Sunday, April 6, 2014


These are two of my very favorite verses, now put together in Chalkboard Art form for you  and ready to be printed off and framed...

I'm framing mine today and putting it in my living room. Perfect for lent!

Click HERE for a printable copy suitable for a 4 x 6 or 5 x 7.

May you be blessed today! 

Hallelujah, He is risen indeed!


  1. My prayers are with you and your surgical team...heal well. Thank you for your beautiful blog. Cheryl Ann

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love your chalkboard prints. I have one framed and am planning to print one for a gift! Thank you for making and sharing them.

  4. Yvonne,
    I have been following your blog for only a few weeks now, but already feel such a kinship with you. Not only as "sisters in Christ" but the kinship we share in love of home & family and the love of decorating, preparing meals, and fostering friendships to share the beauty and blessings of our Creator with others.
    You will certainly be on my prayer list this week, along with all your care-givers. I had surgery just 3 weeks ago and gained so much comfort from Deuteronomy 31:8.
    Thank you for being obedient to God's calling and allowing Him to use you in a mighty way!
    Because He Lives,

    1. So happy to meet you Barbara! Thanks for the verse!

  5. I to really enjoy your blog. My Mom is also having surgery in the morning. I will pray for you and be thinking of you while I'm at the hospital. Thanks so much for the printable. I am going to print them for my Sunday School class, maybe some co-workers to.

  6. Sorry to hear about another surgery in the comments prior. Hope all goes very well for you!!!

  7. That is my favorite Easter quote too! Love the printable! I did one of it too, but I used a photo I had taken. :o) I hope you have a speedy recovery. And a Happy Easter!

  8. Like another who commented they had only followed you for a short time....ME TOO. I found you through Between Naps on the Porch and absolutely can't wait for your next posting. You and Susan are right on point with your ideas and talent. My health is not so good and can't get out and scout places I used to. After many years of collecting this and that, I have so much stuff that your ideas send me to my collections and away I go. It's good to connect with those who like the same things.Thank you and like others, I will pray for your surgery success. Anytime something even gets close to our eyes, we shut them or blink wildly. Our precious windows to God's creation.

  9. Is it best to print this on cardstock or is regular paper okay? Thanks for sharing.

    1. I print on cardstock if I am going to frame it. It lays better.

  10. Thank you Yvonne! praying ALL IS WELL!! love your blog! Thanks for the Scripture to print! GOD BLESS YOU.

  11. I, too, enjoy your blog so much,Yvonne. It's always nice to come across a Christian blogger. Thinking of you and your complete recovery.
