Saturday, April 26, 2014


It took awhile, but I finally filled the chippy frames in the dining room.

I literally had hundreds of great suggestions and I thank everyone so very much for all your creative ideas.

I settled on making something for the frames myself. This was one of the most fun projects I have done in a long time!

Here is what the frames looked like before I filled them...

And here is how they look now...

These beautiful, well made frames came from OLD LUCKETT'S STORE. A wonderful place to buy all things interesting and chippy!

Can you guess what I did to fill them?

Here are the supplies I used to make the canvas squares...

I chose to design a pattern that would work for spring and summer.

This project was just so easy and inexpensive to do that I can make other art squares for different seasons.

The blue bring some much needed soft color to the dining room and picks up the same color in the carpet.

The brown, sepia ,white and ivory  work well with the frame.

I wrapped the image around the sides of the canvas... it's the little details that make a picture look "finished".

I wish you could see the detail in real life. The crinkles and bumps give it a hand painted look.

Really, very deceiving!

Here's how they look in my dining room with the morning light streaming in the windows...

Next week I'll share how you can make these easy art squares too!

Remember to 

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  1. Yvonne ... LOVE this idea!! I've recently been thinking about what to create with canvas squares and your idea just stole my heart! Love the color, love the frames ... and so stinkin' simple but it packs a huge punch! You really have the magic of beauty in your fingertips!

  2. Love love love them. Perfect. What an amazing idea! Pamela

  3. How pretty... I have to say that is a great idea. never would have thought of it myself. Luv it Yvonne.
    Happy Saturday! Hugs, Gee

  4. OMGosh I was just wondering what you decided to do with the frames in your dining room..
    I love the look.
    I looks beautiful in your dining room..
    Have a wonderful weekend

  5. Very clever.....and the colors in the print are so beautiful and give just the right touch of color! I can't wait to see what you'll do for Christmas with those frames.
    Sue V.

  6. Amazing idea! I have some napkins that I just LOVE - might run out to the local dollar store today to grab some canvasses - thanks for the inspiration!!

  7. I adore the idea of matching it with the season. What fun that will be! I must copy :) -Bev

  8. Beautiful Yvonne! Love the touch of blue....perfect!~~Angela

  9. Great idea! Can't wait to see what you do through out the holidays. ~~Cindy P.

  10. Just love this idea. Your dining room looks beautiful. I look forward seeing how it is done. I am guessing it is fabric.

  11. Brilliant! I have some fabulous napkins that would be perfect for this type of thing. I can't wait for the instructions!!

  12. Beauty....simplicity.....easy to recreate.....PERFECTION!

  13. Looks fabulous! Love your creativity and the inspiration it offers to so many of us. Did you mention where you purchased the canvas?

  14. Just perfect for that room!

  15. Great, I have a chippy frame that I needed an idea for...just the ticket, thank you. Di

  16. For future tries: here's a hint, did you know you can iron paper with your iron? You can, just turn off the steam feature. Your napkin edges wouldn't show then. Otherwise I like the look.

  17. Then there is the moment that I have to pause because I am so impressed with your creativity!

  18. You are just magical Yvonne! I love the colors you chose. Just beautiful and clever as well. Pat C.

  19. Yvonne,
    My mind wheels are whirring with inspiration from your canvas squares...


  20. What a great idea! I just purchased two framed botanicals for my dining room but I wish I thought of this! It would have saved me a lot of money...I think I will try your idea for the other wall in the room. Your dining room looks beautiful! ;)

  21. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing, Yvonne. Your dining room is beautiful!

  22. Gorgeous! Your DR is very classy - elegant, yet homey. Love.

  23. Very pretty, Yvonne! The perfect addition to those beautiful frames! Your dining room looks so great in these pictures, too. : )

  24. I would be interested to read some of the suggestions you got for ideas for filling the frames, if you could post those, please. Thanks. Your dining room is so pretty and calming.

  25. Yvonne,
    Exquisite, dear friend!!!
    I adore the color palette and they will definitely span more than one Season!
    I'll be watching for your turorial.
    P.S. I did something similar a few years back with Sunflower napkins on a wicker tray!

  26. I love simple and easy projects like this…………they are so pretty and look perfect in your dining room.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  27. Are those cocktail napkins? Genius! Thanks for the post!

  28. Yay!! They are beautiful! Great choice in bringing some soothing color into the room. Sweet Dreams...

  29. Very, very pretty! They look perfect in those frames and I love that you can change them out for the seasons. Looking forward to seeing how you made them.

  30. LOVE them Yvonne and LOVE LOVE those chippy frames!! Your dining room looks beautiful!

  31. They look beautiful Yvonne! What a fun and creative idea. Thank you for sharing.

  32. Fantastic idea. I hid this a long time ago and it works really well. They were ment to be there.
    hugs Kay

  33. I have borrowed so many of your great ideas for my home, I personally think that you need to replace the electrical cover plate to off white in your beautiful dining room wall. Just my humble opinion, what do you think?

  34. Great idea Yvonne!....I love that pattern and what I love is that you can change it out to reflect the seasons and the holidays!!...Perfect!!....Hmmm, you have given me a fabulous idea as always!!

  35. I knew you would do something that you could change seasonally! I would too! I LOVE this, the pattern is beautiful and the colors! Can't wait to see them in person!!!! SOON???????

  36. Yvonne, I just LOVE what you came up with !!! What a nice pop of color and using napkins and modge podge gets bonus points too. Very creative and beautiful.


  37. these are gorgeous! LOVE those frames and that blue really steals the show!

  38. These are stunning Yvonne! I absolutely love them. Beautiful job.

  39. its really elegant. .thanks for the idea. .
