only ones I havent managed to kill! Lots of great tips too, thank you :)

  12. Your plants look beautiful! Pinned. Thanks for stopping by our party. Please make it a habit.
    Lou Lou Girls

  13. Yes they are top of the fashion in plants in Australia as well. I must say I never thought of having them inside. Thank you.

  14. Yes, please tell us where you purchased the cute galvanized pots. They would be so cute on the window sill in my log home.

    1. You are not going to like my answer.... I totally forget! I have been trying to remember but... nothing!!! So sorry!
