Saturday, May 31, 2014


I am a field trip kinda girl! I loved going on field trips when I was in school and I looked forward to planning field trips when I was a teacher.

 And I am ready to go with my fun, awesome, adventurous girlfriends (and mom) who love to drive through the countryside, with Shania Twain's Man, I Feel Like A Woman blaring out of the car stereo finding all kinds of fun places to go... do... and see... and lunch. We must stop for lunch!

Today, we traveled to THE COTTONWOOD HOUSE SPRING SHOW and we had a great time. Even though we did not have our theme song on the stereo we were in bright and excited spirits as we made our way deep into beautiful Chester County to find lots of inspiration from over 25 vendors...

I thought it would be fun to take you along with us and have you be inspired too! So let down your hair, get your field trip face on, fasten your seatbelt and let's goooooooo!

Don't you love this "shoe box"? What a great idea... and I'll take all three pillows please!!!

One of my favorite booths was Shutters and Sand! Great fun things and the prices were fabulous! 

I can't believe that I left the aqua fame behind! It was beautiful!!!!

How about that table and chairs! Chic colors and the fabric!

Are you getting a little inspired?

What would you have brought home?

The "rooms" were so creative and full of ASCP color!!!

Look at this precious camper!!! 

This booth had the prettiest flowers!!!!

What a sweet idea... 

Signs, signs and more signs!

What would you like on your porch?

Marigolds are so happy!

I met and hugged two StoneGable readers... Suzy and Florence. And I big HI to Suzy's mom! LOVE StoneGable readers! Aren't they so cute!!!!

I have a thing for shutters!

Here is the one thing I really regret leaving behind! A kitschy tea towel in a a cute frame... I just may have to make one for myself!!!

I don't know if you can see the price... $19.00! Fabulous!

And here's all the loot we brought home...

If you live in the Lancaster and Chester County area or even near Wilmington De. you will want to check out THE COTTONWOOD HOUSE SPRING TOUR going on tomorrow with lots of demonstrations and giveaways!

And now, in the spirit of girl's field trips... get your singing voice on, turn up the volume and belt one out along with us and our girl Shania...



  1. Oh ah o....LOVED this post!!!!
    Ann R.

  2. I too loved this post - made me smile

  3. I would have bought shutters, a fancygrey chair and a little 2 drawer chest. Oh and if there was picture frames after you had bought yours.
    Thanks so much for taking me along as well I had a great time.
    hugs Kay

  4. Oh, what fun. I gasped when I saw the most perfect blue ticking striped large pillow. That would have come home with me.

  5. fun and fabulous, I would have bought everything aqua...and maybe purple, I love the ASCP emile...thanks for the great field trip!

  6. Yvonne,
    Oh, what fun, dear friend!!!
    I have the window open in the office with the ceiling fan going. . .does that count for you???
    Works for me!!!
    Loved seeing all the shutters!!! They seem to be a bit scarce in our area at this time!
    I have an amazing use for them in our lower level Family Room!
    The deep blue frame and the grey chair in yellow fabric would have fit nicely into my car!
    LOVE, L O V E the Pratt box!!!
    What an amazing surprise to see some of your followers!!! Precious memories for all!!!
    Thank you for taking us along on your trip!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  7. Thank you for taking me on your road trip with "your girls"! What a fun day and readers post!

  8. Great road trip music for the girls for sure:) Looks like a fun time...Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Oh what fun! I felt excitement when I read the title of your post . . . and thought to myself, "Hey, a field trip! How fun!"
    Your photos are fantastic!
    I fell in love with so many of the pretty things I saw. For me, the photo of the trailer/canopy/and flowers was the most inspiring. It look like a Summer postcard! Actually, all the photos with flowers were my favorite :0)
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
    Thanks so much for taking us along.
    Have a great weekend, Yvonne!

  10. Whew... Glad I came along on the field trip. :) Lots of pretties ! Hmm... Now I await with anticipation, the reveal of treasures you got.
    Happy weekend Yvonne !
    Hugs, Gee

  11. Loved this post too !!!!!!!!! I wanna go, I wanna go, I wanna go !!!!!!! Loved the tour, loved the inspiration ! Hugs Yvonne and THANKYOU .

  12. I enjoyed my field trip so much. Thank you for inviting me.

  13. to funny including the video. Chester County probably couldn't handle you ladies anyways! :)

  14. I had so much fun, thank you. That tea towel was too cute and the colors so fun. I saw several things I would have brought home. Looks like you had perfect weather too. Thanks for sharing.

  15. How fun, Yvonne! You came away with some wonderful treasures! What a great way to spend time with friends!

  16. My husband and I returned from a road trip last week. We started in CT and went to NY, NJ, MD, DC, VA, TN and finally back through PA. I think we hit the majority of antique stores and Goodwill stores. We had a ball and I brought back a lot of treasures.

  17. I love all the goodies, I think I would have got some shutters and maybe some frames. I've seen Shania twice...the first time I went with a group to see her in of the concert goers was my boss/friend and his wife. He had a couple of drinks on the drive (he wasn't the driver!) and when he got to the concert hall he started singing "Man, I feel like a Woman" to the top of his lungs. What made it really funny was that he was/is a great, aggressive, mean as heck attorney in real life but sings in a band in his wanna-be life. Seeing that big huge man belting out that son was really funny!

    1. What a great story!!!! Thanks for making me smile!

  18. Great field trip! And, so many pretty things to shop! Fun Shania Twain video, too!

  19. Great treasures and super fun trip. Feel as though you took us with y'all. Hugs.

  20. Thanks for taking us along on your field trip…so much fun! I love all of the treasures in the back of your car!

  21. What a great trip! I know that y'all had tons of fun!! I can't wait to get a good look at your treasures.

  22. Road trips are fun ... especially when they include open air markets like this one! I see lots of things I could've bought like maybe that little rocking chair ... but I really like the wooden box with your last name on it. What a great find!

  23. GREAT post! I really enjoyed the trip!! XO

  24. Girlfriends+field trips=tons of fun! Thanks for taking us along.

  25. Wow...what a great show...worth traveling to!!!!...and great loot fav is the Pratts Poultry Regulator box!!!...that is fantasic! Glad you had a great time...

  26. How fun Yvonne! Big girl field trips are the best.
