Sunday, April 27, 2014


 Ancient home in Israel

What do you do when illness or tragedy or troubles or anxiety or difficulties strike someone you know?

It could be friend, or family member or even a person you hear about!

Let me tell you a story about a man with a debilitating illness and how his friends helped him in a time of his great need...

This story struck me deep in my heart when I first read about it years ago and to this day it is still on my mind...

Our story takes place in Capernaum, a town right on the seashore of the sea of Galilee. A town that was the home base of Jesus during his three year ministry.

Jesus, by the time of this story, had reached rock star status in all of Israel and surrounding areas for his healing and teaching.

On one particular day, he was at the home of Peter and a great, huge crowd had gathered. Jesus was inside "speaking the word". 

While Jesus was preaching four men came to the house bringing their paralyzed friend on a pallet.

Upon arriving at the house they couldn't get close to the door, because of the great crowds that came to hear Jesus.
What happened next was astonishing! Those four men were not deterred by the crowds.  

Listen to what they did...

And being unable to get to Him (Jesus) because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and when they had dug an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying. Mark 2:4

Can you just see it?  Can you see these men scrambling up onto the roof of this ancient, seaside home.

The roof was probably made of a cross section of rough timber beams covered with a thick coating of mud plaster. Grass would actually grow on the top of the roof. The roofs were sturdy enough that people would sleep on then and also worship there.

I wonder if Jesus and the multitudes inside could hear all the commotion above as the men dissembled the roof ? As the men dug the dried mud with their hands to make an opening large enough for a man and his pallet to be lowered through it did much of the debris fall on Jesus and the people inside?  What was the reaction of the all the people?

I love to think of bible stories and their real life details! 

Because of the tenacious action of the four men the paralytic had his audience with Jesus and was healed! And because of the healing, the once paralyzed man walked away praising God!

What an amazing story!

But here is what touches me so deeply... these men carried their friend in need to the only One who could do something about his condition. They brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus.

Every time I pray for someone... a friend, a precious family member or just someone in need that I hear about... I am carrying them to Jesus also! I can so relate to the men who dug through that mud roof to get to Jesus.

It is a privilege to carry someone, by intercessory prayer, to the Throne of Grace!

Hebrews 4: 14-16 says...

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son Of God, let us hold fast to our confession.

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.


I think what the men did for their parlayed friend was very bold!

And James 5:16 says...

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayers of a righteous man can accomplish much.

Talking to God about others in need is biggest and best thing we can do for them! Pray and continue to pray. Visually see yourself on top of that roof, digging away the mud so you can lower your friend, or precious family member or someone in need carefully down to lovingly place them at the feet of Jesus! And keep doing it! 

Don't give up!!! What if the friends of the paralyzed man stopped taking him to Jesus because they could not get near the door? The man would have never been healed! They would let nothing stop them... not the crowds, not the roof, nothing!

Don't underestimate the power of prayer... your prayer and the faith you have in the ONE you are praying to can literally move mountains! Believe in Jesus... the Healer... the Son of God... and His miracle ability! Look for His hand in the situation you are praying about. Expect miracles!!! It may not be the miracle you want, but He is faithful to answer prayer in His perfect way! Trust that... trust Him!

Who are you bringing to Jesus on a pallet today?

Thank you to all the many many people who carried me to the Throne of Grace during my long illness. I literally felt your prayers through God's constancy in my time of trouble!

I am feeling very much my old self! What a blessing you! Thank you for so much. May God bless you as you have blessed me!



  1. Good Morning Yvonne, I really liked what you wrote and believe the power of prayer. Happy to hear that you're feeling like your old self too! Spring is a beautiful season of renewal. Kathleen in Az

  2. Hope you are enjoying a beautiful Sunday, Yvonne. It is a sunny glorious day here! This Bible story always fascinated me even as a youngster hearing it in Sunday School. The power of prayer is amazing and I am glad you have experienced during the past months. I have someone close to me whom I pray for daily but am still waiting for a turn toward better health for that person. Sometimes I think if I were God I would just go ahead and make everything ok but for some reason that is not His plan just now. I am trying to be strong in my faith because I too believe strongly in the power of prayer. I would very much appreciate it if you would add my family member to your prayer list. Thank you for your Sunday lessons. I am glad you will be healthy and able to enjoy all the things you love to do in the spring.

  3. You always give us so much to think about! Of course, I've read that bible story many times but to hear your reflection on it, gives more food for thought. Indeed, the power of prayer is tremendous and "taking our friends to Jesus" in that manner is always the best thing to do!


  4. So happy to read you are feeling so much better. Thank you for a wonderful devotion. It really made me think.

  5. Yvonne, So happy to hear that you are feeling better. Blessings abound to those who look for them. Bible verse in Mark is a powerful story of great friends & that Jesus cares for us. Jo
