Monday, March 3, 2014


Early Spring  is the time when the earth wakes up from it's long winter's nap and all of nature starts to bud and bloom!

 March has come in like a roaring lion here... and the forecast is calling for another 6-10 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow evening.  Not what I want to hear...

Since Spring is not outside my window just yet, I'm forcing it to come alive in my dining room...

I am thrilled to be a part of

Over 35 blogs are participating in this Mega Spring Linky Party! What a huge spring event! Stop back at 6:00 PM and join us for The Scoop and The Mega Spring Linky Party!

Come on!  Pull out any Spring inspired posts and join in!

In year's past I used to decorate every nook and crannies at StoneGable with seasonal decor. Over the years I have learned to use a lighter hand and be more selective in what I chose.

I'm starting Spring decorating with my dining room.  

This year it is all about blooms and nests!

The swan on the dining room table has been replaced with a chippy white greenhouse.

Inside are branches dotted with white cherry blossoms and a brambly nest with eggs.

I call it...


Two more large cherry blossom branches gracefully grow up from a large hand blown bottle on the buffet.  I purchased these blooms from HomeGoods. They are so realistic!

Little wooden bird on clothespins perch on the cherry blossom branches...

This sweet little nest is captured under a cloche and perched on a stack of white dishes!

So simple!

Stop back here this evening at 6:00 est and join in

The Scoops Mega Spring Linky Party

... let's see what Spring inspiration you have for us!

Remember to

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  1. Love your spring inspiration.
    Hugs Kay

  2. Well it maybe winter outside but your spring under glass is a breath of fresh air Yvonne! I adore your green house and wee nest!

  3. Ok, Yvonne, you better hide that gorgeous "terrarium" when I come a calling!!....Love your "Springified" dining room...

  4. Gorgeous room Yvonne, so elegant and your Spring touches are perfect. Sweet little bird clipped to your branches...

  5. ~Yvonne~
    The branches are very pretty ! I can wait to see the branches outside getting blooms :)

    Take care

  6. So fresh and beautiful!
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  7. Light and beautiful! I am forcing some real forsythia at my house. Clipped some branches yesterday. I have never done it before, so I am not sure how long they will take to open.

    1. Penny, they will. Forsythias are so easy to force. And they are beautiful!

  8. Beautiful! Love decorating with nests! So light and airy! Perfection once again!!~~Angela

  9. Love your greenhouse. The blossoms are perfect and the cute birds too. I have the same flowers and will be using them on my mantle. Come on over and see how I "decorate with baskets"! XO

    1. I did and left a comment. You baskets are perfection! They work so well with what you already have!

  10. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Cherry blossoms are dreamy . . . I love your tall white branches. They're the first thing I saw when I opened this post. Just beautiful!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. I love that you have brought spring into your dining room! Everything looks so fresh. Please tell me where you got the beautiful greenhouse.

    1. I got the greenhouse from HomeGoods! I should really be a HomeGoods ambassador! I love their merchandise!

  12. Absolutely beautiful!
    I love your dining elegant yet so inviting........and sooooo inspiring! Gotta get to home goods! lol!
    happy Monday....

  13. Yvonne, really this has nothing to do with Spring although I'm so over Winter. We had another 4" last night at the Jersey shore! I really wanted to tell you that, looking at the close-up of your buffet, it's hard to believe that it was refinished. You did such a great job; it looks as though it was purchased that way...totally professional. Why am I not surprised?!?

  14. Good morning, Yvonne! I look forward daily to your blog for my inspiration, and you never fail me. Thank you for allowing me to peruse your home in my pjs and feel uplifted! I'm excited to begin my bird nests project as I've gathered all my items, having fun strolling through the woods around our house and hunting property with my hubby. We even gathered Spanish Moss from a park out-of-town. lol I have a question, however... do you have any recommendations as to where I might purchase some really pretty robin's eggs? I've ordered some online but I don't care for the seams. I pray you've recuperated well from your knee surgeries. Many thanks for brightening my days. Be blessed! Carol in South Alabama

    1. Carol, I'm so happy that you are making your own nest. Just one caution... don't use Spanish Moss from trees. They have little bugs called chiggers and they bite and get under your skin and make you itch! Use Spanish moss from craft stores. It has been boiled and treated.
      As far as the eggs... I put the seams to the side.

      Hope this helps! Have fun!

  15. Very pretty, Yvonne. We are ready for Spring here. It was 70 degrees yesterday and it's 24 and snowing.

  16. Thankfully, that storm system won't be coming north due to the Polar Vortex that is pushing down on it. Maybe that's why it's snow and not rain too. It's also why it's very cold here, sunny, but very cold. Your spring decor is very pretty and fresh looking. I like the white blossoms. Blessings, Pamela

  17. Beautiful Spring inspiration throughout your home. We have now moved into autumn and it is forecast to be 31 deg C today! The weather is quite peculiar.

  18. So pretty - so spring! Love the simplicity of it all It brings a light and airiness to the room. Just lovely.

  19. Love, love, love it all! Especially the wooden bird on a clothespin! You are brilliant my friend!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  20. Love how you did your terrarium, Yvonne! I have one and am always wondering what to put in it. Your nest and branches are simple and make for a pretty Spring display. I need to see how many more nests I have around the house that I can use!

  21. just beautiful, I'm in love with your conservatory!

  22. Love your touches of spring so far!

  23. Your spring touches give me a happy feeling in anticipation of the delights of spring. Wish it was springlike out side for you.

  24. All of the beauty you have created and everyone here...warms my heart and gives me that little hope I need. Hugs my friend...

  25. Yvonne,
    Simply elegant, dear friend!
    I adore the whimisical touch of the bird within the branches!
    Thank you for the subtle reminder that Winter is coming to an end.
    Little~by~little. . .Spring arrives!!!

  26. Sooooooo very pretty! I love the little blue eggs! Thanks for all the spring inspiration--I loved linking up! Thanks to all the hosts!

  27. For every season and occasion, your decor & vignettes are just lovely! I consider looking at your blog as time spent perusing a sophisticated digital magazine! Thank you for a breath of Spring air.
