Saturday, March 1, 2014


Happy March 1st!

Let's celebrate a new month and Spring's coming by making a Forsythia wreath for our front door!

Forsythia are beautiful brambly early Spring flowers.

They are wild, bright, school bus yellow blooms on long tangled branches. And they are a sure sign Spring is here to stay!

Welcome Spring and family and guest to you home with a big forsythia wreath hanging on your front door...

Making wreaths is one of my favorite things to do! Especially Spring wreath. I'm wondering if the nest on this wreath will keep the birds from building their own nest in it!

 I can't tell you how many times we have real baby birds in our Spring wreaths. When they fly away we have to paint the front door... birds are messy!

various twigs and branches, faux 
3 sprays of forsythia, faux
3 branches of pussy willow, faux
2 grapevine wreaths one smaller than the other
1 nest
3 eggs, faux

Assemble all supplies. I found all my supplies at AC Moore for 50 % off. I did not use all of them to make this wreath.

The secret to a great full wreath is to use 2 grapevine wreaths for the base. I use one just slightly smaller than the other. 

Wire the 2 wreaths together, the smaller one in front of the larger one. Wire them together at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock.

Starting at the top of the wreath, add a few twiggy branches as shown...

Add a twiggy branch or two at the bottom of the wreath. 

Secure with hot glue.

This will give you a guide to continue to build on.

Add a couple of long forsythia branches and secure with lots of hot glue.

Continue to build fullness at the top of the wreath by adding more twiggy branches and forsythia. Add 2 long pussy willow branches, one on each side of the wreath.

When the sides look full, add smaller twigs and sprays of forsythia to the center of the wreath. Then add bits of moss between the branches. Make sure the moss is secured with lots and lots of hot glue.

Working on the bottom of the wreath, add a couple of twigs and forsythia and a pussy willow.

Wire a nest to the wreath at about 7 o'clock.

Glue a couple of small twigs and forsythia branches to the nest to make it brambly.

Add moss and eggs to the wreath and secure with hot glue.

Add moss around the nest and glue.

Now, no matter how much snow is on the ground (we still have lots and lots) and no matter that you might be getting more snow or ice tomorrow... hang that wreath on your front door...


Remember to 

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  1. A beautiful way to welcome March and spring Yvonne! Love the sweet nest!

  2. Very pretty Yvonne. I used to have a big forsythia bush at one time they are so beautiful. I sure hope spring comes to my area soon we are still buried in snow here

  3. So pretty, Yvonne and good tip about wiring two wreaths together.

  4. This is just beautiful. Your instructions and pictures were so simple and very clear. Thanks

  5. ~Yvonne~
    Yepyep good tip about using two wreaths!! So springy love it :)
    Also the brass pineapple welcome plate on door really nice, did you order off a web site??

    Happy March

  6. Beautiful wreath! I have my "Winter" wreath on the door, just can't do Spring yet. Sure wish we were NOT getting 9-12 inches of MORE snow. I NEED Spring!!!!! XO

  7. Gorgeous wreath have inspired me to make 2 of these for my doors!...Have a great weekend..stay warm and cozy...thinking of you with all that snow!

  8. Look fabulous and the two wreaths look wonderful together. So much fuller and nicer. Hugs, Marty

  9. Simply gorgeous and it screams SPRINGggg!!!!!!!
    Have a nice weekend.


  10. Yvonne, your wreath sings of spring! Adorable! I love the idea of using two wreaths

  11. Your Spring wreath reminds me of my mom. She loves forsythia and specially in a wreath or by itself in a vase. My mom would love this pretty Spring wreath. Kathleen in Az

  12. Such a beautiful Spring wreath! I just love it!

  13. Beautiful wreath Yvonne. With our local weatherman saying there is a possibility of snow again this weekend I think I must create a wreath just to make me feel like Spring is almost here. Blessings to you dear lady,

  14. Very, very pretty. Such a ray of sunshine for these dreary months. I think forsythia time is my favorite time in my yard. I have them along both sides of my house. I hang a forsythia wreath on my front door and the daffodils bloom and the whole yard turns a happy yellow. I use faux forsythia arrangements to brighten to brighten the inside.
    Our snow here in central Ohio has melted except for a few piles, but I think more is coming tomorrow. I don't mind too much since I have my inside projects to work on, but the snow shoveling is getting old.
    Stay warm and thanks for sharing such a sweet breath of spring.

  15. I LOVE the idea of wiring the two wreaths together to make it thicker. THANKS for inspiring me! I think I'll do one today. I need a little spring on the front of my house.... It's 70 plus today & going to be 26 tomorrow. I'm over this!

  16. That may be my favorite spring wreath EVER!!! Do you take orders?? :) Because I don't think I could every quite match it!!

  17. Such a beautiful wreath to begin a beautiful season.

  18. That wreath is wonderful. Going to Michaels right now. Are you all healed now? Karen

  19. yours is lovely have such talent in making wreaths. i cheated and bought my pre-made but since it only has the forsythia i might add some twiggy branches and a birds nest. i've already hung mine on the french doors on the back patio because i'm so darn tired of this cold weather....hurry spring!

  20. Beautiful wreath, bursting with color and texture…love it!

  21. Love this wreath. And your instructions are so detailed and concise, for a no crafter like me! Can't wait to try this.

  22. Yvonne,
    Gorgeous wreath, definitely saying. . .Spring!!!
    I adore the touches of "pussywillow".
    As a child we had a pussy willow tree.
    As soon as I saw the white/gray hued puffs,
    I knew that very soon,indeed I'd have to put away the sled
    and drag out my bike and wagonfrom the shed!
    I purchased "soup fixin's" at the grocery store this week. . .just sayin'!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. I just love this wreath. Every year we've been in our current house, (7 yrs!) I say I am going to put a forsythia wreath on our black door, but it never happens. You've inspired me to make one. Thank you!! Yours looks gorgeous.

  24. What a perfect spring wreath! I love yellow and forsythia just says "Hello Spring"! Love it!
    Miss Bloomers

  25. Love the wreath!'s on the way!

  26. I feel spring when I look at your wreath Yvonne!I Cannot wait to see forsythias and daffodils cover the spring landscape and your wreath captures that look and feel perfectly!
    Here's hoping this next round of snow turns out to be minimal at best and enjoy a beautiful Sunday!
    XO Barbara

  27. Whenever I try to pin anything from your posts , it says error found. What am I doing wrong? Love the wreath!!

  28. Your wreath is beautiful Yvonne! I love to see the bright yellow colors when these bushes start blooming. Thanks for sharing your instructions and beautiful creation!

  29. Beautiful Yvonne! Love the bright yellow of the forsythias and that precious nest! Perfect!!~~Angela

  30. I love your wreath. What a great idea in putting two wreaths together! Thank you for inspiring me!

  31. That little nest is so sweet. I pinned this to my "wreath" board. Thank you for sharing!
