Sunday, May 4, 2014


As many of you know I am eating lo-carb these days. Or I should say.... eating lo-carb again. During my long illness, I ate whatever! I had too much going on and too little energy to worry about carb intake. But now that I am feeling pretty good again, I am back on track.

I get e-mails asking how I can eat lo-carb when my recipes have carbs in them. I cook for my family... or Bobby and me and not just myself.

Each daily dinner has lots of choices for me. It usually means cutting out pretty much all the starches, the desserts and some high carb fruits and veggies. But, believe me there is certainly enough for me to eat!

I'd like to drop the 30 pounds I put on white being laid up for 5 months!!! And do it in short order! I'm back in the pool and that really helps too!

Now here's what's ON THE MENU...

If you would like lots of delicous lo-carb recipes go to my friend Gail's blog FAITHFULNESS FARM. She is an amazing lo-carb cook!



Roasted Green Beans With Cashews

Berry Crisp in Jars
(see Friday's post for recipe)


Sliced Tomatoes


Parmesan Rounds


Many reader's want to know what I eat for lunch...

Here's an example of a lo-carb lunch... 1/2 avocado, colorful peppers, HERBED CHICKEN SALAD and water.

I'll eat the strawberries and some whipped cream! YUMMY!

Remember to


  1. Love this weeks menus and thanks for posting
    a low carb lunch. The strawberries and the cream
    sound real good also.
    So sorry that while you were laid up that you gained 30
    pounds. I know you worked so hard to loose that weight.
    Wishing you success.


  2. I too struggle to control my weight. I don't know why they call it the battle of the bulge. It should be called the war of the bulge. You might win a battle but you are always fighting a war! Good luck in the newest battle of this never ending war.

    And thanks always for your wonderful and tasty recipes.

  3. Love your blog. Just made THE DIP for bunko this week, everyone loved it. I've been on and off low carb, if I stick to it, it always works for me. When I go off plan for summer vacation, holiday season, I will tend to gain weight then it's back to meat and cheese and veggies and salads. Hope it works for you, I'm sure it will. I have hubby join me, too. Your balsamic roasted veggies can be an awesome low carb side. The receipe suggestion section of always gives me some good ideas. Good luck!

  4. Dear Yvonne,
    I look forward to you posting the menu of the week. I too at 65+ am struggling with a weight problem after being thin as a pin most of my life, however I cook for 2 more adults in my family as well and its hard when only I have a weight issue. I enjoy your posts as I always wondered what other people are eating, I even check out their grocery carts. Always wanting something new.
    Keep those menus and recipes coming. Also voted for your lampshade. I hope you win.

  5. On The Menu posts are always my favorite. I've been trying to get back on my lifestyle change wagon again, though I feel like I'm always running behind it instead. For myself, when it comes to making healthy choices, lunch is the hardest meal of the day. Thanks for the peek at your lunch. Do you have any other suggestions?

    1. Natasha, I often eat a caprese salad and some sliced chicken or turkey. YUMMY!

    2. Oh! That does sound very yummy. Thank you for another idea.

  6. I also had several months of recovery from surgery and put on weight. So we are in this together! Going to check the Faithful Farm.

  7. @Leona, what is it with age? I was always thin, also! Of course, I taught kindergarten, so I was up at 5:30 running all day long! Since retirement, in the late 2 years, I've put on 20 lbs. on top of the 10-15 lbs. I had already gained! :( I never knew how hard it is to drop even a pound or two. I would love to follow a low carb diet......desserts are my weakness/plus not as much exercise! I'm glad to know that Yvonne found success with cutting down on low carbs.

  8. I made your slow cooker chicken cacciatore tonight and everyone loved it, from my teenagers all the way to my two year old. Thanks for sharing such wonderful recipes. I can't wait to try more of them.

    1. So happy everyone like the dish!!! And thanks so much for letting me know!

  9. I have been thinking of going on a low carb diet. Your recipes have inspired me.
    Like many I have problems with lunch. Especially when you have to take lunch with
    you. What do you do for breakfast?
    Hugs Kay

  10. We are eating low carb again too Yvonne, and feeling so much better! It's nice to be losing weight while eating like a queen :) I just posted a yummy low-carb tortilla soup for Cinco de Mayo, no greasy chips for us here tonight, lol! Will stop by and see Gail, I know her recipes are always yummy! Thanks for the menu inspiration, xoxo, Andrea

  11. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by Christmas, and I'm going lo-carb too! I always feel so much better when I eat this way, and I am passing on a recipe I know you will love, for lo-carb pancakes. This recipe makes a yummy breakfast for two, and/or you can freeze them! Here it is:

    1/2 cup of rolled oats, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, two eggs, splash of seltzer

    Put the oatmeal into a food processor and pulverize, add the cottage cheese and eggs and blend. Pour into a measuring cup or a bowl with a spout, and add a splash of club soda ( maybe 2 TBSP)...stir. Pour 6 little-ish pancakes onto a griddle and cook like regular with: sauteed apples, sliced peaches, sliced strawberries, a bit of syrup, what ever...and a dollop of whipped cream. Who needs to diet? This is what I call "live it!" I have even used leftovers as "bread" for a sandwich, with ham and cheese....

    I so hope you enjoy these and that you get back to your healthy happy weight.

    I LOVE this blog!

  12. Yvonne -- so glad that you are feeling better and back on the low-carb *bandwagon*. My 120+ pound weightloss has me a low-carber for life!! I am blessed to have a husband that has converted to my way of eating -- of course, I feed him well as a reward for his conversion lol, Thank you for your kind shout out and I wish you and all your readers who embark on this way of eating the best!! Happy Mother's Day my friend!!

    Love & Blessings!

  13. This post has been good for me. Carb food seems to be my favorites and I feel like I'd not have anything to eat and would starve if I went no carb. Your menu and pictures helps me see that it could be quite tasty.
